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Garage Sales

September 26th, 2015 at 07:11 pm

This morning I went to garage sales. It's a beautiful day, perfect for roaming around the city. I went to five sales and spent $19. I bought a board game to use as a gift for my son, a doll high chair for my granddaughter, three porcelain Dutch houses, and a new pair of khakis. And I found a dime! Just realized while counting up that one of the sellers overcharged me by a dollar. Oh well.

About the Dutch houses. I already have two, so now I'm starting a collection. I have some Dutch heritage (actually descended from one of the founding New York families -- but I'm not a Vanderbilt, or anything like that.) Smile It was very lucky to find three today. What is not so lucky is that I can't find the two I own already! Where are they? I remember moving them from the windowsill so they wouldn't get knocked over, but where did I put them? I'm baffled. Another reason to start going through all my drawers and closets.

Today is my grandson's birthday party. I am giving him a Snackeez to open and a $50 check for a fun experience, to be chosen by mom and dad.

Yesterday was a no-spend day. I didn't go anywhere, but I did take a walk by the lake.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin
Lunch: Migas
Dinner: Birthday food

Yesterday's shopping

September 25th, 2015 at 03:32 pm

Went to PetSmart yesterday and spent $5 on algae thins. I am well-fixed on cat food and litter, so didn't have to get either of those.

Then I went next door to Aldi. What do they say about never shopping when you're hungry? I was hungry. But I didn't do TOO bad. I spent $36 on 17 items:

Sourdough bread
Greek yogurt
Sundae cones
Paper towels
Green peppers
Canned mushrooms
Granola bars
Chocolate syrup
Jumbo biscuits
Cocktail sauce
Strawberry preserves
Horseradish sauce

The cookies and the sundae cones were definitely impulse, splurgy items. The other stuff I can justify.

I was only intending to buy a few things, so I wasn't prepared with a tote bag or box for carrying them home. I laid them out in the trunk and set up barriers so they wouldn't roll around. However, when I got home, I realized I was going to have to go up and get a tote. On my first trip up, I carried an armload of perishable stuff. Thinking I had a little time before getting the rest, I stopped and ate lunch. Then I went to retrieve the other items and found that the biscuits (which I had overlooked as perishable) were starting to burst out of the can.

So after taking all the stuff up, I immediately baked the biscuits, and now they are in the freezer.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin, raspberries
Lunch: Egg salad sandwich, apple
Dinner: Cheese quesadillas, salsa, green pepper strips

I'm doing laundry today and changing the linens. Later I must vacuum (which I tend to put off). Yesterday I pulled out a chest of drawers looking for something I had dropped and found an unbelievable amount of cat hair! It's too small a space for the cats to get there, so it's just hair that has drifted in. Amazing!

I felt very under the weather yesterday, but I realized late in the day that it was probably a reaction to the flu shot. I hope to be more productive today!

Variables spending is at 65%, with only a few days left in September!


September 24th, 2015 at 02:43 pm

Yippee!! I got my first SS deposit yesterday! Now I don't have to feel like I am in limbo any more.

I paid my mortgage and my Discover bill, which was $791. (I put everything on Discover and pay in full.) My $43 electricity payment was withdrawn.

I walked to Walgreens to get my flu shot, which was free, even the high-dose. Then I started to buy a watch battery, but no one was able to help me install it, and I was afraid to try. Later in the day, I was cleaning some of the crud off my watch with a straight pin, and the back of the watch popped off! I went back and bought that battery and installed it myself. It was $6. Watch is working great.

I also watched Elysium and then walked to the library to get new DVD's. The new batch is Interstellar, Blue Jasmine and The Kite Runner.

I made rice pancakes for dinner last night, using leftover rice. They were delicious! Here is the recipe: 1 cup flour, 1 cup yogurt, 1 egg, 3/4 cup cooked rice (mashed a little) and 1 teaspoon baking soda. Add enough water to make a smooth batter. I fried small dollops in butter. They are very tender, so you can't make big pancakes; they are too hard to flip. Served them with butter and syrup, and they were delicious. I put half the batter in the freezer to have some other time.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin
Lunch: Olive-nut sandwich, apple
Dinner: Green bean casserole w/ bacon

I am almost out of algae thins so I have to make a trip to PetSmart today. I think I'll stop in at Aldi as well (they're next to each other). There are a few things on my list, and I might as well get them cheap!

Made the $70 Milestone

September 23rd, 2015 at 01:47 pm

On my found money, that is. I found a dime in the laundry room yesterday. I wonder how long it will take to get to $100?

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day. Aside from doing a load of laundry, I didn't do much. I intended to get back to my novel, but instead I opened up a kind of stream-of-consciousness document I wrote once about riding on the train. It needed a lot of editing and I decided to practice a bit on that, before diving back into the novel.

I did watch "Saving Mr. Banks," which was interesting. Emma Thompson was a hoot. I also watched the first episode of "Blind Spot."

Today I think I'll get out and get my flu shot, and get my battery replaced on my watch. I need to get these little things done, before they pile up and it just seems like too much to do!

Yesterday I walked to the post office to mail a birthday card. I need to walk today, too, to take advantage of this wonderful weather.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin
Lunch: Olive-nut sandwich, green beans
Dinner: Rice pancakes, stewed apple

Not Working Yet

September 22nd, 2015 at 02:38 pm

I got an email yesterday apologizing for yet another delay at the museum -- a contract to be signed (which I don't have in hand yet....) Then it has to be signed by the CEO. My boss said she hoped it wouldn't take more than a week. I answered explaining my plans for the Florida trip, and asked whether it would be better to start after the trip. No response yet. (I had previously spoken to her about my plans, so it wouldn't have been a surprise.) This is all so crazy.

Yesterday was a no-spend day. I did go out to lunch with my DIL and her mom, but she treated. It was a fun morning, dusting her living room (and yes, it took all morning; it is a big room with lots of knickknacks and nooks and crannies. It is more fun to clean someone else's house rather than your own! And lunch was fun; we went to LePeep, and it was a gorgeous day, so we walked a little.

I have not gotten back to my novel yet, but I hope to today. In answer to those who were curious, my novel is about a financially-challenged woman who loses her job and her home. I am still in the early stages. I really don't know if it will be any good at all, but I just want to complete it for my own satisfaction.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin
Lunch: Cobb salad
Dinner: Orange chicken over rice

This will really be only the second time I've had the orange chicken, though it keeps appearing on the menu. Still, I think I will freeze the remainder after today.

Ah, Beauty!

September 21st, 2015 at 04:09 pm

I haven't spent anything in the way of personal grooming lately, but yesterday was the day. I went to the hairdresser to get my hair trimmed. I'm letting it grow out a little, but it was pretty clear the ends needed some work. It looks so much better! While I was there, my hairdresser talked me into buying special shampoo for platinum blondes. I am not a platinum blonde, but my hair is pretty white, and I have noticed yellow tones in it lately. The cut was $12 (for seniors) and the shampoo was $13. I don't need to use the shampoo often -- once a week is fine, so it should last a long time. After it runs out, if I find I really like it, I'll get it at Ulta for less.

Then I went to Walgreens and bought a fresh tube of undereye concealer for $14. While I was there, I bought two birthday cards ($7) and a Minions Snackeez for my grandson's birthday, which is this Thursday (though the party will be on Saturday). I already have some Minions squeezy toys to give him -- thought they might be fun in the bath. Those are just things to open, though; my real gift will be a check for an "experience" of his choice. I'm figuring $50 is about what I can afford to spend.

I went to my older grandson's soccer game yesterday, and afterwards went to my son's house, where we all had burritos from a local shop. I chipped in $5.

Variables spending is now at 58%.

Today I'm going back to help my DIL clean up a little. Believe me, her house isn't dirty at all, but she's feeling the need to deep clean, so her mother and I are going to pitch in, hopefully make it fun instead of drudgery.

Tomorrow is my first day of work at my new job! It's been a long time coming!

A Quiet Day

September 20th, 2015 at 02:51 pm

I did take another walk yesterday, but it was late, going into twilight, so I did not go far. It got very cool. My idea about taking the camera made me realize I don't even know where the camera is. Got to find it.

I got out my recorder last night and played a little. I am so rusty I have even forgotten some of the fingerings, though I do still seem to know how to read music. I'm going to look up the fingerings and doodle a little bit every day. It's relaxing. I hope my neighbors don't hate it! They are probably assuming a child is playing. I would like to find better music. Last night I was playing "America," from an old choral book, but I would enjoy it more if I played early music more suited to the recorder.

Now that I have gotten back into music, I'm going to keep another promise to myself. I'm going to get back to working on my novel. I don't know why I have been so reluctant to do it -- I think maybe I have the notion that I have to be in top mental form to approach it, but really, I just have to dive in and plug away. I do know that nothing makes time fly like writing, for me, anyway.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin
Lunch: Peanut soup, sweet potato fries
Dinner: Orange chicken on rice

I burned the rice last night! I was using up the last of the brown rice, and forgot to set the timer. I realized my mistake when I smelled it scorching! It was just the very bottom that burned, so I had enough for dinner. The orange chicken was good, by the way. I added some dried cranberries, and they not only made it prettier, they added a nice taste.

Oil Change

September 19th, 2015 at 06:25 pm

Just got back from the auto clinic, where I got an oil change and safety inspection, in preparation for my big trip. It was $70, even with a $10 coupon! Oh well, at least I know the car is in good shape.

While the car was in the shop, I walked over to the grocery store and got a free bag of Earthbound Organic salad (with a virtual coupon) and a bottle of coffee creamer for $3.

My variables spending is now at 51%. Still good, since we are 63% of the way into the month. And my October will essentially start on the 23rd, when I get my SS payment. Though I think I will still record everything strictly by the month; it's just easier that way.

I am proud to say that even with some challenges, I have not tapped into the $12K lump sum payment I got from the College in June. My slush fund is a little higher, and my e-fund/mortgage fund is only $100 lower. So I essentially cash-flowed everything even without the SS pyament!

The $12K is not represented in my sidebar, because it is still sitting in checking! I was planning to put $15K into a new Chase savings account, in order to earn a $500 bonus, but the unexpected delay of my SS check made that move too close to the bone. I need to do something with it, once I get a regular income again, but I'm not sure what. Add to my scrawny Cap One Sharebuilder account? I think I may have missed the best time to buy. I guess I'll put it in my e-fund -- I really fear not having liquidity during this four-year stretch of austere living.

It is a beautiful, beautiful day. I love it when the temperature drops below 70 and there is low humidity. I guess I am just not a summer person. Even though I already had a bit of a walk today, I will take another later, just to soak in the beauty. Talk about free entertainment! Maybe I'll even take my camera, which has not had much of a workout in the last five years. I need to reacquaint myself on how to use it.

I posted today's menu yesterday, but I'm going to alter it, since I now have a salad to eat.

Breakfast: Quiche
Lunch: Salad
Dinner: Orange Chicken on Rice

About the latter, I slow-cooked a bunch of chicken legs yesterday. Today I will skin and debone them. I'm going to make an orange sauce from marmalade, and let the chicken marinate in it before serving over rice. I'm going to throw in some sweet onion, as well, and I would add peppers if I had them! I think it will be pretty good. One of my experiments.

I have eaten my way through about 60% of the quiche, and I'm tired of it, so the last 40% wedge went into the freezer this morning. Cooking for one is always challenging that way.

Found two dimes at the grocery store! Lucky day!

Some Financial Updates

September 18th, 2015 at 08:53 pm

When I got my stipend from the College a few days ago, it was about $70 more than it was last time. Not sure why, but I adjusted my budget.

I did a Pine Cone survey today for $3. So far this year I've earned $27 from Pine Cone.

I gave $2 to a panhandler yesterday. He asked for money for food. It was gratifying to see him later, eating a sandwich on a park bench. At least I know it didn't go for drugs this particular time.

I parked at the library today to return my DVD's and paid .25 for parking. I was going to walk, but it started raining just as I went out the door.

Other than that, it's been no spending today.

My variables spending is at 43% with 60% of the month gone.

Pay day in five days. Yay!

I LOVED "Philomena," which I returned today. My new checkouts are "Elysium" and "Saving Mr. Banks."

Editing to add today's menu:

Breakfast: Egg burrito
Lunch: Ham & cheese English muffin
Dinner: Cheese & crackers, grapes

And tomorrow's menu:

Breakfast: Quiche, stewed apples
Lunch: Tuna Salad Sandwich, sweet potato fries
Dinner: Orange Chicken on Rice, green beans

A Walk to the Store

September 17th, 2015 at 08:43 pm

Today I walked to the grocery store. I'm ashamed to say I never made it on my walk yesterday; I just couldn't seem to get moving. Today it was kind of hot, with a wind that was sometimes refreshing and sometimes irritating. I took a short breather about 3/4 of the way home. I sat on a low wall and deleted all the junk email on my phone. The whole walk, there and back, takes me about an hour -- no problem in nice weather, but tiring when it's hot.

I spent $15 for 9 items: Salsa, gravy mix, 3 packages of sandwich bags, nacho sauce, eggs, sponges, and fresh green beans. Everything was on sale. I bought 3 packages of sandwich bags because they are being discontinued. If I had driven, I would have taken them all, but I only had so much room in my tote. They are the fold-type bags. I like them better than the Ziploc, because I can close them easily with a clothespin, less hassle and less air trapped in the bag. And they are so much cheaper. Well, I have 450 bags now, and after that I will have to figure out a new system. Or find a supplier of fold-up bags.

I had to get the price adjusted on one of the items. I've learned to memorize the posted sale price on clearance items, because they often ring up wrong. I am not ashamed to fight for every penny!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Breakfast casserole
Lunch: Blue Chip Nachos
Dinner: Quiche w/ green beans

I just watched "10 Items or Less" -- an independent film starring Morgan Freeman. I enjoyed it, mainly because I like him so much, and it had an uplifting message of hope and the power of self-confidence.


September 16th, 2015 at 05:58 pm

Ah, a good night's sleep! What a difference that makes!

I don't have much on tap today. I just finished a board conference call (yep--two in one week, different committees). I have a little bit of work to do from that, but not much. My big plan is to make a quiche from scratch, using up my ham. I need to take a walk -- and the weather's beautiful, so no excuse. And I really need to watch a DVD, since I have three to watch before they are due on Friday! This week's selections are "Thanks for Sharing," "10 Items or Less," and "Philomena."

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Ham & cheese on English muffin
Lunch: Coconut shrimp tacos
Dinner: Ham quiche

No decisions yet on the Florida trip. I'm leaning toward driving; I like the control of a road trip as opposed to the demands of flying. And I wouldn't have to pay for anything until the turn of the month, which would be good for the budget.

I might even be able to get my car painted in Florida, where I am sure it would cost less! We'll see. Nothing decided.

Home Again, Dragging a Little

September 16th, 2015 at 12:42 am

Got home this morning after a few (tiring) days helping out my BFF. The trip cost $45, for gas and food. And BFF gave me some groceries others bought for her and that she is not going to use, so that was a bonus! She is doing well, but still needs a lot a help with household tasks; her mobility is still pretty limited.

Once home, I phoned in for a board conference call. That led to some online tasks. I also had to do laundry, unload the dishwasher, clean the litter pan, unpack, and now, at the end of the day, I'm feeling pretty tired. It's probably mostly the drive catching up with me.

Just to follow up on earlier posts -- I never did get that flu shot. My insurance wouldn't cover it. I think it MAY be covered if I get it at my doctor's office, so I'm going to get it there. Or, I might investigate whether a retiree is entitled to a free flu shot at the College. Employees are.

I'm not any closer to a decision on when and how to travel to Florida. I think I really just need a good night's sleep in my own bed!

A Glitchy Grocery Trip

September 13th, 2015 at 01:57 pm

I went to the grocery yesterday and asked about the flu shot and grocery discount. They said I could get the deal even without the coupon. There didn't seem to be any restriction on what I buy. I didn't actually get the shot because I wasn't wearing the right kind of shirt. I'm going back today in a sleeveless top with a jacket, so they can get to my shoulder without stripping me!

I spent $50 on nine items: toilet paper, English muffins, almond milk, croutons, walnuts, apples, pantiliners, a greeting card, and a Lean Cuisine that I didn't bring home! I had "clipped" a virtual coupon for a free Lean Cuisine, but it didn't come through on the register as free. So I said I didn't want it. Now, looking at the receipt, I see that the clerk didn't take the price off, so instead of getting a meal free, I paid for one and didn't get it! GRRRRR. I'll get that fixed when I go back today.

I also paid $5.99 for a bag of organic apples, but I thought the sign said $2.99, so I'm going to check on that, too.

I did two loads of laundry for $3. Will do another load today.

Variables spending is at 35%.

I sent the $250 to my new grandson, but that doesn't come out of variables spending.

I'm buying pizza today for my kids before the soccer game. Then I'm going to Indiana to spend a couple more days with BFF.

Yesterday's menu (forgot to post):

Breakfast: Toast & peanut butter
Lunch: Ham & cheese grilled sandwich
Dinner: Fried rice

Today's menu

Breakfast: Fried rice in tortillas
Lunch: Pizza
Dinner: Road Food

Grandson is here!

September 12th, 2015 at 04:50 pm

My grandson arrived last night. 9/11 -- he will have a very easy to remember birthday! He is beautiful and healthy, and mother and family are all doing great. He is named after his father, which is sweet.

Today I will get a card and mail my college fund check to him. I already gave $250 to each of my other grandchildren, so this will even things up.

Now I need to nail down my trip down there to visit. I found a Spirit flight to Orlando for only $120, if I stay almost a week. I need to find out if that is okay with them. Flying to Orlando means having to rent a car, but I don't think there is any way around that. There is no nearby airport. So whatever I do, this won't be cheap. I still have driving in the back of my mind (I prefer driving over flying) but that wouldn't be cheap, either.

Yesterday when I walked to the library, I stopped at Walgreen's and bought two bottles of body wash for $3.

Today I am doing laundry, and I may go to the grocery, too. When I looked at the coupon for 10% off groceries for getting a shot, I realized that I saved an older coupon and must have thrown away the more current version. The one I have expired in August. I hope the deal is still available; I'll have to ask about it. I also have a virtual coupon for a free Lean Cuisine. I don't eat them much any more, but it may come in handy some time, and it's free! While I'm there I'll get the few things that are on my running list.

Tomorrow, after my grandson's soccer game, I am going back to BFF's to stay a few days. Her brother will come on Tuesday, so I'll come back then. She is doing well, but still needs help with household things.

I just realized I am only 11 days away from my first SS payday! Really looking forward to regular income again!

Chinese Dinner

September 11th, 2015 at 04:35 pm

My dinner at the Chinese restaurant last night cost $14. We all ordered different entrees and shared them family-style. It was great fun! I was very disappointed in the tea, though. They gave me hot water and a tea bag! Definitely not worth it. Chinese restaurants used to always serve great brewed tea.

Plans for today include a walk to the library, but first I have to watch one more DVD. I've watched two -- "Another Life" and Woody Allen's "Match Point." "Another Life" sounded good, but it was very amateurishly produced, clichéd and tedious. "Match Point," on the other hand, was masterfully done (even though the story was a bit disturbing). Love or hate Woody Allen, his talent is undeniable. The movie I'm watching today is "A Long Way Down," based on the Nick Hornby novel. Supposedly "beautiful, funny and inspiring." I have high hopes.

I found a dime yesterday. I'm inching very close to the $70 mark in found money!

I got a coupon from my grocery store for 10% off a $200 grocery trip, if I get my flu shot in their clinic. My flu shot is covered by insurance; it will be free no matter where I get it. So I'd like to get the 10% off groceries, but I don't want to spend $200 all at once. I wonder if they would object to me buying a gift card, so I could spend it a little at a time?

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/cranberries
Lunch: Deviled eggs, applesauce, veggies
Dinner: Fettucine Alfredo


September 10th, 2015 at 05:58 pm

This morning I went downtown for the Treasurer's meeting, which went well, but lasted a long time. I skipped breakfast to get there on time and I was starving at 11 when it adjourned, so in desperation I bought cookies and chips at a vending machine ($5). Grossly overpriced. I could have waited, but I was feeling so bad. Now I feel bad in a different way!

Planning on having dinner tonight with friends at a Chinese restaurant.

My start day at the museum is September 21.

No baby yet!

Hump Day Doings

September 9th, 2015 at 05:45 pm

Just came back from mailing a package and buying bread. I should have walked, but the package was too heavy to carry.

Postage: $9
Bread: $3

Also put .18 into a parking meter. Now I know. Adding pennies makes no difference in the time given.

Variables spending is at 28%.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Cereal w/almond milk
Lunch: Egg salad sandwich, applesauce
Dinner: Fettucine Alfredo, veggies

The weather has cooled off a bit, so that I can open the windows and turn on the fans. Looking forward to a big cooldown this weekend. I love the fall! Hoping to take a lakeside walk this evening, if the clamminess goes away.

I found a penny this morning, and a dime this past weekend.

No word from the museum; no word on the baby.

Guess that's it!

Walmart Again

September 8th, 2015 at 09:07 pm

So, I promised my BFF that I would try to find more of the pants she liked the best at my own Walmart. I went out first thing this morning to get it done -- and I did! I went to two different Walmart's, but I found four more pairs of pants. Texted her and she was delighted.

I don't get to Walmart often, so I took the opportunity to get a few things. I bought hooks for the condo for $8, a pancake turner and a whisk for $3, and I also bought cat food, cat litter and fish food for $30.

My variables spending is at 26%.

I finally heard from my museum boss this morning. She said she is finalizing my hire in a meeting today and will email me more papers to sign at the end of the day.

I have a Treasurer's meeting downtown on Thursday morning, and will meet friends for dinner at 6 at a Chinese restaurant here in my town. Should be a busy day.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Cereal w/ almond milk
Lunch: Yogurt w/marmalade; steamed veggies
Dinner: Cheese quesadillas w/salsa

Still no news on the baby.

Home Again

September 7th, 2015 at 11:42 pm

I'm back after my weekend trip to help my BFF. She is doing very well, moving around (with a walker) and the incision is healing great. She is only taking ibuprofen for pain, and seems pretty comfortable.

She needed loose pants -- she is basically a jeans-wearer, and didn't have anything suitable for lounging around in comfort -- nor anything for the physical therapy that will follow. So I made several trips to Walmart, bringing her armloads of pants and returning the rejects. She ended up with two pairs of "dazzle pants" (athletic men's shorts), two Danskin capris, and two pairs of lightweight sweatpants. She likes the sweatpants so much I promised to look in at my Walmart to see if there are any more in her size.

I also did some grocery shopping and cooking for her. She basically spent $100 and insisted on giving me a $10 tip, since I'm such a good deal shopper!

My own costs for the weekend were: $9 for parking downtown, $18 for gas, $9 for road food, and $9 for two cute onesies I found at Walmart for my soon-to-arrive grandson. Wow, that's weird, isn't it? All those 9's and an 18, which is a multiple of nine! I also gave $1 to a homeless man who directed me to the parking lot.

I picked up SIL at Union Station without incident, and we had a nice getting-to-know-you visit on the way down.

Came home through heavy traffic today, tired but satisfied. I'm going back on Sunday and will stay till Tuesday. After that she should be pretty stable on her own.

Ya gotta take care of BFF's, you know!

Holding Pattern

September 5th, 2015 at 03:42 pm

My allergy medicine cost me $20 yesterday, and I also did a load of laundry for $1.50. My variables spending is at 16%.

I looked up parking around the train station, and it looks like it will cost $20, unless I luck out and find a place on the street. (In which case, it still wouldn't be free, but less.)

Today will be devoted to getting ready to leave. I'm mostly packed already, but I also want to make sure that my perishables in the fridge are handled -- frozen, or cooked, or whatever. Even though it's only a few days.

I checked out three DVD's yesterday, which I will take along in case we have time to watch.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Salad
Lunch: Veggie Stirfry
Dinner: Road Food

I will pick up SIL at the train station around 3:30, unless her train is delayed. Looks like traffic may not be as bad as expected, since construction has been suspended for the weekend. We will probably get dinner at a fast food place, maybe pick up something for BFF at the same time.

No word yet from the museum.

No word yet on the baby.

Not sure if I'll be checking in this weekend; taking the computer is such a pain.

This and That

September 4th, 2015 at 03:19 pm

I spent the day yesterday mostly inside, only taking a walk in the evening to mail a letter. I continued walking along the lakeshore. It was breezy and pleasant, despite the high temps we endured during the day. Reminded me that I need to get outside every day; it so improves the disposition!

My only spending yesterday was $1.50 for a load of laundry.

No other financial news, and I guess there won't be much until my payday on the 23rd.

Today I'm going to take a late morning walk. I'm going to Walgreen's, to get allergy medicine, and then on to the library, to check out more DVD's.

Tomorrow I will pick up my BFF's SIL (how's that for stacking acronyms?) and drive her to Indiana. I'm picking her up at the downtown train station, so I have to figure out where I will park.

I will pack to stay for a few days, though I really don't know what my schedule will be -- whether I will be a help or in the way; we'll see. My BFF is recovering from hip replacement surgery.

They say that travel on the road will be heavy, so I'll just have to get into my zen mode.

Looking forward to cooler weather next week. I've been circumspect about running my air conditioners, because they really do run up the electricity bill. I only run them during the day, and I don't turn them on until I start to feel uncomfortable, which is usually late morning. Fans help. I'm really happy with my $10 garage-sale fan; what a good find that was!

I find that with more food on hand, it's actually harder to decide my daily menu! I have to try to think in terms of what to use up first. So here is what I've decided for today:

Breakfast: Cheese & mushroom quesadillas
Lunch: Salad
Dinner: Salad

Yep, I've really got to hit the salad, to keep from wasting it. I'll try to make the salads different -- one with nuts, cheese and cranberries, and one with bacon bits, cheese and hard-boiled egg.

Tomorrow I may try to stirfry the remaining lettuce. It is the mixed artisan-type lettuce, so I think it may work to saute it lightly with onions and mushrooms and serve over rice.

Successful dinner

September 3rd, 2015 at 03:45 pm

Last night I hosted dinner for my son's family. It went well. I had plenty of time to prepare, and it was a simple meal, anyway. The kids even ate the sandwiches I made, which is a first! Usually, I have to make something separate for them. I hope they are finally getting less picky.

I have LOTS of salad left over, so I'll be eating a lot of that! I tried to give some away, but no one really wants lettuce, I guess, even if it's fancy baby lettuce.

I had a nice long talk with my Florida son yesterday, and made a tentative plan to fly down there at the end of the month. He feels the baby's birth is imminent. I'm trying to time my visit around others, so I am waiting to get the OK before I buy a ticket.

I got the reply from the flex plan yesterday. The person I was communicating with clarified that I had the rest of the year to file claims INCURRED BEFORE RETIREMENT. Well, that makes sense; I just wasn't understanding correctly. So I've lost the $200+ that was in the account. It couldn't be helped, really. I put in too large an amount, no knowing that I would be retiring halfway through the year, and I simply had very few medical expenses, which is actually a good thing! Even the things that I tried to get done were mostly covered by insurance, and my out-of-pocket cost was minimal. In the whole scheme of things, it doesn't matter; I still came out ahead taking early retirement. I lost $200 but gained approximately $17K. Granted, I'm dealing with a few months of no income, but I'm still way ahead.

I went to Kohl's yesterday and returned my watchband, and bought another. The new one cost $4 more, but is well worth it. It is an expansion band, which I prefer, and much nicer-looking. And it fits the watch!

While there, I took a 40-minute walk around the mall. I don't know how I will exercise today. It's still hot. It's too hot already to go outside. I don't particularly want to drive to the mall again, with no other reason. Maybe I can take an evening walk by the lake.

I also went to the grocery and bought ice cream and and sherbet and toilet bowl cleaner. (Not to serve together!) About $8.

I plan to have a pretty low-key day. I'll do a load of laundry, but that's my excitement for the day. Don't think I'll go out at all, except for the walk.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs & mushrooms
Lunch: Salad
Dinner: Ham sandwich, applesauce

Aldi trip

September 2nd, 2015 at 01:52 pm

My trip to Aldi yesterday cost $59. I bought 31 items, three times my usual trip! It was my stock-up shop for the month, I hope.

I bought:

Baby Lettuce
Chipped beef (2 packages)
Swiss cheese
Bacon bits
Salad dressing
Sweet potato chips (2 bags)
Spreadable margarine
Corn muffin mix
Greek yogurt
Shredded Mexican cheese
Granola bars
Cream Cheese (2 packages)
Canola oil
Dish detergent
Sourdough bread

Today I'm going to the local grocery for a few items not available at Aldi.

I'm also going to return The Imitation Game (great movie!) and go to Kohl's to return the watchband I bought. It must be the wrong size; it keeps detaching from the watch face.

I also need to clean the house. My kids, grandkids and Other Mother are coming for dinner. Sandwiches on the griddle, salad and chips -- so not a lot of prep. So I can spend the day sprucing things up.

Hope to get in a walk, too, but it's hot! Maybe at the mall, when I go to Kohl's.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt w/marmalade
Lunch: Cheese quesadillas w/salsa
Dinner: Ham & cream cheese butter-fried sandwiches, salad, chips

I have to send a $34 check to my cousin for the football pool. Counting that, variables spending is at 11%.

August Recap

September 1st, 2015 at 02:24 pm

Housing - 677
Vet/Pet Supplies - 595
Medical/Health - 264
Utilities - 152
Groceries - 91
Gifts/Charity - 84
Eating Out - 72
Vacation/Travel - 60
Phone - 50
Furnishings/Equipment/Décor - 40
Gas - 26
Entertainment - 26
Clothing/Accessories - 17
Household Supplies - 15
Laundry - 15
Fares/Parking - 9
Personal - 1
Grand Total - 2194

There it is in all its glory. The big vet bill, the dentist, both tipping me over the edge. Other categories are pretty much in line.

I emailed the flex benefits administrator who said my flex account was accessible for the year. I got an "out of office" message. We'll see if anything happens there. If I get a reimbursement, I'll come back and adjust the August record. Till then, I've spent 156% of my budget. Ugh.

But it's September, so today it starts over! Later today I'll grocery shop. It will probably be double the usual, since I am low on lots of things and will be making dinner tomorrow for the fam. Since it's hot, my plan is to make ham and cream cheese butter-fried sandwiches (on the griddle) with salad and sweet potato chips.

I already did my walk this morning, to take advantage of the cool temperatures. I walked to the library to return "Love is Strange." It was a recommended movie, but I found the story line a bit too wandering; too much left out. Like how did a major character die? Inquiring minds want to know!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes
Lunch: Pizza bread (again)
Dinner: Omelet

I found 3 pennies yesterday, but nothing today.

Hot & Humid Coming Back

August 31st, 2015 at 02:44 pm

I'm going to get out for my walk as soon as possible! I'm going to walk to the grocery and buy cat food. My cat has informed me that she doesn't want to eat the dregs that are left in her bowl. I also need to "buy" quarters for laundry.

Yesterday I had some free entertainment. I went to my grandson's first soccer game. What fun! He was a little rocket, and I'll bet he slept well last night!

No spending yesterday, except for a $1.50 load of laundry.

I invited the family to dinner on Wednesday so I have to come up with some ideas before I shop tomorrow. I'm pretty much out of everything.

So tomorrow begins another challenging month. I won't get my SS check until the 23rd. That is actually early enough to cover a lot of my bills. I just need to be careful with spending, so as not to raid my savings any more than necessary.

I am going to go to my BFF's on Saturday (picking up her SIL on the way) to help her out after her hip surgery. There will be some cost with that, though I am sure my BFF will insist on paying for some things. I also owe $34 for the family football pool (wouldn't it be nice if I won this year?) I haven't done anything about the window or the car. The check engine light has been off for quite a while, so I'm not worried about that any more. And I can wait on the window until October. The other big thing is painting the car before winter. That will have to come from savings, I'm afraid. Maybe I can find a shop that will charge less than the $2756 that is in the slush fund.

I am not going to pay the annual fee to use the senior fitness center until I have normal cash flow. Exercise is free, after all! I just have to remember to do it. I have a book on Yoga, that I have yet to dig into. Walking is free. I can do it.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/walnuts & cranberries
Lunch: Pizza bread & mixed veggies
Dinner: Grilled cheese sandwich & tomato soup

Quiet Day

August 30th, 2015 at 01:24 pm

I spent a quiet day at home yesterday, only spending $1.50 on laundry. More laundry is on tap today. I also need to take a trip to PetSmart to get cat food. I think that will be the last bit of money dribbling out this month -- a month I will be very happy to see the end of, financially speaking.

It was misty and rainy yesterday, but I took a walk anyway, between the drops. No "finds." I probably didn't walk as long as I should have, but I find it more difficult to keep going when the walk is aimless, and I have no purpose other than getting the exercise. I prefer to have a concrete goal.

The good news is that all the discomfort in my legs that bothered me so much on Friday is totally gone. Now I wonder if it was just fatigue.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Toast & peanut butter
Lunch: Chicken rice soup
Dinner: Spaghetti

Way Over Budget

August 29th, 2015 at 02:31 pm

Yesterday was a really fun day, but I spent a lot of money. The most expensive thing was the dentist. My flex benefit card was rejected so I had to pay -- $235 for a cleaning and x-rays. I was told that I could use my remaining flex benefits till the end of the year despite being retired, so I will have to follow up and manually send in the papers, in hopes that I will get reimbursed. I did get a complementary toothbrush and floss, though!

I also bought breakfast and lunch out - $18 for both. I got a free dinner at the alumni dinner to offset that. Also got a free handful of candy, and a tomato! (Hey, I count everything!)

My watchband broke, so I bought a $10 replacement. I actually may return it, because I am not thrilled with the fit.

And I also stopped at Goodwill, and bought a puzzle and some minion dolls for my grandsons' birthdays, which are coming up this fall. $3

And I topped off my tank for $26.

I had a good day visiting old friends, and even meeting new ones. It was a long day, though. I got home around 9. My legs were aching terribly, even though I did not walk around much, so I need to figure out what's going on. It took me a long time to fall asleep. At one point I got up and looked up leg pain on the internet, which led me to scary articles about Deep Vein Thrombosis. I hope it isn't that! But it did remind me that I should hydrate and exercise and stretch every day, especially when I have a long drive.

I got some "free" groceries on Thursday's long walk. A woman panhandler who I sometimes see in front of the grocery store was in her usual spot, but she had a box of food she was giving away. It had been given to her by a friend, but it was the kind of stuff she couldn't use (I think she is in a halfway-house sort of thing). So she was handing it out. It was all sealed and in-date, so I took two boxes of broth, some Karo syrup and a can of Eagle Brand. And I gave her $5, so I didn't come out ahead. I assume others were giving her cash for groceries, too, so her friend's donation was helping her in a roundabout way.

I cringe to even say this, but my variables spending is 154%! Oy. Well, I didn't expect the vet bill or the dentist bill, and it is very difficult to cash flow those large amounts on a small budget. On the good side, I still have $378 in reserve from previous underspending, so I'm really doing all right, though it feels bad!

Really have to do something about getting the car painted. It looks bad, and I'm going to start getting real damage if I don't do something. I guess I'll start researching shops today.

Today's Menu:

Breakfast: Potato Bowl
Lunch: Tomato Casserole
Dinner: Barbecued Chicken, Veggies

Potato bowl is leftover mashed potatoes formed around the sides of a bowl and filled with leftover veggies, meat, cheese, etc. Tomato casserole is a fresh tomato sliced and baked with a cracker crumb crust and cheese/mayo topping.

The Daily Report

August 27th, 2015 at 02:41 pm

Went to the meeting last night and spent $4 on a latte. I noticed a few others didn't buy anything at all, but I feel it is rude to take up space at an eatery and not buy anything. I found a two-hour free parking space, so that was a win!

This morning I am going to walk to the doctor's office to get my labs done. It is a thirty-five minute walk each way, so a bit of a stretch. It is a fasting test, so I can't eat breakfast till it's done. This will be a challenge.

I watched 50/50 yesterday, and it was a great movie! Funny and serious -- heartwarming, too. You wouldn't think a movie about cancer would be enjoyable, but it was so genuine, not at all corny like some sad movies are.

After watching, I walked to the library and checked out "Love is Strange" and "The Imitation Game." Eventually, I'm going to get through their collection, but I'm enjoying catching up on movies I have missed.

I didn't have my planned dinner last night. I didn't have time before the meeting, and once I got home, I wasn't really all that hungry. So here is today's menu:

Breakfast: Eggs, toast
Lunch: Salad
Dinner: Barbecued chicken, twice-baked potatoes, mixed veggies

No word from the museum yet.

Variables spending is at 118%.

Still Waiting

August 26th, 2015 at 01:38 pm

It turns out I have been approved to work at the museum, but they are asking for a certificate of insurance. My boss is trying to get that waived. I'm not even sure what that means, except that they are viewing me as a business rather than a person!

I took a walk yesterday to the post office, and I found $5.25 on the way! Pretty amazing! My post office purchase was for the board and not out of my finances.

I have a board social event tonight -- thought it was yesterday, but I was mistaken. It's at Panera. I'm resolved to only buy a beverage.

Something I ate didn't agree with me yesterday and I had terrible diarrhea in the night. I suspect my fried chicken was undercooked. I'm going to have chicken again today, this time oven-baked, and I'll make sure it is thoroughly done!

I watched "Midnight in Paris" yesterday -- wonderful! Today I will watch "50/50" and then will return the DVDs to the library. Maybe I'll watch it in the morning and make the trip to the library an afternoon walk. I do love this cool walking weather.

Variables spending is at 117%. If I were getting paid this month, this would be my payday, as it is the fourth Wednesday of the month. So I suppose I am technically starting the new month now. But I am still going to hold the line.

My BFF is having hip surgery this weekend. I'm not really able to help, what with my employment status in limbo. But yesterday she asked if I could help get her SIL to her house from Chicago. That would be September 5. I said I was glad to do it. At this point I'm not sure whether I am driving her or just getting her on the train (she's coming from the west coast). It's a three-hour drive, but an easy one. I'm in favor of driving her, but she is saying, oh no, I can't impose..... I imagine that is what will happen once we wear down her politeness!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Potato pancakes & applesauce
Lunch: Chicken rice soup & sourdough bread
Dinner: Oven-baked barbecue chicken & salad

First Day on the Job?

August 25th, 2015 at 01:53 pm

Well, this was supposed to be my first day on the job, but I'm still in limbo about whether the papers are in order and I'm "official." My boss was checking on it yesterday -- didn't get back to me -- so I'm at home. I'm not making that trip for nothing.

I will probably go to the grocery today, though I hate to spend the money. Everything is conspiring against me! I have to go to a board event tonight (Dutch treat) -- I will only get coffee. I've been invited to an Armenian fest this weekend. I 've been invited out for lunch on Friday, on the day I go to the dentist and to the Alumni Dinner. I owe my cousin $34 for the annual football pool. I don't want to drop out of the social calendar, but I hate having to shell out the money right now. On the other hand, if I just tell everyone "no", will they ever ask me again? Smile The unfortunate thing about being single is that almost all socializing has a price.

I updated to Windows 10 yesterday, and a few days ago I migrated to Microsoft 365 Outlook. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to make anything work (it's happened before) but so far everything seems fine, and in fact, stuff is working better. I guess that was the whole point, huh? I never did adjust to Windows 8, just concentrated on the one window that made sense.

I spent a big portion of my day cleaning my stovetop yesterday. With only limited success. I have a black enamel stovetop with gas burners. There is burnt-on grease that I just can't get off, especially the burners. I used baking soda and vinegar first (fail) and then Easy-Off, which worked better, especially on the stove itself, but the burners are still yucky. I'm wondering now if soaking them in straight ammonia would help. If so, I'll have to buy some! And figure out what receptacle to soak them in! Does anyone have a magic solution? I'm really tired of scrubbing.

I didn't get a walk done yesterday, even though it was lovely, perfect walking weather. I'll have to do it today for sure!

Forgot my menu plans again!

Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes
Lunch: Veggie fried rice in tortillas
Dinner: Fried chicken drumsticks, mashed potatoes, salad, mixed veggies

I am not having the fried rice again; I didn't eat it yesterday because I got filled up on popcorn and didn't eat dinner.

Just got back from the grocery -- $39 for croutons, eggs, almond milk, creamer, wine, chicken drumsticks, salad in a bag, blueberries, onion, sourdough bread.

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