Housing | 784 |
Car | 500 |
Utilities | 213 |
Medical/Health | 139 |
Gifts/Charity | 117 |
Groceries | 115 |
Eating Out/Takeout | 103 |
Personal | 84 |
Phone | 49 |
Fares/Parking | 44 |
Entertainment | 33 |
Furn/Equip/Décor | 23 |
Laundry | 16 |
Clothing | 13 |
Grand Total 2233
Variables 104%
It was certainly a different kind of a month for me. Not having a car makes big impact. I spent more than usual eating out -- mostly stops for coffee and a light snack while I was walking. A bit more for medical, even though the bills haven't really started to roll in yet. These were co-pays and medication, etc. My personal spending was mostly for skin care items which needed to be replaced. The biggie, of course, is the $500 for the car repair. That was my deductible.
This morning I got a medical bill for a test -- $120 -- which I have already paid. I also spent $15 for snacks from Walgreens, where I stopped on my morning walk.
June 13th, 2024 at 10:05 pm 1718312738
June 18th, 2024 at 05:00 pm 1718726432