Home > Day One Hundred Fifty-Seven

Day One Hundred Fifty-Seven

July 28th, 2016 at 02:40 pm

Calories: 1514

I did my July recap yesterday, and here is the breakdown:

Property Tax: $823
Housing: $677
Insurance: $335
Utilities: $176
Vet/Pet Supplies: $153
Eating Out: $121
Fees/Services: $98
Gifts/Charity: $93
Phone: $52
Vacation/Travel: $47
Gas: $47
Person: $46
Medical/Health: $44
Groceries: $29
Laundry: $15
Household Supplies: $7
Car Repair/Maintenance: $7
Fares/Parking: $2
Entertainment: $1
Grand Total: $2814
Variables: 86%

So the grand total is less than I thought it would be. Overall, not a bad month, considering that I had to pay taxes and insurance, both semi-annual expenses, as well as two annual fees (AAA and I-Pass). Get a load of those groceries, huh? But the pet supply expense and the eating out expense more than makes up for that.

It's a new month! I paid my credit card bills in full, as well as my mortgage. After my gym session, I stopped in at Marshall's and bought some headphones (mainly to use at the gym) for $14. Then I went to a new (to me) grocery called Food4Less. Spent $32 for ten items: crackers, cookies, walnuts, mac & cheese, breakfast bars, raisins, popcorn, cooking spray, croutons, and frozen hamburger patties. I used a coupon that wasn't credited, so I'll have to wrestle with them today about that.

I'm going to stop at Aldi's today and buy another ten items.

Then I stopped and filled up the tank for $27, much needed; I was almost on empty.

My variables spending is already at 33%! That's mainly because I called the window company yesterday and charged the $200 fee.

It is so wonderful to have air conditioning again. I can hardly describe how good it feels, how renewing and refreshing it is. Ironically, the hot weather is breaking; we're supposed to get a cold front! But it isn't even August yet; there will be more hot weather.

Now I'm going to the gym to work out on the recumbent bike and try out my new headphones!

6 Responses to “Day One Hundred Fifty-Seven”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Are you foraging, CB? :-) How did that grocery bill get so low?

  2. SecretarySaving Says:

    I have received a comment too about a loan by a person who's email address was different from their email name. I guess they are making the rounds!

    Enjoy your new headphones!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    The low grocery bill was a combination of being on vacation, eating out, and making meals out of the pantry/freezer. It will be higher this month!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, a whole buck for entertainment? Smile

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I believe that $1 was for a lottery ticket, which I count as entertainment -- fantasizing how I would spend the jackpot.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    A/C is a wonderful invention for sure. Smile

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