Housing | 784 |
Vacation/Travel | 692 |
Gifts/Charity | 585 |
Car | 462 |
Utilities | 219 |
Medical/Health | 174 |
Groceries | 113 |
Eating Out/Takeout | 102 |
Phone | 49 |
Entertainment | 43 |
Personal | 33 |
Fees & Services | 24 |
Gas | 23 |
Clothing | 18 |
Furn/Equip/Décor | 15 |
Laundry | 10 |
Home Repair/Maint. | 2 |
Grand Total 3348
The big ticket item -- or one of them, anyway -- is the vacation expense, most of which is for an Amtrak ticket. And that's only one-way! I have yet to arrange for a ticket home. Still, it's worth it -- to be able to see my son, spend a week with him, and travel in comfort, not facing the rush of airport traffic or the anxiety of flying (which I cannot conquer).
Another big ticket item is my donation to my grandchildren's college funds. I do this on their birthdays, and two of them were born in September and the other two in November.
And then there is the car expense, which I detailed in my last post.
Medical spending reflects one of my hospital bills that finally arrived. I'll be paying another one next month.
Eating out was high! Part of that is that it's more expensive these days, and another is that without a car, I'm more likely to be stuck somewhere and needing a meal.
I am still in limbo as far as my license goes, even though the process was supposedly "expedited."
December 16th, 2024 at 05:07 pm 1734368844