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August 24th, 2015 at 02:52 pm
I'm home from my weekend in Michigan, which was lovely, as usual. Especially fun times with the grandsons, who enjoyed their last bit of summer in the pool, and kayaking. I had a nice lunch with my guy (who perhaps doesn't realize he's my guy ) and the lunch yielded enough leftovers that I had food for my trip home.
I paid $35 for gas and food. I also stopped at CVS and picked up some pantiliners for $1, saving $3 with a birthday credit.
I thought I might start my new job tomorrow, but as of this morning, my boss has not indicated that the paperwork has been processed. Hoping she will get back to me today.
It was nice getting my laundry done so easily -- and free.
I need to go to the grocery store, but I'm thinking I might make it through today, anyway, without having to go. The longer I can procrastinate, the better!
Today's meals:
Breakfast: Toast w/peanut butter and jelly
Lunch: Scrambled eggs w/ peppers
Dinner: Veggie fried rice in flour wrap
Just heard the stock market took another severe dip upon opening. That makes me a little nervous. The last time I "retired" we went into that bad recession. I'm better off now, but still....
Variables spending is at 112%. If I can hold it down these last few days of August, I can easily make that up in September.
Posted in
August 21st, 2015 at 01:16 pm
Today I get on the road, but I'm not in a hurry. My SIL doesn't get home till this evening, so there's little reason to rush. I will take my walk today, do some errands, and make a leisurely exit.
I'm a little worried about leaving my cat again. She still seems unhappy without her companion; I know it must be hard when I leave, too. But on the other hand, I can't be tied down so much that I never leave home!
I watched "Theory of Everything" yesterday. What an amazing performance! But it made me a little sad. I wish the first marriage could have worked out. But who can imagine the stresses and strains in any other life, much less one with so many challenges!
I did not spend anything yesterday, and nothing is being withdrawn from my account. My variables spending remains at 108%. I can hardly wait till this month is done; I feel so constrained, even though the limitation is entirely of my own making.
I found a penny on yesterday's walk.
Menu today:
Breakfast - crescent rolls
Lunch - quesadillas or grilled cheese
Dinner - road food - Chipotle if I can find one; I have a gift card to use.
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August 20th, 2015 at 02:40 pm
It is so cool today, it's like a fresh, fall day! I'm actually wearing jeans and a long-sleeved tee, and I'm planning a nice, long walk.
I took a 50-minute walk yesterday, but despite the temperature drop, it was still a bit muggy. I can tell that today will be delightful walking weather. I'm going to walk to the library and return "Boyhood," and maybe walk down by the lake.
I thought "Boyhood" was a good movie, and, of course, I love the concept of filming it over real years. It resonated with me in many ways, as I was a single mom. I didn't marry two alcoholics, but I did have an alcoholic father, so that resonated with me, too. It was a little uncomfortable to watch sometimes, but a good lesson on how time heals, and the importance of continuing to try to do your best in the face of adversity.
Tomorrow I travel, so today I pack. However, since I'm taking my laundry, I'm going to pack light. I'm packing the outfit I want to wear on my lunch date, but otherwise, there will be plenty to choose from in the laundry!
I found a penny on my walk yesterday, but overall coin-finding has dwindled.
Finances are on automatic. Since I have exceeded my budget this month, my next goal is to come in under next month -- enough to offset the overage. When I get my first SS check in September, I will feel relieved. I hate to be spending my savings.
I got a $3 coupon from CVS (birthday gift), so I'm going to go find something I need for $3. I'm mad at myself because Corner Bakery sent me a coupon for a free muffin, and I let it expire!
Today's menu:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with walnuts and cranberries
Lunch: Fried rice (leftover)
Dinner: Peanut soup and crescent rolls
Posted in
August 19th, 2015 at 01:26 pm
It won't get into the 80's today, and that is the first time in 33 days. What a relief! I will take a long walk today.
My doctor's visit yesterday went fine. I got a clean bill of health, as well as a pneumonia shot. I may have to pay for the shot; not sure about the insurance coverage for that. After I got home, I called UnitedHealth and ordered my reward for getting the annual exam, a $15 Amazon gift card.
I had to pay $2 for parking. I found a free spot in 2-hour parking, but I was afraid to bargain on it. If I was caught going over 2 hours, it would be a ticket, probably at least $50. And at the doctor's office, you never know how long you will be. As it was, I would have JUST made it. Anyway, being cautious, I parked in the adjoining garage, which charges $2 if you exceed one hour.
My variables spending is at 108%. But I still have to pay for a tank of gas for my trip, and groceries when I get home from Michigan. Thank goodness I have a bottle of wine on hand to take as a bread & butter gift.
I have a meeting coming up on the 26th, which is set at Panera. I will eat beforehand and just get some coffee.
On the 28th, I am going to the dentist. I don't think I'll have to pay on that day (I'm going to put it on my flex card). But there may be more gas cost. On the same day, I will stop in to visit my old colleagues at the College, and will attend the Alumni and New Students barbecue, which will be a free meal for me. But I may have to eat lunch out that day.
Over all, I'm going to spend more, but I think I can stay well under the $754 surplus in the budget.
Thinking ahead to this weekend, I think I will take my laundry up there. My SIL doesn't mind if I use her machines, and it would save me a little cash.
Almost forgot! Today's meals:
Breakfast: French toast
Lunch: Veggie Fried Rice
Dinner: Cheese Quesadillas
Posted in
August 18th, 2015 at 03:16 pm
Until 8:00! Amazing! Though I did wake up several times and went back to sleep.
I have a committee meeting (via phone) today, followed by a doctor's appointment. I will probably have to bow out of the meeting early. It feels like a big day! Two things to do!
We had storms last night, but it doesn't feel much cooler, even though it supposedly is. That said, I haven't turned on the air for three days. It's liveable, just not optimal. Looks like tomorrow and Thursday are going to be cooler. And on Friday I will be heading north.
Today's meals:
Breakfast: granola with almond milk
Lunch: cannelloni
Dinner: grilled cheese, veggies, applesauce
The pantry/fridge/freezer are getting barer, but I am going to try to hold out on shopping until after my Michigan trip this weekend.
Yesterday I watched Dallas Buyer's Club. My, gritty! But I understand why both Matthew McConaghey and Jared Leto won Oscars. I also watched Junebug on This TV, I believe. In spite of the interruptions, I enjoyed it. Very real story of family relationships, good and bad.
Financial news: didn't spend, didn't use gas, didn't turn on air, didn't pay a bill. A day of didn't.
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August 17th, 2015 at 03:42 pm
I spent the WHOLE day yesterday watching "The Roosevelts." But it was time well spent. It was not only informative, but inspirational. I'm glad I saw it, and I'm even glad I saw it in one fell swoop, though it was quite a commitment in time.
During the breaks I got a little bit done, but today I am still faced with having to steam-clean the floors. And it's still hot. Despite the heat, I managed without AC yesterday. I didn't really feel the heat until late in the afternoon. My big fan is very helpful.
Yesterday I posted my meal plan for the day, and I realized it really helped me to focus, and not just eat stuff willy-nilly. So I'm going to try to do it daily.
Today's plan:
Breakfast -- toast with peanut butter & jelly
Lunch -- tuna melt
Dinner -- cannelloni
I'm really falling down on exercise. It's too hot to walk. But one of the things I saved back from the bag of donations to the library is a DVD by Cathe Friedrich called Total Muscle Sculpting. I thought I would at least try it out. That's one of my to-do's today.
I'm also going to watch one of the DVD's from the library, as I have to get them all back by Friday.
My Medicare Advantage plan will pay me with a $15 Amazon gift card, if I will take advantage of a free annual doctor's exam. So I guess I will. I hope it will really be free. I'll make the appointment today.
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August 16th, 2015 at 01:41 pm
The air show continues today, although yesterday it was postponed because two parachuters were critically injured after colliding in the air. Didn't I say it? I hate the riskiness of it all. I didn't go to it but heard the planes. I hear them now -- practicing, maybe?
I did go to the library and donated the bag of stuff. I parked a couple of blocks away to avoid paying for parking, and it was a hot walk with a heavy bag. Sometimes I really shake my head at what I will do to save a quarter.
I checked out three more DVD's: The Theory of Everything, Dallas Buyer's Cub, and Boyhood. I'm looking forward to all of them. I did end up watching Sex in the City 2 yesterday before taking the bag to the library. It was pretty silly, and I just can't relate to that obsession with fashion and large-scale living.
Today, however, I will be entertained by PBS' marathon of The Roosevelts. I've seen a couple of episodes, but not the whole production.
Food plans for today are: migas for breakfast, spaghetti for lunch, and tuna salad sandwich for dinner. So far I'm still doing fine without a grocery trip, though I am missing my coffee creamer!
I didn't do all the cleaning I was planning on yesterday. Today I still have to steam the floors and clean the fish tank. Somehow, steaming the floors in 90 degree weather doesn't sound good! I'll do it fast!
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August 15th, 2015 at 01:12 pm
Yesterday was a no-spend day for me. I have to rack up a lot of them! With no sizeable income until the end of September, these are challenging times for me.
I do have a trip to Michigan coming up next weekend. Aside from the cost of the gas, I should not have to spend anything. My brother is unfailingly generous. I'm also going to lunch with my potential BF (the real reason I keep visiting my brother!) But he will pay. He is generous also.
I will have to get groceries at some point, but so far I am stretching them easily. I continue to be amazed at how much easier it is to manage food when I'm home all day! The day before yesterday I made French bread pizzas and yesterday I made olive-nut spread for sandwiches. I still have plenty of both. Today I think I will use up the rest of the cream cheese to make alfredo pasta.
I did not go to the library yesterday -- I suffered a headache mid-day which kind of cut the day in half. But today I will take the bag of donated books/media. The DVD I watched was "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" which didn't entertain me very much, but hey, it was free, and after watching movies on TV, I appreciate anything that is whole and uninterrupted. Another DVD in the bag is "Sex in the City 2." I think I've seen it, but I thought I would start it to see if I really have. I might have just seen the first movie.
Other plans for today are to do some cleaning. I mopped yesterday, but today the wood floors and carpets need some attention. I'm going to change linens, clean the fish tank, dust, and just generally get the place tidy. Cleaning is basically free, and offers the reward of a pleasurable environment. Of course, I hate it, but I'm trying to work on my attitude. 
It's going to be hot today, so I will turn the air on when it gets too uncomfortable. I've managed fine with fans while temps were in the 80's, but when we get into the 90's, it's just too hot.
Today is the Air & Water Show, which is free, and a big deal. All I have to do to see some of the action is walk to the beach (two blocks). Our little beach is not the center of the action, but it's close enough. But I don't know if I really want to do it, though. I don't really like watching death-defying acts! I don't even like the circus. I think I will go if my kids invite me to come along with them; otherwise, I will probably pass, and hope that all the pilots are safe.
Today is also "Clear the Shelters" day. The shelters are waiving adoption fees. I am tempted to find a companion for my grieving cat, but I know it is the wrong decision at this time. I need to keep focused on no spending, not taking on new financial responsibilities. I need to enjoy buying less food, less kitty litter and cleaning the pan less often. My kitty is sad, but I know she will adjust. And she has me around much more than she ever has before!
I have earned 11,000+ points on my BOA travel card. But if I redeem them for cash, I will only get $66+. They encourage customers to use them for travel to get the full value. I have to admit, at this advanced age, I have never redeemed points for flights. I so rarely need to fly. Is it difficult or tricky? I may fly to Florida when my grandson is born, but I will need to choose very specific flights/times.
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August 14th, 2015 at 03:04 pm
Okay, finally I know the real income numbers I'm going to be working with. I got my stipend from the college today. It was $20 lower than I estimated, a little disappointing, but that's okay, it will be a smaller tax bite in April.
Social Security: $1089
Stipend: $204
TIAA-CREF Interest Payment: $307
Total: $1600
Fixed expenses: $788
Variable expenses: $822
Fixed expenses are my assessment fees, utilities, savings for insurance and taxes, and medical premiums. Variable expenses are food, clothing, gas, gifts, entertainment, travel, etc.
I realize that many people do not consider utilities, for instance, as fixed. But mine are so regular, I can do it, being mindful, of course, when I have to make adjustments.
I also have a mortgage payment of $321. I am transferring it monthly from my E-Fund/Mortgage Fund, which is held at the same institution. It is easy to do. There is enough money there to get through the next four years even if I don't add to it, but I will add to it as I can. My part-time earnings, as well as any budget surplus, will go there to give me a cushion.
Reminder: this is a deliberate bare-bones plan for the next four years. When I am 70, I will claim my own SS benefit (currently drawing on my ex's). At that time I will get a "raise" of about $850, which will make for a more comfortable budget. So I'm making sacrifices now for more comfort later.
Another caveat: the $127K in my retirement fund is always available for withdrawals in case of dire emergency. Right now I am only collecting the interest earned. I don't plan to ever touch it in any other way, but it's there if I really need it.
I am estimating that I will earn about $1000 a month at my part-time job.
Also, I currently have $12K in my checking account. I have been holding it there because I was going to open a Chase account to earn a bonus. I have until September 27 to do that and I still may, if I can see my way to tying up the money for 90 days. However, since my SS won't start till the end of September, it's what I'm living on now.
I realize most people would find this budget unrealistic, but I have simple needs and wants, and a lot of determination, and I've been testing it successfully since March. It is only this month that I have ever gone over budget, and that was because of unexpected vet bills, which were too big to cash flow.
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August 13th, 2015 at 08:23 pm
I mailed two packages this morning -- one to my son and one to my BIL. Both contained clothing and each were weighed at 4.3 lbs. The one to my BIL was one shirt -- so I know it wasn't 4 lbs. The total cost to mail them was $23.92. This seems to be a lot more than I am used to paying, but then, I usually mail books by media mail. I'm going to rethink whether I really want to ship things any more. They are just used items, bought cheaply. I don't want to spend a fortune to mail them.
I walked to the post office to get exercise, and toted the packages in my little cart. I also went to the library, but the branch is closed on Thursdays. Outside the building was a bag of donated books and DVD's. I decided to put the bag in my cart and take them to the library tomorrow when it's open. Once home, I went through the bag. One of the items is a DVD I will watch today, and I decided to keep a few of the books to read and donate later. Do you think this is unethical? They will all get to the library eventually -- and they might not have, had I not rescued the bag.
If they were just left by the garbage, I wouldn't think a thing about it, but since they were obviously intended as a donation, I do feel a bit guilty.
My variables spending is at 105% this month, but there is still $874 surplus from previous underspending.
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August 12th, 2015 at 07:43 pm
I had a nice birthday celebration at my son's house. They made meatball subs and a zucchini chocolate cake. I took home leftovers! And they gave me a Ticket to Ride game, which we played with the grandsons. I also got many good wishes from friends, including you guys! So thanks!
This morning I went into the city for a meeting. Luckily, I didn't have to pay for parking. I resisted the temptation to pick up food on the way.
I earned $13 in Discover cash back rewards, which I transferred to my bank account. Unfortunately, my Discover bill is pretty high, with the vet bills and the window washing, as well as my regular groceries, gas, etc. I will pay it on the 15th, which is my "pay day." I put that in quotes, because now I will only get the little stipend from the College. My real pay day will now be the 3rd Wednesday of the month (starting in September), when I'll get my Social Security check. Can't wait for that, so I can stop draining savings!
I'm committed to stretching my food for the rest of the month. And tomorrow I'll enjoy some free entertainment when I go to see "Big Hero Six" outdoors in the park. I've seen it already, but it was very cute, worth seeing again with the grandsons.
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August 11th, 2015 at 04:00 pm
Just stepped out for a few groceries - $11.30 for dishwasher detergent, bread and coffee. The coffee I didn't need, but it was on clearance for half price and sounded yummy. Kahlua's French Vanilla. And I just started laundry. I expect I will do 3 or 4 loads today. If not all of them today, I will finish up tomorrow. Total cost will be $6.
I found a nickel at the grocery store, and a penny this weekend.
I've avoided turning on my air for about a week. Some of those days I was away, but when I'm home, I use the fans, and I'm doing okay. I'm being careful about the lights, too.
I am 2% over budget.
These are the meals I can make out of what I have on hand:
French bread pizza
French onion soup
Tuna salad sandwiches
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Olive-nut tea sandwiches
Peanut butter sandwiches
Veggie quiche
Yep, many of these are repeats, but not because I'm eating them again. Because I didn't get around to them in the first place.
Lasagna is also a possibility, but I don't think I want to turn on the oven for that long.
I made plans to go to Michigan on August 22. Kept the August 28 dentist appointment, because it will come out of the September budget anyway.
Window company never got back to me, and I'm in no hurry anyway, so window replacement is on hold.
Everyone who looks at my car agrees it needs paint, so I'll just have to figure out how to get that done. I suspect that's where my first museum earnings will go.
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August 10th, 2015 at 07:01 pm
I'm back from my weekend in Indiana. I had a great time with my BFF. We did our usual -- Goodwill, Red Lobster, movie! We also went to her granddaughter's birthday party.
The movie was "Ricki and the Flash," and I really enjoyed it. Kind of hilarious that so much of it was set in Indianapolis.
I spent $27 on gas, $8 on the movie, and I spent $37 at Goodwill. $8 of that was a blazer and a dress. Good finds, because dressy items are what my wardrobe really lacks. I also bought a big round platter for $3. The rest of the spending was on gifts, mostly clothing for the new baby. I got a LOT of little boy onesies in pristine condition. Also among the gifts was a brand-new Ravensburger puzzle for my friend's granddaughter, and an outfit for my DIL's mother. I always pick up items for her when I see what seems perfect, and sometimes I let her pay me for them!
My friend treated me to dinner for my birthday, and she also gave me a cow pitcher, which reminds me of one from my childhood.
Needless to say, I've spent 100% of the variables budget. However, there is still $915 in reserve from previous savings. I will do my best to keep spending down, but I do want to go to my brother's house this weekend. My birthday is tomorrow, and I usually celebrate at his house, at least some time near the day! And there are other friends to see as well, so I will bite the bullet and overspend my budget.
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August 7th, 2015 at 01:25 pm
Everything pretty much stopped for me yesterday, but today I am back in the swing of things.
With the huge vet bills, I have spent 90% of my variables budget! Obviously, I am not going to be able to come in under budget this month; I'll just have to do the best I can. Actually, with the money I've saved coming in under budget in the last five months, I can spend an extra $1000 this month and still not be off-track.
My kids invited me over for pizza and games last night, which cheered me up a lot. My grandsons were so sweet, with hugs and so much compassion.
Today we are all going to the zoo. It is a free zoo, but parking is expensive. We'll have to take two cars, too.
And tomorrow I am probably going to drive down to see my BFF. We'll just make it a low-spend weekend.
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August 6th, 2015 at 08:51 pm
My "baby" Captain peacefully went to sleep in the vet's office while I lovingly stroked his head. It is the one great gift we can give our pets, to have such a peaceful exit.
I made the decision after a terrible night. He was closed up in the bathroom with food, water and litter, per the vet's orders. I woke up at four to hear him wailing. He had knocked over all of them and was covered with wet, gummy kitty litter. Apparently he had stumbled and rolled around trying to do his business, and managed to upset everything.
I cleaned him up best I could. He still could not stand or walk. I only got him to drink by holding him above the water dish. So I made the decision to let him go -- not without a lot of tears.
I will miss him so much. I don't even mind the money I've spent, because this hurts more.
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August 5th, 2015 at 08:50 pm
It's my turn now to deal with big vet bills. Last night my 14-year-old cat jumped down from his chair and his legs collapsed. All night he could not walk or stand. I hardly slept at all. I was certain that it was his last day on earth.
I took him to the vet this morning, and $412 later, I know that they found bad arthritis in his hip. He still can't walk, but they are hoping that pain medication will get him on his feet again. He is now closed up in the bathroom with food, water, and kitty litter in easy reach.
I'm really depressed about the money spent and don't have a lot of confidence that he will get better. But I am incapable of saying, "Maybe it's best to put him down." It's something I can't do. I've learned it time and time again.
I also learned today that my first Social Security payment will not come until the last week of September! (I also got a letter from Social Security telling me to consider my options before applying!)
This takes the wind out of my idea to put $15K in Chase to earn a bonus. I'm glad I waited. I'll be living off of savings until the end of September!
It just seems like somewhere in the process, they could have told me earlier.
Well, all the ideas I had for spending this month are off. No car repair or painting, no fitness fee, no window replacement. I will also change my dentist appointment to a later date.
Since I haven't started my part-time job yet, I probably won't see a paycheck from that till the end of September either.
Feeling gloomy.
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August 4th, 2015 at 07:41 pm
This morning I took the grandsons to IHOP for breakfast. Since I had a coupon for 1 free Rooty-Tooty stack of pancakes, my total bill was only $14. I gave the waitress $4, which was 20% of what the total would have been.
Afterwards, we went to Walmart so I could get another car seat, and at least be legal on the way home. (Actually I think they're old enough to legal without a car seat -- they're just not big enough!) I had my $25 gift card, so the seat was essentially free. I spent $6 on cereal I will keep at my house for the boys, and gave $5 toward a fundraiser for a family whose child was an inadvertent victim of gun violence.
After the boys were picked up by DIL, I started a load of laundry ($1.50).
My variables spending is at 19%, with 12% of the month gone. Need to slow down a bit.
I took a look at the car today and I see that painting the front is even more necessary than I thought. It will start to rust if I don't do something.
Property manager replied that I am responsible for window damage (no surprise!) He gave me the name of their vendor, so I will call later today.
Check engine light is still off, so I think I will defer repair until it comes on again.
Going into the city tomorrow for Treasurer's meeting, and to take my forms to museum supervisor. May have a parking fee to pay.
I may go to visit BFF on Thursday, but it depends on how her doctor's visit goes today. She may be a candidate for a hip replacement.
But right now I think I'll take a nap!
Posted in
August 3rd, 2015 at 05:29 pm
We had two strong storms roll through yesterday. It knocked out my internet, and my dining room window was cracked by hail. I think I will be held responsible for replacing the pane, but I just sent a message to my property manager, just in case they cover it. I hope it won't be a big expense. It's just a starburst crack, but it will only get worse when winter comes.
I went to Jewel yesterday and spent $12 more on groceries. I got popcorn (real popcorn, not the microwave type), salad-in-a-bag, and Charmin wipes. Those were the things on my list not available at Aldi. I also took advantage of a 2 for 1 coupon for Greek yogurt.
This morning I had my mammogram done. It cost me $3.50 to park! I guess that's not awful since it's once a year, but I should have left early and tried to find a free place on the street. That's a lot to pay for just an hour -- maybe less.
Got about 1/4 into The Last Coyote and realized I've read it before! It's not a book I really want to read twice, so I'll pick something else out of my stack.
The check engine light went out. Makes me wonder if it's just a bad connection on the air/fuel sensor. I feel less urgency to get it fixed. However, it's time for a 140K checkup (not that I've ever been good about doing those). Learning that the average age of cars on the road is 11.5 years makes me more resolved to keep this car going. It is 15 years old, but has always worked well. Thing is, it should be repainted before winter to protect the body, but I think having that done by a reputable company would be around $3K! Maybe I could just do the front, because the paint on the back was refreshed after some body work several years ago.
Certainly cheaper than a new car, and if I'm going to work in the city once a week, I'm going to need a car.
Posted in
August 2nd, 2015 at 01:28 am
Of course I was ready to spend! And I did, a little.
I went to a bunch of garage sales with my DIL. I spent $34 and got a large pedestal fan in great condition, a strainer, a cheese grater, a game for my grandson's birthday, three games for my toybox (which is getting sadly outdated for the growing boys), an artificial plant for the aquarium, a toy for my granddaughter, and an eight ball that answers questions. My grandmother had one of those eight balls, and I always loved to play with it. My grandsons love it, too!
I'm pleased with the aquarium plant, too. It was .50. I was looking at similar things at PetSmart for $12 and up.
The pedestal fan was $10, and they retail for at least $35. I was going to buy one anyway, so I'm glad I bought one this way! It will save me from turning on the AC so often.
After the garage sales I went out to lunch with the family, spending $13.
Then I went to Aldi. I bought 17 items, but spent only $36. My purchases were: French baguette, blueberries, raspberries, tortillas, bath tissue, vinegar, crackers, granola bars, peanut butter, sourdough bread, coffee, sliced cheddar, frozen yogurt, eggs, fresh mushrooms, almond milk and a can of tuna.
Of course, it took two trips to carry it in!
Meals on tap:
French bread pizza
Olive-nut tea sandwiches
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Chicken medallions
Tuna salad sandwiches
I'm going to go to Jewel tomorrow and get a few more things I couldn't get at Aldi. Then I think I'll be set for two weeks. The only thing I might run out of is cat food, but that involves a trip to PetSmart, not the grocery store.
I looked at my bank account today and was surprised to see a credit from Social Security for $104. At first I was dismayed, thinking there was an error in my payment. But according to the website, I won't get paid until the third Wednesday of the month. So I think it must have something to do with Medicare; they must have overcharged me on my Part B payment.
I took a nice walk last night in the cool of the evening, but today my exercise was getting in and out of cars, and shopping. Too beat to walk; I just want to put my feet up.
Posted in
July 31st, 2015 at 02:32 pm
I'm going to say that nothing will be spent today, so I might as well offer my July recap:
Housing: $677
Taxes: $501
Insurance: $282
Home Repair/Maintenance: $160
Utilities: $136
Groceries: $134
Household Supplies: $72
Fees/Services: $58
Gas: $57
Clothing: $54
Vacation/Travel: $54
Phone: $51
Personal: $49
Eating Out: $27
Fares/Parking: $22
Vet/Pet Supplies: $16
Laundry: $15
Gifts/Charity: $11
Medical/Health: $9
Entertainment: $8
Car Repair/Maintenance: $4
Grand Total: $2436
It's been a rough month as far as having to pay taxes and insurance, which are both semi-annual expenses. So I'm glad I still kept the total down to just under $2.5K.
My variables spending was at 92%. This included some "treats" like window-washing, new shoes, vacation, and a mani/pedi.
I was also very lucky this month that almost every time I ate out, I was treated! That won't last!
Posted in
July 30th, 2015 at 01:01 pm
Well, it seems to be a pretty, low-humid day, so I'll be taking a walk. Soon, before the temperature rises. Yesterday I did not walk. It was just way too hot and sticky. This morning, the air is off and the windows are open. We'll see how long that lasts.
While filling out my papers yesterday, I realized that the questionnaire seemed to be a document for my boss to fill out -- lots of questions I can't answer. I emailed her and I'm waiting for her reply.
I went to the library yesterday (by car) and checked out three new DVD's: About Time, Enough Said, and Broken English. I tried to put in a hold for the next season of Outlander, but it is too early to do it -- it hasn't been published yet.
I'm taking the last chicken breast out of the freezer today. I'm looking forward to grocery shopping. It won't be a big stock-up though. It will be a ten-item shop. I have plenty of food on hand, just need the right items to make it all work!
Posted in
July 29th, 2015 at 03:52 pm
I should have expected it, but I didn't. The papers I need to sign for doing the consulting job came by email rather than in the mail. That presented a problem, since my printer was running low on ink.
I had to go to Office Depot and buy new ink cartridges, to the tune of $60. (Hate the cost of those cartridges!) But I was able to print off the papers this morning just fine.
That spoiled my no-spending plan. I'm now up to 91% of my budget. This has actually been my highest-spending month since I began tracking this in March. And I still have two days left!
I have to go to the library today to return Outlander. I do not think I will walk. It's really hot and humid. I have my air conditioners on full blast.
Thinking again about my spending next month, I realized that the dentist bill will not have to be paid in August. I'll have the appointment on the 28th, but I'll pay with my flex card (I've been told it's good through the calendar year.) Even if it turns out it is not covered, there will be a lapse of time before it actually has to be paid.
First up will be the car repair. I plan to do that on August 1 to get it out of the way. I have to drive into the city on August 6 (I think) so I want it done by then. On August 6, I'm meeting the person who will eventually take over the Treasurer job on the board. I'll just show her how I do a monthly report -- just a first step for her.
Posted in
July 28th, 2015 at 02:43 pm
I just took my morning walk. The early morning temperature is not too bad, but it is humid. I'm glad I didn't bother to take my shower first!
I checked out all the parking meters and parking lots, but no coins today. I think you have to be an early bird, like I used to be! 
I only watched two episodes of Outlander yesterday, so I will watch two more today. I also watched Grapes of Wrath yesterday, another great classic movie.
I'm wishing I could go to the grocery, if only for coffee, but I'm determined to spend no more this month. I have tea for my morning fix.
I will do a load of laundry, however. And that should be the last one for this month.
I've fallen into the habit of taking afternoon naps. I seem to fall into a coma after lunch. Of course, I never had this option before, but I am surprised -- I've never considered myself a napper. I stay up later, but my sleep is not disturbed.
I'm thinking about my spending next month. I will have a dentist's visit, which I expect will take up a big chunk of my variables budget. I am also planning to go up to see my brother again, and to visit my BFF in Indiana (or convince her to come here -- which is harder to do!). I need to have my air/fuel sensor checked -- it is making my "check engine" light come on. It could be a loose connection, or it could be that I need a replacement. I guess I'll do that first, and see how everything else falls out. Other things on my list: senior center fee, new aquarium plants, a car booster seat for my grandson, new walking shoes. Ah, there's always something.
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July 27th, 2015 at 01:29 pm
I didn't even go out yesterday. Not that it wasn't lovely -- but it was too hot to walk, and I had no where I had to go. Staying inside means nothing spent!
I have four more days to navigate before I get a new budget. I have enough food, the cats have enough food, the fish have enough food -- I think I'm good!
Yesterday I went through my sock/lingerie drawers. I ended up throwing out a bunch of those hospital footies that I don't ever use. I transferred my pantyhose to the shoe bag (and frankly, I don't know if it's any good, I wear it so rarely). I made permanent space for my PurMist beside the bed. I have also figured out that if I just loop my yoga strap over the bedstead, I am much more likely to use it every night! The more regularly I stretch my legs, the better they feel.
Finances are kind of on hold. I won't know until next month when my Social Security payment will come, and I don't know exactly how much my stipend will be -- but I do know that it will come on the 15th. I won't rest easy until I know what to plug into my spreadsheet. Meanwhile, I just stick to my budget. I have plenty of money in checking so I am certainly not in any danger.
Today I plan to take a walk before it gets too hot, and then I will enjoy an Outlander marathon! I have the DVD for Season 1 from the library, and it's due on Thursday, I think. I also have new episodes of Last Tango and Poldark to watch. I don't watch very much on regular TV (I have a basic subscription) but I do watch the news, and occasionally there is a good movie. Last night it was Breakfast at Tiffany's, which I have seen a lot, but still enjoy. Even with all those very annoying interruptions.
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July 26th, 2015 at 02:55 pm
I had a nice visit with my SIL. There were no real uncomfortable moments. I think I've learned how to politely stop the conversation from going into areas I don't want to discuss.
She even suggested that we take a weekend trip together, which is amazing, but I don't think that will happen.
My spending was not bad. I treated her at Sweet Tomatoes, which cost me $22 (got the senior discount!) We went to IKEA, where I spent $22 on a new saucepan to replace one with degrading Teflon. Then we went to Goodwill, where I spent $11 on clothes for the new baby and my granddaughter. I also got gas for $21 (the weekend involved a lot of driving around). In return, she bought my dinner at a vegetarian restaurant, and brought some wheat-free muffins for breakfast. (Which were heavy as a rock, but what the hay! Well-meant.)
My variables spending is now at 83%. I think I can hold out from spending these last few days of the month, so I can keep it there, or close.
It's very hot, and I've been running the air conditioning a lot. I would welcome another cool snap!
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July 24th, 2015 at 02:18 pm
Wow, my windows look great! They've NEVER looked this good! It was really interesting, too, to watch them at work. How quickly they produced perfect results! It makes me wonder why on earth we even struggle with Windex and paper towels. That's obviously not the right way to do it. They mopped the windows with a soapy hand mop, then squeegeed for a perfect finish. Of course, they do it all the time, so knew exactly how to handle the squeegee. And I'm sure their squeegees were much better quality than we find at home stores.
The total cost was $160, well worth it to me.
My variables spending is at 74%. I'm very pleased. I've gotten my windows washed, had a little vacation, bought some shoes ... and I'm still within budget. Only a few days to go now. There will be some cost having my SIL here this weekend, but I don't expect that it will exceed my budget. We will eat out, but I am pretty sure she will insist on paying, especially since we will seek out a vegan restaurant to accommodate her diet.
My heel is feeling so much better now that I'm stretching my calves. Amazing what doing the right exercise will do! Stretching my IT band really makes a difference, too.
I didn't exercise yesterday, and today it is heating up again. I've probably already missed my window for a comfortable walk this morning. I could do a mall walk, but I have to get ready for company. And frankly, I hate to battle the traffic to get there. Maybe SIL and I will walk this evening. She will probably be here by late afternoon.
Posted in
July 23rd, 2015 at 02:39 pm
I'm so excited about getting my windows washed I woke up early this morning!
Just as well, I needed to clear all the windowsills, something I had forgotten to do. I have one kitchen window that is fitted with glass shelves, where I display colored glass objects. I put most of them in the dishwasher -- I will hand wash a few that seem too fragile. And later in the day I'll wash the shelves, which I have removed and have stashed under my hutch. It will be nice to have EVERYTHING sparkling!
My bathroom windowsill was just cluttered with stuff that I use a lot, and I just need to put it back where it belongs. The other windowsills I use to display a few things. I'm going to be more selective about what I put back! They were getting a little too cluttered.
Decluttering my decor makes me realize I need to decide if I am going to have a garage sale. If I do, I won't do it here, I'll go to my BFF's house which is in a better location, and where I would have help. But that would mean packing everything up and hauling it. On the other hand, if I donate to Goodwill, it's easier, but I'll lose out on the extra cash, which I can really use.
I know the last time I had a garage sale, I said to myself "Never again." Too much work for too little profit. But now I have more time..... more stuff .... it might be better!
What to do, what to do....
Posted in
July 22nd, 2015 at 05:09 pm
This morning I got my free flatbread sandwich at Corner Bakery. I bought coffee, so my breakfast was $2.28. I also had a coupon for a free cookie, too, so I got that to eat later.
Afterwards I went to the library to pick up the first season of "Outlander," which I had on hold. Once again I was early. (Why can't I get opening hours straight?) So I walked to the station, hoping to use the facilities, but that door was locked. So I went to the main room and looked at the books. There were two I liked the look of -- a Michael Connelly mystery, and a book called "Miss Garnet's Angel," by Sally Vickers, which got lots of praise on the cover and is "complex and haunting." With this "library" I don't need the real one, except for DVD's!
Then I walked back to the library to pick up Outlander. I had already parked two long blocks away, so the point I'm getting to, is that I did a lot of walking, plus some stair-climbing, since the station is on a platform -- and I first climbed up on the wrong side of the tracks, so I had to go down and up again. A lot of exercise! On the stairs I made sure to stretch out my calves, as Kiki suggested.
Last night my sister-in-law called to say she wants to come and see me this Friday and Saturday. The main reason she is coming is to pick up her son at the airport, who is flying in from Texas. She will take him back home to Michigan, but first will spend a little time with me. This is my late brother's widow. I don't see her very often, and while she is a very nice person, she is very conservative and religious, and it is sometimes a little uncomfortable talking to her. We have to skirt around a lot of issues about which we are in disagreement! Still, it is good to keep up this contact. I don't think she gets much from her own family -- she really seems to want to keep in touch with ours, at least in a nominal way.
All this is preface to saying, I will probably eat out when she is here. She is a vegan, and there are vegan restaurants around here, so eating out will be a treat for her and a way for me to get her fed. I am not a vegan cook!
She mentioned IKEA, too. I will have to be very careful around all that delectably-priced merchandise!
Posted in
July 21st, 2015 at 02:41 pm
Just completed another walk to the store. (It's about 30 minutes each way, so it's a big one.) I left earlier in the morning, and the day is cooler, so it was more comfortable than yesterday. And my foot doesn't hurt once I get going. It's after I've rested that my heel really hurts.
I spent $7 and got parchment paper, brown sugar, corn muffin mix, and a peach.
I did not find a single coin, or anything cool by the dumpsters, which is a disappointment!
Later today I'll make a Tex-Mex casserole. It's basically shredded chicken, peppers, salsa and cheddar cheese, topped with corn muffin mix and baked. I may call my kids to get some help eating it!
I have not been running the air conditioning at night. I sleep under a big ceiling fan, which keeps me comfortable. But I have been turning it on when I get up. Today I didn't. We'll see how long I hold out. So far it feels pretty good, and I like to open the windows and get fresh air.
Budget is now 55% spent. Paying for the window washing will change that. It is $5 for a small pane, and $8 for a large pane. I am guessing they will count each window as two panes. I think it will cost about $100. Which is fine with me; I'm very excited to be getting this done!
Posted in
July 21st, 2015 at 02:53 am
This morning I decided to walk to the post office and then to the grocery store to get my exercise in. I had a small package of children's books to mail to ex's daughter, who just had a baby. Unfortunately, I didn't check to see how early the post office opens! I thought it would be open at 8, but it opens at 9. So I had to carry the package to the grocery store, shop V-E-R-Y slowly, and hang around the store a bit before I walked back to the post office.
The package cost $4.22 to mail. The groceries were $19.05 -- eggs, tape, toilet paper, Kleenex and Zyrtec.
I have to go back the grocery tomorrow, because I realized I need to get a Jiffy corn muffin mix to finish a casserole. And I ran out of parchment paper today, and nearly finished off the brown sugar.
Once home, I did a load of laundry ($1.50). I made the potato pancakes again (and I'll have the last bit tomorrow!) I also made my granola, since it seemed cool enough to turn on the oven for a half-hour.
Someone was interested in my granola recipe. Here it is:
3 cups oatmeal
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup honey
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix thoroughly and spread out on a baking sheet. Bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes. Stir, and bake 5-15 minutes more, or until it turns golden brown. Let cool, stirring a few times as it cools.
I add dried fruit, nuts, etc. at the end. Or not.
My sinus headache was gone today, but now my heel hurts like the very devil. I thought it was plantar faciitis, but it is so concentrated in the heel, I'm not sure.
However, I'm planning to walk again tomorrow, if I can.
My variables budget is 54% spent. 64% of the month is gone, so finally, I am ahead. I would like to come in under budget as much as possible so I can keep adding to my cushion.
Oh, and I found a dime! And I witnessed someone else picking up a coin, which made me very jealous that I hadn't gotten there first!
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