Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
April 20th, 2020 at 12:37 pm
Had sort of a blah, nothing day yesterday. I didn't feel very good, mostly due to a bad night's sleep, I think. Started to feel better as the day went on. Since I think I already had the virus, I am not worried about this little blip.
I talked to Oregon son yesterday. He was very upbeat. They are all done with the virus at his house. Everyone is on the mend and feeling much better. As an essential worker, he has gone back to work. He mostly works outside, but they maintain safe distancing and wear masks when they have to be inside. On the home front, they have taken possession of their second house and he was working on spiffing it up a little. He says it is almost ready to rent, but doesn't know if there will be tenants right now. His original plan was to have it ready to AirBNB during rodeo season, but it is likely there won't be a rodeo this year.
I didn't paint anything yesterday, and I think I'm done for a while. I think I'll let the few things that could use it remain in shabby chic mode for a while.
I didn't do any cooking either, just pulled some wet burritos from the freezer. I'll be having them again today.
DIL went to Target and asked me what I needed -- I had her get me some coffee creamer, but I was pretty much stocked with everything else.
So today I'm going out to get quarters at the bank. I'm kind of excited. I'll get in the car and everything! But I'm going to make it as safe an expedition as possible.
Other than that, it's time to clean the fish tank, and it's sheet/towel laundry day. So, a busy day on tap!
Posted in
April 19th, 2020 at 01:51 pm

I have been calling this a plant stand/wine rack, but I really don't know. Does anyone know what this is? It doesn't have the curved cutouts you would expect on a wine rack. It is too lightweight to handle a plant. What is it? Is this why it was in the alley?
Anyway, it looks better in blue. I'm going to take it back to storage and figure out what to do with it later.

In addition to painting this piece, I painted the top of my dresser. The top was scarred and overall in bad shape. The new color blends in well.
I made some macaroni salad yesterday, using dressing that needed to be used up. I also made brownies, but I overbaked them. They are not burned, just hard. Oh well, I will eat them. Too many good ingredients went into them to waste them. I wish I had some ice cream to kind of soften them up, but I don't.
Other than that, I didn't do a lot. Today I'm going to do a load of laundry, and then tomorrow I will go out and get quarters so I can do more laundry in the future. I think I can make it real quick at the bank -- wearing a mask, of course.
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April 18th, 2020 at 01:13 pm
I spent $50 yesterday, ordering pet supplies on Amazon. Iggy and the fish should be well stockpiled now -- better than me! You just don't want to run out of pet supplies, because you can't explain shortages to them.
I haven't reported on my variables in a while. They are right at 50% now, with 12 days to go.
Some of my free OTC products arrived yesterday -- two bottles of Banana Boat sunscreen and a bottle of CoQ10. Two more have been shipped and should arrive today -- vitamin D and dairy relief caplets. The package that came yesterday was correctly delivered to my vestibule, even though it had a wonky address. Hope today's package will be delivered correctly as well.
I was very tired yesterday after a sleepless night, so I didn't accomplish very much -- just did some shredding, and general housework. I made a simple meal of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I am troubled by nightmares, which I am always prone to, but I am having more now, so my nights are restless. I would sleep later in the morning to make up for it, but Iggy is relentless about getting me up around 6.
I heard from my brother yesterday that he has safely arrived in Michigan. When the pandemic hit, he and his family were at their new winter home in Florida. The rest of his family went home immediately, mainly to get his elderly in-laws back home. He stuck it out, for whatever reason. I was worried that a long road trip in mid-April would be difficult, as far as finding hotel rooms, gas, food, etc. But he had no problem.
I finally heard from my sister, who is so bad at keeping in touch. She and her husband have a lot of health issues, but they do not have virus symptoms, and they are staying home in North Carolina. She let me know that her son and his family are also safe.
I don't have particular plans today. More papers to process, more housework, more reading, more cooking. The new normal.
Posted in
April 17th, 2020 at 01:59 pm

I paid my mortgage this morning, and my balance owed is finally under $60K. Just under - $59,955. It's taking a long time to bring it down, but I haven't been throwing much extra on it lately, just rounding up to the nearest $10. When I pay off the CC I put my car expenses on, I will throw that $300 extra at the mortgage.
Big expenses are coming up, though. You see in my sidebar that replacing my living room ceiling is a short term goal. For a long time the ceiling has been stable, and it still is, but the area that is bowing is more obvious now. This is the old original plaster ceiling, and it cannot be patched, it must be replaced, probably with drywall. I think it's going to be a costly process. But I don't plan to get started on it till the stay-at-home order is lifted.
I don't want to give up on the table, either. And a trip to Oregon, when travel is possible again, is something I must do. I haven't seen my son and his family for so long.
I have been lucky that my computer and my smartphone are holding up better than I thought. But the exhaust fan in the bathroom is important, too. Moisture has been affecting the walls and paint, even though I vent by cracking the window and leaving the bathroom door open when I shower.
Yesterday I painted a little lamp table in the same blue I used on the little chair. I'm working on the plant stand (which may be a wine rack, I don't know) to remove stickers and goo before I paint it. I found this piece in the alley and decided to rescue it some time ago. I don't need it, so I may try to sell it after I am done. I'm enjoying this so much, I may try to rescue other treasures to sell. When life becomes normal again.
I've identified two more pieces I will paint -- a small chest of drawers where I store gloves, scarves and hats -- and just the top of my dresser, which is marked up. The rest of the dresser is in great shape.
Posted in
April 16th, 2020 at 02:05 pm

I finished painting the little chair and I am so pleased with how it turned out! The color is great, especially considering I mixed about 8 little bottles together and was just going on faith that it would be a pretty color.
There is a big crack that I couldn't fix without wood filler, so I will have to do that when I can get out again and buy some. Or perhaps I can order some.
My Oregon son sent pictures of his new AirBNB house. He could have backed out of that deal, because of the pandemic, but he decided to go ahead. He won't be able to rent it for a while, but he is looking at the long view. The house is fully furnished and decorated and it's really cute.
I'm still working on papers. I got down to two bags (terrible, I know!) but then I found more in drawer. Yikes! Are they multiplying? Once I get this done, I will never let it happen again. The up side of this pandemic is that I finally have the time to tackle projects like this and no excuse not to do it.
Posted in
April 15th, 2020 at 01:43 pm
My stimulus payment, as well as my social security payment, hit my bank account this morning. I paid my bills. It's nice to have a plump balance in checking.
Yesterday my grandson delivered my groceries to my door, and I paid my DIL $40 via Zelle. These groceries should get me through the end of the month.
I made a batch of chili, which is now in the fridge, and I'll have a serving today. Then it goes in the freezer.
DIL forgot to get quarters for me. I still have enough to get me through the week. I think, when I run out, rather than bother her again, I will try to get them from the bank via the drive-through. I think they can send them through the tube. If not, I will go early, wear a mask, and practice social distancing.
I glued the little chair that I want to paint today, but there is still a major crack that the glue doesn't reach. Oh well. It will continue to be a chair that only the cat can sit on. Today I'll mix the paint and get started on making it prettier. With the paint I have left, I think the color will turn out to be in the blue-green family. I'm also going to paint a little lamp table, as well as the plant stand that is now in the storage unit. Not all of them today.
It snowed last night. There is snow on the lawns, the rooftops and the trees. There was a 50-vehicle crash on one of our major highways. Snow is in the forecast for the next few days. It feels like the world has just gone crazy, a pandemic and a winter that lasts forever.
I shredded more tax documents yesterday, and uncovered some genealogy material that I put in a file. I'm going to have to adjust the file drawers soon, which means I'll have to find a home for some of the other stuff stored in the file cabinet. Sigh.
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April 14th, 2020 at 01:22 pm
I had a pretty quiet day yesterday. Yeah, they're all quiet, but some are more quiet than others. I washed my quilt and towels, and put the quilt away for the season. I made the cheeseburger sliders, three extra patties cooked for today. I cooked and crumbled the rest of the ground beef. It's ready for making chili, but I need more ingredients. My DIL has my list, but she is instructed (by me) not to shop until she is ready to shop for her own family. I have tuna and chicken in the freezer, so lots of other options.
I checked my bank account this morning, but no notice of any pending stimulus payment. I get my SS payment tomorrow. Perhaps they will come on the same day. I'm not anxious for it, just interested. I'm looking forward to paying my bills tomorrow. I consider that entertainment. And I will be ordering a few things online.
My DIL says her business is doing okay, even though it is an event-planning business. Right now they are helping clients with virtual meetings. She is working from home, of course. Both of my sons are still drawing paychecks, so overall we are very lucky.
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April 13th, 2020 at 02:34 pm
Our Easter dinner on Zoom went great! My son went and picked up the order and delivered my portion to my door. Then we got by our computers and visited while we ate our meals. It was fun. Such a lift! It was good to see everyone.
I never got around to making those cheeseburgers sliders, so I'll do that today, as well as crumble and cook the rest of the meat.
It's also laundry day for sheets and towels.
The book I ordered on Amazon arrived yesterday, almost a week ahead of the projected delivery date. I am so delighted to have it! It is the third in a series of historical novels about Thomas Cromwell. My BFF is already clamoring to borrow it when I'm done.
I've watched several movies in the last few days. I tried to watch "The Actor Prepares," because I love Jeremy Irons, but I didn't like the movie, so didn't get all the way through it. But I did get through "The Upside" with Kevin Hart and "Letters to Juliet" with Vanessa Redgrave. Showtime was having a free weekend -- at least I think it was just the weekend -- I'll check today to see if it's still on.
I'm also planning to watch the PBS show about World War II -- can't remember the name -- I have missed two episodes so will catch up today. I am caught up on "Call the Midwife," which is one of the high points of my life right now!
Another plan -- which I might not get to today -- is to repair and then paint a little chair/bench that I got free at a garage sale. And I also have a plant stand in my basement storage I've always been meaning to paint.
Staying busy is the key to staying home, I find.
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April 12th, 2020 at 03:41 pm
Did anyone get the stimulus direct deposit on Saturday? I thought I might, being pretty low-income and having received a refund by direct deposit the last several years. But not yet.
Yesterday, in my paper-purging project, I came upon a number of old journals I once kept. Most of them were done at various times after my divorce, and they were very sad, full of anger and angst and lot of self-pity, too. I was also constantly terrified and broke. I read them all through, gave thanks that I have survived and thrived and overcome, and then I shredded them all. I wouldn't want my kids reading them after I am gone. It feels cleansing to have them gone. It's my history, but it is history.
Today, there are plans in the air to have an Easter dinner via Zoom with my local DS & DIL. I don't know if others will be invited as well. I downloaded Zoom and now I'm waiting to hear what the next steps are. Not sure whether it will be a lunchtime or dinnertime event. They are going to order the food to be delivered. It will be Mexican food, per our tradition.
I gave up on the black and white puzzle. It was just too hard and not fun. I boxed it back up and put it in the Goodwill box. I wonder when I'll be able to drop off Goodwill stuff again? Or shop there again?
Well, I guess that's about it. I hope everyone has a happy, safe, social-distancing Easter!
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April 11th, 2020 at 01:27 pm
Another day, killing time at home. I finished shredding old tax records yesterday, babying my shredder all the way, but it pulled through. I have a big bag of shredded paper to carry to the dumpster today. I still have many papers to go through, but getting that part done was big.
I got most of the edge of my puzzle completed. There seems to be two pieces missing. But it's a brand-new, unopened puzzle, so they can't be missing. I guess I'll find them eventually as I start to fill in the middle. If I can fill in the middle! The edges were a challenge, and that's the easy part!
I asked DIL to get me quarters the next time she goes out, and I gave her a no-hurry grocery list. I still have enough quarters to do several loads of laundry. I wish the company that manages the washers and dryers in our basement would make them free for this period of time, but maybe that isn't an easy thing to do. It's challenging enough getting quarters in normal times!
Today I'm going to thaw some ground beef and Hawaiian rolls, and make cheeseburger sliders. Then I'll cook off the rest of the beef in readiness for making chili. I do have to wait for the groceries to be delivered before I can make the chili, though, as I need tomatoes and chili powder.
I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast yesterday, and there is plenty of batter left over for today, and maybe tomorrow.
I got a text from GS1 yesterday that said "Go to your window." He was standing outside, just wanted to wave and blow some kisses. He was probably out on a picture-taking mission. He has just started an online photography class, and I can hardly wait to see what he produces.
I sent the Easter money to the grandsons, electronically, yesterday. Today I'm going to put together two little bags of mini candy bars, and tomorrow I'll set them out for my son to pick up. What a weird Easter.
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April 10th, 2020 at 03:07 pm
I ordered my free OTC items from Walmart (via my Medicare Advantage plan). I was skeptical about how quickly it would be filled, considering all that's going on, but this morning I got an email with delivery dates -- the 17th and 18th. They are the one vendor I just can't get to change to my correct address, so I will have to look for the package at the most likely place it will be mis-delivered. Who knows, maybe it will come to the right place this time! Wouldn't that be nice.
I ordered dairy relief pills, sunscreen, CoQ10 and Vitamin D. Retail value is $45. I am entitled to $50, but it is impossible to find anything for $5 or less. Wonder if it will roll over? Probably not.
It looks like the book I ordered from Amazon will come on Monday. Yay! The toilet paper I ordered will be delayed. It is already scheduled to arrive no earlier than May or June, so who knows how late it will be. I didn't cancel, because I'll probably appreciate having it whenever it comes. I'm doing pretty good on toilet paper now, with 11 rolls on tap after I finished the current one.
The one thing I am running low on is quarters, which I use for laundry. I guess I'll ask DIL if she can get them for me, as well as a few more things from my ongoing grocery list.
Speaking of laundry, I'll be doing a load today.
Tomorrow I will have been sequestered for a whole month now, and I live alone, so I am really cut off from others. Except for Iggy, of course. Between him and socializing via phone and text, I'm doing all right. It's what I must do. But I will be glad to see the end of this.
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April 9th, 2020 at 04:39 pm
I had a prescription refilled yesterday (electronically) and this morning I went to the Walgreens drive-through to pick it up. I took advantage of the opportunity to buy a few more items without having to go in a store. I spent $27, which included the prescription. I got paper towels, canned pineapple, tomato soup, crackers, hair conditioner, and a bag of mini chocolate bars.
Buying stuff there is always hit or miss. I check online ahead of time and only ask for items that are shown to be in stock, but nevertheless, there is always something already sold out. That's okay; I will take what I can get. This time I could not get a frozen pizza, which was a disappointment.
I hadn't checked my mail for several days, so I picked that up, and I'll go through it later.
It's odd to be buying groceries and not paying any attention to the price. Availability is king. But I am saving money in other ways. I'm spending almost nothing on gas. Haven't had a haircut lately. No eating out. It all evens out.
I started my black and white puzzle and it's a nightmare! I've only put a few edge pieces together. It has an allover repeating pattern so the pieces all look alike. I'm only going to sit down with it a short time each day so I don't get frustrated.
They are saying Illinois is going to peak soon. I hope so, just because I want to get the worst behind us.
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April 8th, 2020 at 02:03 pm
It was 80 degrees yesterday! But not today. And strong storms rolled through last night. I will need to go check my car to see if there was any hail damage.
I opened windows during the day but did not go outside. I didn't see a lot of people walking around other than the dog walkers, so I think people were pretty compliant. Police did have to break up a soccer game in north Chicago. ????? Stay home -- save lives.
I finished my second jigsaw puzzle yesterday and I actually found another one, which I will start today. I must have bought it for a gift once. It is a black and white puzzle and there are markers included for coloring it after it is completed. Double the fun! I'll post a picture after it's all done, to flex my picture-posting muscles.
Meals today -- I'm going to have toast and applesauce for breakfast, tuna sandwich for lunch, and supper will be mac & cheese liberated from the freezer, as well as a vegetable. No cooking required today.
DIL in Oregon continues pretty much on the same course. I am hoping that she is improving in small ways that are not obvious. Meanwhile, DS is doing a good job of taking care of her, the kids, the house, and the dogs. He even build a playhouse for the kids the other day.
I usually give $10 apiece to the grandchildren on holidays like Valentine's, Easter and Halloween. I sent $20 to DS in Oregon via PayPal so he can take care of it himself. I don't think this is the time to send cards and paper money. I'm going to likewise give $20 to local DIL via Zelle so she can put the money on the boy's debit cards. Not that they can buy anything, but it will be there when stores are open again. Variables are at 25%, not yet counting the $20 to the boys.
One week till pay day! Can't wait. My budget is recovering, if nothing else is!
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April 7th, 2020 at 12:37 pm
I downloaded Allstate's app and set myself up for the payback they are offering. Not sure how much it will be -- I am not even sure if I will get it, as I am not a monthly payer, and the program seems to be organized around monthly payments. But I went through the motions anyway. A little bit of money, even potential money, is better than no money.
I started to make cream of asparagus soup yesterday but as I got started I realized I didn't have enough asparagus to make it worthwhile. Instead I had scrambled eggs with asparagus bits for supper, and I'll have it again today to finish up the rest of it.
I have made a serious dent in my paper pile. Believe me, it's been a big problem, and it will be nice to get rid of them all. Progress is slow, because I sometimes stop and read things along the way. And sometimes I have to make new files. I have found a lot of things that made me wonder why I was saving them. My shredder is getting a workout.
It's supposed to be a nice day today, but I'm going to stay inside. I'll open a window!
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April 6th, 2020 at 01:44 pm
Yesterday was a pretty calm day. I read, watched an episode of Broadchurch, worked on my puzzle, filed and shredded papers, did a load of laundry, and communicated electronically with friends and family. I wore my new mask when I went to the laundry room, but I didn't see anyone, so I guess it was just a rehearsal.
I'm hearing that the peak is coming soon, and it is time to really stay in -- not even go to the grocery or pharmacy, unless it is a true emergency. I figure I'll be in until at least the end of the month. Then we'll see.
I have another load of laundry to do today. Meals are planned: bacon biscuit and apple for breakfast, chicken tortilla soup and crackers for lunch, and a tuna salad sandwich for dinner. I'm going to use up some leftover asparagus, probably make cream of asparagus soup, but I won't eat that till tomorrow.
After my DIL went grocery shopping for me, my freezer is comfortably full, just the way I like it. I am going to stretch out my food to the max.
I finished my ebook and returned it. Now I'm working through the three physical books I have on hand, and in a couple of weeks a new one will be delivered. So I may not be getting another ebook for a while. I will wait until I don't have anything else, because I read on my phone, and I don't like all the interruptions, and I also don't like to have to stop to charge the phone, nor the pressure of getting through the book before it disappears.
I paid $5 to my healthcare provider yesterday. It was for the portion of lab work that was not covered by insurance. The lab work was done before all this came down. Variables are at 23%.
I hope everyone is well out there in these troubling times!
Posted in
April 5th, 2020 at 02:51 pm
My local DIL did some grocery shopping for me yesterday. I paid her $60 (electronically) which was a little above the cost of the groceries. She was able to get toilet paper! I now have 12 rolls. Also a variety of other things including canned cat food. I feel I am set for a while.
She also sent with the groceries a face mask she had made and some art work from the boys. My son carried the bags over and set them down outside my door. Through the door, we said "I love you!" Strange times.
I finished the jigsaw puzzle and started another. This one, though made by the same company, was lower quality. I had to tear paper off the back of many pieces to get them to separate. Very annoying. But I got all the edges done and today I'm ready to fill it in.
I should be finishing my ebook today. I still have 2 1/2 books from the tiny library (the half book meaning I've read half of it), and there is a book coming from Amazon, due to arrive the 21st. If I run out in between, there are my college textbooks! I was an English major, so lots of reading material. I could have sworn I had a copy of "War and Peace" that I was going to read someday, but I can't find it. It must have gone in the garage sale.
If I get desperate for reading material, I believe I can order books from Barnes & Noble and pick them up curbside. But I'm really trying to stay in as much as humanly possible, and reading isn't really an emergency.
Meals today -- the rest of yesterday's soup, and a homemade hot pocket from the freezer. For breakfast I had a bacon biscuit from the freezer. I don't believe I'll do any cooking today, but I do have a load of laundry to do.
Posted in
April 4th, 2020 at 01:19 pm
I had a nice long conversation with my son in Oregon yesterday. His wife is still pretty much the same as far as symptoms go, but I can tell that he is feeling better about it. She is not having an experience as intense as his, but it is hanging on longer, and he is confident that she will eventually recover.
That made me feel a lot more cheerful.
I continue to stretch my food supply as much as I can. I made more enchilada sauce and reheated the wet burritos. After having a serving, I put the rest in the freezer. I made some chicken broth and I used some of that and a little of the burrito filling to make soup, which I will have for lunch today. The rest of the broth will go in the freezer.
I finished the jigsaw puzzle yesterday -- it's only 500 pieces. I have one more. I sold a lot of puzzles at my garage sale last summer and now I wish I hadn't.
Financially, I am doing fine. I have spent 16% of my variables. Pay day is a week and a half away, and there will be plenty to pay all my bills and put something into savings. That's not counting the stimulus payment. I have offered to donate that to my local DIL's event-planning business. So far she has declined, but I'm going to put it into savings because I think the business may need it. I know they can get a loan, but I think that may be an unwieldy and long-drawn-out process.
If, in the end, if it is not needed there, I will keep it in savings to put toward paying for my table refinishing, once we get past the COVID-19 outbreak.
Posted in
April 3rd, 2020 at 04:29 pm
So, I did post the picture of my table. It's on my previous entry. Thanks for the help, Petunia! I'll try to remember now. Maybe post a picture every once in a while!
I got an email today about curbside service at PetSmart, which reminded me that Iggy's dry kidney care food is getting low. I tried to go through their steps, by ordering online, but the food was not available online. And the store is closed. So I decided instead to go through the vet, and they were very agreeable. They checked for the food, let me pay for it on the phone, and then brought it out to the car when I called to say I was in the lot. $35.
I figured while I was out I would go through the Walgreens drive-thru window again for a few groceries. I asked for eggs, cheese and butter (or margarine). None were available, so that was that. I am not out of any of those yet, but those are the shortages I see in the future.
So now I'm back home, hands scrubbed, and looking forward to an exciting day of washing my hair, working on my puzzle, reading my ebook, and trying to avoid the news, which is horrifying me.
No updates on DIL. I am hoping no news is good news. Or at least neutral news.
Posted in
April 2nd, 2020 at 04:02 pm

I would post a picture, but I don't remember how -- it's been too long -- and these kinds of things just don't come to me intuitively, I'm afraid. If anyone could share simple directions, I'll show you the side table I painted.
My Walgreens visit via the drive-thru window was a success. I got six out of seven items on my list, and the only reason I couldn't get the seventh was that it was too big to fit in the drawer (bulk paper towels). I spent $14 on groceries and $26 on non-food items. No toilet paper, of course. I didn't get out of the car, didn't interact with another person except through the window, and I didn't have a long wait because I was first in line.
I also placed an Amazon order. $7 for toilet paper (will arrive May-June!) and $43 for a bulk order of cat litter pellets. Those will arrive tomorrow.
I found a couple of jigsaw puzzles in my game bookcase, so I started one yesterday.
My cooking plan for today is to make wet burritos. The burrito filling is already made. I just need to make enchilada sauce. I have all the ingredients except tomato paste. I'll substitute ketchup. It's only a couple of tablespoons, so I hope it won't affect the flavor too much. I don't have cheese, except for parmesan which just wouldn't be right, but it should be good enough without cheese. In these times, I'm accepting good enough!
My DIL is neither better nor worse, as of last evening. I'll settle for not worse, reluctantly.
Posted in
April 1st, 2020 at 01:01 pm
DIL, as of last night, was feeling no better. I told her I wouldn't rest until she was feeling better and she messaged me, "REST!" with a heart. Maybe today.
I'm going to test Walgreens' drive-thru service for non-pharmacy items today. It's not clear how to do it, so I made a shopping list of seven items online and printed it out. I don't want to get out of the car. If this doesn't work, I'll go back to the drawing board. I plan to be there at nine when it opens.
Yesterday I painted a side table that I have been planning to paint for literally years. I thought, okay, what am I waiting for now? I had to mix some paints to get enough, but it turned out a very nice barn red and the table looks great. I'll post a picture if I can.
Here is my March recap:
Housing: $774
Fees/Services: $189
Utilities: $152
Groceries: $115
Clothing: $58
Vet/Pet Supplies: $56
Phone: $51
Entertainment: $49
Eating Out: $47
Medical/Health: $38
Car Repair/Maintenance: $36
Laundry: $20
Gas: $17
Fares/Parking: $1
Grand Total: $1603
My lowest month this year, no wonder! The fee was for Ancestry.com, the clothing was booties and a scarf and a backpack (booties in the process of being exchanged), entertainment was a movie and a book, the eating out all occurred before the virus hit, the car repair was an oil change.
The next few weeks will be bad for the country. I'm going to try to stay in as much as possible, as I've said before!
Edit -- sorry -- forgot to try to post the picture. Dont' see a way to do it in the edit.
Posted in
March 31st, 2020 at 01:27 pm
My DIL went to the ER yesterday but they could not detect water in her lungs, so they sent her home. She is pretty miserable. I think she will be okay, but I am anxious for these days to pass. DS is almost back to full health, so that is encouraging.
I did some laundry yesterday. Other than that, not much. I am reading, watching Broadchurch, playing computer games -- anything to distract me.
I had biscuits and blueberries for breakfast and there is French onion soup and chicken burritos on tap for lunch and dinner. So no cooking today; those foods are already prepared. I did think I might make some granola, as I have all the ingredients.
Another whole month of this is going to be hard. But it will be easier if I am not worrying about a loved one.
Posted in
March 30th, 2020 at 01:57 pm
Well, I guess we are officially a hot spot now, though I thought we were already. Every day the number of cases and deaths goes up. No relief in site. I just stay inside.
My only "outings" are to put garbage in the dumpster and going to the laundry room. I wash my hands well before and after each excursion, and I wear gloves.
With the President expanding voluntary quarantine to April 30, I am sure that our governor will expand our mandatory quarantine to that date, also. I can't imagine that schools will be reopened until Fall.
I will only go to the store for necessities. And I am more focused on just what is a necessity. I am almost out of mayonnaise, which I thought was a necessity because I need it to make tuna salad, but then I rethought it, and realized that I can make tuna patties instead. I have plenty of bread crumbs and eggs.
It will probably be toilet paper that eventually drives me to to the store, and that is what I am least likely to find.
I've been getting little things done. I sorted through all my plastic containers and threw out a lot of them, then reorganized the cabinet. I replaced some light bulbs, which involved getting on a ladder. I'm working through a pile of papers that need to be filed or tossed. I do a lot more daily cleaning. I am cooking with eye toward stretching everything to create more meals.
As for my DIL in Oregon, yesterday she seemed to be no better and no worse. I'll check in today with hopes that I will hear about improvement.
Posted in
March 29th, 2020 at 01:18 pm
Well, my son continues to improve but his wife has gone downhill. Now it's her I'm worried about. I won't rest easy until they are both free of symptoms.
My son's boss sent them a huge care package with food, groceries, toys, etc. They are over the moon. That was really very nice, and it lifted their spirits so. The kids especially were extremely excited.
I wondered how my son ever got infected in the first place, but my ex reminded me that he did a lot of training in Seattle. That's where his boss is.
I'm planning to make blueberry pancakes for breakfast today. I have leftover meatloaf, chicken burrito, and French onion soup for lunch and dinner the next few days.
I had a long conversation with my cousin yesterday. She is well, but she had bad news about her sister, who is experiencing heart failure. There are some procedures that can be done that might help, but she is reluctant to go to the doctor or hospital with things as they are now. I am so tired of bad news!
I also learned that my nephew was laid off from a job he had just gotten a few weeks before this all came down. His parents will see to it that he is okay, but I'm sure this is spiritually draining for him.
The curve -- here, anyway -- continues to shoot straight up. No flattening yet. I think people are being pretty compliant, and it's just going to be a while before we see improvement. Of course there isn't compliance everywhere. My BFF texted me last night that her next door neighbors -- college kids -- had a party on their deck. She went out and yelled at them in her best teacher voice. They slunk inside but the damage was done. Are they unaware or just so arrogant that they think they can flaunt the rules? I'm flummoxed.
This has been a time of low spending, that's one good thing. With the month almost over I've spent 71% of my variables and haven't made any draws from savings. The next couple days should be no-spenders. My overall net worth has only gone down by $3K because most of my money is invested in bonds. So I continue to be one of the lucky ones who has not really been hurt by this crisis.
Posted in
March 28th, 2020 at 11:20 am
I talked to my son yesterday and he was feeling better. He had had a better night with only one episode of night sweats. In the morning, he had no fever. His chest is still constricted but overall he feels like he has turned a corner. I hope that continues today. I know this is a weird disease that goes up and down before it resolves. His wife and children are less affected than he is and they are doing well.
Thank you to all who expressed kindness and concern. I do so appreciate my friends here. I am feeling quite relieved!
My son's bosses have let up on him about getting tested. They seem to have finally understood that it's not something you can just order up. Their concern has been that they wanted to have proof of his condition before making decisions about what to do about the co-workers he has been in contact with. But those guys wouldn't be able to get tests, either, so they should just be released from work, in my opinion, till this is over. They will probably all get sick, as they work closely together when they are indoors.
On the home front, I am ironically wishing I had less social interaction! A neighbor is trying to pull me into an argument that she had no business starting. An distant acquaintance is trying to save my soul. I love to have contact with others while I am quarantined, but not as a pawn, or a recruit!
But I am also having a lot of good conversations with real friends, so I'm not really complaining.
I made a hamburger yesterday and froze most of the ground beef. There is still a chunk of it I did not freeze, and I'm going to make a small meatloaf out of that today. My hamburger was a little odd because I didn't have any buns, so used sourdough bread as a bun, and I used ranch dressing as a sauce. I thought it would be delicious, and it was fine, but not as good as I thought it would be. I'm going to have to continue to be creative in meal-making. There are some holes in my pantry and fridge, but I still hope to put off grocery shopping for two weeks.
I have no particular plans for today, other than making the meatloaf. What an odd feeling that is. I saw a public service announcement that said "Our parents were called to war. We are called to sit on the couch. We can do this." How true.
Edit: After reading this over, I want to make clear my conversations are by phone/text.
Posted in
March 27th, 2020 at 01:34 pm
I checked in with my son yesterday and he was no better. In fact, he was worse, because his breathing was getting worse. The fever has not abated. My ex advised him to go back the ER. Apparently, he spoke by phone to the ER doctor who treated him a few days ago, and he said not to come unless he felt like he had just run a marathon. He was not that bad, so he didn't. I don't know what to think. I'm scared.
Also, his bosses are pressuring him to get tested, even though he has told them there are no tests in rural Oregon. They apparently think he should drive around for hours with his 103 fever and find some random hospital that might possibly give him a test. I am so mad I am just about spitting nails. Do these Bozo's ever watch the news? THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH FRIGGIN TESTS! THERE ARE NOT NEARLY ENOUGH. THE NUMBERS ARE FRIGGIN BOGUS BECAUSE PEOPLE CANNOT GET TESTED!!!!!! We are doing fine at counting deaths but we get a giant F for counting cases. I can't even imagine how many thousands there are in the country who are sick with this thing and can't even get diagnosed.
I haven't called my son yet this morning to see what this day brings. I pray that he is better.
But on to other things -- I did go to the Kia dealer to get the radiator cap. This is a whole story in itself. The cap didn't fit, because my radiator is an aftermarket part which was installed by a previous owner. They advised me to go to a body shop who might have knowledge of aftermarket brands. I went to the body shop I had previously worked with, and the very kind person there looked it over and finally told me what I needed to know. It isn't even the radiator cap that's missing. It is the cap to the overflow reservoir attached to the radiator. (I don't know if I'm using the right terms.) He couldn't advise me on how to get a replacement without removing the whole thing, in order to see the serial number, but he said I didn't need one. He said it was extremely unlikely that the overflow level would ever rise that high. He said I could perhaps find a plastic lid in my kitchen that would cover the opening and keep the debris out. Even a plastic bag would work.
Joe -- does this sound right? He seemed to know what he was talking about.
After that, I went to Sam's to get gas ($17) and I couldn't resist going in to check for toilet paper. The parking lot showed that it wasn't busy, so I felt safe. Of course there was none. While I was there, I picked up bread, fruit, and ground beef for $38.
I practiced social distancing the whole time, wore gloves, and washed up well when I came home. I plan to stay strictly at home for the next two weeks.
My other son told me that he has been unable to get anything delivered from local businesses like restaurants. There is high demand and not enough drivers. That makes me wonder if Instacart can actually come through in this climate.
I'll do the best I can stretching the food I have. At least it's something I'm good at.
Posted in
March 26th, 2020 at 12:07 pm
Last night I learned that my Oregon son and his whole family are sick, with symptoms in line with COVID-19. He is very sick, with high fever and shortness of breath. They went to an ER but were sent home to recover. They were not tested because rural Oregon does not have any test kits.
I'm worried because of how sick my son is, and also because my DIL is dealing with low immunity already, due to a series of surgeries she had before they moved to Oregon. Factor in all the stress they had of being laid off, moving across the country, buying and selling a house -- well, it's no wonder they are sick.
I keep repeating to myself that 80% of cases self-resolve. They are young. But I'm so worried because they are alone out there without any support system. I can't do anything, and I am beside myself.
I talked to my other son last night, and we decided between the two of us that I should continue to stay at home when at all possible, so I am not going grocery shopping today. I still have enough supplies. I can go when I am out of something I truly need. I did walk to Walgreens yesterday (before this conversation) to buy some Tylenol, because that's a real need. I tried to keep six feet away from everyone, but didn't always accomplish it.
I investigated Instacart and signed up, but when I started entering items on my list, the cost climbed quickly, and I thought it was just crazy expensive. So I emptied the cart. I will consider using it for one-off items that I really need, but not for a whole grocery order. Of course toilet paper was the one thing not available. It really burns me that there never was a shortage, and that people are hoarding it when others, who didn't run out and buy everything off the shelves, are really needing it. That said, I have been careful and I do have 7 rolls left.
Today I'm going to drive to the Kia dealer and get my radiator cap, because not having one could lead to a breakdown down the road. I called yesterday to make sure they are open and then asked if they could bring it out to the car, so I wouldn't have to go in, and they agreed. I don't remember if I ever discussed this, but just before I went into self-quarantine, I got my oil changed at Kia, and they told me my radiator cap was missing. Because I had had my car serviced there in December, they felt they were in error and ordered the cap for me free of charge. (I have since recalled that I was serviced at Midas also, but that was for tire and brakes, so they probably did not remove my radiator cap.) Anyway, while I was in quarantine Kia called to say the cap was in, and I asked them to hold onto it for a week. Now I'm going to get it, so I won't have to worry about car trouble. Not that I'm driving much! Since I am down to a quarter tank, I will fill up, too. And then hurry home.
I borrowed an ebook using the Libby app yesterday. I'm still reading another book, but I have 14 days on my checkout.
I was glad to hear that the bailout passed, more for the sake of my kids than for me. They will each get $3,000; I will get $1,200, which I will put into savings, but I may use it to help out DIL's business, if it is needed. Since I am impacted very little, financially, by the virus, I think this is the right thing to do.
Posted in
March 25th, 2020 at 11:44 am
I'm so much better. I do have a lingering cough. I don't know if it's a leftover from the virus (if I had the virus) or if it's just my allergies acting up.
So this is the new normal. Just because my 14 days of self-quarantine are wrapping up, I don't plan to do anything much different. But I will go to the grocery store tomorrow, during early senior hours, to try and get 20 items on my list. We'll see how many I get! While I am out I will also get gas. I am also supposed to pick up a radiator cap from the Kia dealer, so I will call to see if they are open -- I think dealerships with service departments are considered essential businesses. Then I will hunker down again.
As of yesterday, there were 30 diagnosed cases in my small city. Of course, being right next to Chicago, we are in a hot spot. It really makes you take notice.
Edit: 41 cases reported as of today.
Posted in
March 24th, 2020 at 11:08 am
Yesterday was a good day. I did a lot of socializing via texting. I took a walk in the sunshine, and I visited two little libraries along the way and got three more books. Don't worry, I sanitized the books and washed my hands. I looked up online how to sanitize the books. Some people microwave them, but I chose to wipe them down with antiseptic wipes. If you microwave books, you may melt the glue, or there may be staples inside that kill your microwave.
I will let them sit for several days now before I touch them again.
I ordered a book from Amazon I especially want to read, "The Mirror & the Light" by Hilary Mantel. It won't arrive till the middle of next month, but that's okay. It cost $20. Since libraries are closed -- and who knows for how long -- I'll have to be creative to support my reading habit.
I washed my bed pillows yesterday, in addition to my towels.
The City sent me a text to move my car for street cleaning. I don't know if that's really going to happen, or if they just didn't turn off the mass text. I moved the car anyway, but with everyone staying at home, there's no way all the cars are going to fit on one side of the street.
All the bills are paid this month, except for my gas bill, which should be about $30.
I started watching "Broadchurch" on Netflix. There are 24 episodes, so it should keep me busy for a while. I really like it so far.
Posted in
March 23rd, 2020 at 12:42 pm
Nothing much to report today. I did some laundry yesterday, wearing gloves, and I took a walk, keeping away from people. I doctored my mac & cheese with vanilla almond milk (by mistake) and got a rather odd result. I'll try to fix it again today by adding mustard to counteract the weird sweetness.
Our state is hard hit by the virus, with more than 1,000 cases now. And that doesn't count all the people like me, who aren't sick enough to get tested, so we don't know. It does seem that people are heeding the stay-at-home order, mostly. I see shots of empty streets on the news. The people I see walking outside are mostly singletons, many of them walking their dogs.
My girlfriend trip, scheduled for April or May, has been cancelled till next year.
I don't know when I'll see my Oregon son again.
All I can do is carry on.
Posted in
March 22nd, 2020 at 11:27 am
Still struggling with the vestiges of this disease, whatever it is that I have -- the cough hangs on. My chest is clearer. My fever has never amounted to much.
I got on Amazon to order a book I was interested in, and found that it is not available in the near future. Then I thought, well, I'll order some Tylenol while I'm here, and it was out of stock! I understand that they are inundated, but it did surprise me. I added Tylenol to my grocery list and I hope I can get it come Thursday morning.
I finally finished "A Storm of Swords" and I'm going to take a break from living in Westeros for a while. I have a light Sophie Kinsella book on hand, and after I finish that I have a thriller by Lynda LePlante. I know there are some e-books downloaded to my phone that I have never gotten around to. If I don't like those I will explore Libby, though I'm guessing it's overloaded, too.
I watched "The Farewell" yesterday on Amazon Prime -- good movie! I've taken a break from "The Walking Dead" because it's just too dark for right now.
Financially, I've lost more than $4K this month in my retirement fund. I know that's nothing compared to others, but it's big for me. The good news is that I have no immediate need for it, and I trust that in future it will recover.
We're getting snow this afternoon -- a wet one that won't stay, but still! I'm going to do my strength training routine today. When the weather moderates, I'll get back to walking. At least it is getting out of the house.
Have to figure out how to revitalize the baked mac & cheese I made the other day. I heated up a serving in the microwave and it was dry, dry, dry. Maybe add milk and cheese and bake it again? It was so good the first day!
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