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Day Fifty-Three

April 14th, 2016 at 04:06 pm

Calories: 1726

Last night's dinner was a spread from Naf Naf Grill. I had to estimate the calories, so I estimated generously. Think I am close to the mark, though.

Yesterday my Kaspersky subscription renewed (internet security) - $32. Also my $52 phone bill hit the Discover card. That was my only spending yesterday.

I took the El to the dinner downtown. Since I had $ on my card already, it was no cost to me. The ride down was easy; getting back was a bit of a challenge, because I entered a terminal that didn't have my line, so I had to take a different line and transfer. I was pretty proud of myself for figuring it out!

I'm planning a visit to my brother's house late in the month. Now that spring is here, more or less, I'm in the mood for a drive and it's been a while since I've seen him. Also planning a lunch with man friend.

I found the paperwork for the car repairs that I need, so today I'm going call and see if I can get in.

Other than that, it should be a quiet day.

Day Fifty-Two

April 13th, 2016 at 03:34 pm

Calories: 2035

It was a high-calorie day, and I could have pulled back in several ways, but I just didn't. I had my kids and grandkids over for dinner, and my menu was planned around things they like. And I ate right along with them. I'll get back on my game today, even though dinner is a mystery today. I'm getting a meal at a networking event -- I'm guessing it will be either a buffet or a box lunch.

My son showed me the best route to take the CTA to my destination. Seems simple -- but I can mess up things that are simple, wish me luck!

I picked up $11 worth of groceries at Trader Joe's in preparation for the dinner, and that was my only spending yesterday.

Days Fifty and Fifty-One

April 12th, 2016 at 01:43 pm

Calories (Sunday): 1516
Calories (Monday): 1232

I've been reading my own blog. My ten-year blogoversary is coming up (May 4) and I was curious to revisit where I was ten years ago. Then I just kept reading! I'm up to 2013 now.

A couple of things struck me. I am always talking about food! I think that is the one area I feel I can control financially. Or at least make a difference.

It also struck me how hard I've tried year after year to make cuts and spend less. I remember my failures, but my blog makes it clear to me that I've really tried hard to live within my means. So I need to let up on myself a little.

Anyway, just to recap, ten years ago I was getting ready to sell my house in Indiana. I quit my job and moved to North Carolina to live with my cousin. I was expecting to live out a blissful early retirement, but 2008 arrived and my financial world fell apart -- specifically, I could not pay my medical premiums without making serious draws on my nest egg. (Also, my cousin and I had serious differences on financial, and other issues). I had to move back to the Midwest to get a job; found a position near Chicago, where my sons were living. I rebuilt my savings and in 2012 I bought a condo. In 2015 I retired again. It's been quite a ride!

Back to the present. Sunday was a no-spender. Monday, I took Iggy to the vet for a follow-up on his ears. His ears are still full of crud, even though the ear mites are dead. Some of the crud seems to be fibers, but the vet wasn't sure. I'm guessing he got very dirty while living on the streets and his ears never got cleaned out. So now I have drops to put in his ears twice a day, and another vet visit planned for next week. Yesterday's cost was $51. I also stopped and picked up dry cleaning for $11.

My kids are coming over dinner tonight. Just tuna salad sandwiches. I'll have to go get chips or something to go on the side. I don't keep that kind of stuff around.

Tomorrow I'm going downtown for a networking dinner. I've already paid for that, though there will be some cost in getting there.

Day Forty-Nine

April 10th, 2016 at 07:28 pm

Calories: 1495

I went to Aldi yesterday and spent $36. For that nice, low price I bought: kitty litter, paper towels, frozen broccoli, frozen asparagus, frozen beans, frozen peas, a sweet potato, an onion, pizza sauce, blue cheese dressing, ranch dressing, applesauce, fresh mushrooms, celery hearts, tortellini, chocolate eggs (left over from Easter), salsa, jarred red cabbage & apple, creamer, Greek yogurt, and teriaki marinade. Certainly not ten items, but they did fit into my two cloth bags. Except for the kitty litter.

From there I went to Jewel to use two coupons that gave me a free jar of peanut butter and a free loaf of bread.

After unloading my groceries I walked to the library. Unfortunately, I met a panhandler with a great sob story and I ended up giving her $20. I always have a hard time turning down a woman. It might have been for real, who knows? Anyway, when I opened my change purse, $20 was all I had, so that's what I gave her.

Today I invited my son's family over for games and tuna salad, but it is too busy a day for them, and we'll do it next Thursday night instead. So I have a nice, lazy day ahead.

Day Forty-Eight

April 9th, 2016 at 03:43 pm

Calories: 1641

The day started out well. I thought I was going to be so low on calories that I could have a little ice cream. Then I decided to make granola. Then I decided to have a bowl. The rest is history.

The window man came and installed my window - $62. My next project is the car. When I had the leak fixed in January, they found other things that needed to be done -- not emergency things, but some upgrades my aging car needed. I decided to wait on that, but now that I'm working on a credit card bonus, I want to get it done. They gave me a write-up at the time. Do you think I can find it? I cannot. And I've looked deeply, so I wonder if I threw it away by mistake. I'm sure they have it in their records, but I'd like to go in with the original quote.

I also need to get an eye appointment. Just a checkup.

I looked out my window this morning and saw snow on the ground! I've seen a lot of snow in the air these past few days, but not on the ground. Really? It's April. I would like to stay in and not even have to deal with cleaning off the car, but I have to return DVD's to the library today. And since I'm doing that, I might as well make my run to Aldi. Maybe I'll let the sun work on melting for a while, though.

For now, I'm doing laundry, and enjoying the sunshine, even if there is no warmth!

Day Forty-Seven

April 8th, 2016 at 03:09 pm

Calories: 1526

Going out for lunch yesterday was lovely, even though I had to walk through falling snow! I got some exercise in, as I parked several long blocks away from the location, in order to avoid paying for parking, and then I walked in the wrong direction and had to circle around!

I got the pea soup and turkey/brie sandwich, as planned, and spent $12. And I found a dime while standing in line! I brought home the sides -- multi-grain bread and a package of baby carrots, which I will eat today.

Did not hear from the window people, so I will have to call today. Once I get the window squared away, I'm going to address my auto repair and eye exam.

I was thinking of going to Aldi today, but the snow is coming down again, so I'm staying in. The best thing about retirement is the luxury of waiting!

Day Forty-Six

April 7th, 2016 at 02:57 pm

Calories: 1481

Quiet day yesterday. I got a call from the window company that they might deliver the storm window, but apparently they ran short of time. They were trying to squeeze it in between appointments. The window will cost $60, including delivery, very reasonable.

I spent $3 on laundry.

I spent most of the day reading, finishing "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett. A really awesome book. Toward the end I just couldn't put it down.

Today I'm going to lunch with friends at Cosi. I already know what I'm getting -- split pea soup with kale, and a half-sandwich of turkey and brie. MMmmm.

Day Forty-Five

April 6th, 2016 at 03:09 pm

Calories: 1630

The calories kind of sneaked up on me. The taco salad threw me over the edge. Today should be better.

Mystery's visit to the vet went fine. Her ears are "lovely." She got a distemper and rabies shot, and the total was $80.

The window guys came yesterday and took my window to the shop. It is a storm window, so it's portable. I was so thrilled to find a glazier who responded quickly, I forgot to ask how much it would cost! But their company has great reviews, so I trust their prices are in line.

Nothing on tap today except getting some laundry done, and working on filing.

Tomorrow I'm going to lunch at Cosi with some friends. I also signed up for a networking event in the city next Wednesday -- dinner included -- $20. The real cost will be parking, so I'm going to check out riding the El.

My alma mater is celebrating 150 years at the end of the month with a program and dinner for alumni. I would kind of like to go, but balking at the idea of going by myself. I'm going to chew on it.

Day Forty-Four

April 5th, 2016 at 02:51 pm

Calories: 1439

Took Iggy to the vet yesterday and he was diagnosed with a cold. Good hydration, no temperature -- no worries unless he develops mucus or starts draining from the nose or eyes.

After coming home and coming out of the Pet Taxi, he crawled back into the Taxi and slept there for hours!

It was a mere $20, and he had the ear mite check up as well. He has to go back in another week for a final check.

Meanwhile, today I have to take Mystery just in case she has been infected with ear mites, too. She also needs to be caught up on her shots, so this trip will be more costly.

In the afternoon, the nurse from UnitedHealthcare came by to chat. I'm pretty healthy, so there wasn't that much to talk about. But for doing this, I'll get a $15 Walmart gift card.

Then I went to the grocery. I had $16 in coupons, which I added to my snowflakes. I spent $15 on pet supplies, $8 on household supplies, $14 on gifts (two bottles of wine) and $14 on groceries. The woman ahead of me in line handed me a wad of Monopoly pieces, since she wasn't playing the game. Along with mine, I had quite a handful of pieces, but I still didn't win anything, except a free jar of peanut butter, which I do appreciate!

Day Forty-Three

April 4th, 2016 at 01:35 pm

Calories: 1203

Iggy is sick. He is sneezing, shaking his head, and his third eyelid is showing. He probably has a upper respiratory infection. His medical history, which was given to me when I adopted him, shows that he had a URI previously.

I'm going to try to get into the vet this morning when the office opens, even though I have an appointment tomorrow to follow up on his ear mites. The trouble is, I have a housecall appointment this afternoon -- UnitedHealthcare offers this annually; you get a $15 gift card to Walmart for allowing a nurse to come and talk to you about your health issues. I can cancel, but I hate to do it at the last minute. And I won't know until 9AM if I can even get Iggy in.

In other news, my kids got home from their Spring Break yesterday and I spent the afternoon in the park and then playing board games with the grandsons. So much fun.

No spending yesterday. My variables spending so far this month is at 5%.

Day Forty-Two

April 3rd, 2016 at 04:16 pm

Calories: 1335

I waited for the window man yesterday, and about 15 minutes before the appointment he called and told me he did not think his company was the right one to replace a windowpane. They are builders, not glaziers, and while they could do it, they would have to take it back to the shop and it would be more expensive for me. I appreciated his honesty. I just hope I can find a glazier.

I called the second guy and left a message, but have had no reply. I may have called the wrong number. He had a heavy accent and I may have written the numbers down wrong.

So, back to square one on the window. It is a real problem around here getting someone to do a simple task that won't generate a lot of money. But I will try again and focus on glaziers.

I had a $5 Goodwill coupon that had to be filled, so I braved our crazy weather (snow, wind, hail, you name it!) and went to Goodwill, which is in another suburb. I spent $7 on household items and $14 on gifts (after the $5 discount). Here's what I got: 2 books for my grandsons, two large skeins of yarn for my DIL, a frame for my BFF, three new gift bags, a Tupperware container, tongs, a meat fork, a bowl matching my set, and three platters. I now have 6 plain white platters in a variety of sizes! They will be good to have when I host a meal, and they'll look great in my "white" cabinet, too. So I was very pleased with that trip.

On the way home I bought gas for $18.

And here is the splurge. I bought dinner at M Burger for $6. I got a chicken sandwich, and it was absolutely delicious, and calorie-wise, it fit into my diet.

I got my unclaimed property check yesterday -- it was $13.36. Hey! Better than nothing. It's going into the slush fund, which I like to top out at $2K.

As for the saga of the expiring Greek yogurt -- I used up a half-cup this morning in pancake batter, to which I added a lot of blueberries. Thanks, Laura, for reminding me I can use it that way! I'll have baked potatoes the next few days and I think that will take care of all the food that is in danger of going bad. Then I will have to tackle all that cheese I bought!

Day Forty-One

April 2nd, 2016 at 12:07 am

Calories: 1135

Oops, I had two day 39's. I fixed it! Forty-one days, woo-hoo!

I got a raise! That is, my interest payment from my TIAA account went up $36 per month. That makes a difference to me! I adjusted my variables; this will give me a little more wiggle room.

The window man didn't come today. His office called and said he was stuck on a big project. He is now supposed to come tomorrow at 1. Meanwhile, another repairman called. (I had used an online service that contacts several local companies for services needed). I told him I would call him back if this first guy doesn't work out. I may have to!

I took a run to Walmart today to pick up my Furniture Feet. I ordered them a few days ago but forgot to mention it. I have a desk chair with odd legs -- it was scratching the floor -- I ordered two sizes of Furniture Feet, and it was good I did, since the front and back legs are different in size. They seem to work well; I only wish I'd gotten them before I scratched the floor. The two sets were $28. I have lots of leftovers and no use for them, as all my other chairs sit on carpeting -- or aren't moved around. Maybe I'll sell them on eBay.

Day Forty

April 1st, 2016 at 02:47 pm

Calories: 1439

Right on the mark!

Today someone is coming to look at my window. Hope it will be a pretty simple fix, and that they can fix in from the inside. I don't like looking at people on ladders!

Later on, I'm going to turn Wednesday's restaurant leftovers into a dinner or lunch. I brought home a small box of brown rice with chunks of peppers and onions. I'm going to saute that with slices of turkey sausage. My second meal today will be boiled and mashed yellow potatoes, topped with Greek yogurt and bacon bits. Breakfast, when I get around to it, will be Greek yogurt flavored with honey. I WILL use up that Greek yogurt!

My continuing goal is to keep within my calorie limits while using up and stretching my food. I want to keep throwing away food a rarity in my life.

This afternoon, after the window man is gone, I'll make some granola.

I watched Selma yesterday afternoon. Of course, there were no surprises in it, but it was lovingly crafted and very dignified and uplifting.

Wolf of Wall Street today -- I imagine it will be a very different kind of movie.

March Recap

April 1st, 2016 at 12:42 am

Housing - $677
Taxes - $472
Medical/Health - $246
Entertainment - $201
Gifts/Charity - $167
Utilities - $161
Groceries - $128
Vet/Pet Supplies - $103
Fees/Services - $67
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $67
Phone - $52
Vacation/Travel - $47
Clothing - $43
Personal - $32
Eating Out - $31
Household Supplies - $28
Gas - $23
Fares/Parking - $16
Laundry - $14
Grand Total - $2575

It was an expensive month -- dentist, subscription, haircut, state taxes, vet, even new boots! I spent 105% of my variables budget (still fine for the year, though).

Even though it's not crazy out of line, I hope that April will be more moderate.

Day Thirty-Nine

March 31st, 2016 at 02:34 pm

Calories: 1529

I had to estimate the calories I ate at the restaurant last night, but I think I am pretty close. I had skewered chicken and vegetables on rice. I ate all the chicken and some of the vegetables, some of the rice. I brought the remaining veggies and rice home to make fried rice later.

It was a cheap night -- $17 for museum entrance, dinner and parking. And it was a good time, despite having to walk through quite a bit of rain. At least I got my walk in!

Today's weather is supposed to be stormy, so I will stay in.

Today's project is to find someone to replace my windowpane. It was cracked last fall in a hailstorm. I called the company recommended by our property manager at that time, and they never got back to me or followed up. Then I sort of forgot about it. (It's behind a blind, so I never see it). So today I will see if I can find someone who is willing to come and look at it. I'd like to use the replacement cost toward my bonus.

Next week, when my kids are back from vacation, I'll go get my car repaired. No big problem, but last time I took it in there were some recommendations that I need to follow up on.

Later today I'll do my March recap, as I doubt I will do any spending today.

Day Thirty-Eight

March 30th, 2016 at 02:23 pm

Calories: 1567

A glass of wine tipped me into the 1500's, but it was a deliberate decision. I don't want to stop drinking my red wine -- I really enjoy it, and it's good for my heart! But it's 89 calories a glass....

I mailed my three packages yesterday for a total of $28. I scored free parking when I pulled into a space with a meter still running! I had 12 minutes to go in and out of the post office, and I made it!

Then I went to the bank and deposited a $3 check from Franzia. I think it was a rebate.

Today I'm going to the south side of the city to visit the Oriental Institute with a bunch of friends. Afterwards, we are going to a nearby restaurant. I've already checked out the menu, and decided I will get the skewered chicken & vegetables.

Before I go, I need to get a few tasks done -- a load of laundry, clean the fish tank and VACUUM -- desperately needed -- why do I put it off so? It's not like it's really hard!

The jeans I wore yesterday were kind of settling lower on my hips than they used to. I am feeling better in general. I feel trimmer, even if it isn't real obvious. I hope by the time real spring weather comes I'll be able to get rid of some clothing that is too large.

The other day I picked up a coupon someone had dropped, and I think I will use it -- $10 off the purchase of two bottles of Layer Cake wine (which I like) and any meat item. The wine would be good to take to my brother's next time I go.

I saw a good movie yesterday on xfinity on demand -- the Sundance channel -- it was called City of Your Final Destination. It's a Merchant/Ivory film that didn't get good reviews, but I enjoyed it! Maybe my standards have slipped, now that I'm always seeking out free movies. It was about a young doctoral student seeking permission to write a biography of a famous writer, but it was a character study and and love story, too.

I still have the two movies from the library to watch and they are due on Saturday, I'd better get to it!

I noticed this morning when I opened my Greek yogurt that its use-by date is today. I know I can still use it till a week from today, so I guess I'm going to be eating a lot of yogurt this week. I looked it up, and apparently I can freeze it, too, though it will change the texture. Not sure how I would like that, but I can always mix it with fruit or preserves. Has anyone here ever frozen Greek yogurt? Mine is plain, by the way.

Iggy update -- he yowled again last night, so the ears weren't the problem. I suspect he is just mouthy.

Day Thirty-Seven

March 29th, 2016 at 01:14 pm

Calories: 1611

Too much snacking yesterday, but it was kind of a stressful day.

I found another vet for Iggy and got an appointment right away. They are almost as close as the other vet and free parking is available, which is a big plus around here! I really liked the vet who treated Iggy, so I think this was a very good move.

Iggy has earmites. His ear was also full of scabs because of his scratching. I don't understand why it took me so long to notice! The vet removed a lot of crud from his ear, then treated both ears with a topical medicine, and gave him an injection to help with pain and to ward off infection. We will have a followup next week. I feel he is in good hands, and I'm very relieved. He didn't yowl at all last night. Of course, he hated the whole experience, but now I think he is finally feeling relief.

The cost was $70. My variables are at 95%.

Tomorrow I'm going on a museum visit with friends, with dinner afterwards. I think the museum is free, but of course dinner is not, and there may be a parking cost, too.

My task today -- which I meant to do yesterday until I decided that Iggy MUST go to the vet -- is to mail some packages. And if the weather warms as nicely as they are saying, I will go for a walk!

Day Thirty-Six

March 28th, 2016 at 04:15 pm

Calories: 1411

Did well on my calories yesterday. I didn't do much of anything else, but it was a pleasant day.

Today I'm trying to get an appointment to take Iggy to the vet. I just had a botched conversation with someone at the vet's office about whether I'm a new client or not. I've been to this vet before, but not with Iggy, so I said yes, Iggy is a new client. But I told them I had been there with another cat (Captain) who was put down this summer. He said, well, this doesn't make sense, you aren't a new client, then. Apparently they have different rules for new clients and he thought I was trying to work the system, or something. All I want is an appointment for a new cat -- whenever! Is that so hard?

He just called me back and said they had never seen Captain and that they are not taking new clients. WHATEVER!! Their records are messed up; I didn't really like them, anyway. I'm finding a new vet.

Day Thirty-Five

March 27th, 2016 at 02:11 pm

Calories: 1421

Yay! Back on track! For supper last night I had a bowl of roasted carrots. It was like taking medicine, but it did fill me up.

Yesterday I did another load of laundry, went to the bank, went to the grocery and library, and picked up my dry cleaning ($32).

I didn't spend anything at the grocery, just picked up a free box of crackers with a virtual coupon.

I checked my new Chase account yesterday and my $300 bonus for opening the checking account has been deposited. So I updated the snowflakes on my sidebar. I also added the value of my coupon, and $6 from Pine Cone. The $200 bonus for the new savings account will be deposited at the end of three months.

I am already halfway to the point where I was last year in December. I was able to give $300 to each grandchild's college fund last year; maybe this year I can top that.

At the library I picked up two DVD's: Selma and Wolf of Wall Street. Haven't watched either of them yet.

This morning I boxed up a package of shirts for my BIL, books for my sister, and clothes for my Florida grandchildren. I'll mail those three packages tomorrow.

Looking forward to a day of quiet contemplation. Happy Easter, everyone!

Day Thirty-Four

March 25th, 2016 at 11:12 pm

Calories: 1644

I used a calculator to find that a woman of my age, at my level of activity, should consume 1493 calories per day to lose weight. That's about what I thought, very close to my personal goal of 1400. But since I'm so hungry, and therefore cheating, maybe I'll take up FF's suggestion and up my allowance a little.

No financial activity today except $1.50 for a load of laundry.

Oh, and I saw on my online bank account that I was charged twice for the birth certificate -- or at least two charges are pending. I had to go through the process twice because THEY said it didn't go through. Not happy. I sent them an email, but I probably won't get a real answer for a few days.

Other than doing the laundry, I didn't leave my condo today. I didn't do all of the cooking I planned on, but made steps -- i.e. I didn't make the quiche but I fried the bacon -- I didn't make the soup but boiled the carrots. I will get those things done tomorrow. I need to make granola, too.

Variables spending is 81% and less than a week to go. I have plenty of food and gas -- but I do need to pick up some dry cleaning tomorrow, so I'm not home free.

This year I have no plans for Easter. I usually do the Easter bunny/egg hunt thing with the grandkids, but they are on their way to Florida. I haven't pushed myself to join in on someone else's holiday -- so I've decided to make Sunday kind of a spiritual retreat day -- a day to pause and reflect. I'll let you know if I come up with anything earthshaking!

Day Thirty-Three

March 25th, 2016 at 12:14 pm

Calories: 1673

Struggling a bit. Suddenly 1400 seems so low. Got to stay focused on the big picture.

Yesterday I grocery-shopped early in the morning. My grandson had promised to take pepperoni to school for "mystery sandwich" day, but didn't tell anyone till it was almost too late. I volunteered to get it and I bought a few items for myself: paper towels, detergent, cat food, kitty litter, canola oil, half & half, poppy seeds, toothpaste, bacon, turkey sausage, and salad mix. $51. Then I delivered the pepperoni to my grandson as he was climbing in the car to go to school. Tragedy averted.

Later in the day I completed the application to get a new birth certificate. $18.

I paid my bills, which included my mortgage and three credit cards, Discover, Visa and Kohl's. And I sent $20 in Easter cards to my Florida grandchildren.

While reading Dollar Stretcher, I was prompted to try, and, lo and behold, I found a payment from Indiana Gas (to me) being held in North Carolina. All I know is it is less than $50, but I ordered a check. Maybe it will be enough to pay for the birth certificate!

Today's plans are to do laundry and finish listening to the audiobook I checked out for my trip. Plus, I have some cooking to do -- I want to make curried carrot soup, crustless quiche, and cook off a chicken breast I took out of the freezer. It's cold again, so a good day to stay inside and get things done.

Day Thirty-Two

March 24th, 2016 at 11:04 am

Calories: 2320

Oops. I should have planned better. I knew I had a birthday party in the evening, for my DIL's mom, but I racked up too many calories during the day. I was in a using-up mode, and I had French toast sticks for breakfast and a Reuben sandwich for lunch. At the party, I ate two tacos with guac and strawberry shortcake.

Oh well, back on the wagon today.

Yesterday was payday, but the deposit showed as "processing." So I'll pay the bills today, just to make sure everything is covered. I have the mortgage and two credit card bills to pay.

I am working on a bonus on one of the cards. So far I've only spent about $700. I have to spend $2500 in my first three billing cycles, so I basically have two more months to spend $1800. Need to get going. I have car repairs to do, a window to replace, a passport to buy, and a vet visit to make. I'm sure I can come up with more.

Speaking of the passport, I have to take my birth certificate along with my application. I thought I knew just where it was, but it isn't there. I have to get a replacement. That is not as distressing as the thought of where the birth certificate might be. It's possible it was stolen. I remember I carried it in my work notebook for a while because I needed ID for something. Terrible idea I know. Is it possible someone lifted it, and I didn't notice? I haven't had any problems with identity theft, but if someone took it, they would be using my maiden name.

I hope it is just lost somewhere in my house.

Day 28 through 31

March 22nd, 2016 at 10:26 pm

Day 28: 1210
Day 29: 1333
Day 30: 1479
Day 31 (Today): 1410

I spent a long weekend with my BFF in Indiana. As you can see above I stuck to my diet, even with dinners at Applebee's and Olive Garden, movie treats, and a hot dog at Dog & Suds!

The mini-vacation cost me $29 in food and $17 in gas. My BFF had a lot of gift cards she wanted to use up and was very generous in sharing with me. We even went to a movie (Zootopia) that cost me nothing because she had a gift card.

We both really like to treasure-hunt at Goodwill, so that was one of our stops. I spent $6 on clothing, $22 on gifts, and $14 on stuff for the house. Best find was a dressy red jacket and a black satin skirt for $2! I'll have to lose more weight to get into them, but for $2, it was worth the gamble. Another good find was two Wilton cake pans -- like new -- but they were $6.

I did some re-thinking about my variables budget, and decided it was silly and even counterproductive to try to to work large semi-annual and annual expenses into it, even things like the dentist and annual subscriptions. They just throw it all off. I have the slush fund in place for unusual expenses, and that is what I should use. With that adjustment, my variables spending is now at a more reasonable 69%. To make this work, of course, I will have to be vigilant about consistently rebuilding the slush fund whenever I come in under budget. I don't anticipate this will be a problem, but I will certainly be mindful of it.

I came home very tired this morning, but it was a good time.

Day Twenty-Seven

March 18th, 2016 at 11:04 pm

Calories: 829

Grilled Swiss on Rye
Brussels Sprouts w/ Parmesan
1 square dark chocolate

Yes, calories are really low today, but I suspect they were really high yesterday.

I went to Walgreens today, just taking a walk, but of course I made the mistake of going in. I just wanted to see if they had the eyebrow pencil I had seen advertised.

Well, they had them, and they were offering a second one for half-price. So I bought two, one for home and one for my travel kit.

Then I looked at the reading glasses, and I saw there was a BOGO deal on Foster Grants. So yes, I got two pairs of reading glasses. I have lost two pairs this year. I keep reading glasses in my living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, work area, and purse. I really need them all these places and I am NOT going to wear them on a chain around my neck. In the past, I have picked them up supercheap at garage sales and such, but this time, I got nice ones at the right strength for me -- and they are attractive, too. I think they will help with my headaches. I can really tell the difference, and I'm kind of embarrassed I never got the correct strength before.

Anyway, I spent $48 at Walgreens. (But I saved $39!!) That pushed my variables spending to 109%. And it's only the 18th. And I still have a weekend trip ahead of me. Ah well. Last month was low-spend, and I think April had better be low-spend as well!

Day Twenty-Six

March 18th, 2016 at 03:25 pm

Day Twenty-Six was a planned cheat day. I don't know how many calories I consumed, but it was well over the limit. I figure I will do this for special occasions, but I will have to be careful about how many "special occasions" I have. I'm thinking I should limit cheat days to once a month, and only for a good reason, so, say if April goes by without a special occasion, I don't just create a cheat day for the fun of it. Make sense?

The dinner was a success; everyone enjoyed the food and had a good time. I made quite a mess in the kitchen but I've got it down to one sinkful of dishes waiting to go into the dishwasher.

Today I'm getting ready to go to Indiana for three days to visit my BFF. We are trying to visit once a month, alternating between her home and mine. Since we are both retired, it should be doable. I wish she lived in my area, but this is the next best thing. With her blessing, I am taking my laundry there, which will save me both in quarters and stair-climbing.

Before yesterday's dinner I went to Target, intending to buy placemats and maybe some flowers. Well, Target doesn't sell flowers (at least my Target doesn't). And the placemats were not what I had in mind, so I passed on them. But I did find three plain white platters, half-price, on one of the clearance end caps. I snatched them up; they are exactly what I need, an excellent find. I also bought a water bottle and a little gift (recipe book) for my DIL. I spent $33.

I also spent $5 for lunch at McDonalds. I didn't want to worry about making lunch while I was cleaning and prepping for the dinner. I bought myself a Happy Meal, because the portions are small, and I had them add an extra toy, so I would have something for both boys when they came over. And they were delighted with their Hot Wheels!

So I'm at 98% in variables, and it is unlikely I will come in under budget. But last month was only 66%, so I can afford to go over a bit. Just as long as I don't make it a habit!

I will report tonight on my calorie intake today, and then I'll do a catch-up post on Tuesday, when I come home again. I WILL be counting calories, even though I am, so to speak, on vacation!

Day Twenty-Five

March 16th, 2016 at 09:57 pm

Calories: 1448

Toast & Marmalade
Cheese & Olive Quesadilla
Baby Brussell Sprouts & Parmesan
4 Gingersnaps

I went grocery shopping this morning and spent $52. I won't list my items, because I bought 22, not 10! I am getting ready for my St. Pat's dinner tomorrow, which will be a very high-calorie menu -- Grilled Reuben sandwiches, homemade French fries and Shamrock Shakes. I figure each sandwich is 650-700 calories. Add the fries and shake, and it will be a big cheat. But it is a planned cheat, and I will be back on the wagon the next day. This meal has become an annual tradition, and I like to have a few traditions.

Yesterday I wore a pair of jeans that were starting to feel quite loose, and I thought, "It's working!" This morning I pulled on a different pair of pants -- they were still tight. It's going to be a slow process, but at least it's a plan I can stick to, and I don't feel deprived or angry. The big plus is just knowing that I'm working on it has made me much more tolerant about my body. I know I will make a difference in the long run.

Day Twenty-Four

March 15th, 2016 at 10:14 pm

Calories: 1321

Everything Bagel w/Olive-Nut Spread
Chicken Biscuit
Popcorn, No Butter
1 Square Dark Chocolate
Tea w/Sugar
Veggie Plate

I haven't actually eaten the veggie plate yet, but I have counted it, and I will eat it later.

Today after voting in the Illinois primary I walked to the hairdresser's and got a haircut ($15). I had been letting it grow out a little, but yesterday I happened upon an old picture of my shorter style and realized I just liked it a lot better. Even though it's trendy for older women to wear longer hair, it doesn't necessarily look better. So wearing long hair will not be one of the ways I save money in retirement! Ah well, my haircuts are cheap. I found a great cutter at Supercuts, and I will mourn when she moves back to Seattle in a year or so.

I did two loads of laundry today -- I washed my sofa pillows, the cat's bed, and my bath mat. All really needed. I also did some more filing. I've gotten down to one box of papers to sort and file. And most of them will be tossed.

I didn't get to the grocery store today, but it's better to go tomorrow anyway -- closer to the day of the dinner. And I have to do some serious cleaning tomorrow. I love my DIL, but she and her mom are much more particular about housework than I am, so I always feel a bit on the defensive when they come to my house.

Day Twenty-Three

March 14th, 2016 at 10:40 pm

Calories: 1467

Egg Casserole w/Cheese & Broccoli
Everything Bagel w/Olive-nut spread
Veggie Plate
4 Gingersnaps
Tea w/Sugar

The sugar in the tea was a mistake. I meant to put in Truvia; didn't even realize I'd added sugar until I tasted it and it was unusually good!

I had a bad day. I felt very depressed this morning, thinking all kinds of crazy thoughts, and then a headache came on. It was so bad I went to bed after taking Advil; then I used the PurMist to clear out my sinuses, just in case. In the afternoon the headache got better, and my mood improved, too. I'm almost back to normal now.

Tomorrow is election day. After voting, I'll go to the store and get the supplies for my St. Pat's dinner. Then I'll get started on cleaning. All the floors need cleaning -- but I want to hold off until closer to the time the company comes.

Today I cleaned my stovetop, soaking my burners in ammonia. I wonder if the fumes got my headache started? The good news is they look spotless.

Day Twenty-Two

March 13th, 2016 at 10:44 pm

Calories: 1669

Egg casserole w/cheese & broccoli
Toast w/butter
Everything bagel w/nut-olive spread
Popcorn w/butter
Piece of dark chocolate

I know, I know. It's a depressing cold, rainy day and I was depressed and I just ate stuff I like. Carbs galore. Tomorrow is a new day.

It was another lazy day. I did a lot of reading, and watched "Dances with Wolves" on TV. I also caught up on "Finding Your Roots" on PBS, a show I enjoy very much.

I did clean the aquarium, a job I like to put off. I was going to do another load of laundry, but didn't want to go outside, even though it's just down the staircase. It's an outdoor staircase.

But I did change all the clocks! This is the first year in a long time that the time change won't affect me at all, since I can get up whenever I want!

Day Twenty-One

March 12th, 2016 at 11:14 pm

Calories: 1384

Pancakes & Syrup
Berries, Grapes
Olive/Walnut Sandwich
Everything Bagel

I behaved myself at the brunch, only taking two small pancakes with a dash of syrup, 2 slices of bacon and a lot of fruit. And I had several cups of black coffee.

On the way home, I stopped at the grocery and picked up another free yogurt. They keep giving me virtual coupons, and I keep taking them up on it. I will always take free food.

Once home, I did a load of laundry, but otherwise have been quite lazy. And I think I will continue to be lazy the rest of the day!

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