Home > September Recap

September Recap

September 30th, 2023 at 07:38 pm
Housing 769
Gifts/Charity 577
Utilities 212
Medical/Health 190
Groceries 100
Personal 96
Entertainment 67
Phone 38
Vet/Pet Supplies 36
Eating Out/Takeout 35
Clothing 33
Gas 29
Household Supplies 24
Laundry 18
Car 5
Fares/Parking 2

Grand Total                 2231

Variables                       99%

The big number this month is gifts -- because of two grandsons' birthdays, and my donations to their college funds.

Medical was a bit high, too, though it was mostly co-pays. More to come.

But all in all, I kept it in line. Should be able to transfer $600 to savings.

I was expecting to see my annual payment for condo insurance withdrawn this month. It hasn't happened yet, so it will probably appear on Monday.

2 Responses to “September Recap”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds like a good month if you can put $600 in savings.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    You made it! Good job!

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