Home > Checking In

Checking In

September 12th, 2024 at 04:58 pm

My neighbor with the water leak has not contacted me since that first day, so I assume he is taking care of it on his end.

Yesterday I paid what is known here as the "wheel tax." It is basically proof of residency to enable parking on the street. I was surprised to get the senior discount price - $45. I thought I was not eligible for those programs anymore, but that is what I was charged, and I'm sure they will inform me if they have made a mistake. (Even though I am not driving right now, I have to pay the wheel tax to park.)

I also sent $36 to my son to enter the family football pool, and I also sent $250 for my grandson -- $50 for a birthday gift, and $200 for his college fund. He will not be excited by the college fund money, but maybe someday he will appreciate it.

I've done quite a bit of grocery shopping and have done a bit of eating out, so all told I have spent 78% of my variables -- and I have another grandson's birthday coming up!

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