Home > Plugging Along

Plugging Along

May 27th, 2024 at 08:42 pm

My car has been repaired and the auto shop delivered it to my home. That was really nice; it meant that my son didn't have to arrange with someone else to pick it up. The cost to me was my $500 deductible. The car looks great. Too bad I can't drive it!

My 7-day transit pass ran out, and I figured out how to register my card and add funds to it. I decided to add $40. Since then I've taken several trips -- twice to the grocery store (where I spent $66), one to the library, and one to the farmer's market ($10 for house plants).

I set up the transit pass to automatically replenish when the balance gets below $10.

I took an early morning walk yesterday and stopped at Walgreens to get some popcorn, almonds and a bottle of aspirin - $11.

I've also spent $35 on skin care products -- facial serum from Amazon, and Noxzema from Walgreens.

Still no medical bills.

Variables are at 84%. I'm going to try to do no more spending for the month.

1 Responses to “Plugging Along”

  1. Dido Says:

    Glad you have the car back and passed the neurology exam with flying colors. I hope the doctor exam next week gets you on the way to getting your license back!

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