Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
December 28th, 2016 at 12:04 pm
I'm trying to dial back in all the little ways I can. Yesterday I went to the library to pick up a new audiobook. I checked out the library book sale (ongoing -- it never closes). It is my usual habit to pick up a few books there, so I can pass them on to my sister. Well, the price had gone up to $1 from .50. I looked, but didn't see anything I thought was worth a dollar.
I also walked two blocks instead of paying for parking.
I managed to buy no food or beverage at work. To do this, I have to take a lot to restrain my urges!
I have committed a scheduling goof-up. I told DIL I would babysit on Friday, forgetting that it was the day for the girlfriend luncheon (1 1/2 hour trip -- each way). I really don't want to back out on DIL, since she has already said she has no other options, and she is already dealing with enough what with her mother's diagnosis. So I emailed the girlfriends this morning. Hoping they will be understanding....
Yesterday was another day of being alone in the office. I expect I will have some company today.
I did spend $1.50 on laundry yesterday, but that was it. Today I have to do some stocking up at PetSmart, and another load of laundry.
I got my check from the museum yesterday! So I will deposit it today. It is also my SS payday. I think that this time, though, since it is SO close to the true end of the year, I will wait to do the financial reckoning until December 31 and get a true annual count.
Posted in
December 27th, 2016 at 01:29 pm
Other than going to the gym yesterday, I spent the day at home. I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't started feeling woozy -- that cold I had, which is lingering as a cough, seemed like it was going to start over. I took some mucus expectorant before bed and I feel better this morning.
I got some good things done, like cleaning all around the litter pan. What a mess that makes. I am trying something new -- spreading a big towel under the pan and partway up the wall. I wish the cats would use a covered pan, but they won't.
I readjusted my variables budget for the coming year. It will be tighter, because taxes were higher than I expected, so I have to reserve more. There is not a lot I can control in my budget, but I can be more frugal in grocery shopping (and using my food stash) and eating out, especially the convenience eating. I don't have any big clothing needs coming up. I DO have two vacations, so I don't think I can cut back there.
About the cruise -- we are going to drive to New Orleans, where the cruise ship takes off. It is a two-day trip, and we will stay in Jackson, Mississippi overnight. My son has already booked a two-bedroom suite, so we can all stay together and split the cost. We will stay in the same suite on the way back. I am expecting that C. and I will split the cost of gas and long-term parking. We will probably take her car, since it is newer. I will take some road food, but I am sure everyone else is expecting to make food stops.
I have set aside 5 pairs of capris and 10 tops (so I can change the top for dinner). I'm also going to pack a nice pair of white pants and two cardigans. Maybe a hoodie, too. Two pairs of PJ's. Sandals and sneakers. Plenty of underwear and swimming gear. I don't have to pack a hair dryer, because the room as one. Hooray!
It's time to go to work!
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December 26th, 2016 at 03:24 pm
The day after Christmas is so anti-climactic, isn't it? But I'm always glad to get back in the routine.
I had a really nice day with my local kids, my local grandchildren, and my friend C. For once I didn't feel bad about the gifts I had given. Either I'm getting used to it, or I'm getting over it. My DIL put herself out too much with not only hosting the gift-opening, but making homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and a great Christmas dinner. I tried to help, but only succeeded in making the risotto and helping to clean up afterwards.
Today I've already gone to the gym, and I'm doing a load of laundry. I am jotting down New Year's resolutions whenever I think of them, but they are mostly of the small variety. My big one, I think, will be to find joy in everything I do.
More good news about C. It appears that the cancer MAY be stemming from her gall bladder rather than the bile duct. It IS in the bile duct, but that may be secondary. It is not in the pancreas or liver. (Though they won't know any of this for sure until the surgery.) The gall bladder is easy to remove and not needed. The bile duct can be replaced with part of the intestine. (And a topnotch surgeon will do this). If the cancer has spread nowhere else, we can be hopeful of a good recovery.
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December 23rd, 2016 at 04:50 pm
I went into work yesterday, but there was no one else in my office. Since I don't have a key to the main office, I had to call security to be let in. I ended up only working three hours, because it just felt so weird and I couldn't concentrate. I know most people do better without people around when they work, but for some reason I am just the opposite.
After work, I went to the gym and then to Walgreens, where I spent $8 on a prescription and sundries.
This morning, it was back to the gym again, with a $24 stop at the gas station. I have also run a load of laundry for $1.50.
I'm trying to spend money only on needs.
That said, I have yet to withdraw $600 for the grandsons' college funds. I already sent the $600 to the Florida grandchildren, but the local kids have a specific fund and I need to find the info and log on. Need to do that before Christmas, so that I have a printout to wrap up!
I have earned $2,229 in snowflakes this year. Ordinarily, I would have divided this among the four grandchildren, but I decided to stick to $300 apiece since I had such big expenses this year.
Here is how my snowflakes shook out:
Rewards/Bonuses: $1086
Freebies: $288
Dividends: $175
Focus Group: $175
Coupons: $151
Discover Cash Back: $148
Surveys: $70
Gift Cards: $55
Cash Settlements: $26
Unclaimed Property: $13
Found: $8
Peak Savings: $6
Rebates: $3
Also $25 that was not categorized.
I will be earning another $3, as I have a Pine Cone survey to do.
Tonight I'm going to my nephew's for dinner. There will be a small gift opening. I will only bring gifts for my ex & wife, and nephew's family, as all the others I will see on Christmas Day. If I am up to it today I may bake cookies to bring.
I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday, and I will enjoy this break. Today is payday (at work) but I get my check in the mail. I am hopeful that it will arrive Tuesday so I can count it in this year's budget, but with the offices being closed, that's doubtful. There's a chance if they did payroll yesterday.
I still have shepherd's pie to eat, but I am thawing my last container of hamburger in anticipation of making tacos. I am going to try to be better at staying ahead on cooking. Of course, I have a free meal tonight, and another one on Christmas Day, so I'm not going to be hurting!
Posted in
December 21st, 2016 at 11:44 pm
If you looked at the comments on my last post, you will see that Another Reader very nicely informed me that today is not my pay day. For some reason, I thought it was coming a week early.
Therefore, all my calculations will have to be redone next Wednesday. I'm kind of glad, actually. This will be a truer representation of not only my monthly spending, but my annual spending.
I bought C. a pair of pajamas today. I found a nice, soft set at Marshall's for only $20. I also gave $10 to a school fundraiser.
I got my annual notice from Social Security letting me know what my income will be next year. It will be exactly the same.
I logged into my homeowner's portal to update my automatic payment for assessments fees. They are going up by 5%.
I just prepared another invoice for the museum, another $1,100 to come in. I'm working tomorrow, and Tuesday through Thursday next week. I won't work again until after the cruise, so I'll probably prepare another small invoice to capture the remaining hours in 2016.
I made a shepherd's pie today out of leftovers. It's only fair, but it will be cheap eating for the next few days.
I went to my grandson's stage production of the Nutcracker today -- he was a snowflake, and pretty darn cute, I have to say!
The weather has become more temperate, which is very nice after the polar temperatures of the last few days. It's supposed to rain on Christmas Day! Oh well, that will wash away a lot of the grimy slush.
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December 20th, 2016 at 11:37 pm
Well, for me, it is. I get paid tomorrow, so December is closed for me.
It was a high-spending month. Not only did I have Christmas expenses, I bought a dishwasher and had a plumbing issue -- both totally unexpected.
Gifts/Charity: $1344
Housing: $677
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $588
Home Repair/Maintenance: $189
Fees/Services: $140
Groceries: $131
Vacation/Travel: $122
Eating Out: $83
Gas: $64
Phone: $52
Medical/Health: $41
Household Supplies: $27
Utilities: $22
Vet/Pet Supplies: $19
Personal: $17
Laundry: $12
Fares/Parking: $3
Grand Total: $3531
After all my hand-wringing, Christmas spending was in line, especially considering that it included postage and contributions to the college funds. I was aiming to come in below $1500.
The fees & services included Amazon Prime, AARP membership, and bank fees.
Vacation/Travel includes $100 prepaid to the pet sitter for next month's cruise.
That crazy low utilities bill is just a fluke. My electricity and cable/internet bills didn't hit before pay day. So next month's utilities will probably be unusually high.
Everything else is reasonable.
Here's the really good news, though. My net worth rose by $5,549. My liquid savings rose by $3,011. This despite the feeling that I was always raiding savings for car repairs, big ticket items, etc.
(I should add here -- that's for the whole year, not just this month.)
So, hooray for the museum, for giving me that extra edge!
I feel really inspired now to tighten my belt in all the little ways that I can.
Posted in
December 18th, 2016 at 04:17 pm
Two big bills have arrived -- my semi-annual auto insurance payment ($335) and a medical bill ($230). The medical bill is a combination of money owed for the podiatrist, two metabolic panels, and physical therapy. I won't pay it till after Wednesday, so it will go on next month's tracking. The insurance payment will be automatically withdrawn on January 1.
I still have one more gift to get. For C., my friend with cancer. I had bought her a workout ensemble, but she has canceled her gym membership. I think it is not quite the right thing now. Then I thought of getting her a gift card for her hairdresser, but what if she loses all her hair? I'm sure chemo is not out of the question after surgery. Kind of stumped right now.
She and I went together to our grandsons' recital last night. This was not a school event, but a recital organized by their private music teacher. Neither of the boys played up to par. I think nerves played a part, but also, the older one forgot to bring his music! He did pretty well from memory on his own piece, but the duet suffered. Afterwards I treated them to McDonalds - $6. Also yesterday was a day of flag football -- my DS1 had three games; it was the end of the season. I stayed for one, went out for lunch during the second, and came back to pick up DS1. My lunch out was only $2 -- a very small quesadilla at Chipotle!
Today the pet sitter is coming for a meet & greet. I have to tidy up!
I need to get a haircut, but I hesitate to go out. (Cold and snow). But I probably need to move the car, anyway, since it's on a main road, and if I do that, I might as well go to the gym and get my hair cut!
I haven't adjusted to winter yet, but it is surely here, and I might as well get my mind around it.
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December 16th, 2016 at 10:40 pm
Today I did NOT buy any food at work. I brought my breakfast and lunch and didn't even buy coffee. My only spending was $15 toward a $20 Starbucks gift card -- had a coupon for the other $5.
I made it a rather short day at work so I could beat the snow. It hasn't started yet, so I guess the early exit was unnecessary. But it was nice to get home when it was still light. Even with a stop at the gym and at Starbucks.
Looking forward to a morning without an alarm!
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December 16th, 2016 at 12:40 am
I just hate December. I hate the draining cost of Christmas, the way it just dribbles, dribbles, dribbles; you never feel done. Yesterday I spent another $20 on gifts, having learned that I will be going to my niece's house for a dinner/gift-opening before Christmas. I still should get a gift card for that event. I've also spent $11 on packing tape, $5 on hot chocolate and a candy bar, $9 on kitty litter, $20 on gas and $27 on groceries. Yeah, the hot chocolate and the candy bar were not only unnecessary but I shouldn't even have them. I didn't care; I just needed the comfort.
It was bitterly cold this morning, and I was halfway afraid to drive to work. It was a grueling trip, too -- slow, crawling traffic almost the whole way. I wonder if more people drive when it's cold because it's too miserable to wait for the trains. When I got home again I filled the tank, even though it was only a little under half-full. I don't take chances in weather like this.
I got my tree up and decorated yesterday. I still have to bring up another container of Christmas decorations for the house -- I'll probably do that this weekend. Most things I don't really care about, but I do want to get my Santa collection out. I look forward to seeing those little fellows every year.
Variables spending is at 91%. For the year, it's 104%.
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December 14th, 2016 at 01:19 pm
My friend C (DIL's mom) had her meeting with the surgeon yesterday, and there is good news. The tumor is operable, and she is scheduled for surgery the day after we come back for the cruise, so the cruise is a go! We are going to have nothing but fun on that cruise, and treasure every moment. She seems to be in pretty good spirits. I gave her a care package of homemade potato soup and beef stroganoff, and she was grateful.
I bought breakfast at work yesterday - $3. I have spent 83% of my variables budget, with one week remaining in this pay cycle. But I have not counted the Christmas spending or the dishwasher, which will come out of savings.
Today I am staying home. I finished a big project yesterday. My boss said she has something else for me, but it's not urgent. She strongly suggested I stay home today. I think they're all tired of listening to me sneeze and cough!
I am making a list of things to get done. The big one is to get the Christmas tree up and decorated. I could just skip the whole thing, but there is something uplifting about getting decorated for Christmas. I always love the way the house looks.
Went to my grandson's orchestra concert last night. He is such a good player. He is in the most advanced group, and is much younger and smaller than the others. But of course, he has had private lessons since he was a tyke. He was started on the Suzuki method and he continues to have weekly lessons. And I think he has some innate talent, too. Anyway, it was a very sweet event. Amazing to watch the progression of ability from the beginners to the advanced.
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December 13th, 2016 at 01:04 pm
It took so long to get information on my DIL's mother's condition -- I was afraid it would be bad news. And it is, and I was knocked for a loop. She has bile duct cancer and is meeting with a surgeon today to see if the tumor can be removed. I looked it up online, and shouldn't have. Apparently, it rare for this type of tumor to be removable, and the survival rates are quite low.
She is more than my DIL's mother -- she has become my good friend, and she is deeply loved by my grandchildren. I am just heartsick.
After work today I'm going to take her some potato soup and beef stroganoff. She does not cook much, and might appreciate some homemade comfort food.
Don't know what is going to happen with the cruise.
I am meeting with a pet care supplier on Sunday, in case the cruise goes ahead as planned.
It is turning very, very cold here, after our first big snowfall. Between that, my cold, and this bad news, I am feeling overwhelmed and despondent.
Posted in
December 12th, 2016 at 10:07 pm
My cold is so much worse today. I went in to work but felt terrible and left after four hours.
Yesterday I went out just once -- to the local Jewel to pick up MyMixx freebies. I got $12.76 worth of food for free! That included some mozzarella and pepperoni sticks, two juices and a box of red pepper quinoa.
The snow was coming down hard, and this morning it was all crusted on my car, but I got it scraped. The roads were nice and clear but the traffic was slow anyway.
Today I bought a scone and coffee at work - $4. I just needed the comfort and distraction more than anything else.
I did quite a bit of cooking yesterday -- made lasagna, potato soup, and beef stroganoff.
I am waiting to hear something about my DIL's mom...
Posted in
December 11th, 2016 at 02:31 pm
This morning I thought I had lost my driver's license. It wasn't in my wallet; it wasn't in my purse; it wasn't in my car; it wasn't in my coat pockets; it wasn't on my desk. Finally I found it in a zippered section of my purse I had overlooked. Now I remember putting it there when I was boarding a plane.
It was going to be ugly getting it replaced, so I am so glad I found it.
The reason I even noticed was that I bought myself a new wallet yesterday and I was transferring the contents of the old one. I paid .01 for the wallet! I had a $10 DSW coupon and the wallet was marked down to $10! It is a bright teal and white striped affair, so it will be easy to spot in my bag. The old one was really falling apart.
I mailed my Florida package yesterday -- $18. Parking at the post office was .25.
Then, after my stop at DSW, I went to Hallmark to buy ornaments. I always try to get Christmas ornaments for the grandsons that reflect their Halloween outfits. I found a baseball player for one of them, but nothing for Robin Hood. I'll probably have to go online to find something for that. I also picked up a candle for my BFF and some gift wrap supplies. The total bill was $13, because I had $10 in coupons.
I still had a $5 coupon for Kohl's. I ended up spending $9 without using the coupon, because it wasn't in effect yet! I bought earrings and a necklace for BFF and DIL. Great deals -- the necklace alone was originally $50.
From there I went to GS1's flag football game, where I spent $4 on Gatorade from the vending machine for the boys. I was really starting to drag, because a cold is trying to take hold and I had awakened at 4am. So from there I went home and tried to rest. But I wanted to catch up on laundry before the snow started (because the snow gets on the steps to the basement). I did 3 loads - $4.50 - and then I finally slept.
My DIL's mother was admitted to the hospital this weekend. She is jaundiced, and they found a blockage near her liver. She was released and she is going back tomorrow to have the blockage cleared. It's all a little scary, because they don't know until they get in there what is causing the blockage. If it is a tumor pressing on the duct, then it is not good news.
She is planning on going on the cruise with us, and mostly seems upset that this might upset the plan. I am just hoping for a quick resolution and a good prognosis.
We have about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground this morning, and lot more expected today. I don't plan on going anywhere, and I just hope the roads are clear tomorrow. Needless to say, the girlfriend luncheon is off; we are having trouble rescheduling and it may not happen till after I get back from the cruise.
Posted in
December 9th, 2016 at 11:45 pm
The plumber came back and cleaned out the tube connecting the dishwasher to the sink. Apparently some crud was blasted in there when he cleaned out the drain. Now it's working -- I think. He says so. I don't have enough dirty dishes to make it worthwhile to run it, so I'm going on faith. There was no charge, thank goodness.
Spending today:
$9 on breakfast and lunch
$50 on fees
So much for my plan to eat out of the pantry & freezer. When I got up this morning, I realized I didn't have anything prepared to take to work. Plenty of food, yes, but all in its raw state. I'll have to work on that this weekend.
And the $50 fee. My stupidity. Chase has charged me a $25 fee in October and November because my savings dropped below $15K. Yes! I don't look at my Chase account very often, so didn't even notice. Now I need to transfer some $$$ from my credit union to bring the savings balance back up. I would just close the Chase accounts, but the College is direct-depositing my stipend there, and I would have to go back there to sign some papers (during office hours) in order to change it. It's an hour drive the opposite way from work, so that's not going to happen.
Grrr. Hate stupid fees. At least I can take comfort in knowing that Chase paid me a $500 bonus, so I'm still ahead.
Just got another $1000 check from the museum. Will probably just put it into checking to go toward Christmas expenses.
Still trying to find pet sitters during the cruise. Waiting for a callback now.
I ended up not going to the Happy Hour downtown. The plumber made me late to work, and I worked late to make up the time. Saved me some money.
The girlfriend luncheon this weekend is in jeopardy because 12 inches of snow are predicted. I sent an email to the others asking about a re-schedule. I hate to be a killjoy, but I don't want to drive an hour and a half in 12 inches of snow.
And the lunch with my local professional group has been canceled because only two people signed up. I'm not surprised, everyone is too busy this time of year!
Posted in
December 7th, 2016 at 10:52 pm
I stayed home from work today to babysit my grandsons, who had only a half-day of school. My DIL, who is working today, told me to pick them up at school at 11:30. Then at about 10 she called and said that one of them was going to go home with a friend, but she still needed me to pick up the other one. Then she called at 11:10 in panic -- she had given me the wrong time -- school was out at 11! I was already on the way, but when I got there most of the kids were gone. My grandson, frightened, was about to go home with a friend, but came with me when he saw me.
Not only did he have that scare, but he was very tired from a poor night's sleep (his brother snores when he has a cold), and he was noticeably dragging. He needed some TLC. I took him to his favorite pizza place and out for frozen yogurt afterwards. That little foray cost me $28. Afterwards we came home and played games and he watched Wild Kratts. I think he recovered, but now I'm afraid he'll never trust me again -- and it really wasn't my fault!
I also spent $3 on a sink strainer.
My dishwasher is not draining. I am so frustrated. I called the plumber and he is returning tomorrow morning. I'll just have to be late to work. I have to get this solved.
I also called a recommended pet sitter and he is all booked up for the time I need him. That frustrates me, too. I'll get back on it tomorrow. I'm exhausted today. I didn't sleep well either. I think I'm getting a cold.
I'm glad I have my Christmas shopping done, and at least don't have to worry about that.
Posted in
December 7th, 2016 at 01:29 am
Okay, I needed to get a Barnes & Noble gift card. Should have gotten it somewhere besides B&N (though I haven't seen any in the grocery stores, etc.) When I went in, I couldn't resist looking. I ended up getting a book for my DIL and a game for each of my grandsons. Spending all together was $82. I was just a little too late to use my 20% off coupon.
I really think I'm done now, besides writing the college checks for the grandchildren.
Thank goodness I've had part-time work to cover the cost of Christmas!
I'm going to enact another pantry/freezer challenge. I have a lot of food on hand and I need to eat it up, and not buy more groceries.
There will be some eating out, though. There's a Happy Hour with my downtown professional group on Thursday, a lunch with my girlfriends on Sunday, and a lunch with my local professional group next Thursday. Not sure I will make all of them -- weather may be a factor, especially on Sunday, which is the one I most want to go to. But the location is more than an hour away, and heavy snow is predicted. We'll see. I will have a driving buddy.
December is always crazy like this, and I might as well get used to it.
I'm going on my cruise on January 2, which means I won't be doing a New Year's brunch this year. Maybe I'll go for Valentine's Day. Better yet, Ground Hog Day!
And no, I haven't even thought about what I'm taking on the cruise, or how I'm going to take care of my animals. I guess a call to Pet Sitters is in order, since my usual pet sitters will be on the cruise with me.
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December 6th, 2016 at 01:27 pm
I got an appointment with the plumber yesterday afternoon, so I took off work early. The good news is that the drain is clear. The bad news is it cost $189, that it also affected my downstairs neighbor, and that the whole line is on its last legs and there is probably a big repair coming up that I will have to fight with property management to get done.
But for now, the drain is working.
Once it was all done, I ran my dishwasher. This morning I unloaded it, and everything is sparkling. What a difference. I didn't realize how bad my old dishwasher was.
I spent $1.50 yesterday on laundry. It seems like I'm doing a lot of laundry these days. Maybe it's because I'm wearing bulkier clothes. And of course, going to the gym generates more laundry.
Variables spending is up to 40%. I didn't count the plumber bill, as that will come from the EF.
Posted in
December 5th, 2016 at 12:57 pm
I don't think it was related to the installation of the dishwasher -- it was slowing down dramatically already, and I think some fatty liquid escaped while I was preparing the beef ribs. Anyway, a whole bottle of Drano didn't help. The sink is full of gross water.
I haven't been able to run the dishwasher yet, because I know it would be a disaster with a clogged drain!
Since this happened on Sunday (of course), I did not call a plumber. And I had to cook my son's birthday dinner at his house, which turned out fine, but it was a lot of schlepping.
I'm going to work this morning, but I'll call a plumber when I get there, and I hope to set up an appointment late this afternoon.
I have to take Wednesday off to watch the grandkids, so perhaps Wednesday morning would be a good time to have the plumber in, though I'll have to live with no sink until then.
My spending yesterday:
$100 for a gift card
$18 for stocking stuffers
$8 for Drano
$7 for batteries
$6 for groceries
$9 for lunch at Pie Five
I am not counting gifts this month in my variables -- Christmas spending comes out of savings; it's too big a chunk to cash flow. My variables are at 38%. If I could hold it here, my variables for the year would even out at 100%. Probably not possible, though. Definitely not possible. So I've exceeded my limit, and will have to be more careful next year. My net worth is fine, though. My extra income has helped a lot.
Posted in
December 3rd, 2016 at 04:48 pm
Well, after my worrying last night, I woke up to a message on my voicemail that my dishwasher would be delivered between 7 and 9 am! They came about 8 and installed it in a flash. It's beautiful! I can hardly wait to fill it up and run a full cycle. (It has been tested to make sure it operates and drains).
Now I'm off to the store to buy the makings for the birthday meal tomorrow. Turns out I am going to have my grandsons' "help" for a few hours beforehand. I think they actually can help me with the cake. And maybe they can even help me get the tree upstairs and set up.
This is the first time I'm making beef ribs, but I'm following my brother's directions, which sound simple enough. I'll be pre-cooking them today in a slow oven and then will warm them up with the sauce tomorrow. The smashed red potatoes will have to be made tomorrow, as well as the green beans and Cheddar Bay biscuits. And the pineapple upside down cake is supposed to be served warm! I didn't know that -- have always had it room-temperature before.
I wrapped all the presents that have come from Amazon so far and I'm working on my Florida son's surprise box. Think stocking stuffers. So far it's mostly stuff for my granddaughter (she's so easy to buy for!) so I've got to get a little more for the others. Glad I'm starting early.
Well, I'm going to grab my resusable bags and go!
Posted in
December 2nd, 2016 at 11:12 pm
Yesterday I ran downstairs to get packages that were delivered (I'm so afraid they'll be stolen -- it's happened before!) I left my condo door unlocked but forgot all about the door to the stairway. It closed behind me and I didn't have my keys. Well, I stood in the vestibule for a while, hoping someone would come through. They didn't. I walked outside to the back door, hoping it might be unlatched, but it was shut tight. When my patience wore out, I sucked up my pride and went to my son's house. No one was home, but one of their neighbors, who I know, was just going in, and she offered to text my DIL and let me stay in her place till a solution was found.
My DIL was at music lessons with my grandsons and couldn't get away, but she texted her mother, who came and let me in the condo, so I could get the extra keys to my place. Whew! I was so sorry to inconvenience these nice people, but really glad I could get back inside.
I was reminded that I really need a set of keys for my son's building!
My spending yesterday -- $1.50 for laundry, $2 for parking, $11 for lunch, $15 for gas. Today I spent $2 on a scone.
I just got my $190 payment for election day service and deposited it in my E-fund.
Got two savings certificates in the mail today -- $10 for DSW (with no spending requirement) and $5 at Hallmark ($10 spending requirement). I would go shopping and use these this weekend, but I might be too busy -- I am getting my dishwasher installed, and I have a birthday dinner to make: Beef ribs, smashed potatoes, green beans and pineapple upside down cake.
I do not know whether the dishwasher will be delivered in the morning or afternoon. Hmmm. I just looked at the order information on the Home Depot site and it says the order is being processed! It hasn't even been shipped! I'm bummed. I wanted so much to have it available after the birthday dinner on Sunday! I will call them in the morning.
Posted in
December 1st, 2016 at 04:06 pm
These simple butter cookies are a bit hit with my family. They are Dutch in origin; I encountered them when I lived in Holland, Michigan.
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
1/2 cup water
Cut butter into flour.
Gradually stir in water forming a dough similar to pastry.
Cover and refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven to 375°F.
Roll small amount of dough into a pencil shape, brings ends together and twist like Figure 8.
Dip both sides in sugar; place on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake at 375° until golden brown on bottom.
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December 1st, 2016 at 12:30 am
It was almost a no-spend day -- I got as far as 4 in the afternoon -- but then I stopped at Aldi on the way home from the gym. I spent $14, bought lemons, ice cream, kitty litter, raspberries, and eggs. Since lemonade, iced tea and water are my only allowable cold beverages, I decided I would treat myself to fresh lemonade. The ice cream is to use in place of creamer. Aldi's premium ice cream has no additives or preservatives, unlike most creamers.
I'm taking tomorrow off so I can go to lunch with a couple of friends in town. It will be at a restaurant I've never been to, so I need to check out the menu and figure out what I can eat.
It's time to create another invoice. I am still $1000 behind in payment; I hope this does not become an issue. I am hoping the pay cycle is just that much behind.
Posted in
November 29th, 2016 at 11:15 pm
Yesterday -- Cyber Monday -- was a big spending day for me, though I don't think I got any particular bargains. I ordered Christmas presents directly from wish lists. I spent $399 on gifts. That included a $75 discount -- $50 for accepting a new Amazon credit card, and $25 for using the MyPoints reward. I also signed up for Amazon Prime for $99. Maybe dumb, but I do expect to use Amazon more this year, and it has the extra advantage of streaming, which will be nice since I no longer have Netflix. And I saved on the shipping for the gifts I just ordered.
I pretty much finished shopping for my kids and grandkids. Still need to get some gift cards, though, and a few little things for friends and such. And I have one more package to send, with stuff I collected through the year. I hope I can enjoy the season a little more once these chores are over. I have yet to bring the tree up from the basement -- I think I'll have my son do it this weekend, when I make his birthday dinner. And get my grandsons to help with the decorating.
I also spent $14 on groceries, $2 on a prescription, $356 for my assessment fee, $3 on laundry, and $22 for my gas bill (natural gas, not gasoline).
Today I spent $4 for food at work. Nothing I needed; it was just craving and silliness.
I'm back in the swing of going to the gym now, though, which makes me feel good.
I found some kidney-friendly cookbooks to download from the DaVita site, and I've been looking through them for ideas. The diet is restrictive, but not Draconian. I just need to relearn what is healthy for me -- not necessarily what is healthy for everyone else. And I have to be careful not to gain back weight by pigging out on the few treats that are legal. For instance, I just ate a bowl of sherbet -- legal, yes, low-calorie, no.
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November 28th, 2016 at 01:53 am
Got home late this afternoon. My time in Michigan was fun, and also exhausting. It was great to see family, but it's good to be home.
I spent only $19 on gas and $4 on road food. Oh. Except for the $585 I spent on a dishwasher. I ordered it from Home Depot online and it will be delivered next Saturday. It's a stainless steel Maytag (stainless steel interior, too), and is the second-highest recommended dishwasher by SweetHome.com. The highest recommendation, a Bosch, was just too expensive. This was not cheap, but within my means. It was 40% off, and the total price includes installation and parts.
The day after it's installed I'll be cooking dinner for my son's birthday, so it will get a good initiation.
I have the day off tomorrow! That's because I told them I would be traveling home today. But I decided to do it earlier, and I'm really looking forward to having a day to decompress.
I came home to another $1000 check in my mailbox from work. There is still one more in the mix, and I'm about halfway into another invoice. Since I MUST get going on Christmas shopping, this is good timing.
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November 23rd, 2016 at 12:50 am
I get my SS check tomorrow, so today I'm doing my November recap. I spent 118% of my variables budget. Oy! There were things I neglected to count, so it's higher than I thought. On top of that, I had to make a $585 payment for the cruise which came from savings. It's been kind of a rough month. Here is the breakdown:
Housing - $677
Vacation/Travel - $585
Gifts/Charity- $200
Clothing - $116
Utilities - $115
Groceries - $111
Medical/Health - $103
Gas - $100
Eating Out - $79
Fees/Services - $75
Vet/Pet Supplies - $70
Phone - $52
Personal $27
Laundry - $17
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $15
Miscellaneous - $12
Household Supplies - $10
Entertainment - $8
Fares/Parking - $6
Grand Total - $2378
Tomorrow I head up to Michigan. I'm nowhere near ready, but tomorrow morning I'll just do what needs to be done and leave whenever. Just hope it doesn't get too late in the day, because traffic will be terrible. Since I have to drive around the bottom on the lake, there is really no alternate route.
Probably will not be checking in -- so everyone have an awesome Thanksgiving, and I'll meet you on the other side!
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November 22nd, 2016 at 01:22 am
I had a really great time with BFF. But I did go over my budget. I don't care. You have to grab your good times when they come along.
My spending was not terribly frivolous. I spent $26 on gas, $48 on eating out, $7 on a movie -- "Arrival", $47 on gifts, $16 on household items, and $115 on clothing (which included two pairs of shoes). And today I spent $21 on groceries and $3 on breakfast. My variables spending is at 111%. My month ends on Wednesday, when I get paid.
December won't be any better, probably worse, since my Christmas shopping is not any where near done. I'll have to make up for it in the early months of 2017.
I did finally get my first check from the museum! Whew, so slow!
Doing laundry tonight, getting ready for my trip up to Michigan. My brother DID ask for cranberry relish, so I'll have to make that tomorrow.
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November 18th, 2016 at 11:09 pm
My dishwasher is full of water and it won't turn on. I had a rather expensive fix about a year ago (?) I'm not going to fix it again. I think it's old. I'm going to get a new one.
But I'm not going to get it right away, unless I find some great Black Friday-type deal. I'm going to wash dishes by hand for a while. After all, it's just me.
It was loaded (I guess I didn't notice the water in the bottom). So I unloaded it and washed all the dishes in the sink and set them out on the kitchen table to dry (on towels).
While I was at it I splashed a bunch of water on the floor, so I mopped the floor. Now I'm exhausted!
Not great timing, since I'm having company tomorrow. I don't think I'll cook dinner after all. And I only have $553 in the slush fund. I wish there were a little more. I haven't made enough money at the museum yet to pay for the car repair, let alone a new dishwasher.
On the good news side, I cashed in enough in MyPoints to get a $25 Amazon gift card. I did this at work and wrote the code down on a pad WITH the note "Amazon" and then left it on my desk which is in a fairly public area! Dumb. I was happy that once I got home I could still retrieve the code from my email and enter it on my Amazon account -- so even if someone tries to use it, it's already claimed.
I'm trying to get ready for my BFF. I did a load of laundry this morning before work. I changed the linens. I prepared my Goodwill donations (since we'll be going there.) I have five bags full. I'm putting things away, but really, she won't care even if it is messy, so I don't know why I'm worried. Tomorrow morning I'll vacuum; that's the big thing.
This morning I told my boss what is going on with my health. I just wanted her to know why I sometimes can't work as long as I said I would, and why I have so many doctor's appointments. She's very young, and she seemed a little freaked, so I had to stress that it's really more like a condition than a disease. I hope it was the right thing to do.
After beautiful weather, it's turning cold tonight. We may even see our first snowflakes. I'm not excited, but it's inevitable.
Posted in
November 17th, 2016 at 11:08 pm
I got billed $50 by the podiatrist. (The bill is online -- I don't get mail that fast!) It appears the charge is for the office visit. I may be okay on the orthotics. It looks like insurance paid in full. They were quite a bit cheaper than I expected them to be.
I wore them for six hours today (though most of the time I was not on my feet). Still having no problems. The people at the podiatrist's office were very insistent that I build up slowly, and that I might experience some pain or discomfort, but I think I'm going to have an easy adjustment.
I had a poor night's sleep last night and felt very groggy at work today. I did the best I could and put in four hours. My boss was out sick, so that made it easy to leave early. Hoping to sleep well tonight and be fresh (and more productive) tomorrow.
I got my $5 Starbucks coupon via email. I was hoping for a gift card, as I wanted to use it as a stocking stuffer. I think I may use the virtual coupon to buy a gift card, adding some cash to make it a $20 card. It would be a good gift for my DIL.
I really need to get going on Christmas shopping, but I still have my son's birthday to worry about. I think he may get an Amazon card, since I am so lousy at picking out gifts. With an Amazon card, he can get whatever he wants.
I'm not even any good at shopping from Amazon wish lists! One year I misread the page and bought my son "best sellers" instead of what was on his list. It was pretty funny.
I need to think about what I'll take to Thanksgiving, too. Last year my brother asked me to make cranberry relish. He hasn't asked for anything this year. I may just take pistachios for the snacking over the weekend.
Can you tell I am really low energy? I hope that will change as I get used to my condition and get more sleep. Or maybe my energy will come back when I stop working! But I'll work as long as they want me to; I can't turn down the money.
Posted in
November 17th, 2016 at 12:50 am
My only spending today was $1 for coffee. I keep saying $1, because I round up when I'm talking about my spending, but I actually only spend .71. The real price is $1.21, but every day I use a .50 coupon which is issued on my receipt. I wonder when they're going to stop doing that! Until then I will continue to get coffee for only .71. It's Starbucks coffee, too! I've been getting the Holiday blend.
I'm breaking in my orthotics a little at a time. The directions say only an hour a day to start. I've been doing a little more than that, but I haven't done a lot of walking on them. So far they feel fine to me.
I ran into my friend C. outside Planet Fitness. She just joined! She's a little freaked, as she's never had a gym membership before, but I reassured her that PF is welcoming and friendly -- and cheap! We're going to plan to go together sometimes.
Anyway, she told me she was advised by her doctor to get physical therapy for her knee. When she checked with her insurance (which is exactly the same as mine -- same company, same plan) they told her it would cost $40 per session. Well, I've had six sessions, and no one has asked me for payment. At one point, a clerk in the doctor's office said it would be $5 per session, but I was never even charged that. Now I'm wondering if I will get a bill now that the PT is done.
Yesterday I was feeling a little peeved because BFF was starting to cave about coming up this weekend. She is coming. Her DIL had asked her to babysit, but after some back and forth she finally said, no, it wasn't on her calendar and she had made other plans. She did this without any prodding from me, so I'm so glad I didn't say anything.
I had lunch with my friend K. today. We always brown-bag it, usually sitting outside the museum, but today she suggested that next time we walk to a Greek restaurant in the neighborhood. She wanted to be sure it was all right with me, both financially and for my diet. I found her consideration very touching. We will probably do that after Thanksgiving break.
I also signed up for a happy hour and a luncheon with my professional association. I figure I'm going to keep pursuing all my social and professional contacts as much as I can. It's easy to get kind of isolated when you're retired, and I don't want that to happen. Both events will take place in December.
Posted in
November 15th, 2016 at 09:43 pm
Well, surprisingly, it's been a no-spend day. I picked up my orthotics today (wearing them!) and they said there was no charge. Well, I know that's not true; the insurance company told me they would cover only 80%. So I guess a bill will be forthcoming, but I didn't have to pay it today. So for now, my variables budget is safe!
I went to the gym, and I went to have my blood drawn for the genome project. They told me it could be a year before I had results. That's okay, I wasn't actually expecting results -- I thought I was just donating for the sake of science! I asked about the $5 Starbucks card, and the people at the lab didn't seem to know anything about that. So I'm hoping I will get it in the mail; if not, it's no great loss.
BFF is waffling about coming this weekend. (She always does this. She would like me to always come to her.) I'm holding firm. I'm the one who is working, and now I'm also sick, for heaven's sake! Her kids have asked her to babysit, and I'm sure they have a good reason, but this is a pattern. No plan with me is ever solid. She takes me and my gracious flexibility for granted. I'm not really angry, if it sounds like it. I'm just stating facts. Luckily, she is a really good person otherwise, and worth the aggravation!
So we'll see if I actually have company this weekend. If not, it will mean more time to rest, and I won't have to worry about cleaning the house, or cooking!
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