Home > Not So Tranquil

Not So Tranquil

September 26th, 2020 at 07:48 pm

Yesterday, which I thought was going to be so calm and tranquil, turned suddenly busy when I got late word that window washers will come on Monday. That means taking down the AC units and taking out the screens and storms. I have nine windows, and most of them have two or three storms, and all have a screen. My son came over and helped me get down the ones that were too stubborn. When it comes time to put them back, I am only putting back two storms per window, one each for upper and lower. This unit gets hot as blazes in winter; there is no reason to have multiple layers of storm windows. The screens and the AC units I will store till spring.

It's been several years since I was this responsible about the windows. For the last couple of years I've just been letting them wash whatever they could get to. As you can imagine, the windows never looked clean. This year they will be clean, and I will enjoy them. No bird better mess them up!

I tried to forward this info to a neighbor who doesn't get the emails from the property manager, for some reason. She's a renter, but she still should be informed. However, the owner of her unit lives on the East coast and isn't vigilant about happenings in this building.

So I forwarded the email, but it wouldn't go because there was something about the attached document, an FAQ about the process, that the email service didn't like and wouldn't forward. So I decided I would just print the document and walk it over to her. Well, wouldn't you know it, my printer decided to act up! It grabbed a chunk of papers instead of just one and then jammed. I got them out, but the printer, I think, is toast. It's old, it's cranky, it's unreliable -- I am so done with it. I will replace it eventually with a compact laser printer, but not right away. I don't use a printer often and I can wait.

As for my neighbor, I just told her the basics.

This morning I went to the dentist. I got a cleaning and x-rays; the total was $184. No problems with my teeth. Won't go back for another six months.

With that, variables shot up to 91%. But the month is almost over.

1 Responses to “Not So Tranquil”

  1. latestart Says:

    Very nice of you to inform your neighbor. Sorry about the printer issues.

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