Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
April 30th, 2021 at 08:56 pm
This is the last day of April, but I won't do any spending today, so I totalled up my spending for the month:
Housing: $795
Car Repair/Maintenance: $250
Vet/Pet Supplies: $212
Utilities: $186
Home Repair/Maintenance: $142
Groceries: $129
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $88
Medical/Health: $73
Phone: $52
Eating Out/Takeout: $48
Fees/Services: $40
Gas: $23
Gifts/Charity: $20
Entertainment: $16
Laundry: $16
Personal: $6
Household Supplies: $3
Vacation/Travel: $1
Grand Total: $2101
Variables: 113%
Car repair was the $250 deductible to have the windshield replaced.
Pet supplies were cat food, dry and wet, three bags of fluids, 12 needles, 3 bags of cat litter pellets and 6 bags of cat litter pads (for Breeze system). Iggy was rather expensive this month, but I'm glad he's still around.
Home repair was the replacement/adjustment of locks and new keys.
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - two phone chargers, some secondhand kitchen stuff, organizers.
Medical/Health - Shingles shot and my medical premium
Fees/Services - Replenishment of my tollway pass
Nothing else really needs explaining -- except the $1 for travel. That was a tip on my short Uber ride trial. The ride itself came out of a debit card account that has already been logged. I saw afterwards that I could have put the tip on my Uber account, but not until I was already handing him the cash.
I was surprised this morning by a call from the locksmith. The technician who was sent to my house on Wednesday has tested positive for COVID. I wasn't too concerned, since I am fully vaccinated, but with my trip coming up so soon I was a little worried about possible transmission. I messaged my doctor and he recommended getting a pretravel test at Immediate Care. But he was pretty sure there was little likelihood I have the disease.
I'm going to do that tomorrow.
Posted in
April 28th, 2021 at 04:30 pm
The locksmith just left. Final charge was $131 for adjusting the front lock, replacing a cylinder in back and a new key. Most of the cost was actually for the service call, but whaddaya do -- you can't exactly take a lock in to the store.
This pushed variables up to 113%, which is unfortunate, but it had to be done. I could have waited a few days, but didn't want to do anything too close to my vacation departure date. The average of my variables this year has been 97%, so I'm good. Just have to be sure I don't spend anything for the next two days!
Forgot to say -- I also ordered a box of pads for the Breeze litter box -- that was $50, which helped to push variables up to 113%.
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April 27th, 2021 at 08:33 pm
I just purchased two bags of fluids and 12 needles to make sure I have enough for Iggy while I am gone. Total was $28. Pet supply spending is high this month. Variables are now at 87%. There are only a few days to go, but the locksmith, who is coming tomorrow, will be expensive.
When I came home, there was a postcard in my mailbox about a class settlement for Blue Cross Blue Shield, which was my insurer while I was employed by the college. I got online and filled out a claim form. I have no idea how much it will be or when it will come, but I always follow up on things like this. I was grateful to have my blog to refer to in order to figure out what years I was employed at the college. Turns out it was 2009-2015.
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April 26th, 2021 at 07:54 pm
I tested out my Uber account this morning. Since it's now attached to a debit card that is provided by the city, I wanted to make sure it was working okay before I need it for the ride to the airport. The ride went fine; everything worked as it needed to. I asked to be taken to the locksmith, where I had some keys made. From there I walked to the train station and rode home.
And there it gets kinky. I was normally friendly to a fellow rider -- big mistake! He decided that I should go out for coffee with him and was asking leading questions about where I lived and who I lived with. He was insistent, and CREEPY, and all my warning bells went off. I got home safely and I don't think I was followed, but I was quite shaken. I have not had to deal with this kind of a threat in quite a while. I won't be riding the train alone again any time soon. The train is more and more dangerous these days in other ways, with reports of robberies and beatings and even gunfire. Rare, yes, and mostly at night, but demanding caution.
Anyway, the keys were $11, and I paid the Uber driver a $1 tip. The ride was "free" since it charged my debit card, and I counted the cost when I made the deposit way back when.
I arranged to have a locksmith come on Wednesday and adjust one of my locks (my grandson is having trouble unlocking it) and to have a key made for the secondary lock on my back door. I have never had a key for that lock, so haven't been able to use it (and I have felt quite safe with the primary lock), but it's silly not to use it, so I'm getting the key.
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April 24th, 2021 at 02:43 pm
Last night was GS1's first baseball game of the season. It was COLD, and even though I thought I had bundled up enough, I was miserable. The game was called after six innings -- not because of the cold but because we were losing the light and storm clouds were gathering. It didn't rain though. Unhappily, our team was behind, so GS1 was bummed that they didn't get the chance to pull ahead.
The game was at a park 45 minutes away. I forgot to eat beforehand, so on the way I bought dinner at Subway for $8 and at the game I bought coffee for $1 to keep my hands warm.
I have been approved for senior benefits again -- you have to keep proving that you are still poor enough to qualify -- I'm always poor enough! It was kind of challenging to apply though, because I had to attach scanned documents and I no longer have a scanner. I tried using the Adobe Scan app, but needed help from DIL. Got it done, but it was not easy! Don't know how other seniors are managing. They really should have a mail-in option because I know there are seniors out there who are even worse than I am.
The senior center connected me with a person at the department of aging, who helped me with other aspects of the application. She was wonderful.
I will renew my license plates on Monday, when I am sure that the system is updated.
Posted in
April 21st, 2021 at 09:26 pm
I tried to renew my license plates online this morning, but when I clicked on the "senior benefit" box, it said I wasn't eligible. Now I remember getting a letter saying that I didn't have to re-apply last year, because of the pandemic -- no one was in the office to handle that stuff -- so benefits were renewed automatically. I guess time has run out. I filled out a new application, and I have to wait 48 hours to be accepted. Then I'm not sure how long it will be before the system recognizes me. I'm glad I got started on this early.
Today was pay day and on top of paying my normal bills, I also ordered cat litter pellets from Amazon. They won't be delivered until April 28 - May 5. That's okay, as long as they aren't any later than that. On May 6 I leave for Oregon. I guess my son can bring in the box if it comes late. $38. It's been a heavy month for pet supplies -- I'm already up to $134, more than I've spent on groceries! Variables are up to 79%, but only 9 days left in the month.
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April 20th, 2021 at 02:14 pm
Yesterday I went to the local senior center to get some help with installing my Uber app. I wasn't having trouble with the app per se, but couldn't get it to accept the debit card I wanted to use. The debit card was a benefit from the senior center, so that's why I went there for help. They couldn't help but did refer me to someone who could. Turns out I was just entering the wrong zipcode.
A word about the debit card -- it is a benefit for seniors at a certain income level. I can use it for transit, which includes buses, trains, taxis and ride services. I'm not sure if I can use it for air travel. Anyway, I deposit money into the account, and it doubles in value when used -- i.e., if I have $50 in the account I can spend $100. A really nice benefit. Since I am already "ride-free" on local buses and trains, I plan to use it mostly for Uber. I'll use it for getting to and from the airport in a few weeks.
The senior center is close to Aldi, so I went there again to get ten more items. $22. Variables are now at 72%, which is higher than I would like for this point in the month. Payday is tomorrow, so I'll be doing some non-variable spending, but I'm also going to order some pet supplies from Amazon.
Snow is in the forecast today! It's cold enough -- I had to turn on the radiator this morning.
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April 18th, 2021 at 10:18 pm
I made a short trip to Aldi this morning, where I spent $31. I stuck to 10 items, even though there were many temptations. Even 10 items are heavy to carry up three flights.
I found a nickel in the parking lot! Since I started counting, way back in 2011, I've picked up $105.48! It's been very slim pickin's the last year, though.
This afternoon I made lemon "brownies" -- no, they are not brown, it's a deceptive name. It's really a small one-layer lemon cake. Delicious.
I stocked up on library books yesterday and I'm enjoying a pleasant day on the couch!
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April 16th, 2021 at 02:27 pm
I had a fun day with BFF yesterday. We met in the middle for lunch. Lunch, by the way, was really cheap this time, only $9! Afterwards, since we are both fully vaccinated, we visited two different Goodwills, and I spent $17 -- mostly kitchen stuff -- ladels, ramekins, drawer organizers, and a pretty red basket. I spent $21 on gas, and bought a soft drink for the road for $2. Another unexpected expense -- I bought a phone charger for the car. I don't know why I didn't realize I would need this when I bought the other. I got in the car yesterday morning and tried to plug in my phone, and of course it didn't fit. I did not use my map app to get to my destination -- I knew it well enough -- but I felt more comfortable on the way home with my phone plugged in and my map app directing me. Anyway, the phone charger was $19.
Variables are now at 63%.
I was thinking of ordering some comfy clothes for my vacation coming up, but since variables are running so high this month -- not to mention I had to buy a windshield -- I decided to make do with what I have.
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April 13th, 2021 at 11:31 pm
It was another shopping day. I went to Panera first and got the Tuesday special -- a baker's dozen of bagels, plus I had a free one coming, so 14 bagels are now in the freezer. $8. Then I went to PetSmart and stocked up on the cat food that Iggy likes -- $41. Best Buy was nearby, so I went in and bought a charger for my new phone - $17. Then I went to Sam's and spent $43 on groceries, mostly produce. I also renewed my membership for $40.
Clearly I can't leave the $250 cost of replacing the windshield in variables, so it went on the Big Ticket spreadsheet. Variables are now at 53%.
GS2 came over for his second lesson on giving Iggy fluids. He's going to take care of him while I'm in Oregon. He is still struggling with inserting the needle -- afraid of hurting him. More lessons coming.
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April 12th, 2021 at 05:54 pm
I just arranged -- finally -- to have my table picked up for repair and refinishing. Because of the shop's workload, it won't happen until May 17, but that's fine. That will be after I come back from Oregon, and I will be ready!
I just redeemed $14 in cashback rewards from Discover. I've been keeping track of extra income this year, and so far it's been $3,068. Most of that is the two stimulus payments. I don't have much extra income anymore. I stopped doing mystery shopping, and Pine Cone doesn't send me surveys anymore. I somehow got off their radar after I tried to use their app. That's okay; I don't really like doing the surveys, and it's not that much income.
I also took a look at my "big ticket" spending last year and found that I averaged $1K per month in spending that is not part of my variables budget. Last year it included things like getting my ceiling replaced, getting a lot of electrical work done, some major car repairs, a new computer, Christmas spending, and donations to my grandkids' college funds. I was surprised it was that high. I'm okay -- my net worth has continued to slowly rise -- but I do hope that this year won't be quite as costly. So far I'm averaging $430 per month, which is more where I would like it to be -- but you never know what's going to happen. Getting the table done, for sure, will push that up.
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April 8th, 2021 at 11:29 pm
I got my windshield replaced today. The plan was for them to come to me, but it rained all day, so the technician and I agreed to meet at the company site. It was a bit of a drive, but I took the opportunity to stop at Panera and get my free bagel. I am entitled to a free one every day this month, but since our nearest Panera closed, it's not easy to just pop in. I'll get a bagel when I am somewhere near a Panera.
I also did a load of laundry.
BFF and I made plans to meet at the halfway point for lunch next Friday.
My Oregon son and DIL got their COVID vaccines yesterday! And my local son and DIL are getting theirs tomorrow morning. Now everyone except the under-16's are vaccinated. Such a good feeling.
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April 7th, 2021 at 10:32 pm
Feeling much better this morning, I headed out to do some grocery shopping. But when I got in my car, I saw that the windshield was cracked! I got out and checked all around the car to see if there was any other damage, and there was not. I don't know what could have happened! I called my insurance company and someone will come out tomorrow to replace it, but since I have a deductible I will have to pay $250.
I went ahead and drove to Aldi, where I spent $26, PetSmart, where I spent $8, and my vet's office, where I spent $47 on fluids and kidney care cat food. I had to buy a large bag of food because they were out of the smaller size.
Variables are at 31% only one week in. I'm going to try to cash flow the cost of the windshield, because I've had to make withdrawals from savings the last two months. I don't want to do that again. But it will be tough.
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April 6th, 2021 at 02:08 pm
I got my second shingles shot yesterday. It was a $47 copay. My reaction to the first shot was pretty bad -- spiking fever, terrible discomfort. This time it was better, but I was still uncomfortable. Today I seem to be over the worst of it, but I am tired from lack of sleep.
While I was at Walgreens, I spent $7 on groceries -- vital things like bread, popcorn and creamer! Variables are at 17%.
I did not buy a new laundry hamper. I pulled one out of storage which was packed with old sheets and pillows. I moved the pillows somewhere else and put the sheets in my Goodwill box. I moved the hamper to my bedroom, and it is just right. Nothing spent.
I need to do more grocery shopping, but I'm planning on resting today.
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April 5th, 2021 at 02:53 pm
My son came home from Florida and I finally got my new phone working. There are some hurdles -- passwords to remember or reset -- but I'm getting there.
We got takeout yesterday and played a card game together. It was so much fun. My son and DIL are scheduled for vaccines next week, and my Oregon son and DIL are going to work on getting appointments today. This is all so encouraging.
Starting today, I can get my second shingles shot. (I had to wait a full month after second COVID vaccine.) I am not sure I will do it today, though. I was pretty sick after the first one, and today I am working on little sleep, not feeling the greatest. I'd rather start out feeling good. People tell me the second one is worse than the first, so I am not looking forward to it.
Not much to report financially. I may make another Amazon order today. I need a new laundry hamper, something that fits better in my bedroom.
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April 2nd, 2021 at 03:20 pm
This morning I took four rolls of quarters down to the laundry room and then foolishly left them out in the open when I left. Luckily I remembered pretty quickly and went back down. They were still there. I locked them away in my storage closet.
I ordered a few things from Amazon this morning - mascara, a silverware tray, and a plastic basket. Total was $40. It adds up! They should arrive tomorrow.
Yesterday I got breakfast and lunch at drive-thru's. $12 in total. Reason being: I picked up my son's cat from the sitter in the morning and then spent most of the day with her. I can't let her stay with me because she picks on Iggy, and she has claws, and he doesn't. I'll go spend some time with her today, too.
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April 1st, 2021 at 02:21 pm
Housing - $801
Medical/Health - $342
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $302
Fees/Services - $229
Utilities - $209
Personal - $128
Groceries - $113
Phone - $52
Entertainment - $46
Eating Out/Takeout - $31
Gifts/Charity - $29
Vet/Pet Supplies - $27
Laundry - $16
Gas - $15
Household Supplies - $12
Home Repair/Maintenance - $3
Grand Total - $2355
Variables - 104%
Housing - I paid a bit more toward my mortgage so I could get the balance below $58K. I love to hit milestones.
Medical/Health - the bulk of this was panoramic x-rays at the dentist.
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - most of this was the cost of a new smartphone.
Fees/Services - mostly a subscription renewal to Ancestry.com, as well as replenishment of my tollway account.
Utilities - a bit higher than usual because gas payment hit twice this month.
Personal - a haircut and stock-up on hair supplies
Nothing else needs comment, except an update from yesterday on my gift category. I withdrew $40 from the bank yesterday in order to give $10 to each of my grandkids for Easter. I mailed off two of them to Oregon, so that's what I counted. The other $20 will be logged in April, when I give it to my local grandkids. I bought some candy and cards yesterday, but did not log them because I used a gift card.
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March 31st, 2021 at 05:03 pm
I get a small interest-only payout from my retirement fund each month. This month (and for the coming year) it was reduced by 15%. I had to make adjustments in my variables plan, but it will be fine.
This will definitely be temporary, because in January I will have to start taking RMD's, which will yield a higher payout.
I was going to do my March recap, but I remembered that I have to get Easter cards and send $$ to the grandchildren, so my spending for this month is not done. Can't believe Easter snuck up on me like this! But I believe I say that every year.
With my adjusted variables budget, I have spent 90%, but that does not count the above.
I'll check in with you tomorrow with my March recap.
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March 26th, 2021 at 02:09 pm
I took a short walk to Walgreens yesterday and picked up a prescription refill for $3. I intended to take the long way home and get more exercise, but my toe was bleeding -- irritation from the shoe I was wearing. I was also feeling some acid reflux, so I just wanted to get home.
Variables are at 83%, with five days to go. That is good, but my savings have taken a hit, with buying a phone and getting panoramic x-rays at the dentist.
I finally talked with the refinisher. He had not responded to my email because he is swamped with work, and has no one doing the front office work right now. He asked me to call again in a couple of weeks, when he hopes he will be more caught up.
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March 24th, 2021 at 03:24 pm
Well, yesterday was expensive, as I expected. Not only did I order a new phone, but at the dentist's office it was time for panoramic x-rays, so the cost for that and cleaning was $254. Then I got my fancy haircut. I say fancy, because I went to an upscale salon, and I paid the price - $70 for the haircut and $14 for a tip, because I'm not going to stiff the stylist, who did such a good job. Yes, I do like the haircut. I kept my hair longish, but he cut in some long layers, which means I can use my natural wavy hair rather than trying to fight it. He also reshaped it in general, and advised me to grow out the sides of my bangs, because my bangs are too wide. Cutting my own bangs for a year has been a bit of a disaster!
The question is -- will I go back? I feel I can go quite a while without a trim, so I have some time to decide. It is clear that there is value in getting an expert to do the job, and I look better than I have in a long time. But that's a big chunk of my budget, so I'm going to have to decide if it's really worth it to me. I might not feel the pain so much if I hadn't already spent more than $500 that day.
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March 23rd, 2021 at 02:56 pm
I had a great day yesterday visiting with BFF in a town midway between where we live. We had lunch and spent several hours sitting outside on a park bench, talking. My lunch cost $15, a stop at an ice cream shop cost $4, and I spent $15 on gas. I didn't really need it, but I was in the land of cheaper gas, and I never pass it up.
This morning I bought a new phone! It's the budget-friendly Moto G5, $283 from Amazon. It will arrive on Monday. Hope my old phone holds out till then. On top of all its other glitchiness, it's now crashing apps. I wish I didn't have to transfer to a new phone while my son is out of town, but surely I can figure it out.
I have figured out that I must have been using an old email address when I was trying to contact the refinisher. I never took the time to call, because I have been so busy -- and I continue to be busy today -- but I will call tomorrow.
As for today, I'll be going to the dentist and then to the hairdresser. I might have to grab a lunch at a drive-through in between; the appointments are only 2 hours apart.
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March 21st, 2021 at 10:40 pm
I took a walk yesterday and stopped at Walgreens about mid-way. I stocked up on shampoo and conditioner (BOGO deals), and I also bought an eyebrow pencil. I was so thrilled to find one that is gray (my hair is almost white) but it's pretty dark, really looks about the same as the black pencil, so definitely TOO DARK for my face, but maybe I can learn to use a light hand. The Walgreens purchases totalled $33. Variables are at 71%.
Tomorrow I'm meeting BFF halfway for lunch. We are both fully vaccinated now so this is a celebration meal. Then on Tuesday I'm going to the dentist for a cleaning and getting my hair cut. So there's probably no way I'll come in under on variables, but maybe I can make it up next month.
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March 20th, 2021 at 06:41 pm
Yesterday was the 14th day after my second vaccination, so it was my hug day! I went over to my son's house and hugged them all, very energetically! It felt so good. Afterwards, they took off for their spring break in Florida. They cleaned out their fridge while I was there and sent me home with two bags of food. So far I've eaten a chicken-veggie-brown rice casserole, a big salad, and a stir fry courtesy of their gift. I have added to the freezer: orange chicken, rice, more of the same casserole, and homemade taco sauce. Later today I will make sausage gravy (for breakfast tomorrow) and broccoli cheese soup for supper. I have been snacking on blackberries. There is pepperoni, cottage cheese and deli turkey for later. I'm probably forgetting things. I won't have to grocery shop again for a while.
Later in the day, my new hairdresser called and asked for a $25 deposit for my upcoming haircut on Tuesday. That's something new to me. Maybe because I'm a new customer? I had them put it on my Discover card. It will go toward my haircut. I'm used to paying less than that, but this isn't Supercuts! I'm going with a stylist who cut my hair once a couple of years ago (had a gift certificate). He was exceptionally good. I figure in order to deal with this mop of unruly pandemic hair, I will need someone good, at least for the first cut.
I also spent $6 to rent "Promising Young Woman." It was okay. I probably could have skipped it.
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March 17th, 2021 at 09:53 pm
It's my pay day, and I got the stimulus payment today. So it's like a double pay day. I paid my bills and I ran a few errands -- grocery shopping at Aldi ($31), and pet supplies at PetSmart ($14) and the vet ($14). Variables are at 62%, with two more weeks to go.
I sent an email to the guy I was in touch with last year about refinishing my table. He hasn't responded yet. If I don't hear by tomorrow, I will call. I started with email because I could forward the conversation we had before, as well as pictures of the table. Now that I have the money in hand, I'm really eager to get going on it.
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March 16th, 2021 at 03:31 pm
Yesterday was my house call from UnitedHealthcare. Ironically, it was a snowy day. That's ironic because I cancelled twice previously due to bad weather. I guess bad weather just couldn't be avoided. It didn't affect me, but I hated to be forcing the nurse-practitioner out in such weather. She didn't seem to mind, though she was glad I was her last patient.
All the tests were good, and I was declared healthy, though it was hinted that I should lose weight. Yes, I knew that. I've wanted to lose weight my whole life (except childhood) but at this point in my life I have accepted that I will never be able to do that, and I am just concentrating now on eating healthy. Dieting makes me physically and mentally miserable.
I will get a $15 gift card (Visa, I think) in the mail some time in the next six weeks. She also left me some coasters with UnitedHealthcare plastered on them. I doubt that I will use them, as I already have more decorative ones, but whatever. Kind of reminds me of being in fundraising -- we were always giving junk to donors that they didn't want.
I looked it up, and I'm scheduled to get my stimulus payment tomorrow. Feeling rich, I impulsively ordered a book from Amazon that I saw advertised on Today -- "The Call to Unite." It looks like it will be the kind of inspirational reading that I like to keep around. The book was $24. Variables are at 56%.
My original plan was to go to Aldi today, but I'm going to wait another day in hopes that the snow melts, and I won't have to clean off the car. I will do some laundry today, though.
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March 15th, 2021 at 01:48 pm
No one has posted in a few days, and before that, comments wouldn't stick. I'm guessing we have technical trouble again on the site. If I'm right, this won't post!
I haven't spent anything in the past few days and I don't plan to today. I've checked my bank account every day, but so far no deposit of the stimulus payment. As soon as it posts, I'll start the process of getting my table refinished.
Two more days to pay day, and four more days to being fully vaccinated (that is, 14 days after my second shot). On that day, I'm going to hug my grandsons. Hard.
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March 12th, 2021 at 08:33 pm
I returned to my old standby, buying only ten items at the grocery store. Makes me focus, keeps the bill down, and ten items are manageable to carry up three flights of stairs. I spent $28. Biscuists, crescent rolls, shredded cheese, a bath poof, baby carrots, strawberries, raspberries, apples, baked beans and bread.
I ordered a frame from Amazon. With cash back discount, it was only $8.
Variables are at 51%.
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March 9th, 2021 at 04:41 pm
Yesterday my ancestry.com subscription hit my Discover card. Every year I forget about this! It's not cheap. $189. But I have a huge family tree on the site and I don't know how to disengage without losing that information.
This morning I went to Panera and got the baker's dozen bagel special, along with three containers of cream cheese. $11 for quite a few breakfasts in the future.
Those two expenditures took variables to 47% quite early in the month. Yikes!
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March 8th, 2021 at 06:43 pm
I walked to the post office on this beautiful, springlike day to buy stamps. It's now $11 for a book of forever stamps. I didn't realize that. It's been a while since I've bought them. I use stamps rarely now.
I also did another $2 load of laundry. Variables are now at 20%.
Posted in
March 7th, 2021 at 10:15 pm
I'm feeling much better today -- back to normal, in fact. I did a load of laundry ($2), and I made spaghetti sauce with meatballs, and a pot of chili. I haven't eaten either one yet; I'm letting them sit in the fridge. They are so much better after sitting a while. Another kitchen task I need to do, which I haven't done yet, it to cut up two onions and flash freeze them. They are getting a bit old, and I don't want to waste them.
I decided to wait on my grocery shopping until my Discover card cycle re-ups on the 11th. With the car repairs last month, the Discover bill is pretty high; no point in adding to it. There is still plenty of food in the freezer and pantry. My fresh produce is down to two apples, but I have plenty of frozen vegetables.
I'm glad the stimulus package passed, and I can count on another $1400 in my budget. I will stimulate the economy by paying a local craftsman to refinish my dining room table. At least, I hope he is still available. It was a year ago that I first spoke to him about it. So much as happened since then!
It's almost springlike today, yet there are still patches of snow on the ground, like tea leaves in the bottom of a cup. I won't believe it's really spring until they're all gone!
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