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October 10th, 2019 at 06:39 pm

I feel really awful today. I got a terrible night's sleep. I was stressed about things and I tossed and turned, and had nightmares when I did sleep.

I felt better once I got my early-morning medical appointments done (mammogram and ultrasound). I wish I could nap before music lessons this afternoon, but lying down didn't get me anywhere. So I just have to get through this day and hope I sleep well tonight.

I got my order of briefs from Amazon (second seller) but they sent the wrong color! I was going to send them back, but after some back and forth they offered a 15% discount if I chose to keep them. So I will; they are a neutral color, and it will save me some hassle. And I can always use extra underwear. But I still want some black pairs to wear under dark pants. I'm skittish about ordering online again, so I'll look around. At the end of the day, I still prefer shopping in person.

I spent $5.50 on parking today! The hospital parking was $4 for two hours, and then I was so hungry after the procedures (and after skipping breakfast) I stopped at Einstein Bagels and had to pay another $1.50 just to park by the restaurant. I would have gone to McDonalds where parking is free and the food is cheap, but it's being remodeled.

My breakfast at Einstein's was $8 for a bagel sandwich and coffee. But it was pretty good.

Now I'm going to try to rest again before taking the boys to music lessons.

Babysitting Today

October 9th, 2019 at 02:07 pm

After my outlay for car repair yesterday, I spent nothing the rest of the day.

Today I'm taking care of the boys -- the first Wednesday of every month there is no school; I think the teachers have meetings and professional development.

GS2 has an orthodontist appointment at 10, and afterwards I am to take him to a friend's house. I will have GS1 for the rest of the day, unless he figures out something else. I figure I will at least be on the hook for lunch.

I called the vet to find out the results of Iggy's tests. His creatinine level is actually a little better, which is probably due to variance in the test, since creatinine levels do not improve. But that means he is stable and doing well with the kidney diet -- and he likes it! So we'll stick with that. Costly though it is. I hope I have a few more years with him; he is such a sweetie.

Tomorrow I have the dreaded mammogram, plus I am to have a diagnostic ultrasound this year. I may have a copay for the ultrasound; we'll see. I'll be glad to get that over with.

Tire Trouble

October 8th, 2019 at 03:29 pm

I was coming home from the gym this morning when my tire light came on. I stopped at Midas, and they determined that a TPMS sensor had to be replaced. They tried to repair the stem first, but it was so stiff and old it broke. That was $157.

Yesterday, I took Iggy to the vet. The visit was $75 and I bought food for $30. The good news is, he has gained a little weight. I have to call later today to get the test results.

Anyway, these two things have convinced me not to tackle any of my short term goals this month. My variables are at 52% and it's only 8 days into the month!

I am also due for an oil change, and I guess I should get that done rather than try to push it off till next month. Midas gives you a free change after three of them, so I guess I'll go back there. I did like the service I got.

Monday Morning

October 7th, 2019 at 02:46 pm

Yesterday I sat at the two baseball games for about four hours. Plus, the ride there was about 40 minutes each way. That was a big chunk of time. DS and I were the only fans there for GS1. But it was a beautiful day! There's something invigorating about being out in the open air.

I bought coffee for myself and DS ($2). In turn, he bought me a hot dog when it got to be lunchtime.

After the games, I came home and did laundry and I washed and seasoned my new pans. I used one to heat up some scrambled beef and peppers (with spaghetti sauce and rice). I forgot what I was doing and burned it! I rescued some the the food and the pan was fine -- but why do I burn food every time I buy a new pan? Like it's an initiation rite?

Then, while I was making the bed yesterday, my hand went right through one of the pillowcases. This was my second best set, now that I have bought a new set. Makes me wonder if I need to buy another set. I can use pillowcases from my third best set, which I am going to throw away, but the second best set will look awfully patchwork, since the bottom sheet already doesn't match. I'm not excited about buying more sheets right now, so I'll watch Sam's to see when they go on sale.

I like the Sam's sheets (Member's Mark 450 thread-count) because they are very soft to the touch and reasonably priced. I tried them out when sleeping at my brother's house and I'm sold. But my brother said they do go on sale occasionally, so I'll keep my eye out and wait.

I'm taking Iggy to the vet today, and I'll be buying the canned kidney diet food when I'm there. I hope they are stocked up this time!

Checking In

October 6th, 2019 at 03:04 pm

I have just enough time to check in before I go to a double header this morning.

Yesterday at Sam's I did some grocery shopping ($22) and also bought a set of sheets ($33) and a three-pack of frying pans ($30). Then I went to Aldi and spent $22 on groceries. Hah! Same total at both Sam's and Aldi! Variables are now at 22%.

The remote I ordered from Amazon came yesterday, and it is working fine. It is so much better than trying to use the Fire Stick app from the phone, because the phone keeps going to sleep and I have to reconnect.

I just ate some breakfast so I will not be tempted by the concessions at the game. (Though I will allow myself a cup of coffee, since it is cheap and hot.)

It's getting cool. I slept under several blankets last night because the boiler hasn't been turned on yet. It's supposed to get significantly cooler this week, so I hope the boiler is turned on soon.

Late Game

October 5th, 2019 at 02:39 pm

I went to a flag football game last night at 9 pm. Got home at 10:30, and I was wide awake so I read for a while. I never slept well all night. I'm probably going to crash today.

I didn't spend anything beyond the online shopping I reported on yesterday. (Except for a load of laundry.)

I'm going to the gym today, and then I'll stop at Sam's and Aldi to pick up some stuff (read all about it tomorrow!)

I made an appointment for Iggy on Monday morning.

Along with Lucky Robin, I'm not going to try to salvage any of the lost posts. Since I post pretty much every day, there are too many of them. I save my financial information in spreadsheets, so I haven't lost any data, just my nattering about daily activities. My biggest fear was the loss of the community, and I'm so glad we have that back.

A Bit of Online Spending This Morning

October 4th, 2019 at 03:03 pm

I sat down and ordered a couple of things from Amazon this morning. A four-pack of panties for $25, and a new Fire Stick remote for $30. My son pointed out that a new fire stick, with remote, was not much more, but it is $10 more, and that still matters to me. Just hope it will pair successfully with the fire stick I have.

The panties are rather expensive, but they are a brand and color that I want, and I paid the price.

Variables are now 11%.

I'm doing laundry now, and in a few minutes I will call the vet. Iggy seems fine today, but he is due for a follow-up and weight check.

Took the boys for music lessons yesterday, and learned that the appointment time is changing for the better. I'll have 15 extra minutes to get them there! Which is great, because it is a tight squeeze now between school dismissal time and appointment time.

Nothing going on today until 9 pm, when there is a flag football game. It is pretty cool today, so I will have to bundle up. Football weather!

What a morning!

October 3rd, 2019 at 04:30 pm

It's ten a.m. and I'm just settling down with my coffee. Last night, when I pulled up in front of my building, I noticed that my front bumper was hanging on one side! I couldn't believe it. That is the third fender bender within a year. It must have happened when I parked in front of the Y to pick up my grandson.

I worried about it all night, and went out first thing in the morning to get it repaired. I went first to the last place that did repair work on my car. They were so busy I couldn't even pull my car into the lot, so I left without talking to anyone. Then I went to a place I had never been to before. It is pretty seedy looking -- old building, rough lot. But I remembered that it was one of the recommended places when I went through insurance.

Well, my prince was there, because this guy came out and popped it back into place, bolted it, and didn't charge me anything! That made me so happy!

Then, on the way home, I got a text from BFF. I pulled over to read it, because I knew she was awaiting results from a biopsy. Her good news -- it was benign! I'm so relieved because I was so scared for her.

I had to make a pit stop, so I stopped at Walgreens. I felt I had to buy something after I made them unlock the door to the bathroom, so I bought a big bottle of shampoo for $7. It is the brand I buy for company, since I use Head & Shoulders and purple shampoo for myself. Company will be well-fixed for a while!

Yesterday's spending was $17 for a curling iron and $1.70 for parking. I meant to pay .25 at the parking machine and somehow got charged for $1.70. I hate those machines. I also spent $4 for fast food when I was on the run. I took the boys for flu shots yesterday, only to find that the doctor's office didn't have them yet -- then it was to the Y where they took part in some after-school activities.

Also gave GS2 $10 for his care of Iggy over the weekend.

I'm doing laundry today -- in catch-up mode. All three hampers are full; plus, I had to wash my comforter (Iggy barf) and will have to wash his quilt as well. I had to wake him up this morning to feed him. He ate a few bites and went back to bed. I'm worried about him. Will call the vet tomorrow. Today we have music lessons.

I set my variables total at what I spent last month as the new standard. So far I have spent 4%.

From April Till Now

October 2nd, 2019 at 02:17 pm

I don't know ... it looks like the gap between April 12 and now might be permanent. I blog mostly for myself -- to have a diary -- but just in case anyone cares I'll do a wrap-up of what happened between then and now.

In April I was recovering from hip replacement surgery. It has gone mostly well. I still struggle with pain, mostly after I've been sitting or lying down for a while. I finished my physical therapy and moved to a new routine at Planet Fitness, after a brief experience in a class devoted to legs and shoulders. I manage the stairs well now, unless my knees are hurting. May need more work there. Financially, all costs from the surgery have been paid. All the out of pocket totaled around $1000.

Last month I finished up my gap year (my low income period) and I am now receiving the maximum benefit from Social Security, a reward for waiting until I turned 70. During my gap year, my net worth decreased by a very small amount.

This summer my upstairs neighbor accepted temporary work overseas and while he was gone, his refrigerator leaked and ruined my kitchen ceiling. Just yesterday it was all resolved. The ceiling has been repaired (beautifully) and my neighbor paid for it with no argument or hesitation.

I spent the summer taking care of the grandsons from Monday through Thursday. This fall, I am pretty much free except for taking them to appointments and music lessons. Today I am taking them to get their flu shots.

I just got back from a nice weekend trip in Michigan to see my brother's family. The weather was ugly, so we mostly stayed indoors and played cards. I treated my man friend (who usually treats me) to a nice lunch at his favorite restaurant. My spending on this trip was $123, which included gas and food.

My September recap:

Housing: $1112
Vet/Pet Supplies: $348
Utilities: $200
Medical/Health: $175
Groceries: $173
Clothing: $172
Home Repair/Maintenance: $170
Gifts/Charity: $163
Vacation/Travel: $123
Phone: $52
Gas: $29
Eating Out: $38
Household Supplies: $38
Fares/Parking: $28
Furn/Equip/Decor: $22
Personal: $16
Laundry: $15

Grand Total: $2912

Housing: I doubled my mortgage payment this month.

Vet/Pet: I took my cat Iggy to the vet and he had lost weight, so he got some tests. He was diagnosed with kidney disease. The total above includes the vet costs and the new food he needs.

The medical spending includes a dentist appointment.

Groceries were higher than usual but I had some restocking to do. Also -- didn't eat out much!

Clothing -- I bought three pairs of shoes this month, a real indulgence I gave into because my gap year was done!

The home repair was the replacement of the evaporator fan in my fridge.

Gifts -- Two birthdays, and I gave some cash to my Florida son who has lost his job.

Parking -- I got a $25 ticket for trying to run into the library and out without paying. I paid!

The rest needs no comment.

Here's to stability on the blogs! I hope we have no more surprises.


October 1st, 2019 at 07:09 pm

Well, I'm glad to see some functionality! I do hope we get the blog archives back from April 12 to now.

I don't have any real news to report, but I'm glad to be embarking on my October budget. I'll post my September recap when I feel sure this whole thing is a go. But it looks like I ended the month with $800 extra in checking. I'll keep it there, because I like a cushion in checking. My next goal is to bring my liquid savings back up to $5K, and then I'll split the balance between saving for my next car and paying down the mortgage.

I just noticed that my sidebar is probably the one I had in April, so I'm going to try to update that now.

Edit -- it worked!

Restful Day

April 12th, 2019 at 01:36 pm

It was a nice, restful day yesterday, with no visit from either the nurse or the PT. Today the PT is coming.

I changed my own dressing for the first time this morning, and it was easy.

My son is still stopping in morning and evening to put on and remove my compression socks. I'll be glad when that's finally done.

I tried to be proactive yesterday and make appointments for physical therapy after I transition to outpatient therapy. I talked to someone who didn't know what I was talking about, and she left a message for someone in my primary care doctor's office to call me about occupational therapy. Which I don't need.

But when I got that call I learned that the order must come from the surgeon's office, so I'll call them today to try and get the process going.

All this time, my food stores are still holding up. I may have DS buy a few things this weekend, but I'm really okay -- just tired of eating the same things over and over.


April 11th, 2019 at 01:53 pm

That's what I paid this morning for surgery-related services. If only it would stay that way!

It looks like the really big costs have been processed and picked up by insurance. I know that more will trickle in, but it's kind of a relief to see those big amounts wiped out.

I still think the big costs for me will be the copays for home nursing visits and and physical therapy.

No visits today. My big event is that I'll wash my hair.

Oh yes, I did get my car back yesterday. Not that I need it -- but I will no longer get calls about moving it off their lot.

Still No Car

April 10th, 2019 at 12:20 pm

Yesterday my kids went to pick up the car. The guy on the phone told them the key would be under the mat. (I only have one key.) DS said, "Okay, leave the door unlocked!" Guess what. All locked up. Who knows if the key is inside or not?

No spending yesterday; all things financial are stable.

Today I see the nurse and the physical therapist. They were both indicating this might be the last visit, since I'm passing all the "tests." I don't know if that means I will be released to drive, or if I will be expected to find a ride to outpatient physical therapy. It's only eight days since surgery.

A friend delivered a cane to me last night that I can borrow for this transition period. I tested it out and it feels like I can get around without it about as well as with it. But perhaps it will be useful for longer stretches of walking. I don't do a lot of walking in my small condo!

A Purchase

April 9th, 2019 at 12:26 pm

I made a purchase yesterday -- Miralax. ($20) I've had two doses so far, but no action yet. This was done at the nurse's request. This takes my variables to 108%. That's because I'm trying to cash flow the medical expenses. If they were removed, it would only be 67%. But at this point, I don't want to take medical costs from savings. That will come later.

I continue to do better and better. I've ditched the walker, and while I'm looking for a cane, at the nurse's request, I don't think I really need it.

It was really nice yesterday, and I went downstairs with the PT and walked around a little bit in the sunshine.

GS2 came over and kept me company for a while yesterday. He cleaned the cat pan and did a little tidying up as well. He is such a sweet boy.

Progress Report

April 8th, 2019 at 01:32 pm

This was my first morning without BFF to help me with the compression socks. DS stopped by on his way to work and got the deed done. He also brought a load of clean and folded laundry. Yesterday he and I and GS2 played a game of Life. GS2 changed the kitty litter and topped off the cat food.

I will get a visit from the nurse today, and I believe my dressing will be changed. Before she comes I will sponge bathe and wash my hair.

I had a good night's sleep -- only woke up to take my pain meds and go back to sleep.

My doctor's appointment is the day after pay day, so I'm essentially looking forward to the same date. Only two and half weeks till pay day -- only 17 days till greater mobility.

In financial news, I've spent 104% of my variables. Food is holding up well.


April 7th, 2019 at 04:32 pm

BFF left today. She was needed at home, and I am doing so well it seemed it was better to let her go.

Progress is very visible every day. Today I feel like I could just do away with the walker, but of course I won't.

I took a sponge bath and put on fresh clothes, made my own breakfast, made my bed. I took all the morning meds and now I'm ready to settle down and watch a show on Netflix. Already I can't remember the title, but it's something about a family moving to the country from the city.

DS will check in this afternoon/evening and take some laundry.

My PT showed me a better way to put on my compression socks, and it is so much better.

Still can't concentrate much on reading yet, but there are so many TV options it doesn't matter.

I see the surgeon for a follow-up on April 25, and I think that will be the beginning of my return to normalcy.

Trudging On

April 6th, 2019 at 01:54 pm

I can tell that these days are going to run all together. Yesterday was uneventful -- no visits from medical personnel. We watched more Game of Thrones and Elizabeth and Robin (?) on HBO Go, which my son installed for me when I came home.

It looks like the biggest challenge of this whole thing will be getting the compression stockings off and on. After BFF leaves, my kids will have to help me.

Nothing new on the financial front.

Today a physical therapist is coming; that will be the excitement of the day -- other than my sponge bath in the sink!

Quiet Day

April 5th, 2019 at 10:37 pm

It's been a quiet day at home. I find I can't concentrate on reading, so BFF and I are watching shows on Amazon Prime and HBO Go. She has pushed me to watch Game of Thrones, and I pushed her onto Forever. We watched the first episode of A Very English Scandal, too.

I've had one nurse visit and one PT visit, and PT will visit again tomorrow.

My reacher arrived today -- also a staple remover that was ordered by my nurse.

I am feeling mostly good. I do have times when the pain flares up but I am controlling that with drugs. I am getting around well. It's all good.

At Home

April 4th, 2019 at 02:46 pm

Hi guys! The surgery is done and I am at home. Everything went well. I feel pretty good and I'm getting around well on my walker. BFF is here and she is a big help. DS has been big help, too!

So far I have spent a little over $100 on prescriptions.

Home health nurse is coming soon to chy on me and I think, get a little PT going.

I hope you're all doing well. I'll catch up on the blogs soon!

Last Day

April 1st, 2019 at 03:09 pm

This is my last day before surgery. I'll get a call sometime today telling me when to go in tomorrow.

I dropped my car off this morning at the body shop, and DIL picked me up and drove me home. There was a Dunkin Donuts across from the shop, so I bought a couple of donuts for the two of us - $3.

I just put in the last load of laundry I will do for a while - $1.50.

I ordered a refill bag of litter pellets - $16.

Variables are now at 63%.

I may go out to dinner tonight with DS & family if I feel like eating.

Otherwise, I'm just going to tidy up around the house and get things readied. That means moving the laptop, making up the spare bed, and packing my little bag for the hospital.

I will see you guys on the flip side!

Downtown Mystery Shop

March 31st, 2019 at 01:14 pm

Yesterday I did a restaurant mystery shop in Chicago. I took a train to the site, which worked out pretty well, except that I headed off in the wrong direction once I got off the train! Re-oriented myself, and all was well.

I also got a haircut ($16, using a $4 coupon).

I didn't get much else done, because I was very tired. Not taking meds is affecting my sleep, and the continual pain is stressful.

Today I'm going to the gym, and then I'm going to get all the laundry done. I'm also going to make a library run and stock up on books. Tomorrow I will take the car to the shop, and then spend the day at home cleaning up and getting things situated.

Variables are at 59%.

Wind chill values are in the low to mid-teens! We had a couple of beautiful days, but now this setback. I am trusting that when I come out of the hospital, Spring will truly be here!


March 30th, 2019 at 12:28 pm

My little bit of spending at the grocery store turned into $93. I asked my BFF what I needed to get for her at the grocery store and she texted, "Treats!" I said, okay, what else, she texted, "Chocolate!" I got the message and stocked up on goodies. I also got a bunch of paper plates and bowls. And quite a bit of real food -- apples, carrots, clementines, roast beef, meatballs, and bags of frozen veggies.

Obviously, this is going to be a weird month financially.

I picked up a raised toilet seat at a lending closet -- had to try three different places before I hit pay dirt. But that was free.

I mistakenly used a private parking garage instead of a city one and paid $5 for parking.

I got the estimate done ($1700, but I don't have to pay it!) The body shop agreed to take my car on Monday, and they will probably get it done by Friday or Saturday. One of my kids will pick it up.

Today I have one last mystery shop to do, and it's downtown. I plan to take the El rather than try to manage parking. Wish I hadn't signed up for this, but I wasn't really thinking ahead at the time.

I got my Breeze system litter pan set up yesterday. I was waiting to use up as much of the old litter as I could, but I couldn't wait any more. I love the neatness of it, and the total lack of dust. Iggy has used it, and hasn't commented. I have lots of pads on hand, but I probably need to buy a bag of pellets to have in reserve.

Which brings me to variables. I've already spent 56% this month, which has just begun! And I'm going to spend more, because I want to get a haircut before I go into the hospital. Hoping a few weeks at home will slow me down, but there will be meds to pay for -- they might come out of savings.

Claim Approved

March 29th, 2019 at 12:55 pm

The claim was approved, and I will be taking the car in for an estimate today. I have to go to a different shop than before because State Farm has its preferred shops. I will probably arrange to have the repairs done while I am in the hospital and laid up. I have things to do this weekend and can't give up the car yet.

Yesterday turned out to be a bit of a spendy day. I had to order new checks - $15. I hardly ever use them any more but I can't be completely out of them. I decided to renew my AARP membership for $16. They tempted me with a free trunk organizer, which is something I can use. The surprise was lunch yesterday. I had a mystery shop scheduled at a restaurant, which paid for my order, but since I was babysitting the boys, I had to buy their lunches,too. They stepped up and ordered burgers, shakes and fries, and the cost above my reimbursement was $27! I could ask DIL to pay me back, but I won't unless she offers.

I got a cut in my payment from TIAA -- only about $16 a month, but any cut is disheartening. But I signed up for a service through my healthcare provider which will pay my gym fees, so that will help.

In addition to getting the repair estimate, I have to go to a lending closet today for some durable medical equipment, and I have a little grocery shopping to do. DIL is not working today, so I will have no childcare.

I had to go in and get CT Scan retakes yesterday, and I'm hoping that's all good now. It's getting awfully real!

Yesterday's Spending

March 28th, 2019 at 12:28 pm

I spent 20% of my variables yesterday -- $30 for pre-surgical cleanser and facial moisturizer, $1.50 for laundry, $5 for lunch, $14 for a board game, and $50 for printer cartridges.

I did not earn a lot of extra money last month, so this month my pot is small.

I stopped taking my meds yesterday. I am really feeling the loss of the Celebrex and I had a very hard time sleeping last night. Finally I managed the pain by sticking an ice pack on my hip.

I am also feeling stuffy without Zyrtec. The good news -- at least my acid reflux isn't kicking in yet!

Almost forgot -- I filed the auto insurance claim yesterday and it sounds like the other company will pay with no problem. But I haven't heard any follow-up yet. If the claim is approved when I'm in the hospital, DS & DIL will take my car to the shop.


March 27th, 2019 at 12:08 pm

I can't believe it. I had another crash yesterday. This time I was just waiting in line to make a turn. The truck in front of me backed up for some reason. I wasn't quick enough to go into reverse, and he smashed my headlight and scratched up the bumper.

I filed a police report and will call his insurance company today. Meanwhile, I'll be driving with one headlight. This I didn't need just one week before my surgery.

It's pay day, though! I just paid the mortgage and will pay the two credit cards when the deposit is no longer in the pending stage.

I ended up with 89% in variables. I took the boys to lunch yesterday and the total for all of us was $17.

Here is the monthly recap:

Housing: $733
Car Repair/Maintenance: $500
Fees/Services: $190
Utilities: $177
Groceries: $106
Clothing: $85
Medical/Health: $58
Household Supplies: $56
Phone: $52
Eating Out: $52
Vacation/Travel: $40
Entertainment: $36
Gas: $23
Personal: $20
Gifts/Charity: $15
Laundry: $11
Fares/Parking: $7
Grand Total: $2172

The fee was mostly the subscription. Clothing -- expensive socks and some clothes from Goodwill. Everything else is pretty typical, except, of course, for the $500 deductible I paid to get the car fixed.

Certainly hoping the other guy's insurance will pay this time.

Trampoline Park

March 26th, 2019 at 12:52 pm

I took the boys to an indoor trampoline park yesterday. DIL had given me $40 for entertainment. The actual cost was $50, but for that $10 they were well-entertained for two hours and burned off a lot of energy. Afterwards we got milkshakes at Steak N Shake's 2-for-1 happy hour -- but it was even cheaper as the person in front of us in the line paid for our order, too! One of those random acts of kindness -- very nice. I did manage to wave my thanks as she drove away.

Oh, and we had lunch at their home -- mac & cheese from the pantry and some fresh fruit.

I'm going over at 10 today and I'll probably sit with them till 3 or 4.

Both my phone bill and my assessment fees hit right before pay day so I didn't get a break, but next month should be cheaper -- except for the medical costs, of course! I have done my monthly recap, but I'll post it tomorrow, as there is the possibility I'll spend something today. Right now variables are at 85%.


March 25th, 2019 at 12:31 pm

I spent $3 on cheese yesterday, and it was worth it -- it did make the onion soup so much better. Variables are at 84%. With 2 days to go, that's very good.

However, I'll be babysitting the boys this afternoon and some days this week -- not sure of the schedule, if there is one. They are on spring break, but mom & dad are working. DIL's schedule is very loose. I'll take it day by day and hope I can hold back on spending till Wednesday.

I have a mystery shop to complete this morning. It is 10 miles away -- a 30-minute trip at this time of day. And it should take about a half hour when I'm there.

I got my ballot for school board elections in the mail, so it's time to do a little research.

It has turned very cold and windy today. Will true Spring ever come?

Spring Cleaning

March 24th, 2019 at 12:43 pm

I did some spring cleaning yesterday -- mostly floors and cleaning up around the baseboards, which have been neglected. Whew! Also, the closet where the litter pan is kept. What a mess. I'm using up the last of the clay litter before I install the new Breeze system. When I do that I'll clean again, more thoroughly. I'd like to put down some vinyl on the floor and paint the baseboards in there. But that will wait till I'm healed and I have more expendable cash.

Three days till payday and I'm trying not to spend anything. (Though I do have about $100 in the budget.) I don't know what my expenditures will be in the next cycle. I'm guessing not too much out of pocket -- not till later. Food is pretty much covered for the first week after surgery. There will be physical therapy, which is a $45 per session co-pay, but they usually don't charge till the end. I will have to pay $300 per day in the hospital, but again, that won't be charged right away. It may fall in the next pay cycle, however.

Today is a gym day, and I'm getting ready to go. I may break my spending rule and buy some cheese while I am out. The French onion soup would be so much better and heartier with bread and cheese on top. All I have is shredded cheddar, which isn't quite the right cheese.

More Prep

March 23rd, 2019 at 02:27 pm

Yesterday I made a pot of French onion soup -- in the Instant Pot! And it was great, though I used white wine vinegar instead of red wine, and so it is a little -- tart? Most of it is going in the freezer. But I left out enough to eat the next few days.

I also made some chicken/vegetable broth and put that in the freezer.

I got paid by one of my mystery shop companies -- $71, but about two-thirds of that was reimbursements.

I assigned myself to another mystery shop on Monday. There will be two others before I have my surgery, and then, of course, I will be done for a while.

Next week is spring break for our school district. I haven't been asked to babysit, so I'm not sure what is happening with DS & DIL. They might be staycationing.

Today I will continue my quest to spend nothing till pay day on Wednesday. I have one more cooking job -- pan-frying chicken medallions, which I will use for chicken sliders post-surgery. After pay day I'm going to buy some roast beef and I'll assemble French dip sandwiches for the freezer. I think I'll be done then.

Day at Home

March 22nd, 2019 at 01:24 pm

I'm planning on making this a day at home. I woke up with a headache, so I want to take it easy as much as possible.

I do want to get some things done. I need to clean the fish tank. I want to do some more cooking for the freezer. The whole place needs to be vacuumed and mopped. And I have another load of laundry to do.

Yesterday I spent $6 on hot chocolate for GS2 and me. It was the day I take him to cooking class after school. There is not quite enough time to go home, but too much time to take him straight there. I killed a little time with a trip to the library, but we still got there way too early, so I pulled into Starbucks and we got the hot chocolate. Variables are up to 83% -- five days to go.

It appears the lending closet loans items out for three weeks, so I going to go there closer to my surgery date.

I am hoping not to spend anything between now and pay day on the 27th.

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