Home > June Recap

June Recap

June 30th, 2024 at 06:57 pm
Housing 784
Home Repair/Maint. 524
Medical/Health 244
Utilities 215
Fees & Services 201
Furn/Equip/Décor 192
Groceries 141
Gifts/Charity 123
Phone 49
Entertainment 31
Eating Out/Takeout 26
Fares/Parking 20
Personal 19
Laundry 14
Household Supplies 8
Clothing 3

Grand Total                  2594

One of those months when things happened I couldn't help.  The home repair was a plumbing bill. The medical needs no explanation. This will go on for while. Fees & services -- that would be the agreement I have with Best Buy.  Furniture/Equipment/Decor -- most of that is the cost of two heavy-duty brackets to hold up my window air conditioners.  Groceries -- higher than usual, but since I can't drive, I'm shopping in a spotty, catch-as-catch-can fashion.  Gifts-- two birthdays. Eating Out/Takeout was much lower this month -- that's a relief. And of course I'm paying nothing for gas, but I did pay $20 for bus/train fares.

It's not as bad as I thought it might be. We'll see what the next month brings.

Have one thing to add here. My membership fee for AAA was automatically withdrawn on the 30th. It was $105. Of course, I don't need it now, since I'm not driving, but I'm hoping I will be driving again soon, so I think I'll just leave it be. Probably can't suspend it after it's already been withdrawn, anyway.

2 Responses to “June Recap”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    CB, it sounds like you are making the best of the situation. You are good about finding ways to save on things to pay for the necessities.

  2. CB in the City Says:


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