Home > Car Repair

Car Repair

July 11th, 2020 at 01:43 pm

Well, I did not luck out with the car repair. I went to AutoZone, and learned there that it was a problem with the coolant sensor. I took the car to Kia, but they had just had two mechanics quit, and they couldn't take me until Thursday. They did assure me that driving my car till then would not be a problem. I went to Aldi and bought $28 worth of groceries, came out and tried to start the car -- couldn't. After I gave up, I called AAA and then returned the groceries, since I know from experience it would be a long process to get home again.

When the AAA came, he was able to start the car, but he escorted me to the auto shop nearby, to make sure the car wouldn't die on me on the way. The shop was busy, so I had to drop off the car and go home. My son came and picked me up, and later in the day I got the call that the coolant system had to be replaced, and it would be $650+. I sort of lost my hearing after that. He explained it all to me, but I didn't hear it.

There is a part they won't be able to get until Tuesday at the earliest, so I am carless for a while.

Of course, I haven't paid yet, but this extra expense is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm going to go into debt again.

Now I'm really hoping my ex comes through with his promise to help with the ceiling, but I can't count on that.

It's only money, right? This certainly makes me identify with the people who are struggling from losing their jobs, etc.

I woke up with a headache this morning. My neck hurts too, so I think I slept in a bad position. I don't think it's stress.

It's beautifully cool this morning. It won't last, so I will enjoy it while it does.

8 Responses to “Car Repair”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Sorry to hear about your car repair bill! Those are the worst for some reason.

  2. Butterscotch Says:

    I’m so sorry CB. I hate how much money you are always sinking into cars or car repairs. I get so upset for you! I hope your ex helps with the ceiling too.

  3. Wink Says:

    Oh the joys of ownership! It always seems to be something doesn't It? Either the house or the car or an appliance. I'm sorry it's been so much lately CB.

  4. AnotherReader Says:

    Does this car have an extended warranty? Is there a known defect the manufacturer is obligated to fix? I would check on these things and take the car to the dealer, not a local shop.

  5. AnotherReader Says:

    Looking at the Kia website, the cars have the same warranty as Hyundai, which owns Kia. This repair could well be covered by the warranty...

  6. rob62521 Says:

    So sorry about the car repair. Could it be something that might be covered under Kia? A number of years ago DH's car quit and when we got it towed, the mechanic said, part of it will be covered because there is a recall on whatever part failed. So sorry this happened to you.

    We were supposed to get cooler weather yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yesterday was a bit cooler and less humid, but today it heated up quite a bit. Hope you could keep the cooler weather.

  7. CB in the City Says:

    My car is not covered under the Kia warranty because I am not the first owner and the mileage is above 60K. Nor is this problem covered by a recall. I already went to the dealer and they wouldn't help me so .....

  8. RaquelF Says:

    Oh that is awful. I hope your ex comes through on the other money.

    I have had headaches the last few days. Peppermint oil is what saves me.

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