Home > Grandson's Birthday

Grandson's Birthday

September 24th, 2020 at 04:06 pm

Today is GS2's 11th birthday. I am giving him $50 in cash in a $4 card. Variables are at 69%; very good for this late in the month.

The shoes I bought at Goodwill are a little larger than I thought. I couldn't try them on in the store, because I wasn't wearing socks. However, with my orthotics and heavy socks, they fit well. I will just have to remember to always wear my heavy socks with them. Actually, I needed something that would accommodate my thick socks, so this is good.

I'm thawing spaghetti sauce for my main meal today. Had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast. Later today I will pick up a book on hold at the library, and look for a few extra. I'm reading a lot -- I go through them fast.

2 Responses to “Grandson's Birthday”

  1. Wink Says:

    Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I, too, have resorted to cash for bday gifts for most of my granddkids. I also tuck a small amount for each birthday into their graduation/wedding accounts that they can enjoy one day...

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