Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
May 19th, 2016 at 04:02 pm
Calories: 1489
Yesterday I bought new ink cartridges for my new printer (it's going to run out of the sample cartridges soon, and I wanted to be prepared). With a $10 coupon, the cost was $51. At least in the future I will be able to buy the black and color cartridges separately. With my old printer, I had to get a whole new set every time.
My variables spending is now 73%, quite a bit higher than I would like it to be at this point. But I renewed my license plate, got an eye exam, got a haircut, bought a fan and new shoes, as well as the ink cartridges, so that's a lot of extras on a slim budget. I think my spending will be minimal the next two weeks. Then it will balloon again when I start my vacation trip to Florida.
My net worth is remaining steady, so I am not worried overall.
My son and DIL just sent new pictures of my granddaughter. She is so beautiful, and looks so mature for her age! I can hardly wait to see her again.
Posted in
May 18th, 2016 at 01:47 pm
Calories: 1574
I took some homemade gorp with me when I went downtown yesterday, in case I was starving by the time I started coming home. I didn't need it, but ate it when I got home. It was over 500 calories, so I could have saved some calories by eating something else, but I was tired and ready to take it easy.
The event I attended was a tour of the surrealistic collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was really interesting -- I was glad I went!
The big financial event yesterday was an addition of $531 to my snowflakes! My bonus from the Alliant credit card came through! Now I am only awaiting the $200 bonus from Chase. Already my snowflakes are equal to what I made the whole year last year.
My passport and my passport card have arrived, so I am all set for travel.
I am seeing news of long lines at airports, so I am glad I decided to drive to Florida instead of fly. I am doing little things to get ready for that trip. Yesterday I made banana muffins, and froze most of them. They'll be good to have on the trip. I'm also planning to take apples, baby carrots, and string cheese.
Variables spending is at 67%, with only 58% of the month gone, so I'm running over a little. I think I can make up for that in the next couple of weeks.
Posted in
May 17th, 2016 at 04:13 pm
Calories: 1479
Went to a baseball game last night. Not as cold as some of them, but still chilly. I had trouble sleeping afterwards, and slept in late this morning (till 9! Scandalous!)
I have an event to attend in the city this evening -- a museum tour. Still have to figure out the logistics, but I think it will be doable on the El.
Other activities planned for today: I have to make that banana bread/muffins, since I didn't get to it yesterday, and I have to transplant my Christmas cactus, which has really overgrown its pot. If I get around to it, I should make some dressing and some granola.
I do believe I did not spend anything yesterday, but I forgot to report my find of .26 over the weekend. Whoo-Hoo!
Posted in
May 16th, 2016 at 03:47 pm
Calories: 1438, 1340, 1388
Wow! I was really successful at keeping my calories down during my BFF's visit, mostly because I skipped dinner -- or ate light in the evening! Did most of my eating at the noon meal.
Here is what I spent during our three-day weekend:
Clothing/Accessories: $71 - new shoes, necklace
Eating Out: $26
Entertainment: $8 (movie)
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $31 (Clay pot, fall wreath, dishcloths, fan, serving bowl)
Gas: $22
Gifts: $48 (Books, Disney figurines, clothing, mugs, soap)
Household supplies: $5 (potting soil)
Shopping was done at Goodwill, garage sales, DSW, Home Depot, Kohl's, and Nordstrom Rack. Two lunches out -- Culver's and a casual Greek restaurant.
As usual we had a very good time. In addition to the above, we went to a baseball game and a belated Mother's Day brunch, for which we were treated.
She is now on the road home, and I am getting back to normal, but with a nice buzz! Today's chores: laundry, and baking banana bread (or muffins).
Posted in
May 13th, 2016 at 02:04 pm
Calories: 1704
Calories were a bit up yesterday, but it sure was an enjoyable day, eating-wise, with blueberries & cream, a hamburger, ice cream, and even a little peanut butter cup. Every once in a while you've got to have a day like that.
Waiting now for my BFF. I'll try to be careful, but I know from experience it is hard to stick to a diet when friends are visiting.
I had 1806 points on my Chase card, which I don't use (I got it for a bonus). I looked on their site and saw that I could use 1000 of them for a $10 Dunkin Donuts card, so I ordered one. If it arrives in time for my trip, it will be useful on the road. Otherwise it will be a stocking stuffer.
I guess I'll donate the remaining 806 points, if they present an opportunity.
Posted in
May 12th, 2016 at 04:10 pm
Calories: 1339
Can't believe I'm on Day Eighty already! This morning when I pulled on my pants I felt a little discouraged because I still have to pull on the waistband to get them buttoned. But I have to remember that before I started, I could hardly get them on at all -- and I'm in this for the long haul.
I had a terrible night's sleep last night for no reason at all that I can figure out. My legs hurt, so I should have gotten up and taken Advil, but I was in that hazy state where you're awake but not thinking sensibly. I slept in a bit this morning. Hope I will get through this day all right. I have to clean -- all the things I usually put off -- and I'm not feeling much energy.
I'm supposed to go to a Happy Hour in the city, but I'm thinking I will call off, unless I really rebound during the day.
Yesterday I grocery-shopped at Aldi - spent $43 and this is what I got: Baby carrots, Spring mix salad, canned stewed tomatoes, bananas, Honeycrisp apples, pantiliners, frozen Brussels sprouts, biscuit mix, barbecue sauce, canned mushrooms, almond milk, chocolate-orange bites, chocolate-raspberry bites, bacon bits, honey-roasted peanuts, creamer, blueberries, sandwich bags, kitty litter, and ice cream. I think that's pretty good!
Variables spending is now at 41%. And this weekend, with my BFF visiting, will push it up more. Then I'll have a two-week respite before I begin my Florida trip on May 31 -- but I will have to buy printer ink before the end of the month.
Another baseball game yesterday evening, and another cool evening on the stands. Tonight (if I forgo the Happy Hour) it's Tae Kwan Do, which is indoors and comfortable.
Posted in
May 11th, 2016 at 03:37 pm
Calories: 1394
I did two loads of laundry yesterday ($3). Today I'm going to grocery shop and on Thursday I'll clean. My BFF is coming on Friday morning.
I am signed up to attend a Happy Hour event in the city tomorrow. Hosted by my professional organization. I try to make it to as many of these things as I can, just for the social aspect. I'll have to look it up to see if there is easy access by public transportation. I've learned that driving and parking is more expensive than the event itself.
Variables spending is 35%, right on track, but of course grocery shopping today will throw that off a bit.
I'm loving retirement more every day!
Posted in
May 10th, 2016 at 03:45 pm
Calories: 1593
Went to a baseball game yesterday, and it was the worst weather yet. I keep saying that, but the weather keeps getting worse. Last night it was cold and rainy. They didn't call the game, because the rain was just sprinkling until the last inning, when it poured. Luckily I had my umbrella with me, but my feet got soaked. It was a heartbreaker game, because our team came up from behind to get three runs in the last inning -- but they didn't count, because the man on third came in behind the man on second. That's kid's baseball for you!
I also got my hair cut earlier in the day - $15, and a nice walk there and back.
The road resurfacing is done already, so I'm no longer trapped!
This morning I let out the hems on the jeans I'm now wearing. They've always been too short. There isn't enough material to put in a new hem, so I'm just going to let them fray, ala 1969! I don't think I'll be wearing them much longer anyway.
Today I'm going to do a couple loads of laundry, and tomorrow I'm grocery shopping and cleaning up the house for my company.
I'm adding another book to my sidebar. While walking to the hairdresser's, I passed a take one-leave one library. I didn't have a book with me to leave, but I took one! (I'll remedy that later.) It's good I took the book, because I had a wait at the hairdresser's, and I was glad to have something to read.
Posted in
May 9th, 2016 at 03:03 pm
Calories: 1318
Except for a $1.50 load of laundry, yesterday was a no-spend day.
My free entertainment was going to my grandson's soccer game (which they lost miserably, but it was still fun.)
Today I am making marinara sauce so I can make lasagna tonight. Yes, I do eat things like lasagna on my diet. I'm using 2% milkfat cottage cheese and yogurt for the creamy part. I will spread each (cooked) lasagna noodle with the cheese/yogurt, add a nugget of mozzarella cut from string cheese, roll up the noodles, nest them together in a pan and top with the sauce. It is yummy and pretty low-calorie. And I can freeze the individual roll-ups for later.
I'm also getting my hair cut today. I think I will have to walk to the hairdresser's. My road is being resurfaced. I have parked in a legal spot, but the only way to get out, with the road blocked, is to back up all the way to the nearest intersection. I am no good at backing up, so I think I'll stay put. I may be stuck there for three days! Wasn't thinking. I should have parked in the next block.
I have almost finished the jigsaw puzzle. It is really a good mental challenge, because I have to hold in my mind all the various shapes and colors I am seeking. It is a different kind of mental challenge than doing word puzzles and reading, and I like the variety. And I've read that doing different types of mental challenges is important for brain health!
Posted in
May 8th, 2016 at 02:31 pm
Calories: 1748
Went over yesterday because of a very delicious cheeseburger. Back to towing the line today. I just had a Mother's Day smoothie that was very low-calorie and tasty, too.
I figured out my calorie average, which is just above 1500. I'd like to pull that down to 1400; I can only do that by daily vigilance.
No changes in the physique to report, except that last night my grandson said I looked taller!
Yesterday I attended the GS's baseball game. I thought I had already endured every kind of bad weather, but yesterday it was very windy, making it miserable for spectators and players alike. I spent the whole game wrapped up in a quilt that I carry in the car.
In the evening I babysat for the boys while the parents went out with friends.
My only financial transactions yesterday were .25 for parking, and picking up a free loaf of bread at the grocery!
My son, who is working on an MS, asked to reschedule Mother's Day to next weekend so he could complete a big project. Don't know what the event will be, probably a brunch or something. I expect that my other son will call today from Florida.
My BFF is going to arrive for a visit on Thursday. Can hardly wait for the fun!
Posted in
May 7th, 2016 at 04:04 pm
Calories: 1489
I did go to a garage sale and an estate sale yesterday. I spent $12 and purchased an egg platter, a Belleek figurine, some pirate action figures, a book, and an ornament. The ornament is a Santa in a helicopter, perfect for my son! The most costly piece was the Belleek dog figurine. I spent $8 on that. I looked it up online, and it was selling on Etsy for $22, and on an antiques site for $129, and all prices in between. I may resell some day but for now I will enjoy it. I collect white pottery, with Belleek pieces being the upper tier of my collection.
I'm going to my grandson's baseball game soon; at least I hope I am -- it is off and on rainy; it may be cancelled. The rain has deterred me from checking out garage sales today.
My son asked for a rain check on our mother's day celebration, as he has a big project to complete for school. We are planning something next weekend. My BFF will be visiting, so I already made sure she was welcome to come along to whatever will be planned. My son said, "Sure! She's a mom, too!" He makes me proud.
Posted in
May 6th, 2016 at 03:05 pm
Calories: 1715
Not only did I eat that pecan bar for breakfast, I somehow forgot the morning's splurge and had a small serving of ice cream after dinner. Yikes!
I spent $11 on Mother's Day cards yesterday, and my medical premium ($29) was withdrawn from my account.
My doctor's office called to let me know that I had scheduled my annual too early. Last year's annual was in August. If I schedule before August, my insurer will probably not cover. So I switched to September 12. The free annual is a good benefit; I intend to take advantage of it every year.
I did some walking yesterday, to the post office and library. Got my one-week book read and returned, but I checked out another! Before I even start it, I have to finish the Patchett book which is due tomorrow. More reading today. Oh, sigh.
I also want to finish my last bit of filing. I've been much better about processing new mail, so it's just the dregs of the old backlog I have to eliminate.
Thought I might check around for garage sales today!
Posted in
May 5th, 2016 at 05:26 pm
Calories: 1559
I made a grocery trip yesterday and today, spending $44 on groceries and $21 on household supplies. Two different stores. At one store I used a number of coupons, totaling $3.75 in savings, which I added to my snowflakes.
Later today I will go to GS's Tae Kwan Do class and then go to the library to return a book. However, I have to finish reading it first! It's a one-week book, so I never even added it to the sidebar -- After Alice, by Gregory Maquire. I will be able to finish it today, but I'll have to devote the afternoon to reading. (Oh, darn!) 
This morning I used a coupon for a free sweet from Corner Bakery. I wanted a muffin, but that didn't qualify as a sweet, so I got a maple pecan bar. I have yet to look up the calories, I'm sure there were a ton of them, but I just had a low-calorie lunch of Brussels sprouts sprinkled with cheese, so I think the day will even out fine. I will also figure out how much the sweet would have cost and add that to snowflakes.
I went to my other GS's baseball game last and it was FREEZING! Even colder than the last game, which I thought was really cold. The team had only seven members show up, and one had a broken hand and was only there for appearance's sake. But apparently being so lean energized them -- they played a great game! And my grandson made a few of those great plays. He was so proud. I just learned he made the "traveling team," so there will be lots of baseball this summer.
Posted in
May 4th, 2016 at 02:07 pm
Calories: 1519
I did well on my to-do list yesterday, getting everything done except spending an hour writing.
I also did something not on my list -- I managed to carry the new side table from my car to my third-floor condo all by myself, with the help of a dolly. I also took the big old printer to the car. Next time I go to Goodwill I will drop it off there.
After all that effort, I took a nap. Unusual for me, but it felt good, and it didn't even affect my sleep last night.
When I made the eye appointment, they said they could take me later in the day. So I have got that done. It was $50 (copay) and everything looks good, except that I may have the very beginnings of a cataract. I was cautioned to wear sunglasses more regularly.
My license plate was renewed online and I can expect to get the new sticker in a few weeks. That cost $103.
I made the doctor's appointment, but I can't get in until July 18! My doctor must be on leave, or something. Since it is only an annual checkup, it doesn't matter.
My variables spending is at 22%, but I always do a chunk of spending early in the month, and then it evens out.
Today I need to go grocery shopping, as well as catch up on some housework (vacuuming, dusting, cleaning fish tank). I also have a Pine Cone survey to do. I've done 5 surveys so far this year, which has brought in $15 in snowflakes.
I made some really creative sloppy joe's last night! As I was putting it together, I realized I didn't have nearly enough ketchup. I looked around for anything tomato-y and ended up putting in some cocktail sauce and some steak sauce. Then I found some single-serve packets of ketchup in the fridge that I had saved from fast-food lunches, so I added those, too. It turned out pretty good!
Posted in
May 3rd, 2016 at 02:37 pm
Calories: 1750
That is an estimate. Yesterday I was still coming down from vacation and out of my routine. Today will be the day I get back on the wagon.
My list of "to-do's" today includes renewing my license plate, getting doctor and eye doctor appointments and devoting at least one hour to writing my novel. I told my man friend about my novel this weekend and he was delighted! So now I've got to do it and not be so lazy.
I'm also washing my quilt, because one of the cats upchucked on it while I was gone.
And I am determined to take a walk. The weather is supposed to become nice today. It was very cold yesterday evening when I attended my grandson's baseball game. My light winter jacket did NOT cut it!
I think I need to get a new pair of shoes. I wore my brown loafers this weekend and when I attended the auction, the wet grass soaked my feet. I thought there must be holes in the soles! I didn't find any, but I think there are breaks where the shoe attaches to the sole. I may not get them this month, but a new pair of brown loafers is on my list for replacement.
Posted in
May 2nd, 2016 at 09:01 pm
I'm back from my trip to Michigan. I had lots of fun. The class reunion was kind of a bust -- I stayed less than an hour -- but I met an old high school friend and I may hook up later with some other friends from high school through this contact. None of my college friends were at the event, though there were a few acquaintances. And everyone I knew was completely unrecognizable!
I went to an auction with my SIL and bought an adorable side table for the dining room for only $2!
We went to see "Mother's Day" at the movies. Everyone agreed that it was "cute" but I think they were being kind. It was pretty routine and forced, IMHO.
I had a lovely lunch with my man friend; we got into a serious discussion and I feel like we are getting closer, but he has still not made a move! I wish I knew what was going on in his head.
What I did NOT do -- I did not count calories. I started, but I gave up. I did try to be reasonable about what I ate. It's difficult, when my brother cooks so well and he knocks himself out to please. I'm going to start counting again tomorrow.
Forgot to add my April recap!
It was a spendy month, $3403 total. How it broke down:
Car Repair/Maintenance: 1603
Housing: 677
Vet/Pet Supplies: 233
Fees/Services: 211
Utilities: 131
Groceries: 105
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: 80
Vacation/Travel: 62
Home Repair/Maintenance: 62
Phone: 52
Gifts/Charity: 48
Medical/Health: 29
Eating Out: 21
Business: 20
Gas: 18
Laundry: 17
Household Supplies: 16
Entertainment: 8
Personal: 8
Fares/Parking: 2
I spent 111% of my variables budget, but I did include everything except the big car repair bill. I still have a surplus in the variables bucket, so I'm not worried.
Posted in
April 28th, 2016 at 03:10 pm
Calories: 1158
Wow, my calories were low yesterday, but I felt satisfied. Must have been the broccoli! 
This morning I transferred $ from my e-fund to pay off my credit card. My net worth has taken a hit, but I will work my way back. I should get the $200 bonus at the end of next month. I'm also expecting to get the $200 bonus from Chase (for the new savings account) any time now.
I got a manicure yesterday, no pedicure. It is so cold here, and I had to park several long blocks away. I didn't want to walk back to the car in those temporary sandals. Clearly, it will be too cold to wear sandals this weekend. So I will save the free pedicure for another time. I paid $4 for a tip and $2 to park.
Iggy threw up on my bed, so I have to wash all the sheets and the mattress pad. Luckily, he didn't hit the comforter or quilt. That is one of today's chores. Also, I will go to the library to return some materials and check out an audiobook for the trip. Then, in the early evening, I will once again watch my grandson's Tae Kwan Do class. And I have to pack; I'm leaving early in the morning.
I probably won't be blogging in Michigan, but I will definitely track my calories and catch up on Monday.
Posted in
April 27th, 2016 at 03:19 pm
Calories: 1404
I'm starting to feel different. The roll around my middle is going away. I'm feeling stronger and more toned, even though I am not doing much exercise. I AM doing leg stretches every day, and I walk sporadically. But the real difference is that the diet is working. Slowly, maybe, but it's working. I heard recently that people who stick to a diet for a year are most likely to keep the weight off. That's my plan. Actually, I could eat this way forever....
No spending yesterday. But today is pay day! I'll pay my mortgage and my credit cards; everything else is on automatic.
I went to my grandson's spring concert last night, and today my other grandson's kindergarten class is putting on a show. I really love having all these activities to attend.
I'm going to make an appointment for the mani/pedi today, a day earlier than planned -- just in case. I don't want to go to my reunion unpainted because I couldn't get in! I have a gift certificate to get it done free, but at a place I've never been to before.
I trimmed my own bangs last night. That was overly courageous, maybe, but they turned out all right.
Posted in
April 26th, 2016 at 03:25 pm
Calories: 1356
Yesterday I took my passport application to the post office. I was directed to another one, farther away, if I didn't want to wait for an appointment. (I didn't!) So I got my application turned in, to the tune of $165. $110 for the passport, $30 for a passport card (which will be required next year in Illinois) and $25 for the processing fee.
Since I was driving right by the testing emissions site, I drove in to get that done. Turns out I don't have to do it until next year! I thought it was an annual thing.
Since that is not necessary, I can proceed on renewing my license plate. I think I'll do that after May 1. My variables budget is at 86%, and I didn't count the cost of the passport or the car repair.
I was thinking of getting a haircut, but, really, I think it's okay. I'm still a couple of weeks away from needing it. Tomorrow I'm going to get a mani-pedi, but I have a gift coupon for it, so there will be no cost other than the tip.
I'm going to head up to Michigan early Friday morning.
This evening I'm going to my grandson's spring concert. His baseball game last night was canceled soon after it started, as there were threats of lightning. Luckily, he got to pitch before it ended -- unluckily, he was hit in the head with a ball, but he seems to be fine!
Posted in
April 25th, 2016 at 05:14 pm
Calories: 1321
I seem to have found the sweet spot between too much hunger and too many calories! Having distractions help, too, when I don't sit around and think about what I can eat next.
Today I'm doing laundry -- I spilled salad dressing on a sofa pillow so that prompted running a new load. Hope it comes out, but it won't be any tragedy if I lose that particular pillow..
I have another baseball game today. Since the weather is good, it's a nice diversion to sit outside and watch.
I talked to a couple of lenders this morning about the possibility of switching to a fixed rate mortgage. Both of them felt it was a wash -- I could do it, but the payment would go up. I'm so close to the bone right now, I don't want a bigger mortgage payment. When my SS payment goes up in 2019 -- that would be a better time to switch.
I got my package of OTC freebies, which includes a LARGE bottle of sunscreen lotion. I will try to remember to use it every time I go out, as I have read it doesn't really keep well from year to year. I also have a large bottle of aloe vera. I've never used it before. I probably won't need it for treating sunburn, since I'm not going to burn this year , but I tried it out as a moisturizer last night and I liked the feel of it very much. Anybody here use aloe vera?
Other freebies were ear drops, brushpicks, throat spray and ibuprofen. BIG packges, not samples. I really like this service!
Now that I'm finally set with a decent passport picture, I'm going to the post office today to get the process started.
Posted in
April 24th, 2016 at 11:55 pm
Calories: 1298!
I thought I wouldn't do any spending yesterday, but when I went to the baseball game, I realized I was quite close to both Walgreens and PetSmart. I went to Walgreens and got a retake on my passport photo (much better!) for $14, and then went to PetSmart, where I spent $48 on cat food, cat litter and fish food. I bought a large jar of cat treats (which I thought Iggy, at least, liked before) but neither cat will touch them. I spent $10 on that jar! Today I returned it for a full refund, even though it was opened. Yay, PetSmart!
I also stopped at the grocery and spent $22 for nine items. I was supposed to get a free yogurt, but I see on the receipt that I was charged. So I'll have to go back and fight about that. I did save $1.75 using virtual coupons and $4.08 on promotional items.
Let me go back and say that despite the extra expense, I'm so glad I had my passport picture retaken. I just know that every time I glanced at that other picture of me looking like Rocky Raccoon, it would have been a downer. Yes, I will pay a little for vanity.
It was a beautiful day and I took full advantage of it, attending a soccer game for one grandson, and playing in the park with the other. Very nice day.
Posted in
April 23rd, 2016 at 02:06 pm
Calories: 1412
Now that's more like it!
I have been picking up jigsaw puzzles at garage sales for some time, but I haven't actually worked one in a long time. I always thought it would be a good retirement entertainment. Well, yesterday I finally started one. The picture is a Tiffany glass window, and it's very challenging. I managed to put together all the edge pieces. Doing the inside is going to be harder.
My cats like to jump up on the table and walk on the pieces (with the ultimate goal of knocking them off the table), so I have to put the table pads on top of the puzzle when I'm not working on it, but I don't think that will be too much trouble.
I have a baseball game to attend today, and I still have two DVD's to watch before I have to return them tomorrow, so I have plenty of entertainment lined up for today.
No spending yesterday. Today I will pick up a free yogurt, but I don't intend to do any other "shopping."
Retirement is good!
Posted in
April 22nd, 2016 at 01:21 pm
Calories: Cheat Day!
Yesterday I was so hungry I just kept grazing until at some point i just stopped counting calories. I don't know why I was so hungry, but I didn't have the gumption yesterday to push through it.
I'm feeling renewed today and I expect I will do well. I definitely see a difference in my silhouette in the mirror, so that is encouraging.
I spent $26 on groceries at Aldi, and did a load of laundry.
I went to my grandson's Tae Kwan Do class at the Y, which was seriously cute.
No big plans today. I'm going to make burgers out of half the ground beef, and cook off the rest. The weather has turned cold again, so I'm probably just going to stay inside and read and watch movies. Yesterday I watched Cold Mountain and Lucy. Today I'll watch Emma. I've seen it before, but I'd like to see it again.
Posted in
April 21st, 2016 at 04:23 pm
Calories: 1603
I seem to be gravitating toward 1600 no matter what. I'll try to rein in today. Yesterday's culprit was ice cream. My mistake was thinking that the new premium ice cream I bought was about the same in calories as what I had before. It's about twice as much. Really delicious, though.
Yesterday I tried to print off a document, and it was smeared and sloppy. But according to the dialog box, I had plenty of ink. My printer was old, a big old dinosaur, and I decided not to put any money into figuring out what was wrong. For $20 more than the price of new ink, I bought a new printer at Office Depot.
I bought a display model because the price was so delightful. Only $39.99! Unfortunately, once I got it home, I found it was defective. The test print would not run.
I packed it up this morning, expecting some pushback from OD, but they were wonderful about exchanging it for a brand new still-in-the-box printer, a grade up from this one, for the same price! Needless to say, I'm pleased with their customer service.
I'm in the process of setting up the new one now.
The total price, with a two-year warranty and setup kit, was $72.
I got my birth certificate in the mail yesterday, so today I'll work on completing the process to get my passport. Dare I admit I want to get a new picture? The one I had made was awful -- made me look like I've never slept in my life. I'd really like to get a retake; it would make me feel so much better.
Well, back to hooking things up! Wish me luck!
Posted in
April 20th, 2016 at 03:18 pm
Calories: 1655
Tough day. There was a bag of potato chips I couldn't leave alone. The good news is they are gone. They bad news is they are gone in my stomach.
Still, since I think my normal eating is easily 2000+, even the 1600's are a success, of sorts.
Iggy's visit to the vet yesterday was $25, and it was the last one. His ears are clearer, if not completely clear. He seems to have a ball of wax in one ear which may loosen on its own. I still have drops to put in. He'll get a re-check when he goes in for his annual.
I did another load of laundry yesterday.
In the interest of trying to keep my credit card bill payable, I'm not going to buy an airline ticket. I will make the trip to Florida by car, after the CC is paid off. I have the time, and I have the skills to make it cheap. Last time I did this I saved $$ over what the plane fare would have been. And I rather enjoy a road trip, even though this is a long one.
I have ten items on my grocery list, so I guess it is time to go shop. I've been doing well at stretching my food and avoiding waste, so I'm not feeling any urgency to shop. But I have to remember that if I buy more than ten items, I have a hard time carrying them up the stairs. I had enough of a struggle yesterday, carrying Iggy in his case. (Glad that's done for a while!)
I've settled on my reunion outfit. Plain slacks, a dressy top, kitten heels. I hope I hit the right blend of dressy and casual. But if not, I won't worry about it.
I have a coupon for a free mani-pedi, so I'll be getting that before I go. I'll probably need a hair trim, too.
HBO is airing its free watchathon on Xfinity on Demand this week, so I am enjoying some good movies. 5 Floors Up, A Little Chaos, The Fault in Our Stars. I have a couple of DVD's from the library, but I may just try to renew them so I can take full advantage of the free movies this week. I think Cinemax (?) is also free this week. I may never leave the couch!
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April 19th, 2016 at 03:12 pm
Calories: 1598
Too many carbs yesterday; they add up so fast.
No spending yesterday other than $1.50 for laundry.
I went to my grandson's second baseball game. He was opening pitcher and he made a couple of strong hits, one that brought in the winning run. He loves the game -- he's so into it. Fun to watch.
This morning I am taking Iggy back to the vet to see if his ears are any better.
I have made no decisions yet about Florida, but I am leaning toward driving.
I guess I'd better start trying on clothes to figure out what to wear to my reunion. Perhaps I can even figure out shoes. I do have two pairs of kitten heels, one bronze, one black, but they are not comfortable. I would really like to NOT buy anything when I have this huge car repair cost looming on my credit card.
I haven't reported on my variables for a while. I'm at 59%, with 63% of the month gone. So far I am cash-flowing the vet bills, but of course the car repair payoff will come out of savings. I'll be glad when that's done.
Thought I found a coin yesterday, but it was a euro! I'll give it to my grandson for his treasure box.
Posted in
April 18th, 2016 at 02:14 pm
Calories: 1435
Yesterday I went to the big library (I usually go to the nearby branch). I had a book to pick up. I also picked up two DVD's - Still Alice and Mockingjay Part I.
Then I stopped at Jewel and got a free box of Nature Valley butter biscuits.
I ordered my $50 worth of free OTC supplies from OTC Essentials. (It's a perk of my Medicare Advantage plan). This time I got sunscreen lotion, brushpicks, personal cleansing wipes, and ibuprofen.
I added $53.49 to my snowflakes for the free biscuits and OTC supplies.
I printed off my order to OTC and it looks like I need printer ink again. Either that, or my printer is failing. But it's probably the ink. I sure seem to use it up fast, while not actually using my printer too much!
I have another baseball game to attend today. My DIL also added my other grandson's events to my calendar -- looks like it's mostly Tae Kwon Do.
I have a couple of contenders for the reunion outfit in my wardrobe, but I think I'm going to have to buy a new pair of shoes.
Posted in
April 17th, 2016 at 02:57 pm
Calories: 1638
Several challenges yesterday -- after my grandson's baseball game my ex took us all out to Steak N Shake. I ate only half of my sandwich, but I did eat the fries. Also, remember I said I wanted to avoid the vending machines? Unfortunately, the vending machines came to me. Family members bought stuff and passed it around. I ended up eating some licorice.
Aside from the mild overeating, it was a good day. My grandson pitched, and did well. It was his first day with this particular team. The weather was beautiful and perfect for spectators.
My ex told me that my college class was having a reunion the weekend I was already planning to go up to Michigan. I was not aware, because I did not graduate with my class (one year later) so they never inform me. I got online and I registered! I'm going! It was $30. Now I have to figure out what to wear.
I also talked to my Florida son last night about making a visit down there. He recommended that I come the first week of June. When I started looking at flights, I realized suddenly that I don't have the cash flow to buy a ticket. I'm already in the hole, what with the car repairs. (I do literally have the money, but I don't want to upset my spending plan). I'm thinking about driving, like I did before. It worked out well, moneywise, and I rather enjoyed the experience, even though it was a long time in the car. If I drive, there will be no expense until the time I begin. I might ask my BFF if she wants to go along. She has expressed interest before. All this is speculation!
Posted in
April 16th, 2016 at 03:25 pm
Calories: 1452
I made chicken-mushroom fettuccine Alfredo last night. I only got in a few bites before I dropped the bowl on a tile floor. It smashed and my dinner was ruined. Probably saved myself a lot of calories, though! I substituted celery sticks with peanut butter.
My only spending yesterday was a $1.50 load of laundry.
I sent in some class action claims -- Snyder pretzels, Cape Cod chips, and Tom's of Maine toothpaste. All are small payouts, but every little snowflake will benefit the grandchildren's college fund. I'm also expecting a $15 Walmart gift card for participating in UnitedHealthcare's Housecall program.
I got an email notifying me that my birth certificate is "in process." That was a relief; for a long time I heard nothing. Hoping "in process" means it will be here in the next few days.
Today is the first day of my grandson's baseball season. It's going to be a nice day weatherwise, so it should be fun. I'm taking a bottle of water and pear slices and celery sticks, so I don't get distracted by the vending machines or the ice cream truck.
Posted in
April 15th, 2016 at 04:18 pm
Calories: 1600
I spent the whole afternoon in the auto repair shop. I expected to be there only a couple of hours and it stretched to five. I ended up getting a candy bar to tide me over; otherwise my calorie count would have been right in line.
So, the car. I knew that I needed some filters and some work on the suspension. But the check engine light was on, and when they checked that out, it turned out I also needed a new sensor as well as a new battery. I also needed to have the transmission and radiator flushed, some work on the power steering, and have the fuel injectors cleaned. Since I was due for an oil change, they did that, and washed the car as well. So I'm set! I hope! The total cost was $1596 -- that was after about $200 worth of coupons were used.
So, the good news is, my bonus on my new credit card has been earned! (I won't see it till the end of this cycle; what I mean is I've met the requirement.)
But I spent a lot more than expected, so I'm going to try to live austerely for the rest of this credit card cycle (which just started, unfortunately!)
I have already committed to visiting my brother on the last weekend in April, so I will carry through on that. But I'm going to try to cut in other areas; mainly, I'm going to eat out of my pantry and only buy necessities.
I canceled Netflix yesterday. I hadn't been using it much, anyway, and the new billing structure just pushed me off the edge. I will use the library and Redbox. And I will go to movies more. That's the way I really enjoy them -- in the theater -- so I'm giving myself permission to do that. Not now, though, while I'm living austere!
Baseball and soccer are starting up for my grandson, so there will be plenty of free entertainment coming up.
I'm feeling surprisingly upbeat about this big bill. I suppose it is because I have the money, and while I will have to rebuild the slush fund after paying it off, that feels a lot better than going into debt. Or wondering how I will make ends meet. I am so happy to be at this stage of my life.
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