It was a good day. 1441 calories.
Egg casserole
Coffee w/ creamer
Red Vine pizza
8 oz. Sprite
Chicken patty on bun w/lettuce & mayo
Green beans
1 square dark chocolate
The red vine pizza is a specialty from Blaze Pizza, made with sauce, soft mozzarella, basil and cherry tomatoes. I had lunch at Blaze with my son's family. I picked up the tab for all; $39.
I brought home two pieces of pizza for lunch tomorrow.
I took a 45-minute walk to the grocery store, where I used a coupon to get a free yogurt.
I spent most of the day with the grandsons; in the park, at lunch, and watching them play videogames. I came home late afternoon, and now I'm watching "Places in the Heart" and loving it.
Wrapping up the month tomorrow. Right now my variables stand at 69%. May be a bit higher when I do the final reckoning, but in any event, I've done well.
Day Eight
February 29th, 2016 at 12:18 am
February 29th, 2016 at 10:37 am 1456742229