Home > July Recap

July Recap

July 31st, 2024 at 03:03 pm
Housing 784
Taxes 422
Utilities 277
Groceries 152
Household Supplies 133
Medical/Health 98
Eating Out/Takeout 98
Clothing 56
Phone 49
Fares/Parking 40
Entertainment 31
Furn/Equip/Décor 22
Fees & Services 21
Laundry 18
Insurance 17
Gifts/Charity 6

Grand Total                2224

It felt like a high-spending month, but it actually came in a little lower than the past two months. But some things were definitely higher -- groceries, utilities, household supplies, eating out, fares -- even laundry! And I had to pay my second installment of property taxes. But NOT having to pay a huge auto insurance bill saved me a lot. The $17 that is noted is just one month's comprehensive, in case a tree falls on my car or something like that.

I am still not driving. I am still waiting for the Secretary of State to decide whether I can. I think I told you all that my first application was rejected because my doctor didn't put the date next to his signature. A new application was made and sent in, but so far I have heard nothing. Meanwhile, I take the bus and the train all over the place. As you can see above, that costs me about $40 a month.

I have been invited by the RTA (Regional Transit Authority) to reapply for a ride-free transit card. However, I can't do that until I have a state ID for identification purposes. I have applied for that, and I have a temporary card, but I think I will have to wait for the permanent card to arrive in the mail before I can apply for the ride-free card. And it certainly is not a given that I will get one. My income is just a little too high for most of these programs -- but it's worth a shot. If I have permanently lost my license, a ride-free card would be a godsend.

So I'm still plugging along! BFF came up last weekend, and she chauffeured me around to shop -- and we ate out every day -- it was a good time, and much appreciated.

Oh, and I had a colonoscopy last week -- my first one in about 11 or 12 years, because I've been doing the Cologuard. But this time Cologuard results came back positive, so I had to do the full colonoscopy. They removed two polyps, and yesterday I got the word that they were benign. So I'm feeling quite relieved. It does mean another full colonoscopy in five years, and that will be my last one, because I'll be one month short of 80 by then! Time flies!

4 Responses to “July Recap”

  1. Michelle Says:

    Hi CB -- so nice to hear from you. So glad your back on the blogs. I enjoy reading your entries. Here's to good health Smile

  2. Dido Says:

    THERE you are! I was getting worried about you with the long absence from this site. Glad for the ultimately good results on the colonoscopy and sorry to hear that you still don't have your license back. I hope all works out well with the license and the ride free card in the end.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Sorry about the long absence. It just didn't seem like much was going on.

    LB, I do experience slight dizziness when I lean over. I think that's a common thing? Not like the dizziness I had on the day of the accident, which was due to an extreme drop in blood pressure. Since I now know how to avoid that, I feel I am fine to drive, but I don't know if the powers that be will agree. They're taking a long time to inform me.

  4. Dido Says:

    Just glad to see you're back. I worry when someone older disappears from regular posting.

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