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Checking In

November 22nd, 2024 at 08:51 pm

Yesterday I made another call to the DMV to ask about my license. Finally, I talked to someone who actually got up from his chair and went to look for the medical report that is supposedly under review. Guess what? It couldn't be found. Surprise, surprise. He said, "This should have been resolved months ago!" No kidding.

Since I had a copy of the report, and since it was noted on their system that the report was actually received -- and then lost -- I was able to fax a copy, and the person I spoke to promised to expedite it. So something may actually happen.

It was not easy to get it faxed. I don't have a fax machine, and my neighbors don't either. Nor my son or my ex. But someone told me the library did, and it was free. So all I had to do was get to the library. To do that I have to take two 10-minute walks and a train ride. On an ordinary day that isn't a problem, but yesterday it snowed like the dickens, and I had to walk through deep slush and fight high winds. It was awful. It sure gave me a taste of what it might be like if I never get my license back this winter.

In other news, I have made plans to visit my son in Oregon. I'm taking the train, and this time will be in a sleeper car. The ticket, with cancellation insurance, was a little over $600. That's one way. I haven't determined yet when I will come home, but I do want to get it on another credit card cycle so I'm not paying it all at once.

I finally got a bill from the hospital where I was treated after the accident. It was only $135. Pretty darn cheap, considering all the stuff they did to me, as well as keeping me under observation for a night and day.

According to my insurance, I still owe $250 for the ambulance, but I haven't been billed for that yet. 

I mentioned in my last post that my car battery had died and then was jumped by AAA. With the help of BFF, I did get to the mechanic, where they replaced the battery. I also got an oil change and a new cabin filter and wipers. All told it was around $460. A lot of money for a car I'm not using. But I needed to get it drivable, because my son is using it for the time being -- their second car was totaled in a minor accident -- totaled because the car was so old. The insurance was already reinstated when I first had the battery problem, so it might as while be driven around. Much better than just sitting there. If the DMV decides that my license cannot be reinstated, I will sell the car to my son for a fair price we both agree on.

I guess those are the high points of the month so far. I will provide more details when I do the November recap.

3 Responses to “Checking In”

  1. Dido Says:

    Ah, I can post comments now. (I couldn't on Saturday.) I'm glad to hear that you are finally in touch with the DMV and I hope that all gets resolved soon, and in your favor.

    Have a good Thanksgiving!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Hope the DMV gets its act together. Sheesh. You've been through a lot.

  3. Tabs Says:

    The DMV is driving me up the wall too. I've already submitted all my paperwork, and they've already taken their maximum 90 days to deliberate, which I've already called twice inquiring about, and now they're asking me to call yet again, later today, for the third time. It's crazy.

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