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The Check and Food Prep

August 8th, 2022 at 05:41 pm

I've written the check for the special assessment, but it's still sitting here waiting to be mailed. My knee hasn't permitted me to use the stairs.

However, today it really does seem to be better.  When the rain lets up (if it does!) I will take a walk to the mailbox.

I seem to be on a new routine with cooking and food prep. I don't make a meal plan! I'm finding it works much better to use up leftovers immediately without starting something else. Sometimes that means I make something unexpected -- more creative -- something I hadn't thought of before.  Or hadn't planned on, anyway. Today I'm having leftover spaghetti for lunch, with cauliflower and carrots on the side. Those came from a California medley package, which I cooked yesterday, but it yielded too much to eat in one day. I picked out the broccoli and I will use that to make broccoli cheese soup tonight. Or tomorrow. Often I don't make a meal at night; I tend to eat a light snack that requires no cooking.

That will take care of the current crop of leftovers, so I'll start over tomorrow, taking something from the freezer.  I'm always watching the perishables in the fridge, too. I've got my eye on using up cheese and apples before they get too old.

I think this simple change in my routine will bring about savings.

I have a running grocery list, but so far it has not exceeded ten items, which is about how much I can comfortably carry.  If I wait a few days, I can charge it to the new month. This month has been challenging, to say the least. I don't want to add anything to it.

Special Assessment

August 6th, 2022 at 04:24 pm

Got the official word on the special assessment.  It is $3498. I'm going to pay it in full, although financing was offered. I'll write a check once the transfer goes through from savings to checking.  I had been hoping to charge it, in order to get the cash back reward, but I don't think that's an option.

I transferred $3900 instead of $3500, getting my numbers mixed up off the top of my head!  Well, checking is low, anyway, because of the electricians' bill, so I'm going to let it stay there. It will eventually get swept back when I start building back my EF. Right now I'm just in survival mode.

My knee is worse again, after one day of moderate activity. So it's back to rest and inactivity.

Grocery Shopping

August 4th, 2022 at 01:59 am

I went to Aldi today, spending $46.  That's not bad, considering I was out of just about everything. I concentrated on the basics -- coffee & filters, granola, bread, eggs, veggies, milk, cheese, butter, baking powder, and, because I have hamburger buns in the freezer, frozen beef patties. Oh, and I bought some oatmeal cookies for my sweet tooth.

I also needed to do a load of laundry, so I started it on the way to the store, and finished it when I came home. That way I minimized the stair-climbing. My knee is better today, but every once in a while I get a sharp pain that tells me it's not over yet. I have figured out it is bursitis, which I've had before and I should have recognized the symptoms. I probably did this to myself when I got on my knees to look under the bed. I have to remember I should always use a kneepad.

BFF still wants me to come visit, but she was exposed to someone with COVID this morning. She's pretty blase about it, and she says she will test herself tomorrow morning, but I really don't want to visit if there is a chance of infection. I've gone all this time without getting it; I don't care to start now! Anyway, I think walking around fairgrounds is just what my knee doesn't need, so that's another reason not to go. But I promised to talk with her tomorrow. I really do want to see her, but not under these conditions.

July Recap

August 1st, 2022 at 01:15 pm

Home Repair/Maintenance (Electrical) - $2462

Auto Insurance -$814

Housing - $746

Utilities - $208

Fees/Services - $138

Eating Out/Takeout - $107

Vacation/Travel - $100

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $98

Medical/Health - $63

Gifts/Charity- $58

Vet/Pet Supplies - $58

Groceries - $55

Gas - $53

Phone - $32

Personal - $28

Entertainment - $17

Laundry - $12

Grand Total - $5049

Variables - 91%


Fees/Services were my AAA renewal and replenishment of my Illinois Tollway pass.

Eating Out - mostly related to baseball games

Vacation/Travel - food for the train, and meals bought in Oregon

Furn/Equip/Decor - flower pot, makeup mirror, umbrella, organizer bags, picture frame, ceiling light

Medical - premium and two OTC products

Gifts - birthday flowers for friend

Vet/Pet Supplies - aquatic plants and filter for aquarium

Groceries - really low! Lots of eating from the freezer

Personal - deoderant and sunscreen

Entertainment - streaming services


It was really an expensive month for me, but mostly things I couldn't help. I spent about twice my income, which is concerning. I do have savings to cover the overage. But my EF will be ailing once I make the transfers.

In other news, I somehow strained my knee and I am hobbling around. I don't know if I'll be able to get out of the house today. I have enough food for today, and probably for tomorrow, too, but I do need groceries soon. I may need to have groceries delivered if my knee does not improve.

My BFF has invited me down to her place to attend the state fair on Friday. I don't know if I'll be able to do that, but I will if my knee gets better.  Here's hoping.



More Expenses

July 31st, 2022 at 02:41 pm

I'm wrapping up this month with more expenses -- I sent birthday flowers to a friend ($54 for a small bouquet!) and bought a few groceries for $3. Then my tollway pass replenished for $40. These things pushed my variables up to 91%.  Tomorrow I'll do my recap, and it won't be pretty.

Aquatic Plants

July 30th, 2022 at 03:49 pm

My big splurge yesterday was $41 spent on aquatic plants for my aquarium. I did this for two reasons -- I am tired of fighting algae -- and my DIL's aquarium, which was filled with plants, was so lovely. It inspired me.

I had some trouble getting one plant to stay down -- it wanted to float on top. But I finally got it anchored with some pebbles. I just hope the fish don't disrupt it. The aquarium looks so much better with some greenery in it, and I hope the algae will fail to thrive.

Variables are at 78%, and we're almost done with the month. However, big-ticket spending has wreaked havoc. $2462 for electrical work, and $814 for auto insurance. It definitely hasn't been a low-spend month. I charged the electrical work, so I won't have to actually pay for it until next month, and then it will come out of my EF. But I always track by point of purchase, not the actual moment the money comes out of my account.

The auto insurance, as usual, was withdrawn automatically. I save regularly for that, as well as property taxes and condo insurance.

Still no official word on the special assessment.  If I can put off paying it until after the next payday, that would be a good thing. However, the next payday is August 17. I have a feeling that the word will come this week, so it all depends on how much time they will give me to pay.  My neighbor said there will be an option to pay on time with 5% interest, but I don't want to do that. I want to get it done.

Edit - Oops! Forgot that I also spent $4 on groceries yesterday, so variables are actually 79%.

My Train Trip

July 28th, 2022 at 08:46 pm

Oh dear. This hasn't happened for a long time. I lost a pretty wordy entry about my train trip and the visit to my son's home in Oregon. I didn't select and save it, so it's gone. So I will give you a really short version.

The vacation, while too short, was super fun. I spent only $100 on food altogether. I couldn't sleep on the train seats, so I'll never try that again. I would consider doing another train trip in a roomette.

When I got home, the electrician arrived shortly to complete the repairs. Total cost was just under $2400. I learned that the roof replacement is going to cost $3800. So I'm going to be really cutting corners now to replace my emergency fund.

I'm really tired, and glad to be home, but also glad I did it!

Still Getting Ready

July 19th, 2022 at 12:46 am

One more little purchase for the trip. I bought MiraLax in packet form. I would hate to need it and not have it. The box of ten packets was $18.

On the way out of the store, I found two pennies on the floor. I have picked up almost $110 since I started keeping track.

I had it in my calendar that I was catching the train on Tuesday, but when I looked at my ticket I saw that I had it wrong. The train leaves on Wednesday. That gives me an extra day of prep. I'm almost ready. The only things that are not packed are things I need to use on Wednesday morning.

I am forcing myself to eat from my freezer and pantry. I am having some weird meals! But I'm not hungry.

It's Been Crazy

July 17th, 2022 at 02:16 am

Spending in the last few days has gone nuts. First of all, the biggest thing, was an electrical problem. I turned on a hanging light in the kitchen, and sparks flew up and down the wire. Very scary. I called an electrician, and he came out and diagosed a problem with the switch, the wiring behind it, and the breaker panel in the basement, which needs to be replaced. He also recommended that I replace the light. Then he did a safety check in other areas, and recommended that I replace my old smoke alarm and add another in my bedroom.

Since I am leaving soon on my trip, he did not do the repairs, but made everything safe. When I return, he will come back to do the repairs. I paid half the estimate -- $1231!  Thank goodness for emergency funds!

Then I ordered a new hanging light from Home Depot - $39.  He will install it when he comes back for the repairs.

Then there's the eating out. I have just topped $100, very unusual for me. A big chunk of this was meals for my grandson, in conjunction with his baseball games. There have been quite a few away games, and after all those hours of traveling and playing, he's hungry. Also, I have not grocery shopped very much, not wanting to leave food at home while I'm traveling, but that means that sometimes I pop out for a quick meal.

I had to replace the filter in the aquarium -- again! That's $17, but it happens too often; I don't know why the thing keeps breaking. Everything is junk these days.

I had to pay my semi-annual auto insurance - $813 -- and my AAA membership renewed for $99 (I have a premium membership, so I can have my car towed a decent distance, if need be).

There have been a few extra expenses for the trip as well, and ordinary expenses like deoderant and probiotics and a new umbrella.  

Variables are only at 65%, because the electrician's bill and insurance come out of savings. Thank goodness I have planned for both emergencies and big bills like insurance.  Kind of sad though, because I'll have to rebuild my EF now, when I was doing so well saving for my bathroom remodel.

Trip is Getting Close

July 12th, 2022 at 06:32 pm

As my train trip is edging closer, I decided to quickly order some small organizing travel bags from Amazon. At the same time, I ordered a new umbrella, as one of the ribs broke on my old one, and a picture frame to replace one that is just too heavy for the wall. The total cost was $52, taking into account some Amazon credits I had.

I have been worried about how to get to the train station, which is in downtown Chicago. I didn't want to ask my son to drive me, as he would be working, and I didn't want to Uber, as it is expensive, and kind of nerve-wracking, too. The Metra train would be a good option if I didn't have bags, but of course I will have bags -- and it's about a six-block walk. I finally decided to ask my son, and it turns out he will be going on a business trip that day, and he is delighted to drop me off at the station and then use my car on his trip -- thus DIL will have their car while he's gone, so it's a win-win all round. I think he said he would give me the reimbursement he gets for the trip, but I'm not sure I heard him right! Anyway, I'm just glad to have a ride and also glad that he will have my car and it won't get towed because of street cleaning, or anything like that.

Yesterday was a baseball game (as is today) and I spent $22 on lunch for my grandson and myself. The game was held in Highland Park, and I sat behind a couple who had been at that fateful parade. They had been situated very close to a couple who lost their lives -- the couple whose little son was spared but is now an orphan. I could tell they were still very shaken, and I gave them my heartfelt condolences.  I think this is going to reverberate in our communities for a long time.

Lunch in the Midway City

July 10th, 2022 at 03:31 pm

Per usual, I had a wonderful day with BFF, except for one major glitch. While she was shopping, and I was sitting out in the sun, I peeked into my purse and noticed that one of my wallets was not there. I carry two -- one with cash and credit cards -- and loyalty cards -- and the other with my drivers license, insurance cards, library card, transit card, vaccination cards, and probably other things I'm not thinking of. It was the second wallet that was missing, and I was in a panic. I tried to retrace my steps, and I was afraid it might have been lifted when I was at a baseball game. Plus, I was quite worried that I had to drive home without my license on a day that involved heavy traffic.

I was so worried, the day was spoiled, and we agreed to cut it a bit short -- not too bad, probably only about a half hour before we would have parted, anyway. I made the long drive home, long because traffic was TERRIBLE, and I was so impatient to be home and look for my wallet. When I finally got home, I found it in the bag of books I had brought home from the library the day before. Lessen learned. I will always put things back where they belong, especially important things like wallets!  But what a relief!

Aside from that, it was a lovely day. We ate lunch outside at a taco restaurant ($20). We shopped, but the only things I bought were sunscreen ($18 for two tubes), and a box of Clif bars on sale ($4), which I will take with me on the train. We found a bench in the shade and talked for a long time. When it was time to go home, I stopped at a gas station and topped up the tank, because the gas was $1 less per gallon than it is at home. ($23)

On Friday, in between the two baseball games, I went out to lunch with my son. He hardly ever wants to do this, so I jumped at the chance! We went to a Korean chicken restaurant and my lunch was $18.

Variables are up to 26% -- not bad, for what feels like a lot of indulgence (happy indulgence!)


Keeping Spending Low

July 7th, 2022 at 04:40 pm

I've been keeping my spending low, but the other day I did "splurge" and go through McDonalds drive-up. Smile  I spent $4 on lunch. I had food at home, but too many things to do before I could go home.  Variables are at 15%.

I have a game to go to this evening, and two tomorrow -- if the schedule doesn't change. The schedule has been very fluid this summer. On Saturday I'm going to visit BFF at the halfway city.  I haven't seen her in a while, and it should be fun. I'm getting used to the high gas prices, so not cringing about the drive.

The weather has been pretty nice recently, except for a few rain showers. Nice enough that I haven't had to turn on the AC very much. I'm appreciative for every day I don't have to do that.


It Hit Home

July 5th, 2022 at 02:18 am

I assume this made the news -- I don't know because our local news was covering it all day and I couldn't see the national news -- but there was a mass shooting today only fourteen miles away -- in fact, in the same town where I went to a baseball game a couple of weeks ago and got stopped by a train.

Six people died and more than twenty were injured. Some of them are being treated here in my town.

Somehow it is more horrifying when it is close by.

It happened at a July 4 parade, and the shooter was on a roof, looking down and shooting off his high-powered rifle. Children and grandparents were gunned down.  All festivities up and down the lakeside were cancelled.

The shooter almost got away. They didn't catch him until late in the day, when a cop spotted his vehicle. Really good police work, because in the morning, they didn't even know who he was.

I felt sick all day, but I did feel better once he was caught. Honestly, I didn't know if it was even safe to go out, not knowing where he was.

I don't understand how this can keep happening. Our country has gone crazy. 


July 1st, 2022 at 11:15 pm

I was feeling much better this morning (and it's cooler) so I went to the gym. Afterwards I filled the gas tank at Sam's ($53) and bought groceries at Food 4 Less ($43). I expected to only pick up a few things at the grocery, but I ended up with four bags. At a little over $10 a bag, that's not too bad. But it's almost half of what I have budgeted for the month! I have yet to buy snacks for the train. I know I will take several apples, and I hope I can manage to make some oatmeal cookies, with lots of nuts and raisins. So maybe I won't have to buy snacks. I do plan to buy sandwiches on the train, though I know they will be terribly overpriced.

News is swirling around my building that there will be a special assessment for a new roof. This morning I talked with a neighbor who is a former board member, and she believes it will be in the area of $2000 per unit. I have it in savings, but hate to spend it that way, of course. On the other hand, if I was in a house, just think how much a new roof would cost me!

June Recap

June 30th, 2022 at 11:14 pm

It was a pretty good month. I kept variables down to 80%. I'll be able to sweep $840 into savings, though I won't do that until my insurance payment is withdrawn in the next few days, and my RMDs are deposited. Don't want to cut it too close.

Housing: $746

Fees/Services: $200

Utilities: $190

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $171

Gifts/Charity: $140

Groceries: $93

Medical/Health: $56

Household Supplies: $45

Gas: $40

Personal: $39

Eating Out/Takeout: $39

Phone: $32

Entertainment: $17

Laundry: $16

Grand Total: $1824

The fee referenced above is the annual subscription to Webroot and a service plan through Best Buy.

The rather high F/E/D category came about because I ordered supplies for my upcoming train trip, I bought a box of dishes at a garage sale, and I treated myself to some new pans.

Gifts were higher than usual because there were two birthdays this month.

Nothing remarkable about the other categories, but I am proud that groceries were less than $100, even though I stopped receiving free food from the senior center.

I have felt a bit queasy all day today and I've stayed home. The heat isn't helping. It's in the nineties. I stood it as long as I could before I turned on the air. I slept very poorly last night and I'm very tired. A brief afternoon nap helped.

I intended to go to the gym today, but I'll have to make it tomorrow, if I feel better.

Two Games, and a Little Spending

June 24th, 2022 at 09:16 pm

On Wednesday I drove my grandson to two different baseball games in two different cities. My son and DIL were working and could not do the driving. The two games were scheduled only three hours apart, which was pretty close. As it turned out, my navigation failed me on our trip to the second location, and I got my grandson to the game late. (We were also slowed down by a train that came to a dead stop at a crucial crossing.) He was taken out of the lineup and it was a disappointment to him. But he was very nice about it, making sure I knew it was not my fault. 

We did stop at a McDonald's on the way, because he was hungry (and  because I had to visit the john!), and if I had known I was going to have all this trouble, we could have skipped that. But at that point, we thought there was plenty of time. The cost for that stop was $12.

It was brutally hot all day, and I was not able to find shade in either location. Altogether, it was a pretty awful day, and I was really glad when it was over. 

On Thursday I spent $24 on a gift card and a birthday card for DIL, to add to the Amazon gift I had already bought.

Today I went to the gym, and then through a drive-through, where I spent $11.  Variables are at 67% with only six days left in the month.

Coffee Run

June 22nd, 2022 at 06:14 pm

I was getting low on creamer and coffee -- staples in my house -- so I went to Aldi. I spent $31 on groceries. I also spent $28 on a lidded saute pan and a teakettle -- both in the light teal color that I've been collecting. I knew I would regret it if I passed these items up. They were on sale, and, you know, when they're gone from Aldi, they're gone.

Variables are at 62%.

Today I am headed out for two games in two different towns. Neither one of them my town! I'm picking up GS1 in about a half hour. It's still blazing hot, but the dew point is not in the high zone yet, so it might be bearable. Yesterday's game was cancelled due to high heat -- that's why there's two today.

Despite the heat, I'm still getting in my walks -- just a lot earlier in the day. I'll be glad, though, when the temperature drops to a more normal level.


June 21st, 2022 at 04:30 pm

Yesterday my inhaler clogged when the count was about 100. I took it to Walgreens and asked if this was typical. They said no, and the pharmacist fooled around with it and got it going again. Then I asked if I had a refill coming, because I no longer had the box the inhaler came in. I did, and since I was there, I got the refill. It is the last one, so I'll have to contact my doctor. The refill was $30. Variables are now at 55%.

Today I'm going to an away game, 45 minutes away! It will take half the day, but I'm the only one available to take GS1. The game was formerly scheduled right here in town, so this is a disappointment. Maybe I can get cheaper gas up there in the boonies.

Sounds like the heat wave will continue all week, so this is not going to be an easy time, for my comfort or for the budget.

Father's Day Coming Up

June 18th, 2022 at 06:23 pm

It's Father's Day tomorrow. I'll be celebrating with my ex -- who of course is the father of my children -- and my local son, and the spouses and grandchildren as well.  I'm planning to make some strawberry applesauce for the brunch.

Today I walked to Walgreens and bought Father's Day cards ($7) and coffee ($7).

I looked at sea salt hair spray but couldn't find anything I thought was in a good price range, so I came home and ordered some from Amazon for $6.

Variables are at 53%.

As English Castle said, it is indeed "cooler by the lake." It is lovely today, sunny with a light breeze, and I enjoyed the walk.

A Reprieve

June 15th, 2022 at 08:46 pm

I was all set to chauffeur my grandson to an away baseball game today, but, thank goodness, it was cancelled. It is really, really hot today, and I'm so glad the organizers had the sense to keep the boys from playing in such awful weather.

There was a game yesterday, which was equally hot. It was in the main field, where there are bleachers and a roof, so it wasn't so bad for the fans. At least we could sit in the shade. And there was a breeze. But the boys were running around in the hot sun, and you could tell it was getting to them. Luckily, my grandson was not in the lineup, so he didn't have to play. He is still nursing an injury from making a diving catch in the outfield.

But speaking of diving catch -- in the year-end awards ceremony he won the the "Golden Glove" award for outstanding fielding! It was well-deserved. He will go after anything. He gives his all.

And, speaking of the awards ceremony, we had a little excitement that evening. The ceremony was cut short when the tornado sirens went off, and a violent storm popped up out of nowhere. We were ordered away from the metal bleachers. I ran to my car as the wind picked up, almost hard enough to carry me away. I drove home in the sudden darkness, flashes of lightning going off constantly. Many cars were on the side of the road, but I was so close to home, I went for it. But I was awfully glad to get there safely. And everyone else got home safely, too. It was just a very strange, sudden storm. It passed quickly, with very little damage in the area.

Okay, as for money things -- I spent $2 yesterday taking Gatorade to my grandson, and I've done a couple of loads of laundry. I also bought a birthday gift for DIL. With my Amazon credits, it was only $31, so I'll need to find something else. Variables are at 50%.

I picked up my free lunches at the senior center yesterday. There was a sign posted, requesting a $12 weekly donation (although in the small print, they said they wouldn't turn anybody away).  I did not sign up for the next two weeks, as I usually do. I'm a little confused, actually. Everyone who is eligible for this program has a pretty low income, and my interest was certainly to save money. I think I can take that $12 and make much better use of it for the way I cook and eat. Of course, I am a pretty resourceful cook, very accustomed to repurposing food and never throwing anything away. Many people are not.

When I thought about it, I decided that this program is probably more suited to people who do not cook much, for one reason or another, and need the help.

Anyway, I'm going to take a hiatus and see how it goes. I don't really want to pay the $12 donation, but I am uncomfortable not paying it. I still want to keep my grocery budget under $100, which I think I can do, even in these trying times.

And besides that, it's been an awful lot of mashed potatoes! Really.

It's Going to Heat Up

June 13th, 2022 at 04:13 pm

They are forecasting temps in the 90s the next few days. It's still pretty temperate, so I took my walk this morning to take advantage of the coolness. I walked to Walgreens and bought two packages of Poise pads in order to take advantage of a sale. Cost was $29. Variables are at 44%. Since we are almost halfway through the month, that's about the right pace.

Summer baseball is starting up. There is a game today, and two tomorrow -- when it gets really hot! What unfortunate timing!

A Garage Sale, and Sam's

June 10th, 2022 at 10:34 pm

Yesterday, when I was out walking, I ran into a garage sale. I ended up buying a box of dishes for $10, and a Delft vase for $5. I was only interested in some of the dishes, but the owner wanted to offload the whole box. $10 was a good price for what was in there. I added sixteen bowls to my set, mostly the small fruit bowls, which I really needed. Yes! I am passing along seven other pieces to Goodwill.

Today I went to Sam's and spent $6 on hamburger buns and raspberries, and $24 on dishwasher pods.

Variables are at 41%.

Was It Really Only a Year Ago?

June 9th, 2022 at 04:14 pm

My Best Buy service plan/Webroot subscription just renewed. It must have been one year ago that I bought it after falling for a scam and getting lots of malware installed on my computer. I can't believe it was only a year ago. What a nightmare that was! It seems I made it through -- so far-- with no ill effects.

It will cost $200 for another year of service. I'll see how it goes -- but right now I'm feeling that it paid for itself and I am enjoying the peace of mind. It's there if something bad happens again. 

I'll pay for it via my Big Ticket account -- savings -- so it won't affect my variables. So far, I have not spent a lot in Big Ticket items this year.

Talking to BFF yesterday, I figured out -- from her experience -- that I am having issues with the fascia tightening up in my thighs. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it was -- it felt like a plank in my leg, but painful. It comes and goes but it often happens at night. I've been reading up on it. I may order a tool from Amazon to help soften it when it stiffens up. I've found some stretching exercises that may help. I'm feeling encouraged now that I know what it is. I was mystified.

There's always something!

Home Depot and Aldi

June 7th, 2022 at 10:39 pm

The weather cleared up yesterday, so I went to Home Depot and Aldi.  At Home Depot, I spent $5 on foam pipe insulation -- which I used to stuff the open spaces around around my air conditioners. At Aldi, I spent $38 on groceries, and $24 on two frying pans. I hope I will like them; they are the Crofton brand, so cheapies, for sure. But I have liked other Crofton things I have bought.

I was in the market for new frying pans, because I dropped one of mine, bending it out of shape, and then absent-mindedly left one on a burner, scorching it badly. I was going to get a new set at Sam's, but these pans were marked down and I thought I'd give them a try.  They're quite pretty -- light teal on the outside, and white on the inside. (Note: I never buy expensive frying pans, because I'm quite hard on them -- see above -- and I find they all stick after a while, no matter the cost.)

Variables are at 37%.

This and That

June 6th, 2022 at 04:29 pm

I went to the bank to buy quarters -- I could only get one roll, which is what happened last time. I guess I'd better start spending cash, if only to get quarters. Some condo-dwellers like me have told me that their housing associations have taken the change appartatus off their machines, making laundry free, but have raised the assessment fees by $20 a month. I like the convenience of that, but I wouldn't like a $20 charge. I pay less than that for laundry.

Anyway, I got my one roll, and then, because the bank is close to Mariano's, I walked over there to buy a few things that are not available at Aldi. I spent $10 there. One thing I managed to buy was popcorn. Yay!

I was planning on going to Home Depot and Aldi today, but it's pouring down rain. I may wait till it stops, or I may wait till tomorrow. I have to go out tomorrow, for the gym and my senior meals. Maybe it would make sense to do it all at once.

Speaking of senior, I am planning to attend a couple of free lecture sessions at the senior center on Thursday. One is on the use of polymers in medicine, and the other is about Parkinson's. Most of my interest in going to just to get out and be among people again, but I used to date someone who was a polymer scientist, and I have a dear friend who has Parkinson's. That particular sessions sounds like it might be more of a support group, but I would like to learn a little more about it.

My son installed my air conditioners yesterday, even though the temperature is still moderate. When the heat cranks up, as it will, I will be ready for it.

Forgot to mention -- I also spent $40 on gas. And that was for half a tank! At Sam's!

A Popcorn Shortage

June 2nd, 2022 at 03:40 pm

I walked to Walgreens yesterday, intending to buy popcorn (kernels in the jar). They didn't have them last time I went, and they didn't have them this time either! I am missing my popcorn! While I was there, I bought body wash , creamer, and bread, all of which are getting low. I spent $13.  Variables are at 23%.  In just one day!

I didn't move my car yesterday. Today I may have to. I'm taking GS2 to the dentist. I'm going to propose walking there, but I'm prepared to drive if that idea doesn't fly. There has been very little action on the street repair, so I'm wondering if it will actually finish up on Friday. It seems like last time it took a whole week longer than predicted!

Day One Spending

June 1st, 2022 at 04:54 pm

When the calendar changed to June, I decided to start the month by purchasing a few things on my Amazon list. I need to be getting ready for my train trip in July. I bought a collapsible water bottle, a portable charger, a pill organizer, and a neck pillow. While I was there, I also bought sandwich bags for household use -- I like the ones that do not have a zip lock. I can close them with clothespins or twisty ties and get a much tighter seal with less air trapped inside. I don't use these for sandwiches much -- more for small food items and leftovers.  I don't see them in grocery stores anymore! These came in a package of four boxes.

I  also ordered a birthday present for my DIL in Oregon.  

All told, I spent $190, which isn't too bad, but it's 22% of my variables budget.

I have another birthday, for my other DIL, coming up later in the month.

The cool weather arrived as promised, and it will stay here all week. I hope I can keep my electric bill under control this summer, and breaks like this help a lot.

May Recap

May 31st, 2022 at 11:30 pm

Housing - $746

Utilities - $192

Car Repair/Maintenance - $160

Personal - $141

Medical/Health - $134

Groceries - $102

Gas - $44

Phone - $31

Eating Out/Takeout - $28

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $20

Laundry - $18

Entertainment - $17

Clothing - $13

Household Supplies - $6

Gifts/Charity - $1

Fares/Parking - $1

Grand Total - $1654

Variables - 79%

It was a good month. Despite some costly things, I kept the budget under control.  The costly things? I got my fuel injection system cleaned. I had a haircut and bought some personal grooming items. I paid for an ultrasound I had a few months ago.

The very good news is that I kept grocery spending down to $102. Eating out was only $28 and that included a dinner out.

I can easily sweep $1000 into savings, leaving another $1000+ in checking in case next month is challenging in some way.

Today I went to the library, the gym, and the senior center to pick up my frozen dinners. My street -- the whole block -- is closed for resurfacing repair. (I don't know why -- they just did this last year.) Anyway, parking is a challenge, and will be for the next three days at least. They are saying only three more days, but the city's time estimates are often wrong. This morning I found a spot in the next block, and I plan to stay there. I can walk to Walgreens for food -- I'm well-fixed for food, anyway -- and there are no events on my calendar for this short time. So I'm staying put.

It is very hot today, and it was yesterday, also, but we are supposed to get a break tonight and for the coming week. My son hasn't installed my AC units yet, so I'm making do with fans. They are okay, but they are not cutting the humidity.

Speaking of my son -- he and DIL have purchased a new condominium with four bedrooms (one to be used as an office). They got a good price on it, too. They and the kids have been crammed into a small condo for many years, and this will be a wonderful change for them. They won't be quite as close to me, but only a 20-minute walk away -- a 4-minute drive. DIL started her new job at the university today. So many good things are happening for them, and I'm delighted!

I Broke My Spending Ban

May 24th, 2022 at 10:30 pm

But it was not a grocery item. Really, my self-imposed no-spending order is all about keeping my grocery spending down to the $100 level. I chose to buy facial serum yesterday, when I suddenly ran out, because I want to maintain my facial regime without interruption. I didn't know I was so close to being out, because the container is opaque.

So I walked to Walgreens and made the purchase -- $23. I hope that I won't have to replace it for a while. It only takes a dab.

I am really pleased with my facial care routine. I see visible improvement, but even more, my skin feels great and it makes me feel so good. It's definitely something I want to keep up!

I am putting my facial care items on my Amazon Wish List just in case someone in the family wants to buy them for me for my birthday. My DIL bought me the nighttime retinol cream for Christmas last year, and I was so delighted.

Today I went to the gym and then I picked up my five frozen dinners. Along with the leftovers in my freezer, I should have plenty of food to get me to the end of the month without grocery shopping.

Variables are at 79%. 


Lazy Sunday

May 22nd, 2022 at 04:29 pm

Nothing much is happening today, and I'm enjoying it!

Yesterday I was supposed to go to two baseball games, but it started raining when the first game began. I went to my car to wait out the 30 minutes it took to decide to cancel. After a bit, I went to McDonalds and spent $2 on a cheeseburger. When the time for the second game rolled around, it was still raining. I assume the game was cancelled. It didn't really matter, because I was not going to go sit in the rain. I'm a loyal grandma, but there are limits!

Later in the afternoon, it cleared up enough to take a walk. One nice thing about all this rain is that the grass is greener than I've ever seen it. It's brilliant!

This week it will be temperate, and for that I'm glad -- my AC units are not yet installed.  Looks like I can put that off for another week.

I am working my way through the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacquelyn Winspear, so I'm enjoying living in the post- WWI era for a while. Library books, of course. 

I found some frozen ham cubes in the freezer yesterday, so I had scrambled eggs and ham for breakfast, and later on I'll make some ham salad for sandwiches. As I mentioned yesterday, I don't have much bread, but there are hot dog buns and Hawaiian rolls in the freezer.  I don't anticipate any problems getting through this last week (plus two days) without spending. I do enjoy a challenge!


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