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Not Much to Report

July 19th, 2015 at 04:28 pm

There's not much to report today, but I like to stay in the habit of daily entries.

I brought up the 42-lb. bag of kitty litter this morning. With the dolly, it wasn't too bad. Reminded me that I should use the dolly more often. It has heavier wheels than my little cart, and therefore takes the stairs more easily.

I've had a sinus headache for days now, so I used the PurMist this morning. I feel a little better, but I think I will use it again this evening before bed.

I need to exercise today. Yesterday I stopped in at the senior center to inquire about exercise classes and fitness room access. The guy at the desk knew nothing but I got online to figure it out. It looks like, if I get a senior resident's membership of $30 per year, that will qualify me to get a fitness room membership for $115 a year. That's a pretty good price, but if I want to take a yoga class, for instance, there is an additional $90 fee for 20 sessions. Sigh. Not quite the bargain I was hoping for.

I think today, anyway, I will go to the mall and walk. It is way too hot and muggy to walk outside.

I had a delightful breakfast this morning of potato pancakes and applesauce. I love being at home to make meals and eat them on the spot, rather than all the prep and brown-bagging I had to do pre-retirement!

The museum job

July 18th, 2015 at 08:30 pm

I had a good meeting at the museum yesterday, and we came to an agreement that I can live with. I will be a consultant and will work 15 hours a week. That will include one day a week in the office and the rest done remotely. I will work on profiles while the full-time researcher pursues other projects. They will send me the papers to sign, and I won't begin till mid-August.

After I left, I realized that we didn't even talk about pay! I'll see what the papers say. I am sure I will at least get the going rate; she has always been a generous boss -- but if it turns out to be too low, I'll decline, or counter.

Since it is a contract job, there are no benefits, other than free parking, and free tickets for guests. But I don't need benefits since I am covered on Medicare et al.

I had lunch with my Hyde Park friend. She insisted on treating, and I'm wondering just how long I can work this retirement celebration angle! Smile

We ate at a Mediterranean restaurant, and I had enough leftovers to feed me breakfast, lunch, and dinner today!

Since I can't decide whether to put my earnings toward the mortgage, or save it for an overseas trip, I decided to divide it and do both. Otherwise, I will keep to the retirement budget I have set up. I'm not going to let this income get eaten up by little indulgences.

Today my son installed the air conditioners. Hooray! It's really hot and sticky here. Then we went to my grandson's baseball game, which was bearable because there was some cloud cover and an occasional nice breeze. After the game I went to PetSmart and bought a 42-lb. bag of kitty litter for $16. It's still in the car. I'm going to try to bring it up with my little dolly, but I'm going to wait for the early (cool) hours tomorrow morning.

I also did two loads of laundry today ($3).

It's a reality

July 17th, 2015 at 01:38 pm

Well, my friend at the museum emailed me yesterday, and we made an appointment for today to talk about the project, and terms. I'm going to drive down this morning for the appointment.

I have mixed feelings. I know it is prudent to work and take the money. But I have enjoyed my down time so much that the thought of working again is depressing. I hope I get a better feeling as I take a look at the work at hand.

Yesterday, on top of my regular tasks, I finally tackled the box of stuff I brought home from work. Finding places to put those things led to a chain reaction of reorganizing. One thing it led to was going through my travel toiletries bag and my box of extras. I threw away stuff that was out of date. Then I pulled out the one-time samples of shampoo, etc. I'm going to use them up day by day, because they really aren't needed for the travel bag, which is well-stocked with refillable bottles. I shouldn't have to buy shampoo, conditioner, or lotion for a while!

I found some cream for cracked heels, which I ought to be using. Not because my heels are cracked right now, but because I need to be proactive.

No spending.

Today, I may buy lunch. I texted a friend who lives in Hyde Park on the off chance that she could do lunch today. She hasn't answered yet. I don't get to see her very often -- but if I end up working there, I guess I will see more of her!

Later today, I will arrange for the window washing. It would be so good for my soul to have clean and shining windows!

Variables budget is at 49%, so I am doing fine.

Yesterday and Today

July 16th, 2015 at 05:18 pm

The board meeting yesterday went well, and I got my free lunch, which was a calzone so big I saved half for dinner.

It did involve a lot of walking to get there, plus I had to carry three liter bottles of soda, so I got my workout.

Unfortunately, I missed my grandson's baseball game, since I got home late and had a headache.

I didn't spend anything yesterday, other than putting $20 on the transit card.

Today I walked to the library, to return the DVD, and went on to the grocery store, where I bought a bottle of creamer and a Jiffy pie crust mix. I was planning on only getting the creamer, but the mix was 1/2 off, and I am planning on making a quiche next week, so I thought I would try it. At only .29, it's a lot cheaper than a pre-made crust!

Then I hit the bonanza! I was walking by a dumpster, and saw what looked like brand-new books lying beside it. They were! I picked up five children's books for my granddaughter, and one book, still in shrink wrap, called 1000 Chairs. It is a guide for antique dealers. I thought I might be able to resell it.

I also found three pennies.

I haven't gotten serious about dieting yet, but I think I will start today. I'm just keeping a list of what I eat, with rough calorie counts. It's what has worked best for me in the past. When I get too involved with counting calories and tracking, I quit. Doing it this way keeps it easy and keeps me mindful of my choices. I don't mind if my weight loss is slow, I just want to be working on it!

My biggest challenge will be limiting ice cream. It is my weakness, especially in summer.

Next week our windows will be washed. We always have the option of having someone wash the inside, too, for a price. I've never done it, but now that I am around to let the window-washers in, I'm really tempted. I can't wash them myself without getting on a ladder (high ceilings, tall windows), and frankly, I always do a really bad job of it. I may call to find out the price per window.

I'm not done with Corner Bakery yet! They sent me an email to sample a free breakfast. I had to make a reservation, which will be next Wednesday. I will go to a nearby shopping mall instead of the station. I figure I'll buy coffee, since I have the card to fill. It will be a cheap breakfast, and a diversion.

Just a quick note

July 15th, 2015 at 03:54 pm

I'm leaving in a few minutes to catch the "L" to go to the board meeting. I have to buy liters of soda on the way and charge them to the board treasury, so yes, lunch will be provided!

I got my $12K deposit! I don't know what I was thinking -- of course a lot of it was withheld, so the actual deposit was $8K+. This might quash my plan to get $500 from Chase. We'll see. I have till late August to pull things together.

It was my first glimpse of what the monthly stipend will be, but since the tax was withheld on the full amount, I don't know what the net payment will be yet. I'm estimating $224, which is a bit higher than my earlier estimation.

I adjusted the variables budget accordingly. I am at 46% with the month half-gone, so I'm on target.

On my way!

Another no-spend day

July 14th, 2015 at 07:59 pm

That is, if I don't count the laundry, but that's an expense I can't help.

I went to my grandson's playoff game last night (under the lights, woo-hoo!) They ended in a tie, which was actually kind of nice. They took the "championship" photo of the two teams together. Everyone was happy. It was an exciting game, with lots of hits.

He will be playing in another league this summer, so that's not the end of baseball!

I remembered to take some water, and what a difference it made!

This morning I took a walk, hoping to beat the heat. It was a little sticky, but not bad. I checked out my favorite parking meters and found .02. Then I went to the library and checked out a book and a DVD. The DVD is a modern take on Pride & Prejudice, probably silly, but I thought I'd check it out since I'm so immersed in Austen these days. The book is by Kate Atkinson, one of my favorite writers, but the title escapes me right now.

My Discover card closed yesterday, and I added the $6.77 cashback bonus as a snowflake.

Tomorrow is my big pay day! I'm so excited! And it is also the day of my board meeting downtown. I talked to the CTA agent at my station, and she said that my senior card will get me a fare of $1.50 each trip, and I just have to load the money onto the card via one of their machines. So I'll probably put about $20 on it so that it will hold me a while. I have a $15 per month fares budget, but I haven't used it fully, so there is about $37 in the kitty.

It won't be a no-spend day. I might have to buy lunch, too. I didn't get a request to choose a box lunch, so I think lunch may not be provided. I won't expect it, but I will be happy if something generic was ordered!

No-spend day

July 13th, 2015 at 03:27 pm

Yesterday was a no-spend day, the first of many, I hope. Today I am doing a load of laundry (cat threw up on my quilt) but I don't expect to spend anything other than the $1.50 it costs to wash and dry a load.

I said I had no obligations yesterday, but my grandson had TWO baseball games. I'm finding it hard to keep track of the schedule now that they are in play-offs. He is in the final play-off game today, which means his team will either be the league champion or runner-up. Awesome! The financial angle here -- I really, really, really wanted to buy a drink and I didn't. The fact that they were $1.25 was a deterrent.

Today I will remember to take a bottle of water.

My house call is taking place today at 11. I will earn a $25 Walmart gift card, which will certainly be helpful in this no-spend period. I figure I will use it for groceries. But I will still count it as a snowflake, to go toward the college funds. (I count any extra income as a snowflake, even if it is a designated gift card.) That will take me near $800. I have $100 coming from BOA for the Travel card bonus, and will earn $500 for the Chase transfer. I'm also going to get around $250 for the unclaimed property. I will have a nice sum to give to each grandchild at Christmas.

No Spending

July 12th, 2015 at 03:55 pm

So, I'm starting a no-spending week ... or two. I need to curtail spending on everything except necessities to ensure I will come in under budget this month.

Ironic, since Wednesday will be my biggest payday ever! I'll get a $12K payment -- but it is for savings only.

Today I have no obligations, so I will take it easy. I plan to take a walk (before it storms!) and I want to get started on my writing project for the board, even if it's only sorting papers.

I got an appointment reminder from my dentist for an August appointment. My dentist is in my former work town, so about an hour away. Yet I think I might keep him. Finding a dentist you like and trust is not easy. And he's got my history, and it would give me an excuse to visit friends at work. I'll keep this appointment, anyway, and revisit the idea of switching after another six months go by.

Oh, I almost forgot! I wanted to talk about my recent garage sale experience! Yesterday, on the way to my grandson's baseball game, I stopped at a garage sale. Nothing at all was labeled. I picked up five things I was mildly interested in (a bag, a scarf, and three small toys) and asked about prices. The woman in charge seemed unsure, but said that the toys would be $1 each. Well, that's way too much, in my opinion, but then I asked about the scarf. "What do you think?" she said. I said, how about $5 for all? She rolled her eyes and said "No--o-o-o" very sarcastically, and didn't counter. So I put everything back and left. They may have been worth more, but I wasn't interested in paying any more than that. But the rudeness! What a way to treat your customers! Especially when you didn't even bother to price things! Gave me a bad taste all day.

Birthday Dinner a Smash Hit!

July 11th, 2015 at 11:43 pm

The birthday dinner went great! Thank goodness, since we delayed it so long. I spent most of the day prepping -- food and housework. So I was tired, and the kitchen was WRECKED at the end, but the meal turned out really good, kudos all round. And she loved the gift of the sports bra and sent me a text afterwards to let me know it fit perfectly.

So, I have lots of leftovers. I have a whole head of lettuce I didn't even get into. What do you do with iceberg lettuce? There's really no way to preserve it, is there? I'll be eating salad and pizza for a while. And I have a lot of diced ham and turkey left, but that will be good for omelets and quiches, and is easy to freeze.

I haven't spent any more, aside from $1.50 for laundry, but my AAA fee hit the credit card, so that adds $58 to the variables budget. This puts me at 48% spent -- not a good position when only 35% of the month is gone.

I really think I'll be able to lay low financially for a while, but I do have to go downtown next week for a board meeting, and there may be a transit cost. One of my fellow board members will ride the "L" with me and help me learn the ropes. I know as a senior I get a reduced fee, and I have the ID card to prove it, but I'm not sure how it works. She thought I would have to put money on the card, and I would be charged each ride at a reduced rate. My son thought I would ride free, but I would have to use my card to get a daily ticket. We'll see! (I've read the website over and over, but it's not helpful about the actual procedures.)

On Monday I'm going to get a wellness visit from UnitedHealthcare, which underwrites my Medicare Advantage plan. I will get a $25 Walmart gift card for answering health questions, getting my blood pressure taken, etc. I don't really need a medical visit, as I am pretty good about going to the doctor, but I suppose this is their way of heading off problems that may lead to expensive procedures.

Another snowflake!

Cooking Sausage

July 10th, 2015 at 05:18 pm

I'm cooking the Italian sweet sausage for the pizza tonight, and boy, is it smelling great!

I am considering one of those Chase offers again. This one offers $500 for opening a checking account with a direct deposit, and opening a savings account with $15K. It is a good time for me to do both. I can switch my direct deposit from the College and from TIAA-CREF to Chase with little problem, I think. Soon I will get the $12K lump payment from the College, and all I would have to do is add $3K to that to open the savings account. I have $6K in my checking account right now, and that's not counting the slush fund of $2.7K.

I don't have to pull the trigger till August 28, but I think at that time I will do it. I would have to keep the accounts open for 90 days, but I might just end up staying with Chase, anyway. I'm no great lover of BOA, and the Chase branch is much closer to home than the BOA. BOA was convenient to work, but that's not an issue any more.

Anyway, a $500 snowflake toward my grandchildrens' college funds would be awesome!

This and That

July 9th, 2015 at 10:04 pm

Yesterday, while doing laundry, I decided to walk to Walgreen's to buy pantiliners. I like their house brand. I spent $5. Then I decided to check out the branch library nearby. I didn't have my card with me, but it looks like they do a lot with a small space. I'll be able to rent DVD's there, which is what I really wanted to know.

I found .11 on the ground, and then, by a dumpster in an alley, I found a sealed bag of plastic Easter eggs, which I will definitely use next year, and a cute artificial nest with speckled eggs, which would look great in a centerpiece, or on a wreath.

Then I walked by a Subway, where I found an unopened bag of Cheetos on the sidewalk. Clearly it had been recently dropped by a customer. So I picked it up, and with just a little trepidation, I ate them all! No ill effects. Smile

So it was kind of a fun walk! I was quite the scavenger.

This morning I went to Jewel to buy the stuff for the birthday dinner. I spent $75! Admittedly, I bought more than enough of each ingredient -- I hate to come up short -- and I expect I will have lots of leftovers to go toward other meals this month. That said, I've spent all but $10 of my grocery budget. My overall variables spending is 40%.

At noon I met friends for lunch, and one of them treated me in honor of my retirement. How nice is that? So I only had to pay $2 for parking.

I did a load of laundry today, and when I checked on the dryer, my clothes were still wet. I thought someone had interrupted the cycle. I put in another round of quarters, since I was heading off for lunch. When I came back -- still wet. The dryer is tumbling, but not heating. I reported it to management.

The same thing happened yesterday, but I thought it was because I was drying a big comforter. I ended up spreading it on my dining room table, propped up with boxes. The load from today I hung in the bathroom. Hope they fix it soon.

A Trip to Aldi

July 8th, 2015 at 03:04 pm

I went grocery shopping yesterday. I was out of a lot of staples, so I went to Aldi, which I haven't done in a long time. And I bought 20 items, but that's okay, since it's been several weeks since I did a regular grocery shop. The total cost was $51, and I was able to get it all up to my condo in two trips with my IKEA bag.

The list:
Sourdough bread
Honey wheat bread
12" pan cookie (in lieu of birthday cake)
Shredded mozzarella
Shredded cheddar
Paper towels
Cream cheese
Spreadable margarine
Greek yogurt
Marinara sauce
Chocolate syrup
Almond milk
Pancake syrup
Strawberry preserves

It seems like a pretty good haul for the price. In general, my 10-item shops are at least $30 at the local Jewel.

In the evening, I went to my grandson's baseball game, which was in a nearby suburb. I got a tank of gas for $36.

I have already spent 30% of the variables budget, but I think it's going to be a pattern that I spend the most at the beginning of the month, and then it evens out. I had a vacation to cash flow, too. And of course there was the indulgence of buying two pairs of shoes. Much needed, though.

Upcoming expenses are: the birthday dinner (now scheduled for Friday) and lunch out with friends tomorrow.

The birthday dinner will be homemade pizza and salad and garlic bread, and the big cookie for dessert. The garlic bread is already made and in the freezer. I still have to buy most of the other ingredients -- pizza crust, pizza sauce, Sweet Italian sausage, lettuce, dressing, ham & turkey (for the salad). I'm going to buy another box of wine, too, since I'm almost out. I love having a box of wine in the fridge, by the way! So much cheaper and more convenient!

My possible meals for this week, not including the pizza, will be:

Chicken piccata
Chicken tacos
Beef stew
Cream cheese/olive/walnut sandwiches
Potato soup
Chicken pot-pie pocket

Many of these are leftovers, now in the freezer.

My cats threw up on my comforter last night. Good reminder -- time to change to my summer bedding!

Good news

July 7th, 2015 at 01:50 pm

I got my second property tax bill yesterday and it was good news. My total taxes this year will be $1200 less than last year, thanks to senior citizen exemptions. Plus, my taxes are now frozen because I am a senior citizen, so it should be the same next year! This basically puts $100 back into the monthly variables budget, making it a lot more comfortable. On the new budget, I have not spent more than 86% any given month. Right now I'm at 19% this month.

I bought road food on the way home amounting to $7. Part of that was a children's meal at Wendy's so I could get the Toothless toy, which has been delivered to a very happy grandchild!

Last night I went out for frozen yogurt and spent $3.

I got an email from my museum connection asking for my cell phone number and promising "wonderful news." I haven't heard from her, though. My first reaction was disappointment -- a gut feeling that I didn't want to go back to work! But then I decided that I could throw the money at my mortgage -- or save it for a trip to England, which is something I've wanted to do all my life -- so if there is a job in the future, I will try to be happy about it. I do know it would be imprudent to turn it down.

But I am just reveling in my freedom, and would kind of hate to see it end so soon!

This is all speculation, since I don't even know what her "wonderful news" is, and heaven knows, she has left me hanging before!

Last Day of Vacation

July 6th, 2015 at 11:57 am

Yesterday was another fun day. I swam in the pool with the grandsons, we played card games, and just generally had fun. I didn't even go anywhere, and I didn't spend anything.

Today I am heading home. I will have to stop at Wendy's somewhere along the way. My youngest grandson lost his Toothless toy and I promised I would find it. I think I'm going to have to replace it, and it came from a kid's meal at Wendy's.

So soon I will pack up. I'm looking forward to getting home and starting on my retired life in earnest!

The Fourth (And the Third!)

July 5th, 2015 at 12:07 pm

I'm up early in the morning. My brother has gone off to play golf, his well-deserved reward for cooking all day yesterday. We have had wonderful meals since we arrived -- it is so much fun to come here and luxuriate in the good food! As I've said before, he is a retired chef, who (luckily) still likes to cook at home and for company!

I went to garage sales in the morning yesterday, along with my DIL's mom. We found quite a few, though none of them were terrific. I bought a skirt for my granddaughter, a hoodie for myself, a car booster seat, and water toys. I spent $7.

In the afternoon, we went boating and swimming. As the day progressed, more and more nieces and nephews and their offspring arrived. We had a cookout on the patio at dinnertime, played bags and other games, and the culmination of the day was getting to see a spectacular fireworks show over the lake, while sitting on the patio! My grandson fell asleep in my lap, even while the fireworks boomed! I think these will be great childhood memories for them.

But backing up a bit, I also had a good day on the third. I met my former prof for lunch at an Irish pub. After a wonderful conversation, he needed to get going to a meeting (he's working on writing a textbook). But as we parted, I asked if I could give him a hug, and he said "Oh yes! I was hoping!" and we had a warm hug. This is the first real indication to me that he might return my feelings. He is very reserved, and he was suddenly widowed several years ago which was clearly a terrible experience for him. So he has been friendly and polite, but I have been left wondering, does he like me -- in the way I want him to? Now I think he does! Stay tuned.

Oh, and even though he was my prof, he is only eight years older than I am, which at this age, is not a big difference at all!

So far retirement is great!

Here in Michigan

July 3rd, 2015 at 08:26 pm

I drove up yesterday, leaving at about 10 am. My brother called just as I was pulling onto Lake Shore Drive, so I pulled off to talk to him. Turns out his father-in-law just had triple-bypass surgery. However, they decided to go ahead with the reunion plans, since he is doing well, my sister-in-law is sharing hospital duty with her sister, and all the food, etc. was already purchased. But he wanted me to know there was no hurry to get there, as they would be busy all day.

So began a long, slow trip to Michigan. I stopped for lunch, spending $5 on a salad and $1 on an ice cream cone. I stopped at a mall and bought two pairs of sandals. I had been planning on looking for a pair, since my brown sandals were falling apart. I was lucky enough to find great sandals on sale -- comfortable and good looking, so I bought them in brown AND white. $52 for both.

Up the road a bit, I stopped at Panera to get asiago cheese bread ($4) and at another stop got raspberries from a farmer's market ($5). Both of those were bread-and-butter gifts.

I stopped for gas ($32) and once I got to town I got a mani/pedi (so much cheaper than Chicago!) ($44) Finally rolled into my brother's driveway around 6:30 Michigan time. My kids arrived a few hours later. We had a light supper and went to bed.

So yes, it was quite a bit of spending, but nothing I am unhappy about.

I went out to lunch today with my former prof -- he treated.

Now the kids are swimming, kayaking, playing catch -- having a great old time. I'm going to join them!


July 1st, 2015 at 02:26 pm

I couldn't get on the site this morning and I almost panicked! I can't do retirement without SA!

So, hello. Here I am on the other side! Retired. Hanging out at home this morning!

Yesterday was a very emotional day. Several people wrote me very heartfelt notes, and I got a lot of warm hugs. Many promises to keep in touch.

Our farewell luncheon took place at a lovely restaurant. I ordered crab cakes and salad; no cost to me, of course! It was very, very nice.

After I packed up and left, I stopped at PetSmart on the way home and spent $20 on kitty litter, cat food, and a fish feeder block. Getting ready for four days away from home.

My variables spending for the month of June ended up being 92% of the budget -- exactly the same as the month before, although all the components were different.

My total spending for the month was $2010. Here is how it broke down:

Housing - $677
Medical/Health - $464
Gifts/Charity - $163
Groceries - $108
Eating Out - $134
Utilities - $154
Vet/Pet Supplies - $102
Gas - $59
Phone - $50
Fees/Services - $43
Laundry - $17
Personal - $16
Entertainment- $9
Furnishings/Equipment/Décor - $8
Fares/Parking - $4
Car Repair/Maintenance - $3
Clothing/Accessories - $1

The medical cost includes three months' payment to Medicare Part B. From here on in, it will come out of my Social Security check.

Gifts included two birthdays.

Eating Out was high because of "last" lunches with friends, and a lot of breakfasts on the road because of time demands. It should be better this month. Though, with eating out being my major social outlet, maybe not!

Vet/Pet Supplies included a vet visit this month.

Gas was higher than usual because of more driving to work than usual.

Fees included a beach pass and ordering a copy of my marriage certificate for Social Security.

Personal included a haircut.

If you're curious the $3 car maintenance was a car wash, and the $1 clothing expense was a scarf bought at a garage sale!

Today I'm getting ready for my trip to Michigan. I just tried on four pairs of capris, and two of them went into the "too small" box. (One of my first goals as a retiree is to get small enough again to wear the clothes in the "too small" box.) Other than packing, I have to process some food that will go bad if I leave it, get the animals all ready to be alone for four days (including cleaning the fish tank), and maybe -- maybe -- getting a manicure/pedicure. I might do that once I get there, though. It's certainly cheaper there!

Last Day

June 30th, 2015 at 01:35 pm

My last day should be pretty easy! I finished up cleaning up my email yesterday, and all my files and drawers are cleaned out. The only work I have to do is updating some reports.

My lunch yesterday was $4, and I didn't have to pay anything for the Happy Hour last night. I didn't stop at PetSmart, so I will do that tonight.

Today I'll go to the caff and get some breakfast. Lunch will be free. Hopefully, I won't need to stop for food on the way home. I'll eat a big lunch!

At one time I thought I would bring in bagels on this day, but I completely forgot -- it doesn't fit into my budget, either! Anyway, it's not typical for people leaving to bring in food, I just thought I would make the gesture. But I won't. Smile

My budget spending is still at 86%. My DIL had to cancel the dinner on Wednesday because of baseball practice and suggested we just wait till we all get back from Michigan. Works for me!

I already made plans to meet friends for lunch next week. I'm going to work at keeping my social life lively. I know the four-walls syndrome can set in after retirement -- I'm not going to let that happen!

Second Last Day

June 29th, 2015 at 01:55 pm

This is my second last day of work. All I will do today is clean out my email and straighten things up for the new person.

I drove so I can carry things home -- also, so I can go to a Happy Hour tonight with a few colleagues. I bought breakfast at McDonald's for $3 on the way. I'll also have to buy a lunch, as I forgot to bring the cheese and crackers I was planning on. But I can get a salad quite reasonably at the cafeteria.

I had a dream last night that I had bought a car but didn't have the money for a car payment. Hmmm. Am I subconsciously worrying? I hope it isn't a premonition that my RAV4 is going to fail (after 15 years!)

Yesterday, after I loaded the washer, I took a half-hour walk by the shoreline. It was a beautiful day! I walked over the city line into Rogers Park, then came back and put the laundry in the dryer. I think I might try to make that a habit. It saves me stair-climbing but forces me to exercise in an enjoyable way. Between that and walking to the grocery and library, I should get plenty of exercise to replace my walk to the station.

I've spent 86% of the variables budget. I'll have the eating-out expenses today, and I'll stop at PetSmart on the way home, but I should come in just under budget, as long as I wait till Wednesday morning to do my grocery shopping!

No grocery shopping

June 28th, 2015 at 05:20 pm

I don't really have much financial to discuss today. I just thought it was noteworthy that after a 5-item shopping trip last week, I didn't go shopping at all yesterday. I still have plenty of food, and the only thing I need to buy for is for my DIL's birthday dinner. We're going to do that on Wednesday, but she still hasn't decided what she wants! I can stop Wednesday morning, if it comes to that, but I wish she would let me know.

It's funny how I am really starting to think in terms of being home all the time. Like I was thinking, oh, I don't have to do the laundry today, I can wait until Monday. Oh, wait a minute, I do have to go to work on Monday!

I can feel myself relaxing, though. No more do I have to get everything done on the weekend.

Yesterday I went to my grandson's baseball game (though I spent the whole time in the playground with the younger grandson). I did some housework, watched "Poldark" (thanks, Laura!), read a little, cooked a little (burned my carrots, oh well!) It was great! I'm looking forward to many more days like that!

Last train ride, last muffin

June 26th, 2015 at 02:25 pm

Sniff, sniff. (Or is it hurrah?) I'm riding the train for the last time today, since I'll drive on Monday and Tuesday, in order to carry stuff home. So I honored the occasion with my last muffin and coffee from Corner Bakery. $4.

My awesome lunch yesterday (both food and company!) set me back $14. That was my only spending -- I was very, very tempted to stop for food on the way home after work, but gave myself a stern talking to. Had beef stew at home, which I'm sick of now. Put the last serving in the freezer.

Tonight I'll make the chicken pot-pie pockets. I never even got to the chicken piccata. It's still in the freezer, on tap for next week. And I have another serving of French onion soup to consume.

I put two big chicken breasts and some taco sauce in the slow cooker last night after work and let it cook for four hours. That will be the base for the birthday meal, I think. My DIL is very likely to ask for either tacos or enchiladas. If she doesn't, I'll have it on hand to make meals for myself.

I've spent 85% of my variables budget. Expenses coming up, that may or may not fall within this month: birthday dinner, treats for last day of work (but, as that's a work expense, I won't count it in variables), laundry, feeding block for the fish, maybe more kitty litter.

My actual vacation expenses won't begin until July. It will be cheap, anyway -- gas, road food, and a box of wine for the party. Maybe I'll even spring for some chips!

Cleaning Out

June 25th, 2015 at 02:02 pm

I spent most of yesterday cleaning out my office and computer. Still have lots of work to do on both. There is a lot of stuff to throw away, physically. As for the computer, I found out yesterday they don't just wipe it clean, they save the documents for future reference. So I'm paring down, trying to get rid of the junk. Even with only six years on the job, there is a lot of junk. Especially in the email! It's time-consuming.

I found .11 yesterday. I'm on a roll! I think the economy must be getting better; people aren't bothering to pick up dropped change any more.

No spending yesterday. This morning I got a free cup of coffee, with a coupon, from Dunkin' Donuts. Lunch out today, but I'll try to keep it reasonable!

Another day, a few more pennies

June 24th, 2015 at 02:25 pm

Well, the change-finding tapered off yesterday. I found only 3 pennies.

My total spending yesterday was .17. That's how much postage I needed to add to the three Forever stamps I placed on the big envelope heading to the Unclaimed Property Division.

My DIL was gracious about delaying her birthday party. I didn't add that her gift hasn't arrived, and may not for a week or so. I bought it from Amazon, but it was from one of their affiliate merchants.

However, the Happy Hour was also changed to Monday, so the adjustment wasn't even necessary. I'll let it stand, though. I can't pull off a birthday dinner after a day of work. I don't know what I was thinking in the first place.

I had a talk with the other retiree in our office. She is younger, and she has MS. But she is married, so she can go on her husband's insurance. She is concerned about her loss of income, and wants to find another job. I don't think it will be that easy, unless she has connections. Once you pass 60, no one even looks at you any more. Add to that her illness. I advised her to look at what she can cut in her lifestyle, and she said there is nothing to cut. But I know she goes out for lunch regularly, and carries a Coach bag and wears Uggs. And I know she has doled out a lot of cash to her grown children. I hope she figures it out.

I have five more days, counting today. Such a strange feeling!

Found .38 Again!

June 23rd, 2015 at 02:44 pm

Weird. Yesterday I found .38 in various places, just like the day before. Should I play the lottery? Smile

I got my documents notarized and today I'm sending off the claim for my mother's unclaimed property (life insurance dividends). The total will be $1109.16. I will keep 1/4 and divide the rest among my siblings, and, in the case of my late brother, his children. So my share will be $277.29. That will be a nice snowflake to add to my grandchildren's college funds.

I got a little bump in my retirement fund from the College -- the last payment went in yesterday. An extra $655 was added as part of the retirement incentive package. (Most people got much more, but my years of service are short!) Plus the regular payments, mine and theirs, went in, so this little fund, that was begun only three years ago, is almost at $20K. When I set it up, I was expecting it would only reach $10K, so I'm pleased. (Obviously, the bulk of my retirement fund was earned elsewhere!)

That pushed my net worth up a bit, too. This is the highest it's been since the 2008 meltdown.

Low-Spend Weekend

June 22nd, 2015 at 02:07 pm

I was toying with the idea of doing a grocery skip, but instead settled on doing a 5-item shop instead of a 10-item. Oh, my goodness! 5 items are so much easier to carry! And it was super cheap. $13. I bought beef shank (reduced for quick sale), butter, Swiss cheese, an onion and a bag of red potatoes. Over the weekend, I made batch of beef stew, and French onion soup. Plus, I took all the leftover rolls I had in the freezer and made croutons.

Possible meals this week:

Beef stew
French onion soup
Chicken pot-pie pockets
Sweet pepper omelet
Potato-veggie scramble

I also bought a $2 StreetWise magazine and spent $3 on laundry. And I found .38 in various places!

On the entertainment side, I went to my grandson's baseball game, and watched two movies on HBO's freebie weekend -- Divergent and Gone Girl.

I started watching The Good Lie, which was very interesting, but I was too tired to stay up any longer.

It was a bad weekend for sleeping, and I can't say why. I hope that sleeping will be easier once I am retired.

I got my final document for the unclaimed property, so I'll send that in today. I also got my welcome letter and card for my Medicare Advantage program, and a letter from Social Security saying that I had been approved. Thought I already was, but, whatever!

My DIL and I set plans for her birthday dinner on Friday -- however, I think there may be one last Happy Hour on Friday, so I will try to reschedule. I need a whole day to cook anyway. The weekend would be better, or barring that, Wednesday the 1st. The first day of full retirement! On the next day I head up to Michigan for a family reunion, so the full force of retirement won't hit me right away.

Variables Spending

June 19th, 2015 at 02:03 pm

My variables spending percentage is now up to 78%. I bought a gift for my DIL that cost $63. It took some deliberation on my part, but in the end, I decided to buy what she wanted without trying to come up with a cheaper version. It was from her Amazon list -- a sports bra. She is a serious runner and very particular and I know that only this particular sports bra would do. I could have bought a different color for a few dollars less at Kohl's, but it was not that much of a savings -- and the wrong color.

I have an unofficial limit of $50 on gifts, but there is give and take. My gift to my other DIL was actually $46, so they kind of evened out! I think it's okay, because they won't compare gifts, and I got each of them what they wanted.

I also refilled a prescription for $15, but that doesn't come out of variables, since it is a flexible spending item.

Budgeting -- Tight Month

June 18th, 2015 at 02:17 pm

I drove today, hoping to sidestep the Blackhawks celebration madness, and I stopped for gas on the way in - $31. I've spent 69% of my variables budget now, with 60% of the month done. I may try to skip the grocery this weekend; I seem to be pretty well stocked, at least enough to get me through another week.

With my gas tank full, and enough pet supplies on hand, I should be able to get through the rest of the month on the $225 left in the budget. I DO have to buy a gift for my DIL, and make a dinner for her. But there is no other expected expense till July.

I will load up the car with personal stuff from my office before going home. It will probably take me several trips to empty it, so I will use every chance I get to take a load home.

I located my mother's death certificate and obituary in my files (yay me! I'm usually bad at this stuff!) So now I just have to wait for the third property form to come in the mail and I can send it all in. A little over $1000, to be split four ways among the siblings. Nice snowflake!

Retirement Stuff

June 17th, 2015 at 02:24 pm

Yesterday was another no-spend day.

I found another quarter by the same range of parking meters. I also found a penny in the college parking lot.

I had my exit interview yesterday. Mainly, I learned that my $12K lump sum will go into the bank on July 15, and that is also when my little monthly stipend will begin. I am estimating that after taxes, I will get about $200 a month for the next three years. Also, a lump sum will go into my retirement fund -- only in the $500-600 range as I remember. That may happen sooner. I should check today!

(New readers -- this is not all that I will receive in retirement. I will start getting Social Security in August, and I will also get a monthly interest payment from my retirement fund. It will be a lean budget, but doable.)

I got a letter from my Medicare Advantage provider telling me I can no longer pay my monthly premium from my Social Security check. Since I am not getting a Social Security check until August, this is not a surprise. Smile What is concerning is that this is the first communication I've received about paying, and there is no information about due dates, etc. I am a little worried about the company's administration, especially coupled with the hour-long conversation I had with them yesterday about my "lack" of medical coverage this past year. (Not so!) Ugh. Want this done.

I will send a check to the indicated payment address. I have the option to call and pay with a credit card, or to call and get a form to set up automatic payments, but I don't want to deal with their staff again. The person I spoke to yesterday seemed very nice and personable, but also didn't seem to know what he was doing. What has happened to customer service? It just doesn't seem to exist any more.

I emailed my insurance company yesterday and asked about a senior or retirement discount. My agent replied that I am eligible for a discount on my condo insurance, but not on my car, as I only have liability coverage now. However, if I get a new car someday, I will be eligible for a discount. Not sure how much my savings will be, but I'll certainly look for the discount when I get my condo insurance bill. Every little bit helps.

Looking forward to yet another free lunch on Friday -- another colleague leaving, another party. Soon I won't be able to rely on all these free food events. I wonder how retirement will impact my food bill? Positively, I hope, as I will have more time to plan and execute meals!

Just want to add that my mortgage has finally slipped under the $70K mark! Once I get through these four lean years ahead (reminder: I am drawing spousal benefit now; will switch to full benefit at age 70), I'll go back to putting extra on the mortgage. Right now, anything extra will go into savings.

NSD, Change Found & More Unclaimed Property!

June 16th, 2015 at 02:33 pm

Yes, it was a no-spend day (other than paying my bills).

This morning on the way to the train I found four quarters, all scattered around parking meters. Sweet!

I got my forms to fill out for the unclaimed property in my mother's name. I decided to look for more documentation linking her to her childhood address. What did I find, but another unclaimed property under her maiden name! About $340 more, which makes the whole "estate" around $1,000. (Unless she had more squirreled away -- who knows at this point?)

I have to get a death certificate, and proof of residency at the pertinent addresses. I had to get a death certificate before, so I'm going to search my own records to see if I kept a copy.

I actually do have a copy of the Social Security Death Index record, but I don't know if that is what they want.

I added $11.17 to my snowflakes yesterday -- Discover cashback money which I transferred to my checking account.

I am well over the $500 required spending on my BOA Visa, so I will get $100 at the end of the 90-day period.

Money flowing in! I like it!

Update and Good News!

June 15th, 2015 at 05:25 pm

I haven't updated since Thursday, when I was planning to go out for dinner. Well, I did! I spent $43 on a not-so-great meal (but it WAS a good time with friends) and also $2 on parking. Evidently I drank way too much, because driving home (50-minute drive) I thought I would POP! I expected to find a place to stop on the way, but my navigator was taking me through sketchy-looking areas where I didn't want to stop. Finally, when I got into the city limits of my own suburb, I stopped at a Steak N Shake. Really uncomfortable experience. (Yeah, I know, I'll blog about ANYTHING!)

Friday was the day I spent escorting the Trustee wives around. Although the day was cold and rainy, it was a pleasant time. The ladies were very nice and game for anything. We visited the lapidary art museum, and also got a special tour of the College's art collection. I got a free breakfast AND lunch, both very good.

On Saturday I babysat all day. I took the boys to the Little League game, and afterwards we got ice cream from the ice cream truck. ($8) The little one just about ruined his pants with all the melted tie-dye colors, but they washed out pretty well! For dinner I picked up a pizza ($14).

Sunday was devoted to grocery shopping, cooking and laundry. I spent $55 at the grocery, which included $9 spent for Father's Day cards. My ten items were:
K-cups, dry milk, flour, eggs, frozen yogurt, Italian beef, chicken breasts, mini sweet peppers, carrots, and salad-in-a-bag. Thank goodness the K-cup expense is almost over. My K-cupping will end with my employment!

I also went to PetSmart and spent $19 on kitty litter and cat food. I got a $3 coupon which I activated by filling out an online survey. I'm always happy to find ANY way to save on pet supplies.

Today was pay day and I got an awesome surprise this morning when I looked up my bank account. I had an extra $4K! That is how much my unused vacation/sick time added up to. I'm amazed! I didn't think it would be any where near that much! I also got a $50 rebate for transit.

Therefore, my month of no income will be no problem at all. I will be able to cashflow it without coming anywhere near my savings.

My variable spending is at 65%, halfway into the month. Still ahead of what it should be, but I don't think this will be a typical month post-retirement.

I spent an hour on the phone this morning trying to get it established with my Medicare Advantage plan that I HAVE been covered for six years and should not have to pay a late enrollment fee. Sigh. I hope it was corrected.

Planned meals this week:

French dip sandwiches
Chicken piccata
Crudites w/dip; cheese & crackers

Plus these meals still available in the freezer:

Chicken veggie soup
Chicken pot pie

And these, which are almost always generally available:

Grilled Cheese
Cheese Quesadillas

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