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Feeding the Boys

February 17th, 2019 at 03:52 pm

Here is all the food I have on hand. I have to feed myself and two boys for five nights, dinners only. I don't want to buy anything, but I can augment from the food store at my son's house.


Bread crumbs
Hawaiian rolls
1 bun
Chicken breasts
Cooked ground beef
Sausage biscuits
Beef taco filling
Green Beans
Mixed Berry Smoothie
Ice Cream


BBQ Sauce
Horseradish Sauce
Soy Sauce
Worcestershire Sauce
Taco Sauce
Dijon Mustard
Yellow Mustard
Sweet Relish
Kosher Spears
Dill Hamburger Chips
Sweet Gherkins
Poppyseed Dressing
Ranch Dressing
Blueberry Jam
Minced Garlic
Chocolate Syrup
Crescent Rolls
Beef & Chicken Soup Base
2 tortillas
Almond Milk
Cheese Spread
Stewed Apples


Baking Supplies (Powder, Soda, Salt, Cornstarch)
Brown Sugar
Powdered Sugar
Old-fashioned Oatmeal
Powdered Milk
Egg Noodles
Chow Mein Noodles
Red Lobster Roll Mix
Canola Oil
Olive Oil
White Wine Vinegar
White Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Maple Syrup
Peanut Butter
Butter Spray
Lemonade Mix
Girl Scout Cookies

I am planning on making a chicken pot pie, making the sauce from a white sauce and using peas, carrots and green beans (as well as chicken of course!) in the filling -- biscuits on top.

I will use the ground beef to make Sloppy Joe sliders, using up the BBQ sauce. I will grind up some carrots for crunch and use the Hawaiian rolls as buns.

I will make tuna melts from the tuna, crescent rolls and mayo, using some cheese from DS' house.

I feel like I could do something with the taco filling, though I only have about a cup and half. I'm wondering if I mixed it with salsa and taco sauce, to make it wetter, and combine it with the penne or the egg noodles to make kind of a Mexican pasta dish -- would that taste good or weird?

Does anything else jump out at you?

No-Spend Day

February 17th, 2019 at 02:17 pm

Yesterday was a no-spend day, other than running a load of laundry. Iggy threw up on his quilt, so I washed it along with towels, bathmat, etc.

Oh yes, I did spend .98 at a restaurant, which was the amount over the reimbursement I will get for the meal.

I went over to DS' to get the rundown on what to do this coming week. I now have a detailed daily schedule. I'm going to go over this evening to spend the night. Tomorrow is President's Day, so I'll just stay there with the boys all day. The rest of the week, I will go home while they are in school, so I can do my laundry, cook meals, feed the pets, etc. It will be tiring, but I think it will also be fun.

My girl scout cookies came yesterday! Yum!


February 16th, 2019 at 02:16 pm

DS gave me $40 yesterday to get the boys' hair cut. The actual cost with tip was $32.50. I applied the balance to lunch afterwards at one of their favorite places, a mom-and-pop frozen yogurt shop that also serves lunch. The lunch was $18 out of pocket, because, of course, we all got dessert.

Today I need to get to the gym, and I have a mystery shop to do -- free lunch.

I struck a deal with DS that he will stock the house with breakfast food and pay for hot lunches at school. I will provide dinners, which I will make at home, but may use some stuff from their fridge/freezer. I do not plan to ask for reimbursements for anything I happen to buy, because I think I am mostly well-stocked.

I'll get an activities calendar from him today. He leaves some time on Sunday.

I'm feeling a little unsettled about the murder spree in Aurora. Aurora is not particularly close to me, but I know some people who work there at the university, and it hits home. It's just so depressing that this keeps happening over and over and it seems like we can do nothing about it.


February 15th, 2019 at 04:10 pm

I'll be taking the boys to get their haircuts later today, but DS will pay. I was planning to watch them all day, but DS' work appointment was cancelled.

It turns out Monday is a school holiday, so I'll have them all day. And for the rest of the week, I'll be with them all night and after school. I'll come home while they're in school to get things done, including making our supper.

I'm going to go through the fridge & freezer today and make some plans for dinners next week. I know I have a bag of chicken breasts and a pound of cooked ground beef; I'm thinking I can do a lot with that if I have the right ingredients. I have a can of tuna, too, but I'm not sure if the boys will eat tuna salad.

I found a Starbuck's gift card yesterday, but when I looked it up, it wasn't worth anything. So someone probably just dropped it on the street, rather than bothering to throw it away. Darn! Smile

BFF is asking me to come visit the first weekend in March. It will be a nice respite after a week of childcare!

This and That

February 14th, 2019 at 12:37 pm

This morning I paid $5 for medical professional services not covered by insurance. Probably lab work. Last night I bought the boys dinner at McDonalds for $7. Variables are at 67%.

I talked a little with DS about the cost of feeding the boys next week, while he and DIL are vacationing in Mexico. He proposed working up a grocery list and buying supplies himself. I've been thinking about it, and I think it will work best if I just give him receipts at the end and get reimbursed. I will feed them dinner at my house and I'll use some of my food. But I'll feed them breakfast at their house (I'll sleep over). I'm pretty sure I'll just take them out for dinner on music lesson day, as I'll be tied up all afternoon.

And we have to talk about lunch. I think GS1 buys lunch and GS2 takes a lunch, but I'll have to find out for sure. Anyway, I think it's all going to be quite fluid, and getting reimbursed will be the easiest way to be accurate.

DS is leaving Sunday night and the two of them will be back on Friday, so it's really only five days.

Today it's just a pickup day, but tomorrow the boys are out of school, and DS has to work, so I'll have them from around 9 to 4. So I'll push back my gym day to Saturday. I have a mystery shop on Saturday, too.

My socks are wearing out like crazy! I wanted to wait till gap year is over to get some new ones, but I got a coupon for Buy 3/Get 4th Free at a local outdoor outfitter. So after pay day I will probably take advantage of that.

New underwear is also needed, but I can wait on that.

Oh, update on the belt -- I found one at home that will work. Even though it's a little short, it does buckle. Free is even better than Goodwill.

Haircut and Valentines

February 13th, 2019 at 02:23 pm

It was a bit of a spendy day yesterday. I got my $16 haircut and I spent $21 on valentine cards and candy. I also slipped two ten dollar bills into the valentines that went to Florida, and I'll do the same for the boys here.

I need a belt, and I went to Goodwill to see if they had one. There were belts, but none long enough. I guess I'll look on Amazon.

Variables are at 64% with two weeks to go.

On the frugal side, I got a free breakfast at Planet Fitness, and I used my leftovers from the free dinner the other night to make a stirfry that was pretty great! I used my Instant Pot to make rice. I had three cups of rice, which made six cups, so I've got a lot of rice in the freezer. Now I'm figuring out that I should have frozen it in smaller packages for ease of use, but, oh well.

Today I'm picking the boys up after school and taking them to music lessons. I have the morning free, and I'm going to read like crazy so I can return a library book on time!

Weather-wise, we had another big drop in temperature. Yesterday was slushy, so I hope my car isn't frozen in place. I'm pretty tired of winter.

Maintenance Visit, and Musing on Surgery

February 12th, 2019 at 02:12 pm

I made it to the dealer right on time, and the appointment took about an hour and a half. I knew it wouldn't be a bargain, but I did not expect that it would be $228.

It was not just an oil change, of course, but a maintenance visit. They inspected and cleaned the brakes, tightened the tie rods, checked the steering box and boots, brake lines, hoses and ABS system, topped off fluid levels, checked exhaust system and fuel lines, and rotated tires.

In addition, they found I needed to replace the cabin air filter, which I approved.

They gave me a couple of discounts which amounted to $24.

I also got an inspection which showed that, with the exception of the cabin filter, my interior/exterior, battery, engine, undercarriage and tires were all good.

This was the first full inspection I've gotten since I bought the car, so I feel pretty good about getting it done, and coming in with good marks.

I can't cash-flow that amount this month, so it will come out of the EF.

In other news, we got hit with another ice storm, but once again it looks like my particular area fared pretty well. I have power, and we got a little bit of snow rather than ice.

I'm due for a haircut, and I will try to get that done today. I also need to pick up some valentines for the grandkids.

About halfway into gap year (which is actually a little more than a year) -- and everything is going well so far. The surgery in April, of course, will be a blip on the budget, but it has to be done. One never looks forward to surgery, but I am looking forward to getting rid of the pain! My biggest expenses will be the hospital stay ($300 a day) and the physical therapy ($45 a pop). I am hoping I will have only one day in the hospital. As for the physical therapy, my experience has been that I won't be billed until the end, and by then I should be very close to being done with gap year.

Early Rising

February 11th, 2019 at 12:54 pm

I made my oil change appointment for 8 am. What was I thinking? I'm not used to getting up early any more. Add to that, I was so worried about whether I would get up on time, that I did not sleep well at all.

Snow was falling yesterday, so I'm going to have to clean off my car before I go. Hope it's just snow, and not snow with a layer of ice underneath.

Yesterday was a no-spend day. I mostly read and watched Netflix. It was really relaxing. I did do one load of laundry.

Car Stuff, Etc.

February 10th, 2019 at 02:48 pm

Last night I met DS and grandsons at a restaurant for dinner, and as I was driving I noticed that the oil life percentage displayed on my dashboard slipped from 10 to 5. I panicked a bit and decided I would go to Jiffy Lube when it opened this morning. But after looking up Honda maintenance codes online this morning, I realized that the 5 only means it is time to get it done, but not past time. I also have a B1 code showing, which means tire rotation and oil filter replacement. I decided I will wait till Monday and take it to the Honda dealer and get established with them as a customer. I made an appointment online for 8 am.

My dinner last night did not cost me anything; I was treated. AND, I brought home enough leftovers for a full meal today.

I filled up the tank yesterday for $16. It was only down about 60-70%, but I do not like to let the gas get low in winter, especially a cold and unpredictable winter like this one.

So today I'm just going to take it easy at home.

DIL left for Mexico yesterday, so I am on call to help with the boys if DS needs it. Not very likely, since he is a great dad -- I will probably just do the usual pickup after school. The following week, when he goes to Mexico to join DIL for a little vacation, will be the challenging one for me. I'm going to essentially move in with the boys. I expect I will be very tired after that week is done!

Plans and Taxes

February 9th, 2019 at 02:26 pm

Except for walking across the street to babysit, I stayed inside all day yesterday. Today it is a bit warmer, but still cold. I plan to get out anyway and hit the gym and get some gas. I also need to get an oil change, but I'm not going to try it on a Saturday, so that will be deferred till Monday.

You tax experts out there -- I realized yesterday that I forgot to claim some income. I closed my old Sharebuilder account last summer, and just yesterday I got notification that my 1099 was ready. I really, truly forgot about this. The income is about $171. My federal and state income are already filed and I already got my federal refund. What do I do? I looked at the TaxAct site (which I used for filing), and it recommended waiting till all refunds are made before filing an amendment. But is an amendment necessary for this amount? My income is very low and I don't think this small amount will actually affect my tax bracket. Anyway, I want to do the right thing.

Another freeze, and more babysitting

February 8th, 2019 at 02:24 pm

The temperature plunged again, so I decided to stay inside today rather than do my planned errands -- gym, gas station, oil change. But it turns out GS2 is still stick, so I will go over there. DIL promises it will only be a few hours today.

I got my refund yesterday! I think that was the fastest return ever! I moved $500 of it to savings, and the rest is going to stay in checking to cover the property tax, when it comes due in early March.

My granddaughter is a Daisy scout and she is selling Girl Scout cookies for the first time ever. I decided I could afford to spend $30, so I ordered them on her web site. Nice that a grandma in Illinois can buy cookies from a granddaughter in Florida and get them delivered!

Variables are at 48% with two and half weeks to go. But getting the refund has made me worry less.


February 7th, 2019 at 04:19 pm

GS2 is not well enough to go to school today, so I am staying with him.

Yesterday was a long day for all of us. There was a half day of school, so I babysat from noon to 3:30, when I took the boys to music lessons. In the process, I picked up another boy who's working on a duet with GS1. Lessons lasted until 5:30, so it was about six when I got home.

I didn't spend any money. I made tacos at home for lunch and had snacks in the car for later. I was planning on going to the gym today, but I guess I'll get that done tomorrow. If everyone is well!

Calm Day

February 6th, 2019 at 02:56 pm

Yesterday was a pretty calm day, and I felt much better than I did the day before. I rested in the morning, and in the afternoon I picked up GS2. He wanted to play at the schoolyard for a while, but it was a little cold for me to sit outside, so I waited in the car while he played. After about twenty minutes he came to the car with a friend of his. The friend's mother had not yet picked him up, so I let him use my phone. Turned out he was supposed to be at orchestra, and he had forgotten. Since it was really too late to get much done in orchestra, I offered to drive him home. His mom was grateful.

We had a much-hyped ice storm last night, but I think it affected areas more to the north and west than it did here. I have power and the view from the window tells me there is no ice buildup on cars or wires. I am relieved, as I did not want to chip ice off the car, nor drive to music lessons (in another suburb) on icy roads.

No spending yesterday. Variables are at 43% with three weeks to go. I still have to get an oil change and a haircut in this pay period, and I will need to fill the gas tank soon. I am going through my money pretty fast this month, so I need to watch it a bit.

Rough Day (and Night)

February 5th, 2019 at 04:21 pm

I started out so tired yesterday, coming off a short night's sleep. I had things to do, however -- a trip to the gym, and then to Sam's, where I bought kitty litter ($14) and groceries ($16). Then I came home to get ready for a mystery shop, which involved a preliminary phone call. On the phone call, I got some odd responses, so I contacted my scheduler to see if I should actually proceed with the shop. He said no, so I was free of that obligation. So I did a load of laundry, and I was just settling down to take a nap, when DIL texted me. She needed help with boys and their schedules -- DS was traveling for work and she was having to work extra hours. I ended up babysitting and chauffeuring until 8:30 pm and I was exhausted when I got home.

I thought I would fall asleep quickly, but my hip was hurting bad and I couldn't get ahead of the pain. I know I was awake until well after midnight. I did sleep until 9 this morning, and I feel better, but I'm going to take it real easy today. However, I still have normal child care duty to do today, and tomorrow will be another long day, with music lessons taking place after school. DS will be incapacitated with oral surgery, and DIL will be tending to him.

My hip pain is getting worse and the surgery won't happen until April 2. I'm going to have to be more aggressive with pain management, but I hate to do anything that might compromise my kidneys. Uh. Old age.

In better news, I got $5 from SaverLife yesterday for promising to save a portion of my expected tax refund. I was, of course, going to do that anyway, but it was nice to get a little boost. Thanks to Patient Saver for recommending the SaverLife site!

No-Spend Day

February 4th, 2019 at 02:00 pm

Had a quiet no-spending day yesterday. Today I am heading out to the gym, after which I will go to Sam's to get kitty litter. I need to do a load of laundry, and I am committed to doing a mystery shop in the afternoon.

I made an awesome meatloaf yesterday -- I think it is the best I've ever made! Here is the recipe link:

I checked out my football pool and I see that I owe .67. Hmmmm.


February 3rd, 2019 at 02:22 pm

Yesterday's spending was $29 for aquarium filters, which I ordered from Amazon. I am going through them more quickly now. My pleco is getting so big, and he poops a lot!

Variables are 37%.

Tomorrow I need to get some kitty litter, probably at Sam's.

No plans for today unless the kids invite me over for the game. They may just be getting together with friends, which is fine -- I am not a football fan.

It's going to get up in the 40's today, and that is so welcome! I don't even care that it is going to rain.

Trip is Off

February 2nd, 2019 at 03:45 pm

Last night BFF texted me that dense, freezing fog and slippery roads were predicted for her area. I double-checked this morning and decided that I would rather forgo the trip than take the chance of an accident, or a stressful trip. I woke up not feeling very well, anyway. So I'll have to make that trip another time.

I put in some laundry this morning. The ceiling light was out, so I was making do with the dim light from the windows, pretty much feeling my way around. I'm still not sure whether I set the dryer for permanent press because I couldn't see the dial!

Yesterday's mystery shopping earned me $11 plus a free meal and $6 worth of groceries. CCF asked me in a comment if I had reported on my year-end income from mystery shopping. I answered her, but I'll answer here, too. I earned $495 in fees and $742 in reimbursements. Some of it was awarded in 2019, though, even though it was earned in 2018.

The reimbursements were a mixed bag -- meals, groceries, some clothing, oil changes -- as well as useless things like valet service, down payment on storage space not used, items bought and returned, etc.

All in all, it's no way to make a living, but it's good for providing a few extra dollars to make things a little easier. I probably won't continue with it after my Social Security benefit goes up, because it is a lot of work for the money.

As for yesterday's spending -- I spent $21 on groceries above the reimbursement, and $1 for my lunch above the reimbursement. I spent $1.50 on laundry, $1 on a library fine, and a whopping .25 on parking.

Variables are now at 33%.

Getting Warmer

February 1st, 2019 at 01:48 pm

Well, today is the day I have to come back to life, and shake off my snow day laziness. I should go to the gym, and I have two mystery shops to do, one out of town. I should catch up on laundry. But I am waking up hard and I don't know when I'm going to get going.

It snowed last night, so I'll have to clean off the car in order to go anywhere.

I made bread yesterday. Put one loaf in the freezer and the other I'll take to the kids.

Plans are on to go to Indiana tomorrow to visit BFF. It looks like roads will be good, if a little wet!

Day Two

January 31st, 2019 at 12:54 pm

I made it through day one of the polar vortex and now am starting day two.

DS and the grandsons came over yesterday afternoon. We played a board game and watched TV. The boys were restless from being cooped up. They really need to get out and run, and that is impossible.

In case you are wondering, they live very close. We live on parallel streets and our buildings are in the same position. There is a walkway straight from my building's front door to their back door. So it is a walk that can be made in a couple of minutes. And they were all very well bundled up.

I made peanut butter cookies in the morning, so it was good timing. Not only did I warm the kitchen, but I had eager consumers!

Also in the morning, I completed my taxes. I'm going to get a $953 federal refund and a $36 state refund. Filing was free, even for the state taxes, which has never happened before. I used TaxAct. Ironically, this morning I got an email from MyPoints offering 1,500 points for filing through TaxAct. Too late!

The nurse who makes the house call for UnitedHealthcare left me a voicemail yesterday to say she would not be coming today. I'm so glad her company allowed her to cancel her appointments today.

We are supposed to get some snow tonight, but the temperature will start rising -- and this weekend it will actually get above freezing!

I'm scheduled to do two mystery shops tomorrow, so I hope the rise in temperature is pretty significant.

Welcome to the Icebox

January 30th, 2019 at 03:10 pm

It's cold! Really cold! Minus 21 air temperature (not wind chill), as Alliecat already reported.

I have all my radiators on full blast, but it's still chilly, so I'll be wearing sweaters all day. I am not going out at all. All my faucets are in dripping mode.

I had a mystery shop scheduled for tomorrow, but I rescheduled to Friday, which should be more moderate.

I'm supposed to get a house call from UnitedHealthcare tomorrow, but I'm leaving it up to the nurse on whether she wants to cancel.

The bottom line is, I'm staying put, inside, for two days. I'm not even going to do laundry, which would entail stepping out onto an open-air stairwell.

The boys' school finally cancelled, for today and tomorrow.

I'm going to do some cooking and baking, to keep the kitchen warm.

I have lots of books on tap, so I'll be very happy these two days!

Hovering at Zero

January 29th, 2019 at 02:47 pm

Air temperature is zero, that is -- wind chill is much lower. I was hoping they would cancel school today, but no such luck. They're saving that for tomorrow, I assume, which will be much colder. So I will have to go out today to pick up at least one of the boys. Sometimes DIL picks up GS1. We'll see how it goes today.

I did manage to dig out my car and move it to the other side of the street last night, the side that got plowed. Now they will plow the other side. They are doing a good job of keeping up on the snow removal.

No financial news. I didn't buy anything, I didn't get any income. I found a $4 coupon for my next haircut, and I did a Pine Cone survey which will earn me $3.

The day after tomorrow, I will get a house call from UnitedHealthcare, which will earn me a $15 Walmart gift card, and after that I have a restaurant mystery shop to do which will earn me a free lunch and a $12 fee.

I am tentatively planning to visit BFF on the weekend, but it will depend on the weather. If it doesn't moderate by then, I'm staying put.

I blinked.

January 28th, 2019 at 02:48 pm

I didn't take the car to the city garage. Yesterday it looked pretty calm and clear. But today the snow is coming down, and I hope I haven't made a mistake. I can see my car from my window and it looks like there's a couple of inches on it, so far.

At least I did get it moved to the side of the street that will not get plowed today. This evening I will have to move it to the other side, or to the city garage.

I got out yesterday with no problem. Hit the gym, and then went to the library and checked out five books, which should keep me busy a while. I got to the library before it opened, so I went to Panera and got my free bagel, buying coffee for $2.

Spent $1.50 on laundry. Variables are at 26%. But here's the kicker -- four weeks and two days to go! And I'll have to pay my assessment fees twice this month, which are $412 a pop. I've already paid once, and the next one will come up a few days before pay day.

Schools are closed all around the area, but not, apparently, my grandsons' school. I generally do not chauffeur them on Monday, so I'm trusting that I won't be needed today. If weather gets worse, I hope they will close the school tomorrow.


January 27th, 2019 at 03:14 pm

Yesterday I went to the Spiderman movie with GS2. The price for the two of us was $16. DIL provided some bootleg popcorn and candy bars. DS gave us a ride and went to see an advance showing of the new Lego movie with GS1.

Variables are at 26%.

Today is the day before another big chill and a big snow. Sigh. I need to get out and go to the gym, and to the library, before I am locked in. I am worried about my car. Last night I heard someone spinning their tires, stuck in the alley for quite a while. There was snowfall yesterday, so I know I will have to clean the car, but I hope it won't be stuck.

I just put in some laundry, and I'll go to the gym/library after it's done.

The beef stew I made in the Instant Pot turned out pretty good, but it needs some work. Today I'll reheat it on the stovetop and add a little more seasoning, and thicken the sauce with some cornstarch. I'll probably do more cooking today, too. It warms the kitchen!

Day at Home

January 26th, 2019 at 03:17 pm

I didn't go out yesterday, although I did run some laundry in the basement, and I took the garbage out, so I got a taste of the cold weather. It's even colder today, so I'm staying in today, too.

No spending, other than the laundry and my phone bill hitting my credit card.

My painted footstool looks so nice in the bathroom, I've decided I'm going to paint a little freestanding shelf unit in the dining room. I have enough paint to mix together a make a nice brick red, I think. This unit is that fake wood stuff, so I don't know if it will take the paint, but I won't really lose anything by trying. It doesn't exactly look great as it is.

I made apple pancakes and sausage for breakfast yesterday and had enough left over for today (and tomorrow!) I'm going to make stew in the Instant Pot for lunch, and the leftovers should last a while.

On TV I'm still watching Mrs. Maisel and The Crown. I don't binge watch -- just pick up a show now and then. But soon I'll finish both, so I'll need to find a new one. Maybe Homecoming? The Julia Roberts miniseries. Any suggestions? I have Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Speaking of shows, I realized that I'll be babysitting the boys full time during Cinemark's Oscar week. So sad! I really enjoyed Oscar week last year, and this year BFF was going to come up and enjoy it with me. Oh well, I made this promise. DS and DIL will be vacationing in Mexico, and my hands will be full.

Feels Like 11 Below

January 25th, 2019 at 01:28 pm

That's the wind chill factor here. But it will get worse. Forecasters say it will get to 14 below in air temperature in the next few days.

I went out yesterday before the big chill began, but even so, my gas door was frozen shut, and I had to go to an auto parts store to get de-icer before I could gas up. The gas, when I got it, was $20. The de-icer was $6.

Then I went to Aldi and I stocked up. I spent $77, but that should pretty much hold me for the month except for perishables and fill-in stuff.

My Florida son's birthday is coming up on the 6th, so I went ahead and ordered some small gifts for him from Amazon. $30.

Variables are 23%. It will be a long month (Jan. 24- Feb. 27), so I need to take it easy on the pace of my spending.

I don't have to pick up the kids today, so I don't have to go out. I'm supposed to return a couple of library books, but I will just pay the fine. I haven't finished reading them anyway. Before you ask -- they cannot be renewed, they are "most wanted" books which have a short circulation period and are unrenewable so that demand can be met. I plan to return them on Sunday. We're supposed to get snow as well as this cold blast, so we'll see.

I did get some income yesterday -- $17.50 from a Procter & Gamble settlement.

I just put some laundry in down in the basement, so I did get a taste of the weather. Awful.

Errands and Weather

January 24th, 2019 at 12:39 pm

I did not make it to Aldi yesterday. Maybe today. I still have food; I'm just getting really bored with the selection.

I took the boys to music lessons after school yesterday. We made a stop at McDonalds which cost $6.

Today is a gym day, and I need to get gas. Maybe I will pick up a few groceries, since I will be close to Food4Less.

Weather is turning very cold, as well as another heavy snow predicted for the weekend. So disheartening. Makes me wish I could stay inside for the rest of the winter.

It's Pay Day

January 23rd, 2019 at 01:51 pm

This is the first deposit that reflects my "raise" -- which was swallowed up by the raise in my assessment fees, but, oh well, it's something.

I paid the credit cards and my mortgage. I have $131 extra to add to variables from mystery shopping and cash back rewards.

Here is last month's recap:

Housing: $733
Insurance: $643
Medical/Health: $237
Utilities: $182
Phone: $52
Vet/Pet Supplies: $47
Clothing: $46
Eating Out: $33
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $32
Groceries: $32
Household Supplies: $30
Gifts/Charity: $21
Gas: $20
Personal: $16
Entertainment: $15
Laundry: $15
Fees/Parking: $4

Grand Total: $2158

I intended to spend nothing yesterday, but I realized that two of the pairs of pants I had bought at Goodwill just didn't fit right, and I had a limited time to return them. So I returned them yesterday, before I picked up my grandson, and while I was there I found four more pairs. Because of the store credit I received, I spent only $13. So now I have five pairs, if the new ones fit. I didn't try them on, but I measured the rise and inseam.

I will probably take a trip to Aldi today. Grocery spending was really low last month, due to my focus on using up food in the freezer and pantry, but now it's time to get something new in the mix.

Surpassed $100!

January 22nd, 2019 at 01:57 pm

I found a dime yesterday, which brought my coin-pick-up total above $100. It's now $100.04. I've been keeping track since 2011. I wonder if it will take another 8 years to get to $200?

I've been dealing with health issues the last couple days. One night I was bothered by pain from what I think is a gallstone moving around. This happens every once in a while. I've gone to the ER twice about it, but the pain always stops before I can get tested. They tell me to come when the pain is active, but it doesn't last that long. I get a lot of tests, a big bill, and no diagnosis. So now I just stick it out.

And yesterday was devoted to diarrhea, which is common with kidney disease, but annoying nonetheless.

Today I hope to have a pretty normal day.

I did a chore I've been ignoring for years -- I painted a footstool which I use in the bathroom. It is now a cheery red, which looks good with the green and white decor. I do need to put another coat on today.

Today I go back to after-school care. Tomorrow is pay day. Woo-hoo!

Oh, and I got a $17 payment and $26 reimbursement from one of my mystery shop companies.

Another winter storm warning. Yuck.

And Now, For my Regular Update

January 21st, 2019 at 05:25 pm

I picked up my car from the city garage today, and it was indeed free to park there from Friday till this morning.

I took the train to the garage, which was a bit of a challenge on several levels. First, it was a four-block walk in single-digit temperatures. Second, I missed the first train by mere seconds! Third, the train I caught had mechanical issues and we sat in the cold with open doors for a while. But I finally made it there.

After getting my car, I made my gym visit even though I really didn't want to. And I feel good after getting it done.

Two days till pay day and I am trying to avoid spending anything till then.

Top Money Saving Tips

January 21st, 2019 at 05:19 pm

Everyone has contributed so many good ones. I'll try to stick to tips that have been personally successful for me.

1. Don't throw food away, unless it is too old to be safe. If you don't know what to do with it, put it in your freezer, well-wrapped. And don't let it get old in the first place! Take action before the bacteria sets in!

2. Periodically go through your freezer and pantry and form a plan to use up everything that's there. Then execute that plan. Don't throw it away, that's cheating!

3. Don't buy new clothing unless you really have to. Goodwill and garage sales offer great clothing in every size, new and almost new. I buy everything used except underwear, swimsuits, coats and shoes. (And I will buy coats and shoes if I find them, but I never do.)

4. If you have a Sam's (or Costco) membership, use it! I find it's worth the fee for the gas savings alone. I buy most non-perishables at Sam's in bulk. Usually way cheaper, but check first, of course!

5. Use the library. Don't buy books! They are available free, every day, and you get to return them and avoid buying bookcases! Even buying books at Goodwill adds up -- I know!

6. If you live in a city where parking is an issue, know where the free parking is, and be willing to do some walking. I also use mass transit whenever it makes sense, because it's free to me as a senior.

7. Buy gifts all year long when you find them at the right price. But be judicious, and only buy what you really know you will wrap up and give away.

8. Develop hobbies that are free. Reading, walking, and cooking/baking are all great leisure-time activities. Usher at plays. Go to ball games. Attend the concert in the park. You know what's free in your neighborhood -- go do it!

9. Don't let yourself get disorganized. When you know where things are you don't buy it twice. When bill-paying is a system, you don't miss a payment. No need to spend a lot to "containerize" everything, just be neat and keep on top of things.

10. Take advantage of freebies. I am not too proud to get my free pizza and bagels at Planet Fitness. I get my free car washes at my dealer. When I visit my brother, I take advantage of the free car vacuums that are offered in his town. When downsizing friends offer me stuff, I take it! Sometimes I pass it on, but I always accept freebies because better stuff may be coming next.

These are the habits that have allowed me to live a pretty good life on a very limited budget.

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