Home > Using Public Transportation

Using Public Transportation

May 18th, 2024 at 09:35 pm

Yesterday and today I got out my Ventra card and tried out public transportation. Yesterday I took the train to the library, where I checked out a couple of books, and checked up on a book that I have returned, but that seems to have disappeared. It's still checked out to me. I spoke to one of the librarians, and they said they are looking for it -- will do three sweeps before they consider it lost. I know I don't have it. The only thing I can figure that MIGHT have happened on my end is that it fell out of the car. That doesn't seem very likely. I have looked thoroughly at home and in my car. If they don't find it, the cost to me will be $20, which is better than I was expecting.

Today I took the train downtown to the farmer's market. I had never been before, and I had trouble finding it. Google maps directed me to a parking garage. Well, the market was situated behind the parking garage, but you weren't allowed to walk through it. I finally found someone who was heading there, and he directed me around the block -- a long block. Once there, I bought a bunch of asparagus and a bunch of rhubarb for a total of $10. I also stopped at a coffeeshop for coffee and a croissant, which was $9.

It is a bit warm today and I got pretty overheated walking around. If I'd known where I was going, I wouldn't have gotten quite so hot!

Tomorrow my planned adventure is a bus ride to the grocery store.

2 Responses to “Using Public Transportation”

  1. Wink Says:

    Your sudden situation with this got me to thinking about how I would handle the sudden loss of my driving license, either temporarily or permanently. I live in a suburb and although a lot of places are very close by car, they are not walkable. A quick search found I do not live on a bus line. Most things I would need to buy like food, prescriptions, household items and even clothes I could buy online and have delivered. I could Uber to doctor's appointments or lunch out with friends. My sister and BIL live right across the street now and they would be happy to drive me somewhere if needed. I could make it work at probably less of a monthly cost of car insurance, registration renewals, maintenance, gas etc. But the loss of freedom to just jump in the car and go would of course be irreplaceable.

  2. Lots of ideas Says:

    CB - could you look online to see if you could find a gently used copy of the book for less than $20? Or post in a Facebook But Nothing group to see if anyone has a copy they would give you?

    Wink - as someone with vision issues that limited driving for most of my life. I wish shared transit was much more an option. It is only affordable if lots of people use it and we are such a ‘jump in the car’ country.

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