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May 22nd, 2020 at 02:21 pm
Yesterday I walked to the post office to mail a book to BFF. The postage was $3. Along the way I gave a dollar to a man who asked for help.
When I got home, I made an appointment with my doctor (for today) to discuss the cough that has been hanging on too long. Well, my doctor's nurse heard "cough" and did not want me to come in. We will do a telephone visit. His nurse recommended a COVID test. I tried to explain that I probably already had COVID in March, based on the symptoms, but was unable to get tested at that time due to the test kit shortage.
I have a feeling that my doctor is going to insist on a test now. I would be more interested in an antibody test. We'll see what he says.
I had a very bad night and feel pretty awful today, so I guess it's good I'm talking to the doctor.
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May 21st, 2020 at 12:39 pm
Yesterday I ordered a new frame for DS's graduation picture, a supply of Command strips, and a kitchen clock. All from Amazon; total was $47. I am trying to keep up on household things, even though no one will be coming around. My kitchen clock has been nonfunctional for some time, and I keep glancing at that blank space on the wall to see the time. I can always look at the stove instead, where the time is displayed, but I like a wall clock. I ordered one with a red case; it should look really cute in my kitchen. These purchases bring variables to 44%, with ten days to go.
My printer is being temperamental. It's only four years old, but probably replacement is inevitable, and I hate to do it now -- especially since I just replaced the expensive ink cartridges. It is not grabbing the paper very well. I tried cleaning it internally according to directions I found online, but it is still unreliable. Sigh. I hate electronics. They never last.
Today I'm going to walk to the post office to mail a book to BFF. That will be my big outing!
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May 20th, 2020 at 05:37 pm
Pay day is here, and I had a few challenges with the new computer. Even though I keep a list of ids/passwords, apparently the one I had for Chase was out of date. I tried the "forgot password" route on their website, but that took me to a page that wasn't working. I had to call to get online, and it took two different people to get it done, because I was cut off the first time. Very frustrating.
But now everything is paid, and I still have a nice balance in checking. I'll keep it there, because it will go toward the cost of the computer next month, when that bill comes due.
After seemingly endless rain, we have a nice day here. I took a walk to the tiny library and returned two books. I picked up one more that looks only passable, and I noticed that most of the books there I've already read or passed over. So it looks like that free book source is drying up.
I still haven't quite finished "Anne with an E," but I've also picked up "Poldark." I watched it on PBS, but during Season 4 my watching got spotty, and soon I gave up because PBS doesn't keep its episodes up very long, and I lost the thread of the story. So I'm beginning with the start of Season 4 on Amazon Prime, and I'll be able to watch till the end of Season 5, the end of the series.
Food is holding up well -- I am eating mostly from the freezer now. I'll get back to cooking when that supply dwindles.
Our state is opening up slowly, but my county is the hardest-hit and it will be the slowest to open. I'll continue to be very judicious about how much I go out even then. I don't mind a simple life. I do mind not being able to see my family, but I know, in time, that will happen again when we are all safe.
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May 19th, 2020 at 01:22 am
I'm typing this now on my new computer, which I got set up, basically, without TOO much trouble. I can get to the internet and I can get to my spreadsheets, which are on a thumb. I'll worry about the rest later.
The mouse that came with it didn't work at all, so I just hooked up the old one and it's fine. I don't like to use a laptop without a mouse.
I don't think my devices (i.e. this PC and my phone) are properly synced. I downloaded the required app on my phone, but it wants me to select "Send notification" on the YourPhone app on my PC. I can find the app, but no such link. I guess I can live without it for now.
I uploaded some old pictures and documents to Google Drive, but really there wasn't too much I wanted to save. Most of my important documents are on the thumb.
It was easier than I thought it would be, but I'm not sure I'm completely out of the woods yet!
Other than that, not much happened today. I decided against going to Sam's tomorrow, since I realized I had more detergent than I thought. So instead I walked to Walgreens for a few groceries -- they were $14. I did a load of laundry. My variables are now at 38%. Of course, that does not count the computer, which will come out of savings.
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May 17th, 2020 at 11:53 pm
It has rained steadily all day long. It's very dreary. But it was good weather for binge-watching! I finished all three seasons of The Handmaid's Tale, which is great because today is the last day of the free streaming. I thought it might be completely wrapped up at the end, but it looks like they left it open for another season.
In my hallway, I have a bunch of photos of my family attached to the wall by Command strips. Most of them stay up fine, but for some reason, DS2's high school graduation picture keeps jumping off the wall, and yesterday the frame broke as it fell once again. I guess I will order a new frame, since that's not an easy thing to shop for right now. One that's more lightweight! I also need to replace my kitchen clock. But I'll wait for the new computer before I do any ordering.
My spring cleaning is done -- now it's just maintenance -- and today being Sunday I didn't do any cleaning at all except for the daily things. It's a good feeling. While I have to be home all the time, it might as well be clean and tidy.
I am not hearing as much from friends as I did at the beginning of the lockdown, but I did hear from one yesterday who sent me pictures of her new beehives. She and her husband are trying out beekeeping, which I guess is as good a diversion as any during the pandemic. I wish I could do something outdoorsy like that, but I have no yard; I'm really a total insider now.
Cook County, where I live, just surpassed Queens County in New York as having the most reported cases of COVID-19. That's a dubious honor, and it's going to keep me inside more than ever.
My mental health is somewhat affected. I have to fight the blues more now than I ever did. I have to talk myself out of it, and remind myself to stay strong; that it might be a long haul. I think, when I get the new computer, I'm going to get back to writing again. Even though it probably won't be much good, I have found in the past that writing makes the time fly like nothing else, and it would be a good thing to do when the hours are dragging.
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May 16th, 2020 at 07:06 pm
Well, my old computer is now behaving itself, after being powered off for a few days. The new one is in the midst of being shipped, and is supposed to arrive on Monday. I am probably going to keep the new one, unless I just hate it. This computer has been glitchy in the past and this most recent episode was plain weird and very distressing. I don't trust it. BUT, if it had only righted itself before I ordered a new one, I would probably would have soldiered on with it and saved the money.
I've spent $3 on laundry the last few days, and my variables are at 36%. Finances are doing fine, even with the $600 expenditure for a new laptop.
I've continued to work on my spring cleaning, and I'm still in the kitchen! I cleaned the oven today, but I didn't have oven cleaner. I used a baking soda paste (overnight) which worked well in the past, but this time it really only did a mediocre job. When I get out again, or when DIL offers to grocery shop, I'll get the cleaner and try again. I am planning on a concierge visit (for seniors only) at Sam's on Tuesday, and maybe I'll get it then -- but I'm afraid if I buy oven cleaner there, I'll get WAY too much. A concierge visit, by the way, is staying in your car while an associate takes your order and gets your stuff. I haven't done it, but I think it's time. I need laundry detergent.
Now I only have the inside of the fridge and the floor to do, and the kitchen's done. And it's time to start the next cycle around the house, which should be SO much easier, since I've done a lot of things that won't have to be done again for a while.
Paperwork, too, is trickling down to the very end. The closer I get to the end the less I want to do it. Gotta push myself.
Still watching Handmaid's Tale -- I'm so absorbed by it, but it is also so sad and scary. I read the books, so I knew what was coming, but somehow the dramatization is more upsetting.
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May 15th, 2020 at 12:21 am
Really tired today. I cut back on the housework, just cleaning the kitchen counter, stovetop and the mixer.
I discovered that Xfinity is running a free Handmaid's Tale watchathon, so I've been binging on that. I learned that a friend has been diagnosed with probable Parkinson's, and I'm feeling sad about that.
I can hardly wait to get my computer, because doing this on the phone is murder!
Posted in
May 13th, 2020 at 02:57 pm
I am entertaining myself with Spring cleaning these days. I am on the kitchen now, and it's slow going. But I am seeing the difference and it feels good.
I missed the Blue Angels yesterday. I lost track of time and then I heard them. By the time I got outside it was too late. Oh well. It was an impressive noise, anyway.
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May 12th, 2020 at 07:29 pm
Well, I knew it was coming. My computer pooped out. I ordered an ASUS, a 2020 model rated best for under $600. It was just over $600 with tax. It will come on the 15th. I don't know how I will transfer stuff, just going on faith that I can. I do have my spreadsheets on a thumb, so I'm not worried about losing them.
Not how I wanted to spend my money!
Posted in
May 11th, 2020 at 05:52 pm
Got my last free bagel today. Now I need to stay home for a while. I have lots of food, plenty of books, Netflix and Amazon Prime, and it's cold outside, so I have no excuses.
I'm doing two loads of laundry today. Because of that, I will put off cleaning the kitchen till tomorrow. But tonight I will try to remember to spread a baking soda paste in the oven, so I can clean it tomorrow. After I get done cleaning the kitchen, it will be time to make granola again.
I figured out a new way to wear my mask. DIL made it for me, and it has long stretchy ties at top and bottom. I've been tying those at the back of my head, but I've been having trouble with the mask staying in place. Today I connected the ties on each side to each other to make a circle, so that I can loop them over my ears. So much easier to put on, and the mask stays in place! I do have long ties hanging down on each side, but I'm going to think of those as my dreadlocks!
A friend sent me a good article about how to remain safe if your state opens up to business. This is the link: https://www.erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them
Really good information on just how the virus spreads and what the most risky environments are.
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May 10th, 2020 at 08:07 pm
I went to Panera this morning at my usual time, then realized because it was Sunday they wouldn't open for another hour! I didn't want to go all the way home, nor hang out in the parking lot, so I went to a nearby Walmart, planning to just run in and pick up some coffee creamer. Well, once I got in there, it began to make sense that I pick up this, and that, and this, and that, and in the end I had three tote bags full. I spent $55 on groceries and $18 on household supplies, as well as $11 on a gift.
I hope I did it as safely as possible. I was wearing my mask, as was everyone else. It wasn't crowded, but it wasn't empty, either, and some people came within six feet of me. As I say, I hope I got off scot-free.
Afterwards, I went back to Panera and spent $2 on a bagel and coffee.
Around noon my local son dropped off a package outside my door -- a candle, banana bread and a Mother's Day card. He called to alert me to its presence, and we all talked. My other son called twice in the past two days, and his kids sent me a hilarious Grandmother's Day card. I am feeling loved and appreciated. And I am having a delightful, lazy day! I haven't made the bed nor have I taken a shower! And I don't intend to!
Hope all mothers out there are having a similar happy day.
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May 9th, 2020 at 06:26 pm
I am enjoying these bagel outings. Only two more. I spent $3 today. Variables are at 25%.
I found .20 by the garbage dumpster yesterday! It was one nickel and the rest pennies. Don't know why the change was dumped there, but I picked it up and soaked it in hot soapy water, then washed my hands carefully.
I cleaned the bathroom yesterday and today I will clean the bedroom. Tomorrow I will not clean -- it's Mother's day! But on Monday and Tuesday I will clean the kitchen. I think I will make it a two-day job, even though my kitchen is small. The kitchen is a lot more complicated than other rooms.
My Earth shoes (sandals) arrived, and they fit great with my orthotics inserted! Just what I was hoping. I got them so deeply discounted, they were not returnable, and I figured I would pass them on to someone else if they didn't work. But I'm so glad they did! I am very hopeful now that I'll be able to wear them somewhere this summer, besides just at home!
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May 8th, 2020 at 05:51 pm
This morning I just got a coffee along with my free bagel so only $3 spent. I notice that Discover is reporting a different (lower) pending payment from Panera than is shown on the receipt, all the days I have gone there. Not sure what's going on there, but I hope the lower cost is the correct one.
My payment to Nicor, the company that supplies our gas, hit my account yesterday. It was only $16, and it was $29 last month. That, too, is weird.
I know I keep reporting that I am almost done with the paper sorting/filing/shredding -- but, honestly, I can't think of a single place I could find any more paper. I have three tiny piles right now. One to sort, one to file, and one to shred.
I cleaned my living room yesterday, and today's project is the bathroom. I know, that sags my spirits, too.
It has turned ridiculously cold, and a freeze is predicted. I will be happily staying at home today.
Posted in
May 7th, 2020 at 04:00 pm
Yes, getting my daily bagel is definitely a mental health thing. It does me a lot of good to get out, take a spin in my car, actually talk to a real live person (behind a mask) and get a delicious breakfast as well. I spent $6.63 today because I bought a tub of cream cheese and a coffee. I also made a brief stop at the tiny library and exchanged a book.
I put up my new shower hooks and I love them! Why didn't I do this a long time ago? It's going to be so easy to take my shower curtain and liner down for washing, and the hooks glide like magic.
Decided on a new plan for housework -- I'm switching to a room at a time rather than a job at a time. I did the dining room yesterday and today I'll do the living room. For some reason, it's much more pleasant for me. Maybe just because it's different. Or maybe because the whole room seems to glow when you do it all at once.
I'm thinking about getting a new smaller, lighter aquarium. I only have three fish left, all Cory catfish. I'm going to let them live out their life spans, but I'd like to get rid of the big, clunky aquarium -- first of all because it's old and cruddy and the black algae is growing again, and second of all, because it's going to be hard to move if I have to clear the living room quickly in order to get the ceiling replaced. And I think life would be easier if the fish were relocated into a system that was easier to clean and away from the living room. The dining room would be a good place for them, but the tank would have to be a lot smaller. I looked around a bit online but haven't seen a good option yet.
So that's my pandemic life for today!
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May 6th, 2020 at 01:13 pm
Yesterday I went out to get my free bagel at Panera, but I was too late. They were all gone. While I was there, I bought a package of sliced cheese. Via the drive-through, of course. I didn't realize it would be 2 pounds! But I bought it anyway. It was $13. When I got home, I put half in the freezer. With meat shortages coming up, it will be good to have cheese on hand.
On the way home I stopped at Barnes & Noble and bought the book I was interested in, "Miss Austen." It was $24. The store was closed, of course, but there was staff inside to take orders by phone and run the books outside.
My order from Amazon arrived yesterday -- printer cartridges and shower hooks. I installed the cartridges, and today I'll get the shower hooks up. And I got an email saying that my shoes have been shipped.
Well, I'd better get going if I want to get a bagel today!
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May 5th, 2020 at 01:47 pm
I got an email from Panera yesterday telling me I can get a free bagel daily until the 11th. Since I was going out anyway to pick up a prescription, I went to a Panera with a drive-through, which was a bit of a drive. I spent $1.36 on cream cheese. I actually intended that they sell me a larger container of cream cheese, so I could have some on hand for other things, but I didn't notice it was the small individual size until I got home.
I think I will continue to do this -- it's something to do, after all! -- but I will buy something else, too. I don't think it's right to just get the free item in times like this.
Other spending yesterday -- I did laundry for $1.50, paid DIL $20 for the groceries she got me, and spent $3 on a prescription (again, a drive-through). Variables are at 19%.
It has turned cold again, so I probably won't walk today. It doesn't sound appealing.
I'm cooking off my mushrooms this morning, and I'll make an omelet later on -- I didn't have one yesterday -- I was just not hungry at dinnertime. Some of the mushrooms will go into fettuccine Alfredo tomorrow, and then I'll freeze the balance.
The freezer is nicely packed. Soon I will need to stop cooking and start thawing.
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May 4th, 2020 at 02:00 pm

It was a beautiful Spring day yesterday, and I took pictures while on my walk. This is one of my favorites. When I was a kid, we had a magnolia tree like this in our front yard. Our fussy neighbor hated it, because it was so messy when it dropped its petals. But it was so beautiful.
It was a no-spend day. Today I'll do laundry. Monday is my day to wash towels and linens. My load will be mostly filled today by a quilt that Iggy sleeps on -- hoping to get my towels in as well. I have to change my sheets, as it's been two weeks, but I'll hold the used sheets for next weeks' wash. I know it all sounds silly, but it's easy for laundry costs to get out of hand when you have to use coin-op machines. My rules make it work. My other rule --
wash only when I have a hamper filled. I have three hampers: lights, darks and colors. They are rather narrow hampers, but their volume is the exact size to fill the little washers I use, so it's easy to know when to wash.
I appreciate the comments I got from you guys on my peppers and onions! I have never refrigerated onions before, but I'll give it a try! Yesterday I chopped up half a pepper and half an onion and made a new macaroni salad. Also added some leftover chopped-up green beans, and for the "sauce" I used the last of my ranch dressing, some Dijon, and mayo. It turned out really good! I froze what was left of the unused but cooked macaroni -- I'll put it in Pasta e Fagioli later, when I get the other ingredients.
I like the idea of freezing peppers by the half -- I have always chopped them up small, but I see that isn't necessary. Later, when I thaw the beef & tomato mac, I'll add some pepper chunks to it. My DIL taught me to do that, rather than bother with stuffing the peppers. Much easier and just as tasty.
Onions, of course, are easier to use up; they go in everything. I think I'll make an omelet today. Because I have to start using up the mushrooms, too!
I realized yesterday that the tuna I asked for did not arrive. I don't know if DIL didn't order it, or if it was out of stock due to high demand. That's okay, I have plenty of food. It's just one of those things I like to have on hand.
When going through papers yesterday, I found a Citi credit card that had never been activated. Goodness. I don't remember ever getting it. I wonder if I was planning to earn a bonus and then forgot. It's going to expire this August so there's no point in activating it. Guess I'll cut it up.
Wish I could find money instead, but evidently I do a good job of keeping track of that!
Posted in
May 3rd, 2020 at 02:40 pm
I'm in the lull between SS payments. I'm caught up on everything I need. I saved $700 last month. Financially, things are going well.
I'm tackling my last bag of papers today. Progress has been slow, because I have been having to make decisions as I cull. But a glance at these papers indicate that I can throw most of them away, and I won't have to shred them either. Of course there is still that file drawer in my closet to investigate ... but it's not very large, and again, I think most of the papers will be toss-able.
GS2 delivered my groceries outside my door yesterday. Included were cans of cat food that their cat won't eat. Guess what? Iggy doesn't like it either. I will have to figure out who can use them. They haven't let me know yet what the cost of the groceries was.
I did a load of laundry, but did not go out otherwise, even though it was a nice day. I was very tired from poor sleep, and I feel much better today after sleeping in till 7! Woo-hoo!
I started a new book yesterday but gave up on it after about 30 pages. Clearly a book written for men who like a lot of action, with a lot of acronyms and detailed descriptions of weapons and what they do. Thanks, anyway. Now I am starting a thriller which is a little too thrilling for my tastes but at least it has characters I can relate to.
I ran into a review of a new novel based on Jane Austen's sister Cassandra, and I may order that. I hardly ever buy books, but I'm saving enough money in other ways that I can afford to buy one once in a while.
I made peanut soup yesterday, moving into my vegetarian phase in light of the meat shortage. I'll have another serving today and then will freeze the rest.
One of the things I asked for in my grocery order was a green pepper. I got a bag of three, so I'll need to figure out how to use them. I also got a bag of onions rather than just one. May just do some chopping and freezing. Using all my food wisely is more important than ever!
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May 2nd, 2020 at 03:03 pm
Yesterday DIL's event-planning company livestreamed a virtual celebration of a local club's 100th anniversary. It was a big success; I'm so happy it went well, and I'm hoping it will spur more business that way.
After my morning flurry of shopping and spending yesterday, I settled into another day at home. I finished a book, which I will take back to the little library today. I have eight more to go! I didn't realize I had stockpiled quite that much! I do donate a lot of books to the little libraries, so I don't feel too bad about it.
This morning I made apple danishes for breakfast, using crescent roll dough. They were delicious! Basically, I just made a paste of cream cheese, brown sugar and butter, spread it on the dough, sprinkled chopped apple on top, and sealed them up. After baking I added some leftover cookie icing on top. I love using stuff up that way. There is enough for breakfast tomorrow.
I boiled a whole package of macaroni yesterday. I mixed a lot of it into the leftover spaghetti sauce, and that went into the freezer (after I ate one serving). But there is still a lot of macaroni to deal with. Some will go into soup. The rest I may freeze in small batches to add to recipes. I don't want to make mac & cheese or macaroni salad again because I'm really tired of both of them.
Today will be a laundry day, and other than that, the day is pretty much open. It's a nice day, so I'll take a walk, but not until my groceries are delivered.
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May 1st, 2020 at 07:32 pm
It's May Day, the beginning of another month of staying at home. I am completely in favor of our governor's order, and I am a bit concerned about all the areas that are opening up without any appreciable improvement in COVID-19 numbers. I hope these actions do not backfire into more cases, more deaths, more swamping of hospitals. For my part, I will stay at home.
I had a busy morning. I ordered my new license plates (or stickers, not sure which I'm getting). I was very pleased to be able to use my senior discount online -- that has never happened before -- I've always had to go the DVM in person or to the senior center. And it was only $1 extra to use a credit card, so the total cost was only $25.
Then I ordered shower curtain rings and printer cartridges from Amazon -- $83 all together.
My DIL asked for a grocery list from me, as she had nabbed a time slot from Amazon Foods. I gave her a modest list of seven items -- tuna, cheese, eggs, butter, onions, peppers, and chicken bouillon -- which were all in stock and will arrive tomorrow, cost as yet unknown. Then I decided to augment the list with a trip to Walgreens. There I got six more items, all treats -- two bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies, ice cream, pizza, peanuts, and, oh yes, one grocery item, a jar of Alfredo sauce, because I have fettuccine on hand. Yes, stress eating has set in, and I'm not apologizing.
My variables for last month were 63%. So far, one day in, variables for this month are 13%.
I took a late afternoon walk yesterday and met up with my grandsons in the park -- at a distance of course -- and I picked up another book from the little library. I am seeing the boys almost every day now, but just for a few minutes and not too close. But it's better than nothing! It's wonderful just to see their beautiful faces.
Posted in
April 30th, 2020 at 02:00 pm
I won't spend anything today, so I did my April recap.
Gifts/Charity: $1251
Housing: $774
Groceries: $180
Utilities: $154
Vet/Pet Supplies: $126
Fees/Services: $55
Medical/Health: $54
Phone: $51
Household Supplies: $24
Personal: $21
Clothing: $16
Laundry: $15
Entertainment: $9
Grand Total: $2730
The month is skewed by the donation of my stimulus payment to my DIL's business. I do not ordinarily give at that level!
Groceries are higher than usual. I have not been in a grocery store for two months, so my groceries have come from Walgreens and shopping that DIL did for me. Both mean higher prices than usual. And I am keeping more stocked up, making sure I don't run out of essential items.
Pet Supplies are also higher than usual, because I stocked up on cat food and litter supplies. Should be good through next month, at least.
Fees/Services: My Sam's Club membership fee hit, and I gave $10 to AdBlock.
Medical/Health: Premium, prescriptions and a small copay for lab work.
Household Supplies: Includes toilet paper ordered from Amazon that I haven't gotten yet. Also detergent, paper towels, paper plates and toilet paper from Walgreens.
Personal: No haircuts, but I stocked up on pantyliners and hair conditioner.
Clothing: A pair of sandals, ordered yesterday.
I am feeling good about my spending and about the provisions I have on hand for getting through the coming month.
Yesterday was pretty uneventful. The weather was miserable, so I didn't get out for a walk, or even to take out the garbage. I hung my grandkids' pictures, did some shredding (that seems to be endless), watched my shows, did a lot of reading and game-playing on my phone. A typical pandemic day.
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April 29th, 2020 at 12:55 pm
Remember the shoes (booties) I sent back because of poor fit? I did get reimbursed. I wanted to exchange them for a larger size, but apparently that cannot happen without me initiating a new order. I have lost interest in winter shoes, for now anyway, so yesterday I ordered a pair of sandals. Only $16 after all the markdowns and deals. I just happened on this pair in an ad -- they have a closed toe and heel, which I need to keep my orthotics in place. They are Earth Shoes, and I am hoping they will be comfortable.
My other spending yesterday was $1.50 for laundry. Variables have risen to 63% -- still awesome! I will be able to transfer $400 into savings.
It rained yesterday evening and all last night, and it's still raining. It's supposed to be rainy today and tomorrow. I guess that will keep me happily inside. I'll be making blueberry pancakes for breakfast to sweeten the deal.
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April 28th, 2020 at 01:37 pm
It's another street-sweeping day -- the other side of the street. Of course, I'm parked on the wrong side again and so must move my car. I'll drive it around a bit to give it some exercise but I don't plan to do any errands today. Just going to let the month play out....
I did some laundry yesterday, and will do a load today, also. No cooking to do today (other than warming up). I guess I'm really on top of things! I'm still quite well stocked and I can put off shopping for a week or so. But if DIL asks, I will give her a short list.
I am feeling quite content as long as I don't listen to all the arguing and haranguing. I know what I'm going to do -- stay home -- so I'm not interested in arguments. I turn the news off after about an hour in the morning and I let the house be quiet. I am avoiding my Google feed, too, which is full of contention. I am watching a few series, which I catch later in the day -- "Anne with an E," "World on Fire," and "Baptiste." I started a new book yesterday, and I have five more waiting. I am getting really good at Candy Crush! 
I found frames for the grandkids' pictures, and I'll be putting them up today. I didn't have to order any. It turns out I have a good stock of picture frames! In fact, I have been constantly surprised during this period how much I find that I didn't know I had. I wouldn't say I'm disorganized, but I tend to forget what I have put away.
There is still a little painting I could do, but I'm no longer in the mood. Maybe it will come back!
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April 27th, 2020 at 08:54 pm
Yesterday I took a walk on the access road that goes beside the lake. There were too many people on it, and I had to keep zigzagging to avoid getting too close to others. All in all, it was more stressful than it was worth -- but it was nice to see the lake. So blue and calm!
At least half of the people I saw were not wearing masks, which was disheartening. In our state they are now required. It may be that they are not required for outdoor use -- I'm not sure about that -- but it just seems like there is a growing lack of compliance. I think people honestly think they can wish the virus away. Ignore it away. If only! I am worried about what will happen this summer and fall, especially with other states, which are nowhere near ready, prematurely opening up for business.
I'm not taking a walk today. Don't want to be out there with the idiots.
This morning I washed my shower curtain, liner, mat and towels. I was reminded how much I hate my shower curtain hangers, which are really hard to open and close, and as soon as the month turns, I will order a new set from Amazon. I'm waiting, because I would like to end this month where it now stands, with only 60% of my variables spent. And nothing taken out of savings, unless you count the transfer of my stimulus payment to my DIL's business. But to me that is not a personal expenditure. It is the way I am choosing to stimulate the economy with my stimulus payment.
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April 26th, 2020 at 01:50 pm
I made popcorn yesterday with fresh kernels -- Pop Secret Jumbo Popping Corn -- and it turned out great! So it was the popcorn, not the popcorn popper. That's a relief! I wonder why there is so much bad popcorn out there. I have had a lot of bad luck with it.
I took a walk yesterday to the one tiny library that is still operating. I returned six books and took away five books, which are all sitting in quarantine right now. They are an assortment of mysteries, thrillers and family sagas. Not my usual authors, but I'm taking what I can get these days.
I managed to squeeze in that walk when it wasn't raining. It pretty much rained all day, and it was cold. A very dreary day. Good for staying inside.
I'm going to eat my last serving of tuna macaroni salad today. Woo-hoo! I'm thawing some ground beef, with which I am planning to make more sliders, and some spaghetti sauce. Those should get me through the coming week.
I am not too concerned with the projected meat shortages. I still have a couple of packages of chicken in the freezer, in addition to the ground beef I am thawing. After those are gone, I have plenty of peanut butter! And I will switch over to more of a vegetarian diet. I have plenty of frozen vegetables. I just got a box of wet cat food from Amazon for Iggy yesterday, which will last a long time.
I will continue to be staying at home through May. Though our curve is allegedly flattening, it is still pretty bad out there. More and more, I feel I am becoming accommodated to this lifestyle. I do not find it difficult. I don't really feel isolated, because I am in touch with others daily through email and texting and the occasional Zoom. I am keeping house better than I ever have, I'm stretching food better than I ever have, and I am feeling more gratitude for what I have. I think a lot of the gratitude comes from having been so frightened when my Oregon DIL got so sick. Now that we are on the other side of that, it seems like any other "hardship" is pretty much nothing.
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April 25th, 2020 at 02:03 pm
I mailed the book package to BFF yesterday, including a couple of extra books because there was room in the box. It cost $11 to print off a label. I also refilled a prescription for $20 -- went through the drive-through.
In bigger news, my DIL accepted the offer of my stimulus payment to go to into her business. She had to talk it over with her partners first, hence the delay. I sent it yesterday by Zelle. It feels so good to do this! She is so grateful.
Our lockdown (somewhat relaxed) is going to continue through May, so her business needs all the help it can get. But I am glad the lockdown is continuing; our cases and deaths are still going up, not down.
No big plans for today. It's going to rain all day; I might try to walk between the raindrops. No cooking today, because I'm STILL eating the tuna macaroni salad!
Yesterday the Stir-Crazy that I got for Christmas failed to pop about half of the kernels. The machine got a lot of bad reviews on Amazon. I'm going to try it again today with fresh, better quality kernels; hoping that is the problem. Otherwise I'm going to dump the machine. I know from the reviews that West Bend won't honor a refund beyond 30 days. Sounds like they replaced a good product with a much cheaper model. Too bad for us. Shame on them.
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April 24th, 2020 at 01:35 pm
I did a load of laundry yesterday. So far I've spent $12 on laundry, with just under a week left in the month. I usually spend near $20. I'm not doing it as much, because I'm wearing pajamas all day more often. Cheaper and more comfy. But I do shower and put on fresh pj's daily. Otherwise I would get depressed.
I finished "The Mirror & the Light" last night and today I'll box it up to send to my BFF. She says I don't need to do that, but I think I can figure out how to print a label at home and just drop the package off. It gives me something to do and she'll enjoy having something new to read.
I'm still eating that tuna macaroni salad! Enjoying the bagels for breakfast.
I did more paper sorting and today I have a batch of them to shred. The good surprise was I found some great pictures of my Oregon grandchildren that I had lost track of! I'm going to look around the house for some frames. Maybe I'll have to order them.
Today is a hair-washing day. What excitement! (I do it every three days.) So far my hair is looking fine. I trimmed my bangs once and the rest is pretty much one layer, so it is just growing longer and keeping its shape. Maybe I'll keep it longer when this is all over. Change is good, right?
I got the table set upright again. Finally realized that if I took out the leaves it might make a big difference. It did. Duh. While it was on its side I took the opportunity to vacuum well in an area that too rarely gets it.
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April 23rd, 2020 at 01:40 pm
Yesterday I had to move my car for street sweeping. Okay, I didn't really HAVE to; it's voluntary for the time being. But I was feeling stir crazy.
First I drove to the library, just to see if I could put my checked-out books into the streetside return bin. It was closed and locked, with a sign saying "Please keep your materials until the library opens again." That answered that question.
Then I went to Walgreens, intending to do the drive-through thing, but they have changed their system. Now you are supposed to order online and then they collect the stuff and have it ready when you drive through. Sounds like a good plan, but many things are unavailable online, even if they are sitting in the store, and you can't order them.
So I put on my mask and went in. There were not many people there and I was in and out fast. I spent $38. I know I said I didn't need more groceries this month, but I had some wants. I was delighted to find peanut butter cups, as well as toilet paper! OMG! I added 9 rolls to my stash. Maybe the toilet paper shortage is finally ending. I also bought coffee, ketchup, mustard, relish, crackers and cashews.
I wanted to give the sweepers time to do their job before I tried to find a parking place. It's much tougher now, with everyone at home. So I took a drive up a major lakeside road and drove through several of our fanciest northern suburbs. It was so quiet and empty. Haunting. Most of the time I was the only one on the road. There did seem to be a lot of lawn activity -- not by the homeowners but by landscaping companies.
Eventually I turned back home and stopped at Panera on the way, where I ordered bagels, cream cheese and bread from my car, and they brought it out. $14.
I came home and found a parking place across from the park. I walked through with my bags, and who should I see, but my grandsons again! They must spend a lot of time in the park. These surprise visits have been so energizing! I was very pumped up when I got home.
In the afternoon I decided to fix some hardware on the bottom of my dining room table. I tried lying underneath it, but I just couldn't get to the area I needed to get to. So I had the bright idea of turning over the table, which I did, and I got the screws put in. But then I couldn't right the table back up again. It's a very heavy table and it's going to take two people. It's lying on its side now, like a beached whale. Trying to decide whether it's worth asking my son to come in and help. It's not like I need to use it right now.
I might just end up calling the refinisher to see if his crew can move it to his shop. He might still be working, since he can probably work in isolation. I'm mulling it over. I have the money, but my first priority is helping DIL with her business, if she needs it. And she is mulling it over.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 01:24 pm
I made a tuna macaroni salad yesterday rather than a casserole. After looking at recipes, I decided it was the best thing to do. Besides the tuna, there is cheese and hard-boiled egg in the salad. I augmented the mayonnaise dressing with some salad dressing that needed to be used up.
It turned out really good, but there is a lot of it. I'm going to be eating it for a while.
I took a walk yesterday and who did I run into but my grandsons! They were in the park and ran over to see me. They stopped at a safe distance and we talked a bit. I so badly wanted to hug them! There are some big hugs coming when this is all over.
I also took some pictures. Here are a few of the best:

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April 21st, 2020 at 12:58 pm
When I looked up my bank's hours on the phone, I was surprised to see that my branch was temporarily closed. There was a branch open in a nearby suburb, but it did not open till 10. I got there about 9:50 and waited in my car till it opened. Others had the same idea and there were about 8-10 people who were waiting to get in.
Once the bank opened, we lined up, distancing ourselves from each other so the line went out the door. Inside the bank, there were markers on the floor delineating where to stand. Staff enforced the distancing. Anyone without a mask was turned away.
A staff member asked each one of us what our business was, so we could be streamlined for the quickest service. Since I wanted quarters, but wanted to use money in my account, I was directed to the ATM to get cash. Then I sat in one of the lounge chairs while they went in back to get the rolls of quarters for me. I asked for $40 worth, which should hold me for at least two months.
All in all, it was weird, but also comforting that they were taking so much care to protect us.
When I got home, I saw a young mother with little children standing on the sidewalk, talking (at a distance) to an older woman with a dog. Overhearing their conversation, I realized the young mother was a stranger to our area, looking for a place to buy cookware. She was stuck in an AirBNB due to the virus, and she wanted to cook for her children rather than get takeout all the time. Well, there is no place within walking distance to buy pots and pans. I told her I had a frying pan I could give her, and I went and got it. Meanwhile, the other woman was taking down her address info so she could deliver some of her cookware to her. It was heartwarming to see how nice people can be. A crisis like this makes you want to pull together.
I battled a headache all day, but I managed to do some laundry and clean the fish tank before I just gave up and went to bed.
Today is a hair-washing day. Whoo-hoo! And I'm going to make a tuna-macaroni casserole. After the news about temporary closures at meat-processing plants, I'm planning on making more meat-stretching casseroles. I'm still well-stocked though, and should be good for another month except for incidental purchases.
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