Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
March 20th, 2015 at 01:27 pm
Yesterday was a no-spend day -- and I got that $119 reimbursed on my Discover card! Whoopee! I wasn't counting on that.
I also got a $50 reimbursement for my transit ticket.
Last night I went home, put on my pajamas and made myself some quesadillas. No sooner had I eaten than I got a text from my son to come over for corned beef and cabbage! Well, I went over and had a very small serving -- in my pajamas! Then I invited them for Reuben sandwiches on Sunday.
My grandson is competing in a musical competition tomorrow and we may celebrate afterwards with pizza. It is not a performance -- he is judged behind closed doors -- so we can't witness it. But we can still celebrate! He is an awesome violinist for an eight-year-old!
Will also have to find time this weekend for laundry, grocery shopping and errands!
Posted in
March 19th, 2015 at 05:26 pm
Yesterday I drove, because I was meeting a friend for dinner. It turned out her husband had to go to the ER, and she cancelled. (She hasn't given me an update, but my understanding was that it was not serious.)
Anyway, I decided to use the time instead to stop at Goodwill. I spent $10, for which I got 2 shirts for BIL, a sweater for myself, a creamer for my white pottery collection, and -- drumroll -- a Swaroski crystal Christmas ornament for 2012 (in the box). They are selling on eBay for about $90-100. I paid less than a dollar! I may give it as a gift, but if not, I will definitely sell it!
I also stopped at Steak n Shake and got dinner for $5.
Had a late morning today, as I had to wait for a rep from the gas company to come and do a safety inspection. That meant I had to drive again, because the timing was wrong for the train. I've driven a lot this month! Thank goodness, the gas prices are still pretty low (relatively speaking!)
People at work are congratulating me right and left, telling me they are envious, will miss me, etc. The word has really gotten around. It is a nice feeling to hear words of appreciation, especially after some of the negative stuff I've had to go through. Oh well, water under the bridge -- I'm well on my way to a new phase in my life!
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March 18th, 2015 at 01:18 pm
I got the official notice yesterday that my early retirement application was accepted. I sign the papers today. My last day will be June 30. Woot woot!
Basically, my compensation will be a little more than what I would have earned had I continued working through December. Since there are involuntary layoffs coming, I think I did the right thing.
I'm getting very excited now, thinking of all the things I will do. I'm definitely going to devote more time to getting fit, to cooking from scratch (and eating at home!), to writing, to organizing, to selling stuff, to grandchildren's activities, and to keeping the house cleaner. That's a lot!
And there's always the possibility of employment, too, though my museum contact has dropped off the map again. Really don't know how viable that is. But a part-time job in my neck of the woods might be a good thing, not only financially, but to get me out in the community.
I'm meeting a friend for dinner tonight -- someone I used to work with. It will be nice to share my happy news!
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March 17th, 2015 at 01:09 pm
I couldn't get ready in time to catch the train this morning, so I drove. And because I drove I bought breakfast at McDonald's. It's a domino effect. At least it was only $2.
We had a staff meeting yesterday where it was indicated that decisions about early retirement and layoffs would be announced by Friday. Fingers crossed! Evidently there will be some involuntary layoffs. I feel for those people, whoever they are. But I am so excited about my own early retirement! Surely, if there will be involuntary layoffs, that means that all the applicants for early retirement will be accepted!
I am wondering now about the money I put into flexible spending for medical. I haven't used very much at all, and I'm afraid I will lose it. I don't imagine I will have access to it after I leave. I'm thinking about going to the eye doctor and getting some glasses. I only need reading glasses, and I get by with drugstore glasses, but maybe a pair that's custom-made would be better for my eyes, anyway.
I'm meeting friends for dinner tomorrow in a neighboring suburb. I'm really looking forward to the meal, and to seeing my friends. But it's always a hassle getting there. I guess I will take the train. I just have to be mindful to leave in time to catch the train downtown. Once they switch to the hourly schedule in the evening, it can mean a lot of waiting.
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March 16th, 2015 at 01:02 pm
First of all, my spending. I spent $31 at the grocery store and bought: tortillas, flour, peanut butter, walnuts, sugar, vanilla extract, canola oil, butter, onions and bread. I spent $3 on laundry. I also spent $23 on aquarium equipment -- a bulb and a gravel cleaner.
Two of my angelfish are now infected with a fungus. I am treating the tank again, but I'm afraid I'm going to lose them all.
On Saturday night I worked at the scholarship dinner. I started getting ready to go at 2:30 and didn't leave the dinner till 11:30, which meant getting home at 12:30. I drove, of course. I would never take the train at that time of night. I wore an old outfit of satin pants and a Chinese jacket, and it was fine, though many women were in cocktail dresses. I got my dinner provided, though I didn't get the filet mignon and salmon that the paying guests got. Spaghetti, salad, and bread sticks were fine with me. I did manage to get some of the fancy hors d'oeuvres, and a piece of amazing chocolate cheesecake.
On Sunday my son came over and fixed a few things for me -- specifically a doorknob that had to be replaced and shades that had to be installed. He was as tired as I was, having spent the night at a sleepover at the Y. Evidently, only the kids slept! So I promised a pizza in payment, but on another day, when we weren't all so tired.
I found .12 over the the weekend and this morning.
I avoided Corner Bakery this morning and had toast and peanut butter at work. I packed a tuna patty, cherry tomatoes, popcorn and granola bars for lunch and snacks today. I'm on it!
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March 13th, 2015 at 01:13 pm
One day at work, I really needed to get access to an obituary of an alumnus that I could only see through one of those paid online services. In this case, it was MyHeritage.com. I should have just let it go, but I decided to get their free trial so I could look at this obituary. I put in all the info, including my personal credit card info (big mistake!) Nothing seemed to be working, though -- I never saw the obituary -- and I assumed that the trial did not go through. Ha ha. Of course it did. I have a charge on Discover now for $119 for my subscription! I canceled the service, deleted my account and wrote them an email asking them to remove the charge. We'll see if they do anything. If they don't, I'll try to refuse the charge through Discover. What a hassle. Lesson learned. No free trials. They're never free.
I may just have to suck it up and make up the $119 in other ways. I started this morning by not getting breakfast in the station.
Today was payday, and I put $1100 in my slush fund. That felt good.
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March 12th, 2015 at 01:02 pm
My state refund posted - $153. I am on track to transfer $1100 to my slush fund on pay day -- which is tomorrow! Two days early, since the 15th falls on Sunday. It will feel good to have the slush fund nice and plump again.
I would like to get the E-fund back above $20K, but since I'll be putting in $12K at the end of June (if I get the early retirement package) I'm not too worried about that.
I found three pennies this morning, all in different places.
I finally got a good night's sleep last night, so I think the world will look a lot better today!
I finished up the last of the soup yesterday. Tonight I'll make some tuna salad and/or tuna patties (bought the BIG can). On Friday night I'll make the spaghetti, and on Saturday I'll shop again, though I will have to use up most of my list on staples. So it will be another week of creative cooking.
My St. Pat's dinner will be deferred to the following weekend, due to our schedules.
On Saturday night I'll get a free meal for working at the scholarship dinner. I won't get the fancy dinner the participants get -- but I'll probably be able to snag some impressive hors d'oeuvres -- and there will be a buffet in a side room for the "help."
Yesterday I mistakenly said I had to go downtown today for a board event. I had the dates wrong -- I don't actually have to do that until the 25th, which is a relief!
I'll be meeting friends for dinner on the 18th. Lots going on this month!
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March 11th, 2015 at 01:29 pm
Whew. Another night of poor sleep. This is really going to catch up with me. But I'm back at work today. Opened up my email to see I got hit with a last-minute assignment. Another reason I'm glad my job is coming to an end!
I bought a muffin and coffee at the station this morning for $4. I did another load of laundry last night for $1.50.
I'm supposed to go downtown tomorrow evening for a "salon" -- kind of a professional book club event. I haven't done the reading, and I'm not really excited about another evening downtown. It's always such a logistical challenge, and I'll have to spend money getting there and buying something to eat. With my bleary head today, it's even more unappealing. But as part of the board, I do have, if not an obligation, at least a responsibility.
Had a free lunch yesterday, as a co-worker brought in meatballs for her birthday treat. Today I'll eat the potato soup I brought in yesterday.
This weekend I probably have to work at the scholarship dinner (though assignments haven't been made yet). This will be my last one! I'll need to figure out something fancy to wear.
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March 10th, 2015 at 12:47 pm
The time change has wreaked havoc on my sleep. I can't fall asleep at night; I can't wake up in the morning. This morning I was so lethargic I got up late and missed the train.
On my drive in, I bought a $2 breakfast at McDonald's.
Last night, I spent $5 on caramel corn at the station. What a waste of money and calories. Why do I do that? I guess because I was hungry and tired.
I did a load of laundry last night, and I will probably do another tonight.
The light on my aquarium went out. I assume the bulb burned out. I'll have to figure out how to get a new one. Just hope the right size is still available, as I think it is a pretty old tank. It's a 15-gallon tank, which is not common any more. It seems that most are 10-gallon or 20-gallon. I'm really hoping I don't have to buy a new tank just because of the light.
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March 9th, 2015 at 01:46 pm
My package of Bay's English muffins, that is. I had it in the freezer at work, and I guess it was just too much temptation for somebody. Just one more reason to hope I get to retire early.
My soup bar was a success. That said, I have leftovers of all four soups, but everyone said they were good and they loved the concept. I ended up making cheddar bay biscuits from scratch. They only turned out fair, I think mainly because the baking powder is too old.
It will warm up into the 40's today -- heat wave!! It was so warm in my condo yesterday I had to open the windows. I think winter is finally over, though I hate to even say it!
Here's a dilemma. For the past few years I've made a St. Patrick's dinner based on Reuben sandwiches. This year I was going to add Shamrock shakes and potato farls. Well, by rights I should do it this coming weekend, in order to precede the 17th. However, the grandkids are having a sleepover at the Y (something they look forward to all year), so the timing isn't good. Furthermore, I can't stick to the ten items rule. I have many basics to buy this Saturday, so I doubt this meal is doable. Should I break my rule? I really, really wanted to stick with it this year! Maybe I'll just do a late St. Pat's meal, which might be better timing for the family anyway.
Oh, by the way, I did remove the gel polish this weekend, using the cotton ball/foil method. Worked great! My nails felt rough afterward, so I put on a clear base. My hands look a lot better! And it cost nothing.
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March 8th, 2015 at 02:43 pm
Brown sugar, popcorn, kitty litter, mayonnaise, cat chow, vinegar, eggs, almond milk, wine and steak.
Those are the items I bought off my overflowing grocery list. The brown sugar was on sale, and I needed it for making granola and for topping my oatmeal. Popcorn was on sale and it's a great snack for me, so I never like to be without it. Kitty litter and cat chow are self-explanatory. Mayonnaise (on sale) was needed for the tuna salad. Vinegar (on sale) I use for many things, and my big bottle was empty. Needed eggs -- never want to be without them. Almond milk (on sale) to have with the granola. Wine -- because the nightly glass is a treasured ritual. Steak wasn't on the list, but it was deeply discounted and I decided to use half for a meal and the other half in my vegetable soup, to make it heartier.
Altogether I spent $40.
I did one load of laundry yesterday. ($1.50) None of the other baskets are full. I'll probably do a lot of laundry next weekend.
My kids invited me to dinner on Friday night and I didn't even see the text! In fact, I let my phone battery die, and didn't see the text till the next morning. I sent an apology and invited them for dinner here tonight, but I haven't heard back yet. If they come, I'm going to serve a "soup bar." I have vegetable beef, potato soup, and Asian vegetable, and I have the ingredients for broccoli cheese soup, which I will make if they say they are coming. I figure I'll walk to the store (get my exercise in) and buy a loaf of Artisan bread. Or, if I'm feeling particularly confident, I might try making biscuits from scratch -- though I may be too low on flour to do that.
Next week's grocery list is already topping ten. I am going to have to make more decisions next week!
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March 6th, 2015 at 02:42 pm
Well, almost. My Netflix payment was withdrawn, but I don't really count automatic payments as spending.
I sat with my young friend on the train again yesterday -- couldn't avoid her -- the station is small and when she shouts out "Sit with me!" what do you do? But I did tell her I had to read an assignment on my phone (which is true, I'm reading all of Jane Austen and discussing with my former professor -- just not getting a grade!) She interrupted me quite a bit but let me have some quiet time, too.
One of my angelfish is not doing well. She has sprouted some fungus and she doesn't swim well. I treated the water this morning. It helped before, but apparently didn't eradicate the problem. I already had the medication on hand, so no expense out of pocket.
I will be grocery-shopping this weekend, and I think it will be a bit of a challenge to hold to ten items. I already have 17 on my list! Most are things that are running low; not all are necessities. It will be interesting to decide what gets purchased this week and what stays on the list for next week.
I already have the ingredients for mac & cheese with ham, spaghetti with creamy marinara and sun-dried tomatoes, tuna patties, tuna salad, vegetable soup, and escalloped potatoes. So I don't really have to worry about meals, just pantry items.
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March 5th, 2015 at 02:42 pm
Did I have a no-spend day yesterday? I can't think of a penny I spent. Sometimes they just sneak up on you.
It's very cold again today, and I faced another temptation to drive. However, I bundled up and made the walk to the station. And I avoided the treat at the station. Having English muffins at work is really helping.
I've run into a bit of a problem on the train ride home. I don't know if any of you recall, but last year I helped out a developmentally-challenged young woman who had lost her wallet. Since then she has attached herself to me, and now she always wants to sit with me at the station and on the train. The trouble is, she talks nonstop and she is very hard to understand, and it just wears me out trying to make out what she is saying. She is also demanding -- "I want the window. I want to sit in back." I really don't want to hurt her feelings, but I want some time to myself. When I say I can't talk now, or I have to check my phone messages, she doesn't hear me. I don't know what to do except try to avoid her, which makes me feel really bad. I'm thinking of taking a later train! I hate to be this way, as I am sure she needs every bit of kindness she receives, but it's really wearing on me.
I know this isn't finance-related at all, but it's what's on my mind today. How do you set boundaries with someone who doesn't even understand them?
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March 4th, 2015 at 02:34 pm
Well, I went through all my papers and I couldn't find my flex-spend debit card. I left a message with the company this morning and I'm waiting for a callback.
I scored a bag of veggies yesterday! All the leftovers from the shower were spread out in the break room yesterday. At the end of the day, a lot of crudites were left over, and the admin assistant who did the cleanup offered them to me. (I have a reputation!) It is mostly baby carrots, but there were peapods, cherry tomatoes, and jicama, too.
I went home last night and made a potato scramble dinner, using some of the veggies. I'll probably end up making carrot soup since there are so many to use up. And the rest will go on salads.
I bought gas on the way home for $23. I believe I paid $2.49 a gallon, which is about as good as it gets right now.
I got an answer to my email yesterday about the museum job -- only that we will meet privately to discuss it. I don't want to talk on the phone in my office.
Now, about that no-chip manicure? I didn't know you couldn't take the stuff off! I've read about how to do it, but it sounds so awful I'm inclined to just let it grow out. It's not a very noticeable color. I think if I just put some ordinary pale polish on the growing-out part it will look okay. I wish I had known that it melds onto your nails; I would have just gone for the regular manicure.
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March 3rd, 2015 at 02:14 pm
I tried to use my flex debit card at the pharmacy last night, and it was denied. So I put it on Discover ($15) and I'll have to get a reimbursement. But I was troubled that the card was denied -- it's the first time I tried to use it this year.
Well, this morning I have an email from our FORMER flex benefits company saying they didn't have an account for me and that was the reason it was denied. I used my old card! The trouble is, I have no idea where the new card is, or if I even got it. There is a pile of mail/papers in box under my desk at home, and I'll go through them tonight. If it's not there, I have to figure out how to get a card reissued.
This morning I woke up to sunlight. Boy, that means trouble. It means I didn't set the alarm. I threw on some clothes and got in my car, since catching the train was a lost cause. Luckily, I did make it in decent time, and the roads weren't as bad as they predicted. We are having a "wintry mix" day, but by the time I go home the temperature is supposed to be above freezing, so I think I will just be dealing with slop. I can deal with slop.
I did not hear from my museum job contact, so I sent her an email today suggesting that we meet sometime for dinner or lunch, so we can talk privately. I was out of the office a lot yesterday, so she might have called and decided not to leave a message.
We had a baby shower at work yesterday, so there is LOTS of leftover food today. I don't anticipate having to buy any lunch! Which is good, since I didn't have time to pack one!
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March 2nd, 2015 at 02:29 pm
February turned out to be more expensive that January. January FELT high-spending, because I bought things -- like the mattress, and cookware etc. February was spendy because I paid the property taxes and made a contribution to my grandsons' college fund.
Taxes - $1209
Housing - $677
Gifts/Charity - $610
Utilities - $162
Fares/Parking - $97
Eating Out - $68
Fees/Services - $66
Groceries - $62
Phone - $51
Gas - $50
Personal - $48
Entertainment - $32
Vacation/Travel - $30
Clothing - $19
Laundry - $18
Household Supplies - $9
Car Repair/Maintenance - $6
Grand Total - $3214
Included in the "fees/services" was the $40 withdrawal for my tollway pass. That happens maybe once a year -- whenever I've used up my balance. I don't travel the tollways very much, but I can't avoid them entirely.
My Saturday morning was spent at the Field Museum of Natural History. I met a group there from my board and professional association. We had a fun time and were given passes to see two special exhibits free -- one on Voodoo, and one on the Vikings. But it was still costly, for parking was $22 and lunch was $10. I could have taken the El and saved a lot of money, but I don't know the routes well enough. Apparently there was a stop a few blocks away I could have used.
When I came home I spent $32 at the grocery store. My ten items: granola bars, tuna, K-cups, spaghetti sauce, Parmesan cheese, sherbet, frozen yogurt, wine, baby spinach, and russet potatoes.
I also spent $4.50 on laundry.
My weekend cooking included making granola, brownies (for a baby shower at work today), and creamy poppy seed dressing, all from scratch. I didn't make ahead any meals, but I have ham and cheese on hand, and chili in the freezer. Plus, plenty of potatoes, for a quick potato scramble.
I drove this morning because I had to bring the brownies, as well as the K-cups, and get a prescription filled on my way home. I almost stopped at McDonald's for breakfast, but instead I stopped at a grocery store and spent the $5 instead on a double pack of English muffins. I'll keep them in the work freezer. That's essentially 12 breakfasts for the price of one!
My last update -- on Friday afternoon my friend at the museum left a message on my work phone. She will call me again today, but she said she got my email about my retirement plans, and she wanted to let me know she is flexible, and that part-time may be an option! This puts a different light on the whole thing. I'll see what I find out today!
Posted in
February 27th, 2015 at 01:52 pm
"Poor Me" is the one who drives to work, and buys fast food, when the weather is bad and the road is long.
I drove this morning not only because it was cold, but yesterday my train home was an hour late due to mechanical problems. When it finally came, all the extra power was off, so there was no light, no heat. It was a pretty miserable trip. So "Poor Me" decided to drive today! I bought a $3 breakfast on the way. Last night I bought a $5 dinner, using a 1/2 price coupon for an Italian deli near the station. I had a really delicious corned beef on rye, so I'm not regretting that decision at all. Especially since it turned out I didn't get home until 7.
I'm really glad it's Friday. It's been a grueling week.
Tomorrow morning I've promised to go to the Field Museum for a meet-and-greet event. Not sounding fun right now, and when I think of the parking cost! And the food! At least I won't have to pay to get in.
And I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I'm there.
Have a good weekend, everyone!
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February 26th, 2015 at 02:16 pm
I was just thinking yesterday, that even though it is cold, it is SO nice that the sidewalks and roads are all clear. Not today! It started last night and it's still coming down. Roads are hazardous so I took the train. The walk to the station was a bit challenging, but the temperature is much more comfortable than it's been earlier in the week.
I would have opted to work from home, but I have important stuff that is due tomorrow, and I didn't want to take a chance that technology would throw a spanner in the works. (My remote access is not very reliable).
So, financially, I have to report that I bought dinner at McDonald's last night. I was just too hungry on the way home. It was $6, because I sprang for a shamrock shake, which is one of my biggest weaknesses.
But it looks like I will have at least $1000 to sweep into the slush fund this payday! Hope I can be careful enough to do that! It makes me nervous that my slush fund is so low. Once the slush fund is above $1000 I'll go back to sweeping money into the e-fund.
Thanks to everyone on the input about the museum job yesterday. I did not hear back from my former boss, and I think it will probably be a long drawn-out process. If it looks like a viable job option, I will at least apply for it, but I'm also going to go ahead with my retirement plans -- which will involve applying for Social Security, and getting a Medicare supplement. I don't have to set them up till May, so by then I may know a lot more.
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February 25th, 2015 at 01:44 pm
Just when everything was starting to seem settled in my life, I got an email about the museum job that I thought was never going to materialize. My former boss wants to know if I am interested.
I responded with a carefully-worded noncommittal email. My heart is saying no. I don't want to start a new job, take on a new commute, commit to more years in the workplace. Now that the prospect of early retirement has been opened up, I can't bear the thought of plunging right back into it. And yet my head says yes. It would be more money, a cushion. It would be sensible. I could travel, get a new car, do things I couldn't do on a retirement income.
Added to this, I am becoming interested in a man who lives three hours away, and I was looking forward to having more time to visit him and really get to know him, with the hope of a permanent relationship. Taking a new job would make this difficult.
I don't know what to do. Perhaps I should go through the process and see what comes of it. The last job opportunity didn't pan out, after all.
Yesterday would have been a no-spend day, but the girl scout cookies came in, so I owed a co-worker $4.
I did go to the HR office about my train ticket, where they reiterated that I could have just used my flex debit card to pay for it. They printed out a form for me to get my reimbursement, but they clearly would prefer that I use the card. I would have, just didn't remember that it was an option! Oh, this aging brain!
I drove this morning, not only because it was still cold, but because my hair was still wet when it was time to leave. It's supposed to snow later in the day, so I hope I haven't made a bad decision. But -- good for me -- I did not stop at a fast-food place on the way in!
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February 24th, 2015 at 02:22 pm
My only spending yesterday was buying my monthly train pass. ($96) I now have to turn in the receipt for reimbursement (a flex-plan thing) but I can't remember what to do, and there's nothing about it on the website. Guess I'll make a trip to HR today. So embarrassing. I just did this last month.
I've taken the train yesterday and today despite the brutally cold weather. I can't say taking the walk is pleasant, but I'm getting through it. Driving, though warmer, is not pleasant, either. The traffic and burning through gas are both big turn-offs.
I've also resisted the "poor me" excuse to buy comfort food at the station.
I got paid back $20 -- a loan I had forgotten all about! I will resist the temptation to call it a snowflake; I just made the adjustment in my spending log. It was for a group lunch that I put on my credit card. This one particular person did not pay me back on the spot, and I forgot about it. I'm glad she remembered!
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February 23rd, 2015 at 03:35 pm
My federal refund of $1042 hit the bank account today! Now, with some cash on hand, I can fund those college accounts for the grandbabies.
I used up the last of my grocery store gift card and spent $15 over. I stuck to ten items: kitty litter, Greek yogurt, creamer, wine, ham steaks, sun-dried tomatoes, sourdough bread, jam, butter, and salsa. I also picked up a birthday card, but didn't include it in the ten-items count. It's not a grocery and it weighs nothing!
I spent $4.50 on laundry, and $23 on gas. I bought a StreetWise magazine from a vendor for $2.
On Saturday I went to a new friend's birthday party and met quite a few local folks. She apparently does a big open-house birthday party every year and most of the attendees were repeaters. It was nice to meet some of my neighbors. And she did a very nice spread; I felt kind of bad that I only brought a birthday card!
On Sunday I made dinner for my son's family -- pepper beef over rice, with loaded cornbread on the side. Went over very well, except that my grandson was deeply disappointed that I didn't have any ice cream. "Why didn't you buy any?" he said, in complete bewilderment. I guess ice cream is something I need to keep on hand!
I didn't try to explain to a five-year-old why I would only buy ten items!
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February 20th, 2015 at 02:10 pm
I had a no-spend day yesterday, but my automatic payment did go out to Comcast. It was $30 higher than usual, due to extra costs from switching to an HD TV. About $5 of that will stay, but the others were one-time charges. I called Comcast and went over the bill with them just to make sure that all the charges were legit and I understood them.
Today I go to the dentist, but the cost will go to my flexible spending account. This is just a cleaning/checkup. I've spent so much time there recently it seems odd to go back so soon, but it has been six months since the last cleaning.
I will get gas on the way home, too. Looks like I will have to pay $2.32. I'm sure missing those low prices we had for a while!
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February 19th, 2015 at 02:32 pm
Okay, I've said it was cold before, but this is cold. When I walked out the door, my nose hairs instantly froze up!
Even though my boss said I could work from home today, I decided to drive in. I have a meeting today, and it's just easier to get things done in my office rather than at home. (Hate to admit that!) Walking to the train station would have been painful, but driving is warm, and now that I can park free right next to my building, it's just so worth it to drive on cold days. Despite the fact that I've already paid for the train ticket!
But enough of that, I have wonderful news! Another grandchild coming in September! And my son is taking a new position. He's still in the drone industry, but in a bigger company. He'll have to move, because it's three hours north of his home, but he's very pumped. He says that what he will learn in this job will put him in very high demand for jobs in the future.
Now I'm REALLY glad I have the possibility of retiring in June, so I can go down to Florida and spend some quality time there in September!
I haven't given the kids the college money from my snowflakes yet, because I was waiting for a better cash flow situation, but now I'm glad, because now I can split it four ways and include the new baby!
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February 18th, 2015 at 02:40 pm
But I found it again!
Yesterday morning, when I was going through the ordeal with my dysfunctional key fob, I inadvertently left my hat in the car. It was such a cold day, and I didn't know where I had lost my hat or if I would ever find it again, so I bought a new one at the train station for $19. It's a nice, practical, warm hat. Cable-knit taupe, with a thermal lining. And it was 30% off!
Then when I got home, I saw the original hat on my car seat, and I was glad, because it's actually cuter. I'll be glad to have both hats.
It was not so easy getting the battery for the key fob. The Toyota dealer didn't have it, Radioshack didn't have it -- I finally got one at Batteries Plus. It was only $2.50, so I bought two. Then I paid the guy $10 to install it. Yes, I probably could have done it myself, but at that point I wasn't taking any chances on my all-thumbs handiwork. I wanted this done.
I had to ask a co-worker to drive me around to get the battery, since I had come by train. This morning I gave her a Darden gift card for $15. She has done me many driving favors before and never wants compensation, but I felt I had to do something!
Anyway, the key fob works, the car is drivable, and all is well.
I drove this morning, not only to make sure it worked, but because it is very, very cold. I have decided I am not walking to the train station when the wind chill is below zero. It's not worth it.
But, best news of the day -- my Tightwad Gazette was in the mail!! Thank you CCF, for running the contest, and excellent packaging! You're way better than Amazon!
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February 17th, 2015 at 02:53 pm
Though I did feel better yesterday afternoon, enough to walk to Supercuts and get my hair cut, I feel pretty crummy today. But I'm at work.
I still had one cut left on my gift card, so it was free except for the tip. I gave the stylist $5 because she did such a nice job -- and I didn't have any smaller change!
This morning I decided to drive because I had stuff to carry. No go. The battery on my key fob was dead, so I couldn't start the car. I took the train, and at noon I'll have to have a co-worker drive me to Toyota so I can replace the battery. Kicking myself, because I did notice it was getting weak, but did nothing about it.
I forgot to list my eleven items from the grocery yesterday:
Cat Chow
Keurig cups
Almond Milk
Grated Cheddar
Greek Yogurt
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter with Olive Oil (2)
Sweet Peppers
I see it's actually twelve items! I must have miscounted in the cart.
It is really hard to stay down to ten items. On the other hand, it's really hard to carry more than ten items upstairs, so I do have my motivation.
I paid my $1208 property tax this morning. I'm expecting a very low bill for the second half of the year, since it will reflect my new senior status.
Posted in
February 16th, 2015 at 03:09 pm
I'm sick at home today. It doesn't happen too often, and obviously I'm not too sick to use the computer -- but I have a sour stomach, congestion and a total lack of sleep to deal with. Hoping rest will cure it all.
I had a productive weekend. Lots of laundry, cooking, and cleaning. I did my grocery shopping, too, breaking my rule and buying 11 items. I got free eggs for buying two tubs of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter with Olive Oil. Since it's something I use regularly, I got the two tubs. Just couldn't sacrifice anything else to drop down to ten.
I used my gift card, so it was no spending. The laundry, however, cost me $7.50.
I gave my grandsons the beanie babies along with the little boxes of chocolates, and they were a big hit. Whew, I made the right choice! I have yet to mail the Valentine's package to my granddaughter. My bad. She is getting a beanie baby, too, and some clothes I got at Goodwill. If I feel better later today, I will mail it. I'll get a haircut, too, which is another thing I should have done on the weekend. I still have another cut on my Supercuts gift card. Just have to make sure my favorite stylist is working today. This may all be wishful thinking, as I'm really not feeling like leaving the house -- or the couch!
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February 13th, 2015 at 03:18 pm
It's pay day -- two days early because the 15th falls on a Sunday! I paid my mortgage, Discover, Target and Citi bills. I am holding off on my tax bill, because the $419 credit from Discover hasn't hit the bank yet, and I want to make sure I am not cutting it too close.
I did have one nice surprise. I got fully reimbursed (from flexible spending) for the train ticket I bought last month. I thought I was only getting a portion, so it was a pleasure to see that addition in my bank account!
I had a few bad moments this morning when I thought I had lost my Red Card -- finally found it in my purse (not in my wallet). I needed it to set up my online account for the first time, and I went into a panic when I couldn't put my hands on it.
Last night's Happy Hour was pretty cheap. My parking was only $5 and was paid for by the board. My meal was $16 including the tip. The board bought appetizers. My meal was a huge grilled chicken sandwich! I thought I couldn't eat half of it, but I put away at least three-quarters!
Tonight I'm going to babysit my grandsons. This weekend I have to do tons of laundry, grocery shopping, get my hair cut, do my taxes, clean my house.... It never ends.
Oh, and I heard yesterday that they have only just now received 25 applications for early retirement. I think my chances have increased!
Posted in
February 12th, 2015 at 01:42 pm
Yesterday I found a dime in the station. But then I went to an impromptu happy hour after work and spent $10. Probably shouldn't have done that, but it occurred to me that I won't be seeing these people much longer, and I kind of wanted to get my socializing in. My $10 bought a chocolate porter and half an order of pot roast nachos. Yum!
I have another happy hour tonight; this one an obligation -- a "meet the board" event, and since I'm on the board, I have to go. It is downtown, and I decided to drive rather than fiddling with the train and a taxi. Hope it is not the wrong decision. I hope there will be affordable parking or valet service nearby.
I'm glad I drove, anyway, because temps are dropping and I hate walking when it's so cold.
Just sent my Discover reward of $419 to the bank account. That feels good!
Posted in
February 11th, 2015 at 02:27 pm
I met with a rep from TIAA-CREF yesterday. Mainly I wanted to know what to do with the very small 403(b) fund I have earned in my six years at the College. I was under the impression that I would need to make a decision to withdraw it somehow upon leaving, but in fact it can continue to sit there and grow. So that's what I'm going to let it do. I also learned I can pull money out of it any time I need it (after retirement), so there is no reason to touch it now. In fact, I made it a little less conservative, so I should see some added growth.
I am anxiously awaiting payday on Friday. I have to pay my Discover bill, which will be around $1300, and my tax bill, which will be $1200. I think I will have just enough to cash flow it. It's close. Then I can FINALLY start building up my savings accounts again. Very excited to get going on that. I don't have any big bills coming up in the near future.
I am also anxiously awaiting to hear about the early retirement decision. It's going to be very hard to get my head back into the notion of working till December, if I don't get accepted. I am so ready to put it all behind me! But I will make the best of it, if that's how it turns out.
Posted in
February 10th, 2015 at 02:40 pm
No spending yesterday.
This morning I was running a little late getting ready, so I drove. I will take advantage of that by getting gas at the cheaper suburb rate, and mailing a package before I leave town. I can never mail from home during the week -- I don't get home before the post office closes.
The day after tomorrow I have to go to a happy hour event downtown. It may mean getting a taxi (unless the bar is near the station) and I'll have to pay for my drinks, though there will be free appetizers. I'm not complaining, I enjoy these social opportunities, but there is always a cost! At the end of the month, the same group is going to the Field Museum. Free entrance, but there will be a cost if I want to see the cool new Viking exhibit (I probably do) and there will be a meal cost, too.
I have to do something for Valentine's Day for the grandkids. I have little candy boxes (shaped like footballs) for the boys, and for my granddaughter I have her "new" Goodwill clothes. I think I'll get a little candy box for my GD and send off the package. For the boys, I'm stumped as to what to include with the candy. They don't like clothes; they have a kabillion Legos; maybe some new Beanie babies? They love the ones with the big eyes.
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