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More Questions

February 28th, 2022 at 05:05 pm

All right, getting through to the IRS by telephone is clearly like winning the lottery.  Odds seem to be greatly against it. I called at 7 am and was already shut out, told my call could not be handled due to high volume and to call later or "next business day."  When it will be so much better?  I've tried several times since then, but it's a brick wall.

SO.... I have filled out the Identity Theft Affadavit (Form 14039) and the Identity Theft Victim's Request for Copy of Fraudulent Tax Return (Form 4506-F).  I was just getting ready to prepare a fax cover sheet when I realized that no fax number is provided, nor is there any mailing address except a generic one to Department of the Treasury in Fresno, which is to be used if I have "no current tax-related issue." Duh. Why would I fill out this form if I don't have a tax-related issue?

Anyway, for my issue ("Someone used my information to file taxes") I am supposed to use the fax number or address provided to me by a notice or letter from the IRS.  I don't have one.  I found this myself online, I did not get notified! They say that I will be sent a notice explaining the reduction in the refund, I am assuming by mail, but who knows if I will get it? If someone stole my SSN to file a return, no doubt they supplied their own address and I will get NADA.

My question is, do I wait to see if I get a notice and then fax these forms to what I think is less likely to be a black hole?  I am already reconciled that this is going to be a long, long struggle and I may never see the money.

If I consult a tax expert, will the fee make it not worth doing?  I don't know what to do.

And There's More...

February 27th, 2022 at 09:04 pm

I wrote a little about my tax problem in comments yesterday, and again I'd like to thank those who have provided helpful information.

I thought I'd just update you all on just how terrible my day was yesterday.  After learning I may be robbed of my tax return by a cybercriminal, I had quite a head of steam and I went to the gym to work it off. I was on one of the machines, when I heard yelling. A member was yelling quite loudly and angrily at one of the workers (someone I know to be very calm and reasonable). I couldn't tell what he was yelling about, but he got louder and louder until the worker told him he had to leave. He went and got his coat and bag, and came back screaming even louder and meaner. His demeanor was very threatening. At that point all the workers told him to leave -- forever -- his gym membership was cancelled, and the police were called.  He did leave. I went to the front desk to ask what it was about and they said they didn't even know, but that he had threatened to come back and kill them all, and so they were waiting for police protection. Yikes! I left, too, after I was sure he was not lurking around. I had no desire to be there for Act Two! No one else left, though, which I thought was strange, but maybe they didn't realize what he had said.

When I was driving away, I met the police car coming in with its lights flashing and siren wailing. It was very unsettling! I was worried about the staff and the people who were still working out, but I heard no news about it, and I have to assume he was just venting and didn't return with a gun.

So I came home, very upset, but my son and grandson came over to play games, and they made me feel much better. Today I'm just hanging around home, but soon I'll head out for a walk. I'm not sure when I'll go back to the gym!

Tax Fraud

February 26th, 2022 at 05:00 pm

I got my state tax refund this morning. That prompted me to check on my federal return, since it usually comes first. To my great surprise, I learned that my refund was changed from $1937 to $537.  I thought I must have made an error, but when I checked the details page, it said the SSN of one or more individuals claimed as a qualifying dependent was missing or incomplete, that the last name of one of those individuals did not match their records, that one or more of those individuals exceeds the age limit, and that my adjusted gross income exceeds $75K.  (I wish!)  FRAUD, FRAUD, FRAUD! I did not claim any dependents at all, and my AGI is $5,377!

I cannot call to complain until 7am Monday morning.  I am beyond furious.  Any suggestions?

PJ Pants!

February 21st, 2022 at 07:41 pm

The PJ pants I got the other day were so perfect, I decided to stock up a little. They are not just PJ pants, but lounging pants and workout pants for me. Since the pandemic began, I've worn PJ pants pretty much all the time. Of course all that wear that has taken a toll on the condition of my supply. I bought three more pairs yesterday for a total of $48.  Now I'm set. I will probably weed out a few of my shabbiest old ones.  Variables are now at 88%. But I think I can stop spending now. Food, gas, meds and household supplies are all good.  I could use a haircut, but I'll put that off till March.

I am getting impatient for my tax refund, and also for the resolution of my refinance. I'm pretty sure it will go through, but I'd like to get the final word.

Oh yes, got the lid organizer today.  I love it! It fits the cabinet well and there is plenty of space for all my lids. I am now anxious for the bakeware organizer so I can feel like everything is in its place -- neatly.

Spending is Creeping Up

February 19th, 2022 at 07:29 pm

Popping in to report yet a little more spending.  Yesterday I went to Walmart (first time in a long time!) and bought two pairs of pajama pants ($30). I also spent $28 on groceries -- things I can't get at Aldi or Sam's -- and $3 on Easter cards.

This morning I ordered two different vertical cabinet organizers -- one for pot lids, one for bakeware -- from Amazon. $42 for both. I had previously ordered a lid organizer, but that shipment was lost and I cancelled it. I think I will like this one better, anyway. It's adjustable. This was a bit of a splurge, but I am so tired of wrestling with things that are improperly stored.

I forgot to mention previously the $40 I gave to the grandkids for Valentine's Day ($10 each).

So with all that, variables are now up to 82%. Eek!

In other news, my refinance is going along well; I will report on that if and when it's approved.

Dairy Relief

February 17th, 2022 at 04:51 pm

I stopped at Walgreens yesterday and picked up two boxes of Dairy Relief -- lastase.  The cost was $21. I bought two boxes because the second was half off.  It's a lot cheaper -- like $0 -- if I get it through my Medicare Advantage plan, but I can't order again until April, and I need it now.

I also went to DSW and picked up the boots which I had already paid for online. I was glad that they fit. I think they are going to be my go-to boots because they are easy to slip on, and comfortable. They'll get a workout later after our snowstorm today.  Right now it's calm and dry, but that isn't going to be the case later. I went out earlier and raised my wipers so they don't get glued to the windshield. I really hope the snowfall is below 4 inches, because otherwise I will have to move my car for plowing.

I read an article that said that our city (a suburb of Chicago) is one of five in the nation to receive an award for excellence in snow removal management.  I have to say they are right -- the snow removal is always fast and thorough.  It's just such a pain to move my car, but I guess that's the price I pay.

Spendy Day

February 14th, 2022 at 08:17 pm

I was due for an oil change -- or my car was, anyway -- so I got that done this morning; also got tires rotated and alignment. Along with an additive recommended by the maker, the whole bill was $124. From the auto shop I went to Sam's to get gas -- I neglected to pick up my receipt, but I think it was about $23 -- and then on inside where I spent $58 on groceries and $59 on medications.  While I was out I got my emissions test done -- luckily, my car passed and so there will be no added expense there.

Variables are at 63%, so I'm running a little high, but I think things will settle down for the rest of the month. 

It's a very cold day and I'm glad to be at home, ready to put my feet up and read a good book!

Experian Identity Works

February 9th, 2022 at 04:38 pm

Remember the Equifax breach? I was part of the class action settlement, and I chose free credit monitoring as my compensation. I didn't hear anything and I forgot about it. Turns out the settlement was tied up by some court challenges (or something) and finally I have received my reward! I signed up this morning. I feel relieved. The scam artist I succumbed to a few months ago has really weighed on my mind, even though he (or they) never got any money from me. Any layer of protection will ease my mind.

My other news -- I was called up for standby jury duty, but I got off -- for life! I am over 70, so I do not ever have to serve on a jury if I don't want to. I called and got my name off the list. Honestly, I think it might be an interesting experience, and certainly a public service, but my one brush with jury duty was off-putting. The criminal court I had to report to was deep in the city, not easy to get to, and the whole process -- standing in line, getting through security -- was not easy to navigate. Parking was a nightmare. I had to spend the entire day there and was never even interviewed. I can't imagine doing that now with Omicron still circulating and its baby brother just getting going.

Relative Warmth

February 7th, 2022 at 03:06 pm

It warmed up enough yesterday to take a walk -- it turned out to be a short one, because my back was hurting -- but it was good to get out and move around.  I stopped at Walgreens (obviously, my go-to store!) and bought some popcorn and a couple of valentine cards. Total cost was $10.  Variables are at 28%.

The reason my back was hurting -- all my fault.  I moved some furniture around and the next day I realized I had done something to my back. It wasn't heavy furniture.  I moved a small chest of drawers into my kitchen because I realized I could use the drawer space in there much more than where it was -- in the foyer. My kitchen came with only three small drawers; it's been quite a challenge.  Then I moved a small nightstand into the foyer. Both moves prompted a lot of rearranging of contents. Then I got inspired to find a space for a couple of Rubbermaid containers that have been sitting out. I got used to them and had begun to think of them as furniture!  Now they're in a closet, which I had to clean out, of course. It was quite a bit of work, but worth it.

I'm looking forward to another walk today, as it will be in the thirties!

Another Winter Purchase

February 6th, 2022 at 05:52 pm

I got a teaser email about boots at marked-down rates from DSW. I don't exactly NEED boots -- I have several pairs, but every pair has something about it I don't like. Mostly about the fit and ease of putting on/off.  So I sprang for a pair that looks like it will work for me.  We'll see.  I know it's a risk, ordering footwear online.  I arranged for store pickup, so I'm going to try them on before I leave the store and return them immediately if they're not right.  The price was good -- $55.  That pushed variables up to 27%.

Today will be unusually warm -- in the 30's, woo-hoo!  So I plan to take a walk, which is something the weather has kept me from doing for several days.

I'll be so glad when winter is over.

Too Much Snow

February 5th, 2022 at 04:48 pm

Snow has been a real issue here lately. My car was pretty socked in on Thursday, when I had to move it for plowing. I realized then that even though I have a snow broom for sweeping off the car, I needed a shovel for moving the snow under and around the tires. (I haven't had a shovel before because we have a maintenance guy who shovels all the walks.) I bought one yesterday at Home Depot for $18. A little high-priced, but I rejected a cheaper one because of the cheaper quality.

I also made a short stop at Aldi and spent $34 on groceries and $2 for little Russell Stover gift boxes that I will give away for Valentines Day.  Supply chain report: I was unable to get lactose-free milk and canned biscuits. I can do without the milk -- I have some powdered milk if I need it for cooking -- and the biscuits are not necessary; I just like to have them on hand for impromptu meals.

My Oregon son's birthday is tomorrow -- on Thursday morning I spent $59 on a couple of things from his Amazon wish list -- unfortunately, they won't be delivered till Monday. Dang! 

Variables are at 20%.

I got my first property tax bill of the year.  It is $516. I thought it seemed high, but when I checked, I found it's only $6 more than last year. Anyway, that will get paid with my next SS payment, which is the 16th.

So far, things are going well this year!


February 2nd, 2022 at 05:35 pm

This morning I ordered a lid organizer from Amazon - $15. I will have to clear out a cabinet to use it, so will have re-home some small appliances - blender, jar opener, hand mixer, hot pot. I can store those under my kitchen benches, but it is open space, so I'll need to get some containers. I'll deal with that after the lid organizer comes on the 11th. I might just use cardboard boxes, as they won't be highly visible.  I just need to keep the appliances covered to keep them from getting cruddy.

I did two loads of laundry yesterday ($4), so this month's variables, so far, are at 2%.

We were hit by a snowstorm last night -- some areas worse than others -- so far I have not been informed of plowing so I'm hoping maybe they'll skip it this time.

Lots of Financial Stuff

February 1st, 2022 at 05:02 pm

First of all, my January recap:

Gifts/Charity: $1200 (college funds for grandchildren)

Housing: $808

Insurance: $727 (Auto; semi-annual)

Utilities: $199

Medical/Health:  $185 (mostly for glasses)

Groceries: $64

Personal: $43

Household Supplies: $35

Phone: $31

Eating Out/Takeout: $23

Vet/Pet Supplies: $20

Entertainment: $16

Clothing/Accessories: $12

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $8

Car Repair/Maintenance: $3

Grand Total: $3390

Variables: 51%


A very low-spend month in many ways, but high total due to the college fund gifts and insurance.

I started the ball rolling on refinancing my mortgage. I want to get a fixed rate before the rates go up. I also want to move my mortgage away from the credit union that has given me so much grief over the years over whether my condo building is insured or not. (It is -- it always is -- but my property managment company has a terrible front office, so proving it is always a struggle, and the credit union is NOT understanding). I am hoping that a refinance with a bigger lender will get rid of that requirement. I don't know anyone else who has to do this.

Anyway, I am halfway through the process, just waiting for a callback from the mortgage specialist to finish up.

I did my taxes yesterday, and I am getting $2072 in refunds. I began the process with TaxAct and went all the way through it until it was clear I was going to have to pay for both federal and state. For quite a few years I've used TaxAct and federal was free. This year you have to be younger than 56 for some reason. I stopped right there, sought out a truly free site (FreeTaxUSA) and did it all over again (though it was easier, having done it once already). Taxes filed and no cost.

Hoping my refinance goes through without a hitch. I am not expecting a lower monthly payment, since I'll be switching to fixed from adjustable, but if I come out even I'll be happy. Just don't want my mortgage payment to shoot up. I may also open a line of credit because eventually I will have to remodel my bathroom (many things wrong).

The Target Trip

January 28th, 2022 at 10:55 pm

I went to Target yesterday to use my gift card. I ended up spending about $9 above the $25. I was aware I was over, and could have put some groceries back, but I wanted everything I bought.  So this is what $34 bought -- coffee, creamer, bread, cheese, sausage, raspberries, blueberries, and crackers. That's it!

Variables are now at 48%.

We got socked with snow today -- nine inches. I had to sweep off my car, so I could move it to the opposite side of the street in preparation for plowing tomorrow. The worst part was finding a new place to park, because the snow was so deep, every open space looked like a trap. I finally parked way down in the next block, where the snow didn't look quite as deep, but I have no idea if I'll be able to drive out of my spot tomorrow -- when I have to move the car to the other side of the street. How I wish I had a garage. Oh well. Winter won't last forever. It sounds like the east coast is going to get a whopper of a storm, and I commiserate.

Warm Feet and Gift Card!

January 26th, 2022 at 06:43 pm

Just a couple of financial events. I ordered some sheepskin insoles for my boots because I'm tired of frozen feet. They were $12 and will arrive on Friday. And I received a $25 virtual Target gift card for participating in a local focus group. Whee! I'd like to go out and use it today, but it's too cold.

Variables are at 47%. I am so close to the end of the month -- with the help of the gift card I may get through to the end without spending any more.

Dribs and Drabs

January 25th, 2022 at 05:53 pm

It seems like I've been spending in dribs and drabs all month.  Just when I think I'm done, something else pops us that I need.  I think I am not doing such a good job of monitoring my household inventory lately.

Anyway, I had to pop out yesterday and buy light bulbs at Home Depot ($8) and aquarium filter pads at PetSmart ($20 - value pack).  It was getting dark and there were snowplows all over -- plus towing trucks.  Even though everyone had been warned, there were so many who parked on streets designated for plowing.  I came home about 40 minutes before the plowing ban ended, and saw some of my neighbors get towed away. So I got back in the car and went to McDonalds for dinner ($3) -- ate in the car in a plow-free neighborhood, and when I got home again all was clear.  You know it's winter when plowing rules your life!

Today it is bitterly cold -- temperature was 4 degrees this morning, with a wind chill factor of 10 below. So I'm not going out today. I may make a quick run to the garbage dumpster -- that's all.

I'll be making potato soup later on -- well, soon!  It's going to be a good day. Smile

A Stop at Walgreens

January 22nd, 2022 at 10:40 pm

While I am out walking, I sometimes stop at Walgreens, which is only a few blocks away. Today I stopped and picked up some coffee creamer, as well as some facial serum -- altogether it was $26.  As I said in a comment, Aldi was clean out of creamer last week, and I substituted half & half -- but since I am lactose intolerant it's kind of a pain to have to take a dairy pill with each cup. And I don't really like the taste. So I popped into Walgreens to see if they had creamer -- yes! And while I was there I bought serum since I am almost out. 

I'll use the half & half in cream soup or something like that. With a dairy pill of course. Smile

I got an email this morning informing me that I had underpaid the assessment fee.  I was aware that a 3% hike was coming, but I guess I assumed I would get a warning to change my automatic payment. The payment went through at the old amount. Luckily, it was easy to pay the difference online, and then edit my payment amount going forward. So no harm done.

It's been a quiet month financially. With only a week and two days to go, variables are at 37%.


Net Increase

January 19th, 2022 at 03:57 pm

I got my SS payment today, and my net increase is $112.  I don't think that's going to make a whole lot of difference in light of inflation, but, oh well.  I will continue just doing my best.

I ordered my free COVID tests yesterday.  I hope the package is small enough to fit inside my mailbox; otherwise, it will be left in the vestibule and could easily be stolen.  I'll have to make sure to check it often.

The 5G rollout was supposed to happen today, but it's not happening near airports.  I don't know whether I am close enough to O'Hare or Midway to be affected or not.  Anyway, my phone is working.  I have been warned by both StraightTalk and Consumer Cellular that my phone will not work with 5G -- even though my phone says it is 5G compatible and its very name is Moto G 5G.  And it's less than a year old.  I have been pushed hard to purchase a new phone, but I'm not doing it until I am convinced my phone won't work.  I'm not sure these carriers are scamming me, but I do think they may be working with information that is not correct or complete.  And both of them were VERY interested in selling me a new phone.  I dropped StraightTalk and signed up to Consumer Cellular, just to get the same story.  Ah, no.  I may be sorry, but I'm waiting.  It'll be easy enough to go to Best Buy and get a new phone, if I really have to.  Stay tuned.

First Aldi Trip of the Year

January 18th, 2022 at 08:33 pm

I went to Aldi this morning -- first time in the grocery store this year!  I spent $50 on groceries, $6 on toilet paper, and $8 on a utensil crock, which I didn't expect to spend, but they happened to have one that was the right size and color.  I was planning to look at Goodwill, but this was so much easier.

Variables are now at 33%.  I am working with an estimated budget right now, since I don't know what my new SS payment will be.  But I'll find out tomorrow!

Did I mention that on Thanksgiving my sister brought me boxes and boxes of books?  I have been plowing my way through them, which is a delightful way to spend this dismal lockdown.  I have also become addicted to FarmVille3.  I do so enjoy harvesting those crops and buying pigs, cows and chickens.  I never buy any tokens, as much as they try to urge me to, so it's free entertainment.

I have not been to the gym since Omicron took hold, but I am trying to take daily walks.  It is sometimes challenging, when the weather is cold or windy or snowy or a combination thereof.  But I've been pretty good about it.  I have to admit I feel better when I exercise, even though I sometimes have to force myself to do it.

Dinner Out

January 15th, 2022 at 02:49 pm

Last night I met my kids at a local pizza joint that is going out of business -- a very sad affair, it was a longtime, much-loved business in the area, but they are done.  Anyway, I was the first one there and the line was SO long to get in. We texted back and forth and decided to go to another place instead, where we could eat without the wait.  It was the first time I went out since the proof of vaccination mandate was levied.  I have to say it went very smoothly, and I felt safe.  We had a good time. I contributed $20 to the cost of the pizzas.

I am very anxious for my Social Security payday to arrive -- this coming Wednesday.  I don't know what the amount will be.  I know the increase is 5.9%, but Medicare will cost more, too, which will lower the overall payment. Sounds like they are still not sure how much to jack up Medicare; they are still debating that expensive Alzeheimer's drug that may not even work. I'm sure I would feel less cynical about it if I had Alzheimer's! Smile

Variables are now at 26%, and we are now halfway through the month, so I'm doing well.  However, it is still a costly month, with an insurance payment and my donations to the grandkids' college funds.  I am still holding out on going to the grocery store, being creative about what to eat.  I took home some pizza last night, so that helped!

Cough Drops

January 12th, 2022 at 05:23 pm

I bought cough drops at Walgreens while I was out for my walk yesterday - $6.  Variables are at 23%.  Still holding off on grocery shopping; no necessities have cropped up yet.

Eye Doctor

January 10th, 2022 at 09:35 pm

I went to the eye doctor this morning and spent $114 on glasses and $39 on tests.  The glasses were kind of a splurge -- they are readers, but prescription-strength, and I got the thinner, scratch-proof and shatter-proof lenses.  I hope that will prove a good decision.  I use readers a lot, since I read a lot, and I also need them for computer work and simple things like reading a medicine bottle or a recipe.  Or seeing what's on my phone!  It will be about two weeks before I can pick them up.

Variables for the month are at 22%.

I had a mammogram last week and after looking at the results my doctor put in an order for an ultrasound -- not because he saw anything wrong, but more as a precaution because of my age and the density of the tissue.  I checked with my insurance and there will be a $130 copay.  I have decided to try to schedule in February, since the eye doctor wiped out my medical allowance for this month.

My son & family came home last night from Florida, and they picked up their cat today.  I will miss the little cutie, but on the other hand, she certainly got into trouble a lot -- chewing on plants and wires, jumping up on the table, etc.  I was used to an older, sedate, cat and she is young and frisky!

Anyway, I'm glad they're home. They didn't have quite the vacation they had hoped for, what with the Omicron virus sweeping through the country, but at least they enjoyed some warm weather.  It's COLD here.

So far I have not spent anything on groceries this month.  There is plenty of food in the freezer, so I plan to only buy necessities. I haven't bought any gas, either, and I have almost a full tank.  So I may get through the month without buying any.  January WOULD be a low-spend month, except for my contributions to the grandkids' college funds, and the insurance payment.  And next month it's property tax. Sigh!


January 4th, 2022 at 02:29 pm

I didn't log my upcoming auto insurance payment into my budget spreadsheet.  I don't know why -- I knew it was coming, but I just didn't enter it.  So when it hit the bank account this morning, it left a balance that was surprising. I'm okay, just have to adjust my mind a little bit, as well as the spreadsheet.  My semiannual insurance payment is $747 -- quite expensive.  Older driver in a high-density setting.

I've been doing well on my resolutions.  One day I did not write.  I was feeling a little depressed, and it wasn't conducive to writing.  I have to bear in mind that I won't always feel like being creative.  So maybe that shouldn't be a daily resolution.  Maybe more like a 5 out of 7.

Part of my housework yesterday was going through a canister of pens and pencils and throwing away the ones that wouldn't write.  Quite a few were dried up, but that's not the interesting part.  At the bottom of the canister I found about 10-15 buttons, and a necklace that I had been missing. Weird.

Today I'm venturing out because I have a mammogram scheduled. Luckily, our storm wasn't nearly as bad as predicted, and I have cleaned off the car and it looks like I'll be able to pull out easily.

It's getting very cold tomorrow. That prediction will probably prove true!

So It Begins

January 2nd, 2022 at 04:55 pm

I started the new year with a $600 donation to my Oregon grandchildren's college funds.  I will do the same for my local grandchildren when the family gets back from Florida.  I used to do this at Christmas, but it is working out better budget-wise in the new year.

And for myself, I spent $38 on personal and household supplies.

We were threatened with a heavy snowstorm yesterday, but in fact it didn't pan out to be much.  Thank goodness!  When it snows more than four inches I have to move my car around to permit snowplowing.  This way it can just sit.  Soon I will go take my daily walk -- first time in the snow this year.  Well, obviously, but first time this winter season.

I've been pondering new year's resolutions, and I think I'm making very few this year.  There is no reason to make a resolution about something I'm already good about doing, so I'm concentrating on the places I fall short.  Here they are:

1. Walk 5 days per week, 20-30 minutes per walk.

2. Eat 2-3 high fiber foods per day.

3. Spend 30 minutes per day on concentrated housework.  This does not count making the bed, loading the dishwasher, etc.  30 minutes on things I usually skip or postpone.

4. Reach out to family members once a week.  This doesn't count my children and grandchildren, but the more far-flung family members -- my siblings, cousins, etc.  Also, old friends.

5. Write every day, even if it's only a sentence or two.

December Recap & 2021 Recap

December 31st, 2021 at 06:44 pm


Housing - $795

Gifts/Charity - $788

Groceries - $233

Medical/Health - $202

Utilities - $187

Personal - $99

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $63

Gas - $52

Fees/Services - $40

Entertainment - $34

Phone - $31

Eating Out/Takeout - $25

Household Supplies - $24

Laundry - $18

Pet Supplies - $11

Clothing/Accessories - $5

Parking - $1

Grand Total - $2,608

It wasn't a bad month, really.  The biggest chunk was Christmas spending, which affected both "Gifts/Charity" and groceries.  The other categories were pretty much in line.   The higher-than-usual medical was due to getting my crown recemented.


2021 (With comparison to 2020)

Housing - $9546 ($9708)

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $2719 ($1332)

Utilities - $2246 ($2148)

Gifts/Charity - $1707 ($3888)

Insurance - $1695 ($864)

Groceries - $1408 ($1596)

Fees/Services - $1184 ($564)

Medical Health - $1142 ($1848)

Car Repair/Maintenance - $1135 ($2184)

Vacation/Travel - $1028 ($0)

Taxes - $938 ($912)

Home Repair/Maintenance - $748 ($5076)

Vet/Pet Supplies - $742 ($1104)

Personal - $644 ($168)

Phone - $506 ($612)

Eating Out/Takeout - $498 ($540)

Gas - $357 ($204)

Entertainment - $325 ($288)

Clothing/Accessories - $236 ($204)

Household Supplies - $214 ($276)

Laundry - $196 ($204)

Grand Total - $29,215 ($33,720)

So -- I spent less in 2021.  2020 was a bad year for home repairs, car repairs, vet bills, medical, and gifts.  But great for no vacation costs!  2021 saw a big jump in insurance, furnishings (mostly due to table refinishing), fees/services (tollway costs?).  Gas - higher but not as much higher as I would have guessed.  Food -- both groceries and eating out -- was lower this year than last.  I credit that to much more discipline in the kitchen -- and fewer opportunities to eat out.

Net worth rose from $206,582 to $219,295.  Some of that is due to a higher market value on my condo.  I have deliberately been very conservative on how much my condo is worth, because I know that a sale is a tricky business, no guarantee.  Anyway, I'm very pleased that my net worth has risen at all, given that I am retired and not bringing in much income!

On to 2022!  I can hardly wait!

This and That

December 28th, 2021 at 07:42 pm

This morning I bought breakfast at Burger King - $4 - and then filled up the tank for $26.  Yesterday I bought aquarium supplies for $11 and a prescription for $8.  Variables are at 86%.

In a couple of hours I'll be driving my son to the airport -- not normally a big deal, but it is snowing like crazy.  First snow of the season. 

My son's cat is here, hiding under the bed.  I saw her once, when she sneaked into the bathroom.  I wonder when I will see her again.

In a few days I'll do my year-end recap! I hope 2022 will be a better year, just like I hoped that 2021 would be.  Omicron is not giving it a very good beginning.

COVID Close Call

December 22nd, 2021 at 08:20 pm

Last night my son called me to let me know that he had just tested positive for COVID.  He is fully vaccinated and boosted, but he still got it.  He is not worried about getting sick -- his symptoms are mild -- but since he was planning on traveling with his family to Florida tomorrow, that obviously put a wrecking ball in his plans.  Well, it turned out that no one else in his immediate family -- nor me -- tested positive (I took care of testing this morning.)  So his wife and sons are going to Florida, and he will join them when his quarantine is done on the 31st.  He is currently staying at his dad's house -- which is unoccupied right now -- so everything has turned out about as well as it could.

It was a harrowing morning getting tested -- long line outside in the cold, and the check-in process, all done online on my phone, was challenging.  They gave me both the rapid test and the PCR.  As soon as I was done and declared negative, I went straight to Midas because my tire light came on this morning.  I knew they were watching at least one tire and I expected to have to buy a new one.  But it turned out that the problem was only low pressure, so they fixed that for free, and I was on my way.

I made one purchase yesterday -- I was out of CoQ10, which I take in conjunction with my statin, so I went to Walgreens and got the best deal I could, a twin-pack for $43. Variables are at 80%, with a week and two days to go.

My HOA sent a warning that assessment fees will rise by 3.2% in February.  I made the adjustment in my budget.  It was not as bad as I expected, considering the warning about heating fuel this winter.  So far our winter has been very mild and snowless.  I hope that lasts.

Christmas Gathering

December 20th, 2021 at 05:01 pm

Our Christmas gathering on Saturday was very successful. It was a little stressful getting the meal together, but I did have help from one of my grandsons, who wants to be a chef. After the meal, we opened gifts, and then played games. They all stayed all day, which kind of surprised me, but it's an indication that everyone was having a good time.

I spent yesterday cleaning up and putting everything away, and I went to the gym as well. Today I'm taking it easy except for doing laundry and hauling garbage out to the dumpster.

There has been no spending since my last entry. But something financial did occur -- my ex gave me $200. I'll put that into savings, which will put that over $3,000.

As I expected there is a lot of food left over, which I will try to use wisely. Most of the sweets went into the freezer already. One of the casseroles was totally consumed; the other will provide me with several lunches.  A lot of veggies were left, so those will probably become soup. I don't expect to have to do any grocery shopping until 2022!

Speaking of 2022, I'm already mulling over my new year's resolutions. This year I want to really think about what I can do to make next year better than this one.  I'm pretty sure that one of my resolutions is going to be getting out in nature more, and another is to connect with distant family more.  I haven't settled on any financial resolutions yet.

A New Book -- and Groceries

December 16th, 2021 at 11:31 pm

I ordered a book on Amazon today, intending to use my credits, but somehow I ended up paying with my Amazon Visa card.  Oh well, the credits will be good for something else.  The book is authored by an acquaintance of mine from the past -- I recently read a review which said it was the best book the reviewer had read this year.  So it will be interesting to read.  The book was $18.

I also went to Aldi and bought some staples as well as all the stuff I need for Saturday's Christmas lunch.  I spent $95, which is unusually high for me, but the Christmas meal is always expensive.  I will probably have lots of leftovers.

My problem with the mortgage lender was resolved this morning.  It was a simple matter of the property management company updating the information on their website, but they had neglected to do it, and I was caught in the middle.  Today I downloaded an up-to-date certificate and uploaded it on the lender's insurance site, and all is well (I think).  Could have been so simple, but it was a nightmare because someone didn't do their job.

Forgot to mention, I got my hair cut - $73 for the cut, and I tipped the stylist $20 because it is the Christmas season.  He does a really good job, but I have to figure out how to get a good cut cheaper.  I've been stretching out appointments to 12 weeks, and that helps some.

Another expenditure, next day.  I bought some plants for my kitchen window - $53.  Well, that includes the cost of decorative pots.  Everything is so expensive!  But the window looks much better, and the kitchen is cozier.  What spurred me on was that I am hosting our local family Christmas get-together tomorrow.  They haven't seen my place in a while and I wanted it to look nice.

Variables are at 73%, with two weeks to go.


December 15th, 2021 at 01:22 am

Made a trip to Goodwill and spent $15.  Most of it was for baking pans to fill with water and set underneath my radiators.  I'm done messing with humidifiers; hoping a little old school humidifying will work.  I also bought a new-to-me purse -- needed something that would do a better job of holding my phone in a convenient, but safe spot.

I was done with Christmas shopping, but I got a gift from a friend who likes to keep up the exchange (I'd rather not).  I had enough credits on Amazon to get something free, so it didn't really hurt too much to send her a little something.

Once again I'm wrestling with my mortgage lender, who demands proof that my building is insured every year, and every year my property management company screws it up and sends me an outdated certificate.  Then the mortgage lender charges ME for the building insurance -- or tries to.  I could scream!  After talking to a few neighbors, I learned that they have never had to provide such proof to their lenders!  I'm ready to refinance and get rid of my lender on that basis alone.  But I'd probably have to have said certificate to get the ball rollling, so I'm still stuck.

Edit: Another expenditure -- $30 for copay on one of my September visits to Immediate Care.  Finally billed for it.

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