Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
October 17th, 2022 at 04:30 pm
No more spending to report, but I did get some free food. On Saturday, after my grandson's last baseball game of the season, my son bought pizza to celebrate. Then on Sunday, we all met up at my ex's house and ended up staying the day. Not only was I fed all day but I was sent home with bagels and salad. The salad was the kind that was very heavy on toppings. I ate one serving last night, and then fished out any remaining lettuce and drained it of dressing. I'm going to make an omelet with what's left -- lots of tomato, cheese, bacon, olives. I'm expecting it will be very good. The bagels went into the freezer for another day.
I had made cannelloni on Friday, which didn't turn out great, since the sauce broke. But I had a serving, and this morning I divided and froze the rest. I have more sauce and cheese to add when it is thawed and heated.
I had been thawing a chicken breast, and this morning I sauteed it. I've not decided what to do with it yet.
All this is to say I'm really ahead of the game on food this week; I don't know if I'll be buying much on Thursday.
Posted in
October 13th, 2022 at 08:49 pm
I went to Aldi today, expecting to spend $15. I spent $13, because there was nothing else on my list that was $2 or less! Here's what I got: lactose-free milk, dried cranberries, cottage cheese, mozzarella, sour cream, and cream cheese. I know, lots of dairy! And me, lactose-intolerant! I'm planning on making cannelloni, and I for sure will take my lastase pills when I have a serving.
I had a good day with my son and grandson yesterday which started out with bad luck for them -- a flat tire. I picked them up and took them to the DVM, which was their intended destination. GS got his learner's permit. The traffic was terrible and the place was packed, so it took quite a while, but it was good to have the time together. Afterwards, we went to a casual dining restaurant, where I was treated to a late lunch.
It's turning cold today. Makes me think about how heating oil prices are rising, which I'm sure will result in a rise of assessment fees. It happened last year, and I think it's going to happen again. 
Posted in
October 12th, 2022 at 04:54 pm
I have a lightweight winter coat (I guess you could call it a fall coat, though I wore it often in winter). I bought it 11 years ago, I think, at Macy's. It has held up well all these years, but now the lining is wearing out, and not all the snaps are working. I intended to replace it last spring, when coats were on clearance, but I waited till too late, when nothing much was available. So I decided I would replace it for sure this fall, before the Christmas shopping season started.
So I went to Macy's! And I was pleased to find that many coats were 30% off and there was a great selection. I picked a Ralph Lauren, which retailed for $255, but I ended up getting it for $157, because I agreed to open a Macy's credit card, getting another 20% off.
My grandson, who says I've been wearing that original coat as long he's known me (and he's fifteen!) will be glad to see I have a new coat. Maybe. He might not notice at all, knowing kids!
In recent months I've bought a new winter hat and boots (and I deliberately picked the coat to coordinate), so I will be all decked out when the cold weather comes.
I haven't reported lately on my variables. I am up to 57%, and I'm not yet even halfway through the month. Of course, the coat really threw it off. But it is a reminder to be careful now.
Tomorrow is grocery shopping day, and I'm going to try to do it for $15. Might be a bit of a challenge!
Posted in
October 9th, 2022 at 04:38 pm
I went to my grandson's baseball game yesterday, and afterwards went to Panera for lunch. It was $12 (and delicious!) Panera is quite near Goodwill, so I decided to stop in before I went home. I'm so glad I did! I found a pair of jeans, Dockers, which fit perfectly and seem brand new. I suspect they have never been worn. They were tagged at $6.99, but they were having a half-price sale on pink tickets, so I got them for $3.49! I also bought a few Christmas/birthday gifts. My total spending was $14. I was bummed when I got home and looked at the receipt and saw that they had charged me for a reusable bag. There was a stack of them at checkout, but I did not take one. Then, as I went through the list, I realized that they did NOT charge me for two Christmas stockings. So it evened out. In fact, a little better than evened out.
Today I'm cooking. I'm baking carrot-cake muffins from batter that was in the freezer. I'm boiling carrots, most of which will go into the freezer. I'm making cinnamon applesauce. And I'm cooking chicken to use later in fajitas. I SWEAR I'm going to make them this time! Some of the chicken will be saved for chicken pot pie.
I'm using the timer on my phone! Since I have multiple things going, I'm just setting it in 10-minute intervals and I check everything. Hopefully, no alarms will go off today.
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October 8th, 2022 at 04:02 pm
I went to the gym yesterday, which is close to Food4Less. I popped over there to pick up scrub pads (I nearly ruined a pan, get to that later). While I was there I checked out the produce clearance and I picked up six Gala apples and 5 navel oranges. Then I spotted another clearance section of regular items. Usually I don't find much I want in those, but this time I found lasagna noodles, a Cracker Barrel mac & cheese kit, Reese's cereal, a brownie mix, a bag of dry lima beans, and a small pack of mini donuts. The total for all of these items was $12. (Not counting the non-food scrub pads, which were $3.) Some are not so great nutritional choices, for sure, but they were so cheap! And I have been sorely missing having treats on hand since I started this challenge.
I was under by $2 on Thursday shopping, so this will set me back by $10 on my upcoming trip. I don't think that will be a problem, as my list, so far, is not large.
So, the pan. I had a plastic jar of honey, in which about a half-inch had crystallized in the bottom. Bright idea -- I would set the jar in a pan of water on the stove and let it warm up to its original state. Well, I completely forgot it. Until the smoke alarm went off when I was in the shower. I didn't burn the building down, but I sure made a mess of the pan. It is a stainless steel pan, so it can take a lot of abuse, and I did manage to clean it up, though it took a lot of soaking and a lot of elbow grease. That was a relief. I was all set to go to IKEA and get a replacement -- I like that pan so much. But it's fine.
I guess I need to make a rule that I can't leave the kitchen when anything is on a burner.
Posted in
October 6th, 2022 at 05:28 pm
I just came home from my first weekly shop of the month. There will be four this month, so the amount to stay at or under is $25. I spent $23. I bought bread, biscuits, coffee, creamer, powdered sugar, parmesan cheese, canned tomatoes, canned tomato paste, canned mushrooms, granola, and sandwich cookies.
I'm planning on making chicken pot pie, spaghetti, and chicken fajitas (an idea left over from last week). Other meals will materialize, I'm sure. Last week I unexpectedly found I had the ingredients for jalapeno poppers, so that made two meals. I still have leftover soup and quiche. Plenty of eggs.
I did make a couple of purchases from the "hall of shame." Household items, so not from the grocery budget. One was a set of three small stainless steel meal prep canisters with plastic lids. The other was a knock-off of Command hangers. The total for those was $13.
I also went out to breakfast this morning at a sweet little cafe -- divine French toast for $13, including tip. I'm trying to avoid the dreaded fast-food drive-throughs, but I am permitting myself to have an occasional meal out in a restaurant.
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October 3rd, 2022 at 03:14 pm
I went to DSW yesterday with a $30 coupon. It had to be used on a purchase of at least $49. That's a pretty good coupon! I didn't find shoes for $49 but found the Van's sneakers I wanted (in the kids' section -- but the shoes fit). My receipt doesn't show the price before the coupon was applied, but my end cost was $22. I do pretty well getting shoes at DSW; I don't know how they make any money!
So the month is off to a great start.
Today I'm going to make Football Soup -- I assume the name comes from being a popular thing to serve at Superbowl parties. I seem to be attracted to recipes with funny names.
Posted in
October 1st, 2022 at 11:12 pm
Housing - $746
Vacation/Travel - $276 (mini-trip to Michigan)
Insurance - $234 (condo, annual)
Utilities - $197
Gifts/Charity - $141 (two birthdays, early Christmas shopping)
Groceries - $100
Personal - $82 (pads, face cream, a comb)
Entertainment - $51 (streaming, football pool)
Gas - $38
Medical/Health - $36 (premium, Beano)
Phone - $32
Clothing/Accessories - $21 (earrings, winter hat)
Laundry - $16
Household Supplies - $11 (bleach, glue, peroxide)
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $11 (plates)
Grand Total - $1995
Variables - 94%
I swept $246 to savings. This is on top of what I already set aside for insurance, property taxes, and the average cost of big ticket items.
It was a good month. I hit my goal right on the nose for groceries. I didn't eat out at all -- well, I did some but that was counted under "vacation." My spending was under $2000 and I never felt pinched. Maybe I'm just getting used to it!
Posted in
September 29th, 2022 at 06:20 pm
I did my final grocery shopping of the month this morning. I had to come in under $19 to meet my goal, and I did -- $18.58. Here's what I bought at Aldi: bacon bits, jalapeno peppers, butter, cheddar cheese, bouillon cubes, eggs, salsa, refrigerated pie crusts, Ritz-type crackers.
Meals that I have planned for this coming week include barbecued chicken, chicken fajitas, spinach quiche, and football soup (a cheese soup with bacon bits, beer, and jalapeno). Other ideas will emerge as I go through the week.
I am learning so much from this exercise. I was buying too much! The amount I am buying now is much more manageable. Shopping is easier, because I have a strict list and it goes fast, and carrying the food home is much easier. I find I am not buying much junk. I am making substitutions -- for instance, this morning I bought regular butter rather than my beloved Irish butter. It will still taste good. I am putting things off -- granola was on my list, but it didn't make the cut. I'll eat oatmeal this week. I'm also finding that I do not waste anything. I scrape every bowl and pan clean! Even small amounts of leftovers get reused in some way. I work too hard to buy the food to waste anything!
In other news, I got a $20 check from the state treasurer today. It was an unclaimed fund from Google -- I have no idea what it was that I didn't claim, but I'm glad to have it now. That went to the emergency fund. I think I will be able to sweep $300 into that fund from checking this month. Would be higher, but I have to pay my annual condo insurance this month.
I was planning to buy shoes at DSW today, but decided to wait and put that purchase on October's budget.
Supposedly the weather will warm up a little starting today! Though I know it won't last -- the season is changing, after all.
I have relatives in Florida who were affected by the hurricane. They all checked in that they are safe, some dealing with minor damage. I'm so glad that I don't have to deal with that kind of weather -- just tornados and blizzards here!
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September 27th, 2022 at 05:46 pm
I said earlier I wasn't getting our state's property tax rebate because I hadn't claimed property tax on my tax form (I took the standard deduction and did not itemize). However, I learned that there is a rebate form for those who did not file taxes -- they don't specifically say that filers like me can use it (it seems to be aimed at people who didn't file at all), but I thought it was worth a try. I did pay property taxes after all. I am entitled to the rebate as much as anyone. All told, it will only be $46, but I'm not sniffing at that. I do a lot of work to save $46!
It is very cold today, for the time of year, and our boiler doesn't get turned on till later in the season, so I slept under a pile of quilts last night. I'm wearing a velour jacket, and I'm trying to keep moving. I hate these early cold spurts. So inconvenient for those of us who have radiator heat.
Anyway, since my oven is pretty dirty anyway, I turned on the auto-clean, which is making my kitchen, at least, quite toasty.
After lunch, I'm going to go the library and the gym and to Best Buy to have them look at my computer. Webroot keeps telling me I have too many temporary files, but for the life of me I can't find them or figure out how to delete them. I have a maintenance plan, so I might as well use it.
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September 26th, 2022 at 03:42 pm
My grandson's birthday party was great! Food was ordered in, from a local restaurant, and of course there was cake and ice cream. We played cards all afternoon and there was lots of laughter.
The restaurant, for some reason, threw in a lot of extra packets of ketchup. Enough to fill a sandwich baggie. They were about to be thrown away (horrors!) and I claimed them, sealing my reputation as a cheapskate. I don't care. Throwing away ketchup during a tomato shortage is just ridiculous! I think I'll make barbecue sauce.
I'm waiting for the 29th to arrive so I can use a coupon for DSW. It's a good one, $30 off a $49 purchase, and I need a new pair of sneakers. Of course, they will be more than $49, unless I can find them on the clearance aisle, but I have my heart set on Van's, so it's doubtful I will find them marked down.
It's very chilly today, so it's a good day to do some cooking.
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September 23rd, 2022 at 09:25 pm
I completed my fourth $20 grocery shop (out of five this month) at Aldi yesterday. I spent $18. If I can stay under $19 next week I will have accomplished my $100-or-under goal.
This week I bought half & half, bread, graham crackers, cream cheese, spinach, carrots, Swiss cheese, creamer, and stuffed tortellini. The half & half was a concession -- the recipe (for roasted red pepper pasta) called for heavy whipping cream, but it just cost too much. The recipe turned out fine with the substitution. The half & half not used will serve as extra coffee creamer. But I bought creamer anyway, because I don't want to risk running out.
I also bought nighttime facial cream at Sam's ($52 for a two-pack), and Poise pads at Walgreens ($25 for a jumbo pack). A lot of money spent, but the unit prices were good. (These things do not come out of the grocery budget.)
This morning I went to the bank and withdrew $50 for my grandson's birthday, and $20 in quarters. I was not short on quarters, but I get them whenever I go to the bank, just in case!
Tomorrow I'll have lunch at my son's house, in honor of my grandson's birthday. That will help with stretching out food this week, though I have plenty, and I'm not worried.
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September 21st, 2022 at 04:35 pm
Yesterday I chopped and froze all but two of the onions in the bag I bought the day before. Lots of tears rolling down my face! The other two are baking in the oven this morning and I'll use them for French onion soup.
Today is my payday -- one of them, anyway. I have my Social Security payday and then my RMD payday. This is the SS day. I paid off my Discover and Chase cards, as usual. Everything else is automatic.
I may have mentioned this before -- I have been slightly overpaying my assessment fees because I entered the wrong amount on the payment site when the rates went up. It took me a while to catch it because the statements are so confusing. The only way to get that money back is to make a one-time adjustment on the site, thus making a lower payment, and then change it back to the correct amount. I'd rather have the $5 than give it to them, so I'm going to take care of this as soon as the current payment clears. It makes me nervous because I'm afraid I'll screw it up again. Maybe worse!
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September 20th, 2022 at 07:16 pm
I went to Food4Less after my gym visit and spent $3 on produce and $6 on bleach. I had intended to get the bleach at Sam's, but they were selling it in packages of three big bottles -- honestly, I don't have the space and don't use it that much. So I got one bottle at Food4Less. Shocked at the price, though. When did bleach get so expensive?
The produce I bought -- from F4L's produce clearance shelf -- was 6 red peppers, 5 kiwis, and 3 pounds of yellow onions. Pretty pleased with that. I have chopped and frozen 4 of the peppers and roasted the other two -- I'll make roasted red pepper pasta tomorrow. Later I'll go through the onions to make sure they are all fresh. I think French onion soup is in my future. The kiwis I'll just eat once a day. I've already had one.
Today it's supposed to be hot -- though it hasn't gotten there yet. Then a cold front will pass through. I took an early morning walk to avoid both. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm ready for Fall.
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September 19th, 2022 at 06:58 pm
Our state is issuing $50 payments to anyone who filed taxes this year. I'll take it! It was in my bank account yesterday. The state is also making payments to anyone who claimed property taxes on their state form. I do have property taxes, but I did not itemize (for me, it's always better to take the exemption), so I don't think I'll be getting that.
I was planning to go to DSW today to use a $30 coupon on a $49 purchase. I checked to make sure it hadn't expired, and suprise, surprise, it's not even in effect until the 29th! So I'm waiting on that.
Otherwise, I'm going to the gym today, and since it is close to Sam's and Food4Less, I'll buy some bleach at Sam's and check out the produce clearance at F4L. Whatever I may buy at F4L I'll subtract from my upcoming $20 grocery shop on Thursday.
My electric bill was less than I expected it to be! I feel very lucky that we have had so many days when opening the windows is all I need for air conditioning.
Speaking of electric bill -- I submitted a claim in the class action suit against Spark Energy -- I was a customer for a couple of years after deregulation but went back to ComEd when it didn't seem like such a good deal. It wasn't. They are being sued for charging high prices that didn't align with market values. I succumbed to a very aggressive salesperson and I was glad to get rid of it. Now I'm glad I'll get a little recompense, whatever that turns out to be.
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September 17th, 2022 at 03:44 pm
I got my Omicron booster yesterday. (I know that's not the real name, but it's the one that targets Omicron.) I became nauseous and achy in the late afternoon and went to bed feeling pretty bad. It took me a long time to fall asleep, because I was so uncomfortable. But this morning I seem to be fine. That's the first time I've had a noticeable reaction to a COVID shot.
While I was at the drugstore that administered my shot, I bought peroxide and superglue for $4.
On Thursday, I did my much-anticipated $20 shop at Aldi. I spent $20.46, because I keep a running total in my head and it's not exact.
Here's what I got:
Brown Sugar
Irish Butter
Lactose Free Milk
Maple Syrup
Peanut Butter
I decided upon getting the maple syrup at Aldi because it was the same unit price as the special deal at CVS, but at Aldi I was buying only 12 oz. instead of 16. As I expected, the maple syrup was almost half of the total.
Seems like a weird list, but I assure you I do have real food on hand.
I also did two loads of laundry. All this brought my variables to 69%.
I made carrot cake muffins for breakfast this morning. I had wanted to buy cream cheese to make frosting (and then they would be cupcakes!) but I couldn't swing it. They are actually pretty good without frosting, and better for me.
Later today I'm going to a baseball game. I'm planning to take an apple and a thermos of water. Maybe a peanut butter sandwich, too, because it will be my usual supper time.
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September 14th, 2022 at 03:22 pm
I don't know where I got the idea that today was the third Wednesday. It's only the second. I was SO looking forward to paying my bills! Payday is next Wednesday. It is no problem, just a timing error on my part.
I sent $34 to my Oregon son last night -- my dues for the family football pool. I never win. It's just a fun way to keep in touch with family members. Variables are now at 66%.
Looking forward to grocery shopping tomorrow. Today I'm having frugal meals of tomato rice soup and cheese quesadillas.
Posted in
September 13th, 2022 at 04:56 pm
I filled the gas tank yesterday at Sam's to the tune of $38. The price was below $4, first time in a long time at that station. I did get gas below $4 on my recent travels in Indiana and Michigan.
I made a few corrections in my log, and variables are now at 62%, a bit high for not-quite-yet-midmonth, but that is often my pattern. It will even out.
I pulled out some frozen avocado yesterday and let it thaw in the fridge. This morning I made avocado toast. I was promptly sick. Don't know if it was that or something else, really. It seemed like an awfully fast reaction. At any rate, I'm throwing out what's left. I have frozen avocado before, but maybe I didn't do it properly this time. Maybe it was not fresh enough when I did it.
I'm finishing the bag of salad today, and I'm trusting it wasn't what made me sick. I had some for lunch yesterday -- I think it would have worked on me faster than that if it were bad. I'm also wondering about the bleu cheese dressing.
I'm looking forward to grocery shopping on Thursday. As Frugal Foodie has pointed out, if I buy maple syrup, it will take up a big chunk of my weekly budget, but I really want to get some. During the pandemic I bought artifical maple syrup, and I didn't enjoy it at all. Even though that's what I ate most of my life! I have gotten accustomed to the superior taste of real maple syrup. I hope I can fit it in. I don't have too many necessities on my list. We'll see.
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September 10th, 2022 at 01:49 pm
I did my $20 weekly grocery shop yesterday. I spent $20.02 at Aldi and here's what I got:
A block of cheddar
A bag of coffee
A bag of spring mix salad
A can of jumbo biscuits
A bag of flour
A bag of walnuts
Here are the adjustments I had to make:
I planned to get croutons and dried cranberries for the salad. Instead, I made my own croutons, and I used raisins in place of the cranberries.
I planned to get milk and granola, but that will have to wait another week.
I planned to get Swiss cheese and feta for recipes, but had to pass.
I had salsa on my list, but I will not make any Mexican dishes this week.
I was hoping to get maple syrup for pancakes and French toast, but it was obviously way out of my reach.
I wanted to get brown sugar for my oatmeal; again, that will have to wait.
I had peanut butter on my list, but I am still scraping the sides of my jar, and that will have to do.
I bought caramel-flavored coffee which was on sale, rather than the "donut shop" coffee I first put in my cart.
The biscuits were not on my list but they were cheap and adaptable for many things.
Now, bear in mind, I have plenty of food in my freezer. This is a personal challenge; I just want to see if I can do it. And if I can sustain it, that would be great!
Edit: I also spent $47 on a birthday gift for one of my grandsons.
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September 9th, 2022 at 03:16 pm
What a nice little mini-vacation I just had! After totaling up the costs, I see it wasn't too expensive. The actual vacation costs -- room, food, gas -- came to $270. I also did some Christmas shopping - $32 - and bought myself some earrings and a winter hat -- $22 -- as well as a couple of plates for my set -- $11. I also had to pay $6 for a comb, which I forgot to pack, and I bought some pebbles for the aquarium, which was a great deal at $3. That's it!
I came home very tired, but satisfied. Today I'm getting ready to do my second $20 grocery shop of the month.
Variables are at 45%, but spending should settle down from here.
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September 5th, 2022 at 05:02 pm
My short trip to northern Indiana and Michigan is starting tomorrow. BFF will be my travel buddy. I'm going to visit an old friend who is in assisted living, visit my SIL's antique store, as well as spend a couple of nights in a hotel. It will be a bit costly, but this is not a good time to stay at my brother's for various reasons, and I'll have BFF along, anyway.
Besides the $20 grocery shop, I haven't spent much at all. I got my flu shot the other day, and not only was it free, but I got a $10 credit for it at Walgreens. I turned around and bought a bottle of Beano, which was only $10 after the credit.
I went to a Labor Day cookout at my ex's house yesterday. As usual, he bought way too much, and he sent us home with leftovers. I brought home enough hot dogs and buns for three meals, along with some cole slaw, bagels, and even lactose-free ice cream! (He had bought it for me for a previous gathering some time ago, but we never got around to the ice cream.) It may have some freezer burn, but if so, it will still be all right as a creamer substitute.
But the big haul was hoodies! He has recently retired as a school superintendant, and he had numerous jackets and hoodies that he was apparently given? All with the high school logo. Some had never had the tags removed. He wanted to get rid of them. I selected four for myself, and my son took a bunch for his family. I didn't try them on, and I don't know yet if they will fit, but if not, I'll give them back so he can give them to someone else. If they fit, they'll be great to wear to baseball games! And also to wear to the gym when it gets cooler.
Posted in
September 1st, 2022 at 06:41 pm
So, there are five Thursdays in this month, so I will shop five times, $20 a pop. (Or less, if I can do it!)
Today I went to Aldi, and I spent just under $20. I bought eggs, apples, creamer, raisins, bread, butter, and cookies. I also bought toilet bowl cleaner for $2, but that doesn't come out of the grocery budget. For household supplies, I buy them when I need them; it's not a category in which I ever overindulge.
Next Thursday I may be out of town -- I'm planning a short trip to Michigan, which may or may not come together. If I'm on the road next Thursday, I'll hold off on the shopping until I get home, probably Friday.
I made quesadillas for lunch today, out of leftover chili and cheese. There is enough left to do the same thing tomorrow.
I'm feeling pretty optimistic about keeping my grocery spending at or under $100.
Posted in
August 31st, 2022 at 06:56 pm
Finally, it's the last day of August! I won't spend anything today, so I did my recap:
Housing - $4,246
Car Repair/Maintenance - $223
Utilities - $198
Groceries - $109
Fees/Services - $45
Clothing - $37
Household Supplies - $36
Medical/Health - $35
Phone - $32
Gas - $29
Entertainment - $17
Laundry - $16
Personal - $11
Vet/Pet Supplies - $7
Eating Out/Takeout - $3
Gifts/Charity - $1
Grand Total - $5,046
So, overall my spending was about the same this month as last. It's been two tough months, as the spending really exceeds my income. But September should be better. I hope.
The high housing cost was due, of course, to having to pay a special assessment for a new roof.
The car repair was an oil change and new filters, as well as a steering wheel lock.
The fee was the wheel tax, in other communities known as a resident sticker.
The clothing was the pair of UGGS I got so cheap for my birthday!
Nothing else is out of the ordinary -- except for the very low eating out category! That was just a drink and an ice cream cone, different days.
I have a plan for next month's grocery shopping -- which will begin tomorrow. Since I want to stick to $100 a month, I'm going to do a weekly shop of $20 or $25 a week, depending on how many Thursdays are in the month. I think it will be doable. Also, easy to carry! Tomorrow I'll report on what I was able to buy.
Posted in
August 29th, 2022 at 05:16 pm
My printer ran low on toner, so I bought a new cartridge from Amazon for $22. It looks intimidating. I haven't tried to install it yet. Till now, I've been using the sample toner that came with the printer when I bought it at least a year ago. That sample served me well.
I bought an ice cream cone at McDonalds yesterday -- an impulse purchase, and I enjoyed every lick. I am still holding firm on grocery shopping, but this came out of Eating Out/Takeout, which I hadn't tapped at all this month.
I made chicken fried rice this week, which gave me two large servings. Today I made pancakes for breakfast and I'm going to have a hamburger for lunch. Dinner -- always light -- may be cheese and crackers with carrot strips. Or I may break out one of the Lean Cuisines.
Two more days after this and I can shop again.
Posted in
August 24th, 2022 at 06:04 pm
I went to the gym yesterday, and afterwards walked over to Sam's Club. I didn't find what I was looking for -- folate supplements -- but I bought a twin-pack of body wash for $11. Then I drove to Walgreens and bought the folate -- a BOGO offer -- for $9. Variables are now at 63%.
I continue to avoid the grocery store. Yesterday I made stuffed peppers, and today I made vegetable rice soup. I am drinking my coffee black. I'm out of fresh fruit, but I do have prunes. I'm out of sweets, too, but I guess that really isn't a bad thing. Plenty of possible entrees and plenty of vegetables on hand.
FYI, the items mentioned above do not come out of my grocery budget. My grocery budget is strictly for food.
Posted in
August 21st, 2022 at 04:36 pm
My day trip to see my BFF was great, but would you believe, I had another memory snafu! Last time I realized I didn't have one of my wallets (but found it at home later). This time, as I was getting ready to drive home, I realized I didn't have my phone. In a panic, I went back to the last place we'd been, and was SO lucky to find it sitting there on the bench untouched. I'm starting to worry about myself!
Since this was a late celebration of my birthday, BFF paid for my lunch, including dessert and a specialty coffee. So it was a very low-spend trip. I paid $29 for gas, because the price was so low -- under $4! And, even though we shopped, I spent only $1 on a light bulb!
Yesterday I stopped at Sam's after going to the gym. I spent $12 on a large bottle of Dawn dishwashing liquid. I shouldn't have to do that again in a while!
Today should be nice and quiet. Since my grocery spending has exceeded my goal, by a bit, I'm on a food-shopping moratorium. I didn't have creamer with my coffee this morning, and it was missed, but hey, I still had my Joe. I had an English muffin for breakfast and I'm going to make chicken fajitas for lunch. There's lefover potato soup for dinner. I have plenty of food for the next ten days, just might have to do without a few favorites.
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August 17th, 2022 at 03:16 pm
It's pay day! This is the day I finally pay that electrician's bill via paying off my Discover card. There were other things on it as well -- I put everything I can on the card, but I always pay in full. Anyway, the payment exceeds $2800. That led to a nice cashback bonus of $31. I still have about $750 in checking, above what I will need to pay for utility bills later in the month. If it's not been used by the end of the month, I'll keep it there anyway, since I like to have about $1000 in checking as a buffer. The emergency fund stands at $1756 right now -- I want to get it back up to $5000. When I do that, I'll start diverting money into the bathroom fund, which is at $2257.
Making this Discover payment makes me feel like I'm over the hump.
I also got $41 from Allstate for participating in Drivewise.
My city is taking applications for a pilot Guaranteed Income program. The plan is to pay recipients (not sure how many) $500 per month for a year. I read up on it, and I realized that my income is low enough (just barely) to qualify. And I'm also old enough. So I started filling out the application. There were numerous questions on the application about my assets, my health and insurance, my job status, my net worth, home ownership, ability to pay bills, etc. I realized that despite my low income I'm doing pretty well, and the money would be better spent on people who are in worse shape. I'm sure there are many of them. I would be ashamed to take up a slot and deny someone who is unemployed, with dependents, no property, no insurance. So I closed the application and decided to just keep going as I am. They would probably take one look and throw out my application, anyway!
Today I'm taking it easy, but tomorrow I'm driving to the midway city to meet BFF for lunch and a late birthday celebration. Life is good!
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August 16th, 2022 at 03:33 pm
Since I didn't get everything done on Saturday, I had another errand day yesterday. I got my oil changed ($150, due to some filter replacements), paid my wheel tax ($40), and went to the bank to deposit my gift funds and buy some quarters.
While at Midas I had a discussion with one of the mechanics about my worries of thefts in our area. I have a Kia, and the TikTok challenge has taught our local criminals how to get in, start, and steal Kias and Hyundais. They say theft of our vehicles is skyrocketing, and I feel particularly vulnerable since I park on the street, and I am very close to a rather sketchy area of Chicago (though my neighborhood is quite safe). That means that Chicago criminals can take a very short field trip to steal vehicles in our "ritzy" neighborhood. He recommended a steering wheel lock. I had to go to two different places to find one, and I got the last one at the second. It was $69 -- more than I wanted to pay, and I see I could have gotten it cheaper via Amazon. But that didn't even occur to me at the time, and the truth is, I needed some on-hand instruction because I really didn't know how to use one or even what they looked like.
We also discussed the prevalent catalytic converter thefts. He recommended a cable covering that costs $480 as the only shield on the market that would fit my car. I passed on that. I feel reasonably safe on that one, since my car's converter is reportedly difficult to remove, and the low carriage makes it uncomfortable. If it is stolen, insurance will cover it, though that is a bother, of course. I'm more concerned that my whole car is not stolen!
Variables are now at 51%, which is about on target.
In other news, my new routine of creatively using up leftovers has led me to make a breakfast casserole this morning. Oh, there's the timer! It's ready!
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August 14th, 2022 at 05:10 pm
Yesterday was my errand day. I hate to do on a Saturday, but it was really time to get groceries. I went to three different stores and spent $57. I think I did pretty good. I got a cataloupe, English muffins, popcorn, 3 Lean Cuisines, pudding, prunes, sausage, chicken breasts, biscuits, bread, carrots, peppers, crackers, tuna and granola. My total grocery bill, halfway through the month, has exceeded $100, which is where I want to stop. I think I'll be able to get through the month with no more grocery spending. I may have to drink coffee without creamer at the end of the month.
I also bought myself a birthday present! (I do this every year.) This time I found a pair of UGG's on clearance at DSW. With the deep discount and my birthday coupon, the cost was only $38. They retail for $200! These are the short booties, not the tall ones, but they have that wonderful warm lining, and I think my feet will be happy this winter.
I intended to pay my wheel tax, but the senior center doesn't offer that service on weekends, so I'll have to do it later. One of many reasons never to make Saturday your errand day!
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August 12th, 2022 at 03:05 pm
It was a good day, overall. I got flowers, cards and electronic good wishes. In the evening, I went to DS' new home and we had Chinese takeout and played games late into the night. Well, late for me. It was about ten!
I was very tired and disoriented by the darkness -- and, not used to the new neighborhood, I set off in the wrong direction when it was time to head home. I couldn't see my usual landmarks, nor any street names, so I kept proceeding the wrong way. (I wasn't using navigation, because I thought I knew my way!) Well, I ended up in Chicago and heading south, when I live to the north. I finally recognized a landmark and realized I needed to turn around (which wasn't easy!) Along the way I kept seeing groups of people who looked like they were up to no good -- it felt scary, though I'm sure I was in no danger. I was just hoping my car wouldn't break down, because it was the wrong hour and the wrong place! Got home, finally, and I got a text from my son about whether I'd gotten home all right. I wonder if he was tracking me on his phone. (I have told him that would be okay -- I would like someone who loves me to know where I am, in case I get into trouble.)
My ex was at the party and he gave me a generous cash gift. I'm appreciative, but it also feels a little awkward. But as I've said before, it's a drop in the barrel compared to what I lost when he took off on his little midlife crisis. So I take it. I'll deposit it in my savings account today.
I got a notice from the county assessor yesterday that my property has been reassessed. The estimated market value is somewhat less than what the bank estimated when I refinanced. But I changed it in my records, anyway. An estimate from the assessor seems more official.
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