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Blackout Day

March 1st, 2025 at 11:42 pm

I was very much planning not to spend anything yesterday, to throw my support into the blackout, because I feel strongly that our voices must be heard!


I opened my oven door, and it fell apart! Literally. And the panel which held the outer glass window separated and crashed onto my tile floor, shattering and spreading glass shards everywhere. It was not pretty.

So I called an appliance repairman from a local company, and he was able to come right away -- so of course I did not say, "No, later, it's blackout day!" I said please come. He looked over the situation and then looked up all the possibilities on his phone for parts that might be available. But it's an old stove, and the parts that were available were expensive. In the end he said he felt that, given the age of the stove, the repair would not make sense. 

So I paid him for the call, and then I ordered a new stove right away. I found a bare-bones model on sale at a local business, one that is very highly respected. With delivery, installation, and removal of the old stove, the cost came just under $800. It will be delivered on Wednesday.

I knew that my stove was ancient -- it was old when I moved in, and I've been here 11 years. So I'm not too surprised, although this wasn't the way I thought it would go. It makes me sad that I have to do this at a time when I am so uneasy about money, but I know I will enjoy having a new stove.

So I spent a lot of money on blackout day, but I didn't support any corporations. Just local business.

February was already a challenging month, with property tax, birthdays and several medical bills to pay. I hope March is better.

Hanging in There (Political - Don't Read if You Don't Like It!)

February 23rd, 2025 at 04:26 pm

In these tumultuous times, I have been trying to put more in savings. I have a small income, and it's mostly Social Security, so this has always been a challenge, but now I feel I have to do more. Frankly, I'm terrified of this abominable administration. My son is a government worker. He is not safe. I depend on Social Security, so I am not safe either. Don't try to tell me Trump says it won't be touched. He is the biggest liar and most depraved man I ever seen in public office (and I have lived for 75 years!) I don't believe him. Musk is even worse.

So I am challenging myself, as the end of the month looms, to spend nothing till the first of March. My supplies are dwindling. I have some chicken salad, half an apple, some uncooked pasta, one frozen chicken breast, most of a half-gallon of milk, 10 eggs, half a package of sliced cheese, half of a cake, a few nuts, and some frozen fajita filling and lasagna. As well as some frozen vegetables and fruits. I think this is enough to tide me over.

The catch is I have to pay my semi-annual property tax installment, as well as three utility bills, so it will hardly be no spending. I am simply focusing on what is avoidable. I hope to sweep more than $1000 into savings at the end of the month. I hope to do this often.

I didn't ask for this. I didn't vote for the man. But I think we all wlill suffer, except, of course, the uber-rich. However, Buffett is certainly not a fan! He has moved away from US stocks and into Japanese investments. We should listen.

Doctor Visit

February 5th, 2025 at 01:19 am

I went to my dermatologist yesterday for my annual full skin exam (to screen for skin cancer). Everything was fine. But  he looked at my scar from the Mohs surgery I had a year and a half ago, and it has clearly not healed well. Very lumpy. He recommended an injection to help smooth it. I had to check first with my insurance company to see if they covered the procedure. They do, or at least they pay 80%. I figured it's worth it to try -- after all, it's on my face! So I made an appointment to go back in a couple of weeks.

My dermatologist practices in a suburb quite a bit north of where I live. It is so hard to get a dermatology appointment around here that you have to accept some travel. It might be better now, but I like this doctor, so I'm sticking with him. Anyway, I took the train to this particular suburb, but I realized too late that I left my phone at home -- and I was planning to Uber from the train station to the medical building. There's no way to Uber without your own phone. I went to a nearby bank and asked a teller if she could call a taxi for me. Turns out this suburb does not have a taxi service -- or at least this young lady couldn't locate one. But she did pull up Maps and showed me how to walk there. It was a 50-minute walk, but a straight shot, most of it on a walking/bike path, so it wasn't bad. Of course I had to walk back, too, after the appointment. I got a lot of exercise. Unfortunately, it was a bit cold for my taste.

The upside is -- I didn't spend anything! Well, except for the doctor's fee. I had packed a small lunch, so I wasn't tempted by Panera, or Chipotle, or Epic Burger. Just ate my apple and granola bar in the train station as I waited for my ride home.

Next time I will take my phone.

I am in the middle of a big reorganizing project, which started when I pulled out some dusty boxes from under my bed. They were full of photos and family memorabilia, so I'm going through them and trying to bring order to chaos. Eventually, I will need to find a better place to store them. It will not be under the bed. But I ordered a couple of underbed storage containers, and I'm going to move some of my blankets and quilts there, which will free up some closet space. At the same time, I ordered some plate holders, to prop up some plates that are precariously leaning against the back wall of my hutch. I don't want them to come sliding down and knock over other things. The Amazon order for the containers and the stands was $45.

I just got a notice from Paypal that I received $10 in a class action settlement. Every little bit helps!

January Recap

February 1st, 2025 at 06:13 pm

Decided not to post my spending amounts anymore, not that I am spending differently and want to hide it! I just think it will be more meaningful for me to discuss what happened during the month.

Of course it was a crazy month, and just the beginning of a crazy four years, that I don't know how I will endure.

My biggest expenditure was on car insurance, the irony being that I am not driving. However, my son and grandson are using the car and it must be insured. No, I am not going to ask them to pay the insurance. I am glad that they are using the car, keeping it in good shape. It was never their idea, it was my idea. Soon the license issue will be resolved, because for God's sake, how can it go on any longer? I called the DMV the first week of the month, and was told that my application had finally been sent to the medical review committee. This should have happened many months ago. Their incompetence is mind-boggling. But I got a promise -- backed up by a letter -- that I will have an answer in four to six weeks. So there is an end in sight. Maybe. I don't trust them at all.

Other high spending was a $290 medical bill (from my ER visit last April), and $177 for gifts and hosting a Christmas dinner, which turned out to be a New Year's dinner.

Unusually low spending for groceries ($63) and eating out ($6) -- mostly because I had many leftovers from the dinner I hosted, and I used them religiously.

I've been doing some minor home improvements -- I framed and hung some photographs my grandson took of wildlife, and I installed a shelf unit under my bathroom sink. Those amounted to $60.

I attended my other grandson's volleyball tournament in Milwaukee, but that only cost me $18 for the ticket and $6 for coffee. I rode with my son, and he paid for my meal. And it was a great day!

Nothing else really stands out.

February will be a bit spendy, with property tax coming due (semi-annual) and a birthday. Also, I will be traveling out of town for a doctor's appointment, which may involve some Uber-ing. I will take it as it comes. 

Last Day of the Year

December 31st, 2024 at 11:08 pm

On the last day of the year, I like to compare what I've spent to what I've spent in other years. It always surprises me how similar the total is, even though the years are very different, and I have put my money in different buckets, so to speak.

This year I spent $343 less than I did the year before. Yep. I suppose my low income puts a cap on my spending year after year -- there is only so much I can spend, without getting into serious trouble.

So, comparing categories -- my housing costs were a bit less, because for one month I didn't pay assessment fees. This was because my property manager changed vendors and the date due was changed from the end of the month to the beginning. Really just a superficial difference. My actual monthly fee was higher than it was last year. And it will be higher again in the coming. year.

My car cost me significantly less this year -- that's because last year, I bought it, paying a large down payment. This year I had a few repairs and some maintenance, but for most of the year I didn't drive, due to the accident that took away my driving privileges (and yes, I'm still hoping to get them back). 

I spent more on gifts -- on average, almost $100 more per month. Many reasons, I think. Kids are older, things are more expensive, family continues to embrace rather extravagant holidays. I am just dogpaddling, trying to keep up.

Utilities were about $7 more per month, despite all the drama and gnashing of teeth in the news about how they were costing so much more. They didn't cost me much more.

Insurance was actually less. That's because I suspended my auto insurance for several months while the car was parked and not used. It's being used now, by my son's family, so I'm paying the insurance again. Any day now (I keep saying this!) I will find out if my license is permanently revoked, in which case I'll be cancelling the insurance and selling the car.

Vacation costs were higher -- on average about $50 a month higher. This was mostly due to the expensive Amtrak trip out west; otherwise, I think they would have been the same or lower.

Home repair/maintenance was way higher. I hardly spent anything last year, but this year I had new shower walls installed, along with improved plumbing. Not cheap, but so glad I did this.

Groceries were quite a bit more expensive. I averaged $130 a month, whereas the year before it was only $71! Almost double. And that's because of higher prices, but also because not having a car for 3/4 of the year changed the way I could shop -- I couldn't get to Aldi, I couldn't buy in bulk -- I couldn't buy anything I couldn't carry on the train! It really made a difference.

Medical/health was higher, too. That was mostly because of the accident -- the ER visit, and all the subsequent testing. Couldn't be helped.

Fees/services were about $20 a month more on average. I know I had to buy my own Microsoft Office, and the work permit for the bathroom upgrade was pretty expensive. Other than that, I think it was pretty much business as usual.

I spent more on Furnishings/Equipment/Decor, but that was mostly because my refrigerator died, and I had to replace it.

Taxes were a bit higher. Not too bad, many people were worse off.

I ate out more, spending on average about $20 a month more. That was another casualty of not having a car. So many times I was stranded away from home, and hungry, too hungry to wait for the bus. And sometimes I treated myself, because I was feeling sorry for myself.

My phone bill was higher. I think that was because I was using data more. Playing more games.

Entertainment was a bit more, nothing significant.

Personal spending was more, due to losing my hairstylist at Supercuts, and settling on another salon which was, of course, more expensive. Also -- shorter haircut, requiring more trimming.

Household supplies -- was less! I don't know why.

Clothing/accessories -- I spent about half as much as the year before. Not doing much shopping for fun, and my wardrobe seems to be holding up for most purposes.

Fares/parking -- temporarily, I was paying a lot more per month, but once I got my ride-free card (a benefit for seniors) I didn't have to buy train and bus tickets.

Laundry -- a bit less. I've restricted myself to one day a week; maybe that helped.

Gas -- well, I've hardly spend anything at all on gas.

Vet/pet supplies -- my one fish is costing me about the same.

I'm worried about the coming year, financially speaking, and I hope to spend less and sock away more. But this exercise has shown me that so much is out of my control. All I can say is that I will continue to do my best.

My First Christmas Is Over

December 21st, 2024 at 05:37 pm

I celebrated with my local son and his family yesterday. On the real Christmas Day, I will open packages mailed to me by my son in Oregon. A few days after New Years Day, I will host a luncheon and gift opening with my ex and his wife, and my local son's family will join in that as well.

Christmas spending has topped $600. I still have gifts to buy for my ex and his wife, but am otherwise done.

I have also spent $730 on my vacation to Oregon. A big chunk of that was the Amtrak ticket. And by the way, I will probably not do Amtrak again. My trip home was delayed by more than six hours, and involved a bus ride in the the middle of the night. Not fun. Not Amtrak's fault, it was due to a freight train derailment. But still. A lot of money for an uncomfortable trip. I did get a $125 voucher for a future trip, but it has to be used on one trip only, with no money back if the ticket is less, so I'm not sure how I'm going to use it.

I have a big auto insurance payment scheduled in January, even though I am not driving. My car is being driven, so it must be insured. If, in fact, I am ultimately denied the restitution of my driver's license, I will dispose of the car and cancel the insurance.

I paid all my medical bills. I still haven't touched my savings, but I expect I will have to in January. That's okay. It's there for times like these.


November Recap

November 30th, 2024 at 05:54 pm
Housing 784
Vacation/Travel 692
Gifts/Charity 585
Car 462
Utilities 219
Medical/Health 174
Groceries 113
Eating Out/Takeout 102
Phone 49
Entertainment 43
Personal 33
Fees & Services 24
Gas 23
Clothing 18
Furn/Equip/Décor 15
Laundry 10
Home Repair/Maint. 2

Grand Total                  3348  

The big ticket item -- or one of them, anyway -- is the vacation expense, most of which is for an Amtrak ticket. And that's only one-way! I have yet to arrange for a ticket home. Still, it's worth it -- to be able to see my son, spend a week with him, and travel in comfort, not facing the rush of airport traffic or the anxiety of flying (which I cannot conquer).

Another big ticket item is my donation to my grandchildren's college funds. I do this on their birthdays, and two of them were born in September and the other two in November.

And then there is the car expense, which I detailed in my last post.

Medical spending reflects one of my hospital bills that finally arrived. I'll be paying another one next month.

Eating out was high! Part of that is that it's more expensive these days, and another is that without a car, I'm more likely to be stuck somewhere and needing a meal. 

I am still in limbo as far as my license goes, even though the process was supposedly "expedited."

Checking In

November 22nd, 2024 at 08:51 pm

Yesterday I made another call to the DMV to ask about my license. Finally, I talked to someone who actually got up from his chair and went to look for the medical report that is supposedly under review. Guess what? It couldn't be found. Surprise, surprise. He said, "This should have been resolved months ago!" No kidding.

Since I had a copy of the report, and since it was noted on their system that the report was actually received -- and then lost -- I was able to fax a copy, and the person I spoke to promised to expedite it. So something may actually happen.

It was not easy to get it faxed. I don't have a fax machine, and my neighbors don't either. Nor my son or my ex. But someone told me the library did, and it was free. So all I had to do was get to the library. To do that I have to take two 10-minute walks and a train ride. On an ordinary day that isn't a problem, but yesterday it snowed like the dickens, and I had to walk through deep slush and fight high winds. It was awful. It sure gave me a taste of what it might be like if I never get my license back this winter.

In other news, I have made plans to visit my son in Oregon. I'm taking the train, and this time will be in a sleeper car. The ticket, with cancellation insurance, was a little over $600. That's one way. I haven't determined yet when I will come home, but I do want to get it on another credit card cycle so I'm not paying it all at once.

I finally got a bill from the hospital where I was treated after the accident. It was only $135. Pretty darn cheap, considering all the stuff they did to me, as well as keeping me under observation for a night and day.

According to my insurance, I still owe $250 for the ambulance, but I haven't been billed for that yet. 

I mentioned in my last post that my car battery had died and then was jumped by AAA. With the help of BFF, I did get to the mechanic, where they replaced the battery. I also got an oil change and a new cabin filter and wipers. All told it was around $460. A lot of money for a car I'm not using. But I needed to get it drivable, because my son is using it for the time being -- their second car was totaled in a minor accident -- totaled because the car was so old. The insurance was already reinstated when I first had the battery problem, so it might as while be driven around. Much better than just sitting there. If the DMV decides that my license cannot be reinstated, I will sell the car to my son for a fair price we both agree on.

I guess those are the high points of the month so far. I will provide more details when I do the November recap.

October Recap

November 1st, 2024 at 02:35 pm
Housing 784
Utilities 215
Groceries 167
Gifts/Charity 97
Eating Out/Takeout 96
Medical/Health 74
Personal 71
Furn/Equip/Décor 68
Entertainment 58
Phone 49
Clothing 45
Household Supplies 27
Laundry 16

Grand Total                   1767

It was not a big spending month, though I did exceed my variables by a little. Food was the main event, both groceries and eating out higher than usual. I bought some supplies on Amazon, and I had some medical expenses. The main one was a visit to Immediate Care, where I got an x-ray. I had fallen earlier in the day -- just tripped over uneven pavement. There were no fractures; however, I am still quite sore from the soft tissue damage.

Entertainment included admission to three volleyball games in which GS2 was a player. Clothing included a watch that I ordered from Amazon. I have found I don't really like always having to look at my phone to see the time.

BFF is coming today. She will stay until Sunday, and then we will go down to her place for a few days. Here, we are going to do some errands -- taking the car to have the battery checked, going to Home Depot, going to the grocery store. At her place, we are going to meet up with an old friend -- actually the person who introduced us to each other. I will come home on the train, not sure which day yet.

About the car -- I tried to start it in order to move it for street sweeping, and nothing happened. I called AAA and they jumped the battery, but advised I get it checked out. I had to reinstate my car insurance to make this happen -- even though I won't drive, I must have insurance if anybody drives it. Luckily, I don't have to pay anything until January, by which time -- I HOPE -- I will know whether I will ever have a license again.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but our building's boiler went kaput this month, and I had a few weeks of no heat. It wasn't particularly cold, so that was lucky. It has now been replaced, and the heat is working again. There has been no mention of what this might cost the homeowners. Stay tuned.

Eleven Days Into October

October 12th, 2024 at 12:10 am

I called the DMV yesterday just to make sure that nothing was lost in the mail. Nope. They haven't reviewed my medical form. YET! At least the person I talked to this time was polite, unlike the last time.

So I'm still making do without a license, and my budget continues to be affected. Although it some ways it is a good effect -- no car insurance, which is a biggie, and now with my ride-free card, getting around is pretty much free. But I'm limited on where I can go, and sometimes I'm just too tired to walk to the station, so I continue to be proactive on grocery-shopping, and sometimes I eat out because I'm just too far away from home at the moment.

Today I walked to the hair salon -- my new hair salon, because the shop I used to frequent has closed, and my former hairdresser has disappeared into the ether. The new place is more expensive -- my cut today cost $42, including tip. Which is still quite a bit more reasonable than most of the salons around here. I got my hair cut short for the first time in about ten years. I'm not sure I like it yet, but I am sure it's going to be a lot easier to manage. But the downside of a short cut is that trims tend to be needed more often. We'll see how it goes.

Afterwards I walked to Trader Joe's and bought some cheap retinol night serum ($10), and a few groceries ($10). So far groceries have cost me $108, and I'm only eleven days into the month. I have also spent $9 on a movie, $39 for a Magic Bullet and a combination lock from Amazon, $6 at McDonalds, $6 for gifts, $6 for household supplies, and the biggie, $354 for home insurance. My variables spending is at 44%.

September Recap

October 1st, 2024 at 02:34 pm
Housing 784
Gifts/Charity 514
Utilities 226
Groceries 167
Medical/Health 99
Entertainment 67
Eating Out/Takeout 66
Phone 49
Fees & Services 45
Household Supplies 32
Clothing 27
Furn/Equip/Décor 20
Laundry 20
Personal 9

Grand Total                 2125

The large total in gifts includes $400 in donations to my grandsons' college funds.

As has been the case recently, grocery and eating out are both higher than they used to be. Fallout from my life without a car. Or without a license. I do have a car!

Medical includes $50 for the heart monitor I wore several months ago. I am still waiting for other medical bills to appear. I see a couple of processed claims on my Medicare Advantage website, but I have not been billed for them.

The best part about this month's spending is that there was none for fares! My RideFree card is getting a workout and it is making a difference.

Oh, and I should point out that the entertainment total includes my participation in the family football pool. But I have won twice -- both times splitting the pot with others, but, hey, much better than usual!

A Bit of Good Luck

September 19th, 2024 at 06:02 pm

Something good happened, that I didn't really expect. I was approved for a ride-free transit card. It's good for five years, and it provides free rides on the buses, the elevated train, and the Metra train, which connects the suburbs to the city. This will make so much difference to me. I can pretty much go anywhere in the area, free, as long as I am patient.

Meanwhile, I am still waiting to hear if my driver's license will be reinstated. They have dawdled so long, that it is now expired, and since I am 75, I will have to take a driving test to get a new one. I haven't driven since April, so that makes me a little nervous. On the other hand they may decide not to let me apply for a license at all. It's out of my hands.

I moved my grandson's college money into the big ticket category, so my variables are now 74%. I have paid another medical bill, and there's still more to come, I think. Also, I have not been billed by the ambulance company, and according to my Medicare Advantage website, there will be a bill to pay -- $250, I'm thinking, off the top of my head. And the ER is not done with me yet. It looks like $300+ is percolating there. Sigh. I will be glad when all this finally behind me.

Checking In

September 12th, 2024 at 04:58 pm

My neighbor with the water leak has not contacted me since that first day, so I assume he is taking care of it on his end.

Yesterday I paid what is known here as the "wheel tax." It is basically proof of residency to enable parking on the street. I was surprised to get the senior discount price - $45. I thought I was not eligible for those programs anymore, but that is what I was charged, and I'm sure they will inform me if they have made a mistake. (Even though I am not driving right now, I have to pay the wheel tax to park.)

I also sent $36 to my son to enter the family football pool, and I also sent $250 for my grandson -- $50 for a birthday gift, and $200 for his college fund. He will not be excited by the college fund money, but maybe someday he will appreciate it.

I've done quite a bit of grocery shopping and have done a bit of eating out, so all told I have spent 78% of my variables -- and I have another grandson's birthday coming up!

August Recap

September 3rd, 2024 at 02:44 pm
Housing 784
Furn/Equip/Décor 652
Utilities 225
Groceries 159
Medical/Health 140
Eating Out/Takeout 63
Fares/Parking 60
Personal 52
Phone 49
Entertainment 31
Gifts/Charity 19
Laundry 16
Insurance 16
Household Supplies 6

Grand Total                  2270

My computer is fixed! My son knew what to do.

August's spending wasn't too bad, considering I had to buy a new refrigerator. That is the bulk of the furnishings category. I also bought some magnetic shelves to attach to the side of fridge, since the new, narrower fridge opened up some space there. I moved my larger spice bottles and my measuring cups and spoons there.

Groceries were a bit high, but not only is it challenging to grocery shop without a car, but this month I had to throw away food that was spoiled when my old refrigerator died. Luckily, not too much.

The majority of the medical spending was a $105 copay for a CT scan.

Eating out was higher than I'd like it to be. I spent $13 in coffeeshops and $5 at a gelato shop. The rest was in restaurants -- two lunches and a brunch. All of those, I have to say, contributed to my mental health.

Fares were three autoloads on my Ventra card -- which I use for both train and bus. $60 in one month is the highest yet. I haven't been forcing myself to stay home, but maybe I need to move around more mindfully. I don't want to pay that much every month.

Most of the personal spending went to a haircut. The balance went to hair care and skin care products.

The rest really needs no explanation.

September spending is starting out with more grocery shopping. My son chauffered me to a family gathering yesterday, and I took the opportunity to have him take me to Jewel as well. I spent $30 there, mostly on chicken and veggies.

I haven't heard back from my neighbor about the leak in his ceiling, so I'm in a holding pattern there. I can't really report it, having seen nothing, and no outward sign of a leak in my bathroom.

Computer problems

September 1st, 2024 at 08:58 pm

My laptop is giving me problems, so I'm entering this post on my phone. I lost a long entry this morning because it took so long, so for now I'll say I will post my August recap when the problems are resolved. I may just need a new laptop. Added to that, I will probably have to call a plumber because my downstairs neighbor is getting water in his ceiling. I'll probably have to pay for repairs, too. So this month is not starting out great. It is what it is.

New Refrigerator

August 17th, 2024 at 04:20 pm

My refrigerator died. It was here when I moved in ten years ago, and I don't know how old it was then, but it clearly wasn't new. So I don't think it owed me anything. It died in two stages -- one false alarm and then the final demise. Both times I had to rescue food -- and some I lost -- but I did manage to save most of it by storing it with friends/family.

Then of course I had to replace the fridge. This was not easy, as the space that accommodates it is unusually short. There was only one model, actually, that would fit. (Otherwise, I would have to tear out cabinets). I bought that model and it has been installed. It is quite a bit more petite than the fridge that died, but actually I kind of like that. It fits much better in my galley kitchen. I just have to learn not to buy too much stuff. Since it's only me, that shouldn't be a problem, and since I still can't drive, I can only buy a little at a time anyway.

The total cost was $632, which included delivery, installation, and removal of the old fridge. I thought that was pretty reasonable. It was on sale at Best Buy.

Just after that happened, I had to pay a $105 copay for a CT scan I had done a month or two ago. I'm going to have a big Discover bill next month, but I do have plenty in savings to cover.

Last week was my 75th birthday. I got some nice presents, lunch out with the fam, and a movie -- in a real movie theater! It's been a while since I've seen anything on the big screen.

I have a couple of medical tests coming up -- a mammogram and a dermatology visit to determine if the spot on my hand is skin cancer. I think it is. It looks just like the lesion that was removed from my face last year.

I'm still waiting for the Secretary of State's office to tell me whether I can get my license back. It's taking a really long time, and the longer it gets, the more pessimistic I get. 

July Recap

July 31st, 2024 at 03:03 pm
Housing 784
Taxes 422
Utilities 277
Groceries 152
Household Supplies 133
Medical/Health 98
Eating Out/Takeout 98
Clothing 56
Phone 49
Fares/Parking 40
Entertainment 31
Furn/Equip/Décor 22
Fees & Services 21
Laundry 18
Insurance 17
Gifts/Charity 6

Grand Total                2224

It felt like a high-spending month, but it actually came in a little lower than the past two months. But some things were definitely higher -- groceries, utilities, household supplies, eating out, fares -- even laundry! And I had to pay my second installment of property taxes. But NOT having to pay a huge auto insurance bill saved me a lot. The $17 that is noted is just one month's comprehensive, in case a tree falls on my car or something like that.

I am still not driving. I am still waiting for the Secretary of State to decide whether I can. I think I told you all that my first application was rejected because my doctor didn't put the date next to his signature. A new application was made and sent in, but so far I have heard nothing. Meanwhile, I take the bus and the train all over the place. As you can see above, that costs me about $40 a month.

I have been invited by the RTA (Regional Transit Authority) to reapply for a ride-free transit card. However, I can't do that until I have a state ID for identification purposes. I have applied for that, and I have a temporary card, but I think I will have to wait for the permanent card to arrive in the mail before I can apply for the ride-free card. And it certainly is not a given that I will get one. My income is just a little too high for most of these programs -- but it's worth a shot. If I have permanently lost my license, a ride-free card would be a godsend.

So I'm still plugging along! BFF came up last weekend, and she chauffeured me around to shop -- and we ate out every day -- it was a good time, and much appreciated.

Oh, and I had a colonoscopy last week -- my first one in about 11 or 12 years, because I've been doing the Cologuard. But this time Cologuard results came back positive, so I had to do the full colonoscopy. They removed two polyps, and yesterday I got the word that they were benign. So I'm feeling quite relieved. It does mean another full colonoscopy in five years, and that will be my last one, because I'll be one month short of 80 by then! Time flies!

June Recap

June 30th, 2024 at 06:57 pm
Housing 784
Home Repair/Maint. 524
Medical/Health 244
Utilities 215
Fees & Services 201
Furn/Equip/Décor 192
Groceries 141
Gifts/Charity 123
Phone 49
Entertainment 31
Eating Out/Takeout 26
Fares/Parking 20
Personal 19
Laundry 14
Household Supplies 8
Clothing 3

Grand Total                  2594

One of those months when things happened I couldn't help.  The home repair was a plumbing bill. The medical needs no explanation. This will go on for while. Fees & services -- that would be the agreement I have with Best Buy.  Furniture/Equipment/Decor -- most of that is the cost of two heavy-duty brackets to hold up my window air conditioners.  Groceries -- higher than usual, but since I can't drive, I'm shopping in a spotty, catch-as-catch-can fashion.  Gifts-- two birthdays. Eating Out/Takeout was much lower this month -- that's a relief. And of course I'm paying nothing for gas, but I did pay $20 for bus/train fares.

It's not as bad as I thought it might be. We'll see what the next month brings.

Have one thing to add here. My membership fee for AAA was automatically withdrawn on the 30th. It was $105. Of course, I don't need it now, since I'm not driving, but I'm hoping I will be driving again soon, so I think I'll just leave it be. Probably can't suspend it after it's already been withdrawn, anyway.

Hanging in There

June 18th, 2024 at 05:17 pm

I am waiting to hear from the Secretary of State's office as to whether they think I can drive again. Meanwhile, I am getting around on the bus and the train and on shoe leather express. Lately, though, it's been too hot to go anywhere.

I am struggling along with only one AC unit. I need a bracket for the other unit, but it won't arrive from Amazon till the end of the week. So I stay in the living room area. It's tolerable. 

Murphy has attacked; I had to call a plumber to fix my toilet, which wasn't flushing adequately. While he was here, I had him clean out my bathtub drain. He said it wasn't too bad. It's just that the pipes are old and small, and likely rust has made them even smaller. Can't really do anything about that -- that's an issue for the building. Plumbers are expensive -- $524!

I've spent most of my grocery budget. I can probably make do, but I am down to one egg and two sticks of butter -- two things I don't like to run out of. My neighbor owes me a stick of butter, but I know I'll never see it. She's good at borrowing, not so much at returning.

One piece of good news -- I think. I called my auto insurer because the semi-annual payment was looming again. I didn't really want to pay it in case it turns out I can't drive anymore. He advised that I temporarily suspend coverage -- all except comprehensive, in case a tree falls on the car. That drastically reduces the payment; however, nobody can drive it. That will be a concern when street sweeping comes around -- which I think will be next week! I don't really mind getting a parking ticket, all things considered, but sometimes they tow cars, and that would be a big problem. The agent said I can temporarily reinstate coverage and then suspend it again -- not sure what that would cost; I didn't ask. And I still can't be the one to drive it, because if I got caught, I would never get my license back.

What a mess this has turned out to be.

May Recap

June 1st, 2024 at 04:47 pm
Housing 784
Car 500
Utilities 213
Medical/Health 139
Gifts/Charity 117
Groceries 115
Eating Out/Takeout 103
Personal 84
Phone 49
Fares/Parking 44
Entertainment 33
Furn/Equip/Décor 23
Laundry 16
Clothing 13

Grand Total                  2233

Variables                     104%

It was certainly a different kind of a month for me. Not having a car makes big impact. I spent more than usual eating out -- mostly stops for coffee and a light snack while I was walking. A bit more for medical, even though the bills haven't really started to roll in yet. These were co-pays and medication, etc. My personal spending was mostly for skin care items which needed to be replaced. The biggie, of course, is the $500 for the car repair. That was my deductible.

This morning I got a medical bill for a test -- $120 -- which I have already paid. I also spent $15 for snacks from Walgreens, where I stopped on my morning walk.

Plugging Along

May 27th, 2024 at 08:42 pm

My car has been repaired and the auto shop delivered it to my home. That was really nice; it meant that my son didn't have to arrange with someone else to pick it up. The cost to me was my $500 deductible. The car looks great. Too bad I can't drive it!

My 7-day transit pass ran out, and I figured out how to register my card and add funds to it. I decided to add $40. Since then I've taken several trips -- twice to the grocery store (where I spent $66), one to the library, and one to the farmer's market ($10 for house plants).

I set up the transit pass to automatically replenish when the balance gets below $10.

I took an early morning walk yesterday and stopped at Walgreens to get some popcorn, almonds and a bottle of aspirin - $11.

I've also spent $35 on skin care products -- facial serum from Amazon, and Noxzema from Walgreens.

Still no medical bills.

Variables are at 84%. I'm going to try to do no more spending for the month.

Using Public Transportation

May 18th, 2024 at 09:35 pm

Yesterday and today I got out my Ventra card and tried out public transportation. Yesterday I took the train to the library, where I checked out a couple of books, and checked up on a book that I have returned, but that seems to have disappeared. It's still checked out to me. I spoke to one of the librarians, and they said they are looking for it -- will do three sweeps before they consider it lost. I know I don't have it. The only thing I can figure that MIGHT have happened on my end is that it fell out of the car. That doesn't seem very likely. I have looked thoroughly at home and in my car. If they don't find it, the cost to me will be $20, which is better than I was expecting.

Today I took the train downtown to the farmer's market. I had never been before, and I had trouble finding it. Google maps directed me to a parking garage. Well, the market was situated behind the parking garage, but you weren't allowed to walk through it. I finally found someone who was heading there, and he directed me around the block -- a long block. Once there, I bought a bunch of asparagus and a bunch of rhubarb for a total of $10. I also stopped at a coffeeshop for coffee and a croissant, which was $9.

It is a bit warm today and I got pretty overheated walking around. If I'd known where I was going, I wouldn't have gotten quite so hot!

Tomorrow my planned adventure is a bus ride to the grocery store.

Neurology Appointment

May 16th, 2024 at 04:35 pm

The appointment with the neurologist went well. I passed all the tests. I am neurologically fit. The doctor wondered why I had even been sent there.

When I checked in, the receptionist asked for an ID, since my license was marked as "expired." I was glad I had my passport card with me. It was perfectly acceptable.

I paid a $45 copay and spent $6 in the facility's coffee shop.

Yesterday I took flowers and candy to DIL, who is recovering from surgery - $27.

Hanging in There

May 13th, 2024 at 08:50 pm

This morning I mailed my license back to the SOS. It's already cancelled, but I guess they like to have the actual license in hand. I walked to the post office, since I didn't want to put even a defunct license into a mailbox -- but the post office was closed. I think it was due to construction in the area, but there was no sign on the door, and their website said it was open. Frustrating. I ended up walking to mailbox anyway. Since it was due for pickup in a few hours, I thought it would be okay.

Since it was a bit of a walk, I rested at a coffeeshop, spending $4.

I did discover that there is a new little grocery store within walking distance. I didn't take the time to check out what they carry, but I will. It will probably be expensive, but may be good in a pinch.

I had a really nice Mother's Day yesterday -- my son prepared a wonderful meal, and we played games afterwards. I got a beautiful bouquet to put on my dining room table, and my grandson chauffeured! All in all, a really good day.

I still haven't received any medical bills, not that I want to! The hospital I was taken to is one in the Ascension Group which was recently under cyber attack. I don't know how that will impact me. I hope not much.

I bought a 7-day pass which I can use on the El, the bus, and the Metra (a suburban line). I actually did not want a pass with a time limit, but the woman helping me to purchase it didn't seem to understand that I wanted an open-ended pass. So I settled. My son tells me if I get onto the Ventra app I can add money to my card as I need it. So far I haven't needed it at all -- I just wanted to have it if I did! The seven days won't start ticking off until I use it the first time.

So far this month I've spent 38% of my variables allowance. Not too different than most months, although the distribution is different.

I have an appointment with a neurlogist on Wednesday. Hoping that it won't lead to another. I'm scheduled to see my PCP on June 4, when I think we can start the process of getting medical clearance to get my license back. I hope.

April Recap

May 5th, 2024 at 05:06 pm
Housing 784
Fees & Services 254
Utilities 213
Groceries 162
Medical/Health 93
Home Repair/Maint. 65
Personal 62
Phone 49
Eating Out/Takeout 39
Household Supplies 39
Fares/Parking 34
Gas 32
Entertainment 31
Gifts/Charity 18
Laundry 18
Vet/Pet Supplies 13
Car 6

Grand Total                 1912

Nothing much to comment on. It was the calm before the storm. Higher grocery and medical than usual, because some of the fallout from my accident had trickled in. The fares listed were Uber rides to medical appointments.

I am trying to be very careful with my spending now, but it's hard when I can't drive. I order on Amazon or grab something when I get a ride from someone. I'm pretty well stocked on groceries now, but I know an Instacart order is in the future.

I haven't received any medical bills or EOB's yet. I don't know how bad it will be yet.

My car has been assessed by the claims adjustor, but the collision shop has not yet emailed the estimate. (My son took the car in.)

The Secretary of State sent me a letter telling me that my license has been revoked. Standard procedure, apparently, for anyone who faints while driving. Well, it makes sense. I have to pass a number of medical tests, have my doctor sign off on them, and then reapply for my license.

My brain wave test showed something that requires followup from a neurologist. I read the results, and it seems to be an abundance of caution thing, but we'll see. The neurologist is in Chicago, and the appointment is ten days from now. I will probably Uber there, since my son and DIL will be working, and my ex will be traveling.

Doing all kinds of new stuff, like borrowing ebooks, and trying to do strength training at home. I walk in the neighborhood, but only if I'm not feeling dizzy. I don't know if I'm really dizzy or if I just have a fear of dizziness now.

Mostly I feel good, though. I just have to work through all of this.

Thank you for all your nice comments!

Car Accident

April 24th, 2024 at 03:33 pm

Yep, I had a fender bender, and it was my fault, though in a way it wasn't my fault. I actually fainted while driving, so I was very lucky it didn't turn out worse than it did. What did happen -- a slow-speed crash that damaged my vehicle and the other one, a trip to the ER and overnight observation, lots of tests, and more tests to come. And I'm grounded at home for the next two weeks, while my heart is monitored by a sticker device I wear on my chest.

I'm trying to take this all in stride.

Because I wasn't planning for this to happen, I have had to do some Amazon shopping for things I am going to need. I have spent $38 on toiletries, $39 on household supplies, $13 on fish food, and $53 on medical supplies. My son bought me some groceries, but I spent $60 myself.

BFF is coming up in four more days to take me to some medical appointments. My son is going to take the car in for repairs. I am a person who hates to ask for help, but I am needing a lot of help.

Luckily, I don't feel bad. I wasn't injured aside from a few bruises. As far as I know, the other person was not injured either. Insurance is handling that side of it. Since I was passed out, I didn't see or speak to the other person involved, but my son followed up with the police and the insurance compnay while I was being treated in the ER.

What a mess. I guess I will just look at like I have a two-week staycation and hope for the best.



April 15th, 2024 at 08:52 pm

Well, April has been interesting so far. I got the shower rehab installed, and it's beautiful! What a difference! 

I've been talking to several plumbers, what with the install and the problem with my kitchen sink (all resolved, and no cost to me). I asked their advice about replacing my old flush valve toilet with a tank toilet, and they said no! The toilet works. It's ugly, granted, but they said it is better than anything I could get installed today. And it would be such a hassle to do it. So now I am concentrating on beautifying it. I have ordered a new toilet seat -- and what a journey that was! The old toilet is a non-standard size, but I finally figured out that it is the size of a marine toilet -- the type installed in boats -- and I could order a toilet seat made for that. I have yet to receive it, and I hope it will fit. It wasn't too expensive -- less than $30.

Now, because I don't have to replace the toilet, I don't have to tear out wall and floor tiles to accommodate a new one. (Yes, it would have called for that!) Suddenly, my bathroom rehab became a lot cheaper. The tile I have, while not gorgeous, is unmarred, and I will keep it. I still want to build a cabinet under the sink, where I can store things, and I want to replace the wood trim around the window. I also want to install an exhaust fan in the ceiling. That will be more expensive than it sounds like, because the building has rules about not installing anything that shows on the outside of the building. My electrician said it is possible to comply, but it will be more expensive than a normal installation. And then, after all is said and done, I want to paint the upper walls, and I want to replace the ceiling fixture with something -- well, less ugly.

So, I've paid the balance on the shower install, and I still have about $2K in my emergency fund, which is a relief. I have paid a handyman to remove a towel bar that was in the way of the shower install -- that was $65. That may sound high, but you wouldn't believe what it took to remove that thing. It was meant to stay there for the ages.

My normal spending has been in line. I've spent only $25 so far on groceries, but I used about $30 of credit on my UCard (a UnitedHealth benefit) to augment my supplies. Otherwise, just the normal spending on gas, bills, laundry etc.

I pulled something in my hip area, trying to do a yoga pose I should have known I couldn't do -- it's been bothering me something fierce for several weeks, so I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday, hoping to get some answers, and relief.

March Recap

April 2nd, 2024 at 12:21 pm
Home Repair/Maint. 1500
Housing 784
Fees & Services 394
Gifts/Charity 231
Utilities 230
Clothing 116
Groceries 100
Vacation/Travel 97
Household Supplies 76
Phone 49
Entertainment 31
Medical/Health 29
Laundry 16
Vet/Pet Supplies 12
Eating Out/Takeout 9
Furn/Equip/Décor 1

Grand Total                 3675

It's very rare that home improvement is at the top of the list, but this month I paid the down payment on having my shower/tub area refurbished. (This will actually happen tomorrow, when I will pay the balance).

Most of the fees/services spending was for the work permit.

Gifts included Easter "baskets", a sumptuous Easter dinner, and some charity.

Clothing -- mostly Goodwill finds, basic lounging stuff, also underwear, which was not Goodwill!

My travels included a trip to Michigan for a last-time visit with my good friend, and a trip to Indiana to see BFF's granddaughter's play.

Household supplies were water filters, sponges, dishwasher detergent and razor blades.

Everything else is self-explanatory.

It's been a weird few days. On Easter Sunday, as we were cleaning up after dinner, my neighbor knocked on the door to say that his sink was overflowing, and could we stop running water? He got a friend to look at the plumbing; he snaked the pipe, but still it was jammed. Yesterday a regular plumber was supposed to take a look. I have not heard the outcome. I have been washing dishes in the bathtub and bathroom sink. The dishwasher is jammed full of dirty dishes and I hope to be able to run it soon -- as soon as I get the all clear!

There is a possibility that the pipe will have to be replaced, which will probably be an expense that the three of us (me, my upstairs neighbor, and my downstairs neighbor) will have to take on. I am trying to be calm about this.

Catching Up

March 24th, 2024 at 08:13 pm

I haven't been keeping up with blogging recently because a very good friend of mine died this past Monday. It was not unexpected, but it is still hard to accept. I'm working my way through it.

As far as finances go, I've spent all of my grocery budget, and 91% of my variables. I'm just kind of hanging on till the end of the month. On Easter, though, I'll probably be providing a meal for my family, so there will be some spending and I will probably not come in under budget.

The bathroom remodel plans are moving along. It is scheduled for April 3, and now I am waiting for my PM company to authorize a water shutoff that day. I've purchased the work permit (who knew it would be $344? Wow.) I've scheduled a before-and-after inspection. A handyman from the PM company got in touch with me about removing the towel bar, which is in the way, but he has sort of disappeared. It doesn't matter if he doesn't do it, because the installers will do it if need be -- I just thought it would be a good lead on getting a handyman, but I don't want a disappearing handyman.

I've bought the Easter candy for my grandkids, including, this time, my grandson's girlfriend, who seems to be a regular fixture. (A nice one, though!) Chocolate prices have really gone up. I spent $31, and then I'll give each a ten-dollar bill (which is our tradition). C'est la vie.

Bathroom Remodel

March 14th, 2024 at 12:34 pm

I have finally started on my bathroom remodel, after putting it off for quite some time. I'm going to do it in stages. The first stage is the tub/shower area. I'm having Bath Fitter install new walls. I have backed off from the idea of removing the tub. The total cost will be in the neighborhood of $5600. (Would have been $10,000 to remove the tub and install a new shower). I put $1500 down. Work will begin in approximately three weeks. The next stage will probably be a new toilet and a new tile floor. Since I will be replacing a flush valve toilet with a tank toilet, it will be a bit complicated.

Before they can install the shower walls, I have to remove a towel bar that's impeding on the space. It is a ceramic bar, grouted into the tile. I've been trying to remove the grout, with little success, and in the process I have damaged the tile a little. I have decided that I need to get a handyman who knows what he's doing. Even if that wall gets damaged, though, it is a small area where I can just replace all the tiles, if need be. So I guess that will be the real next stage.

Even spending $5600 is scary to me, but I do have it in savings.

In other news, a dear friend who lives in Michigan has just been placed into hospice. I want to get up there and visit. 

Sometimes it seems like everything is happening at once.

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